Technology Transfer & Workplace Development
The Grand Kasai currently doesn’t have electrical power in most of the dwellings of its citizens. If we incorporate different types of energy sources we can help them significantly
A man from the DRC who has created a new portable device.
The new project for creating suitable roads and infrastructure, but they lack materials.
The new project for creating suitable roads and infrastructure, but they lack materials.
42 agricultural schools help, since 2009, hundreds of young people mature their project. Program: management courses, field learning, financial aid for the installation … The support for the renovation program and the development of vocational training in agriculture, livestock and fisheries (AFOP ) creates jobs and fight against the rural exodus. (Rebroadcast)
Inga dam
Agency ( Ecofin ) – The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank ( AfDB) approved on 20 November 2013 funding of U.S. $ 68 million in favor of the project to support the development of the electricity sector ( PASEL ) and multinational Inga site on the Congo River . This project will support the first phase of the development of the Inga hydroelectric plant, budgeted at $ 169 million, including hydroelectric potential is estimated eventually to 44,000 MW , half of the installed electric capacity of throughout Africa. Financial support from the ADB Facility Fragile States (U.S. $ 7.7 million ) and 60.6 million from the African Development Fund ( ADF ) . The ADB intervention represents 43% of total cost of this phase of the project and $ 90 million to door its overall support Inga project.
Can Africa Advance?
The Village Solar Panels
A more modern workplace gives a want to work, but there’s no work to give
A Computer Lab for learning technology
Now this creativity from the DR Congo, this is technology. These kids want to invent and innovate as well.
Bondo wants to advance the technology
Incorporating new forms of energy can seriously help the Congolize people
Solar energy is another form of energy to help the Congo