Un leader de l’opposition congolaise s’insurge contre le Dialogue, la déstabilisation de la Ceni, la nomination des commissaires spéciaux et d’autres tentatives destinées à retarder la présidentielle en RDC. Il appelle la population aux manifestations des rues pour barrer la route à toute dérive. Pour cet opposant, “Joseph Kabila n’a pas la volonté de quitter le pouvoir”. Il soutient que les partisans du Régime déploient un tas de stratégies pour freiner l’élan au processus électoral et prolonger le mandat du chef de l’Etat, contrairement à l’esprit de la Constitution du 18 février 2006 et à l’Accord global et inclusif, signé lors du Dialogue inter congolais, en Afrique du Sud. Selon cet accord, toutes les forces politiques en présence s’étaient convenues d’accorder à Joseph Kabila le mandat de cinq ans, une seule fois renouvelable. Ces acteurs, souligne-t-il, n’accepteraient pas que ce mandat soit prolongé au-delà de ce délai, d’autant plus qu’il faudrait respecter l’esprit des textes et l’alternance au pouvoir.
Le président des Forces Novatrices pour l’Union et la Solidarité (Fonus) sort de sa réserve. Juché sur son fauteuil en peau de léopard, Joseph Olenghankoy est monté sur ses grands chevaux hier mardi 3 novembre pour fustiger ce qu’il estime être des tentatives de ’’glissement’’, orchestrées par le pouvoir en République démocratique du Congo. Dès lors, il appelle la population aux manifestations des rues pour barrer la route à toute dérive.
Moulé dans son safari beige, Joseph Olenghankoy a renoué avec son discours de « révolutionnaire ». Mieux, d’opposant qui a fait sa renommée lors de la deuxième République. Face à un parterre des journalistes, mobilisés pour sa conférence de presse au siège du parti, sur l’avenue de l’Enseignement, le président des Fonus a tenu à crier son ras-le-bol face à toutes ces manœuvres qui, selon lui, sont diligentées pour éloigner le plus possible la tenue de l’élection présidentielle.
“Joseph Kabila n’a pas la volonté de quitter le pouvoir”, a clamé tout haut Joseph Olenghankoy, Le leader des Fonus soutient à ce propos que les partisans du Régime déploient un tas de stratégies pour freiner l’élan au processus électoral et prolonger le mandat du chef de l’Etat, contrairement à l’esprit de la Constitution du 18 février 2006 et à l’Accord global et inclusif, signé lors du Dialogue inter congolais, en Afrique du Sud.
Selon cet accord, affirme Joseph Olenghankoy, toutes les forces politiques en présence s’étaient convenues d’accorder à Joseph Kabila le mandat de cinq ans, une seule fois renouvelable. Ces acteurs, souligne-t-il, n’accepteraient pas que ce mandat soit prolongé au-delà de ce délai, d’autant plus qu’il faudrait respecter l’esprit des textes et l’alternance au pouvoir.
Le président des Fonus ne comprend alors pas pourquoi aujourd’hui les ténors du Régime multiplient des stratagèmes pour retarder le processus électoral, arguant notamment qu’il n’y a pas suffisamment d’argent pour financer les élections. Pour Joseph Olenghankoy, le Trésor public dispose bel et bien des ressources pour organiser le scrutin, d’autant plus que le Gouvernement se targue d’avoir érigé le bâtiment intelligent et acheté deux aéronefs modernes en se servant des fonds extrabudgétaires, qui vont au delà de 100 millions de dollars.
“Si donc pour de telles dépenses non budgétisées, on sait trouver des fonds, pourquoi le Trésor public serait-il subitement vide quand il faut organiser des élections, prévues pourtant dans le budget national ?”, s’interroge Olenghankoy. Ne cachant pas sa langue dans la poche, le président des Fonus demande à la Communauté internationale de geler et rapatrier les comptes des bonzes du régime à l’étranger pour permettre aux Congolais de s’en servir dans le financement des élections.
Joseph Olenghankoy voit aussi de mauvais œil la déstabilisation du bureau de la Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI), avec la démission en cascade de ses dirigeants. Il estime que l’abbé Apollinaire Malumalu et son adjoint ont été contraints de démissionner pour créer un vide à la Centrale électorale et retarder les élections.
“J’avais prédit aux médias que le président de la Ceni allait démissionner et, après lui, les membres du bureau, à tour de rôle, sur injonction du régime ! Et voilà qu’aujourd’hui, les événements commencent à me donner raison”, tempête Olenghankoy. “La Ceni n’est donc pas indépendante. Elle est contrôlée par le Pouvoir”, clame-t-il.
Que dire alors du Dialogue que prône le chef de l’Etat ? Le porte-étendard des Fonus dit niet. Il est d’avis qu’il s’agit bien d’une tentative pour légitimer, voire ’’sauver un régime qui se noie’’. “Le Dialogue en soi n’est pas mauvais. Mais c’est un monstre sans tête. Etienne Tshisekedi tient à ce dialogue pour faire le bilan sur les élections de 2011. Pourquoi voulez-vous donc nous embarquer dans cette histoire qui concerne les deux présidents qui ont prêté serment, chacun de son côté ?”, lâche ce politique, qui se dit fier d’avoir pris activement part aux Concertations pour consolider la cohésion nationale et sauver la patrie en proie à l’agression étrangère.
“Je soutiens toutefois qu’il y ait dialogue entre Kabila et Tshisekedi pour leur permettre de régler leurs contentieux électoraux. Parce que chacun devrait interpeler l’autre pour le serment qu’il avait fait. Je ne vois donc pas pourquoi je dois entrer dans ce type de dialogue”, lâche avec un brin d’ironie l’ancien collaborateur du Sphinx de Limete.
Joseph Olenghankoy se félicite à ce propos de la position des dissidents de la Majorité qui se sont rétractés au sein du G7. Il appuie leurs revendications, mais demande toutefois à l’opinion de ne pas se précipiter à leur faire confiance. Car, selon le leader des Fonus, dissident n’est pas opposant. “Il y a, dit-il, du chemin pour un dissident sincère qui veut devenir opposant. La prudence s’impose d’autant que les politiciens ont à faire face à trois types d’amis qui les fréquentent au quotidien : les idéalistes, les opportunistes et les traitres”.
Tout en soutenant les dissidents de la Majorité, Olenghankoy décrie la nomination, par le chef de l’Etat, des Commissaires spéciaux, désignés à titre transitoire à la tête des 21 provinces issues du démembrement. “Ces gens sont illégitimes. Leur nomination n’est sous-tendue par aucun texte de notre pays”, proteste l’opposant de l’avenue de l’Enseignement.
Saisissant la balle au bond, Joseph Olenghankoy annonce qu’il reprend avec ses manifestations de rue, comme au vieux temps de Mobutu.
Dialogue de « KABILA » : TSHISEKEDI fera le déplacement de Kinshasa ?
Après un temps de flottement, le ciel semble éclaircir de part et d’autre. Les deux camps paraissent avoir aplani leurs termes de divergence. Dans la forme, la Majorité n’écarterait plus l’option d’une médiation étrangère que devait probablement mener les Nations unies, via son envoyé spécial dans les Grands Lacs. Quant au format, l’UDPS semble avoir obtenu de Kabila le principe d’un dialogue à format autour du thème central portant exclusivement sur les élections. L’UDPS s’est dit prête à quitter la table du dialogue dès l’instant où le débat s’écarterait de ce qu’elle considère comme principe sacro-saint, c’est-à-dire le respect de la Constitution. En toute discrétion, les délégués de Tshisekedi dépêchés à Kinshasa ont balisé le terrain pour une participation de l’UDPS au prochain dialogue. Ce qui n’exclut pas toute surprise de dernière minute. Est-ce que Tshisekedi fera le déplacement de Kinshasa ? Dans la Majorité, on y croit fermement. Mais, il faut savoir qu’avec Tshisekedi, rien n’est acquis à l’avance.
Le décor pour un dialogue politique se précise. L’heure est aux derniers réglages qui ne seraient, au fond, que protocolaires. Tout pourrait se jouer au cours de ce mois de novembre. Le camp du chef de l’Etat a pu trouver la clé pour faire sauter le dernier verrou qui obstruait encore la voie. Il s’agit de la participation de l’UDPS d’Etienne Tshisekedi à ce forum.
Une réunion interinstitutionnelle qui rappelle l’imminence de la convocation du dialogue politique. La présence annoncée des émissaires de Tshisekedi à Kinshasa. Depuis un temps, des indices se multiplient autour de la tenue de ce forum, présenté comme celui de la dernière pour une année 2016 apaisée.
Il y a évidemment des indices qui ne trompent pas. A Kinshasa, chaque jour qui passe fait avancer d’un pas le dialogue politique. Dans le camp de la Majorité présidentielle, on continue de croire en tenue de ce dialogue. De l’autre côté, c’est-à-dire dans l’Opposition, les violons sont loin de s’accorder. Si certains, dans ses rangs, adhèrent au projet du chef de l’Etat, d’autres, par contre, redoutent, que le dialogue ne fasse le lit au glissement.
Dans tous les cas, le décor pour un dialogue se met en place. Le dernier scénario se joue sur l’axe Kinshasa-Tshisekedi. En effet, Kabila, à Kinshasa, et Tshisekedi, à Bruxelles, passent pour les deux pièces centrales du puzzle. C’est autour de ces deux personnalités que se définiront tous les autres participants au dialogue, selon qu’on est de la Majorité ou de l’Opposition.
Le verrou central
Dans la stratégie de Joseph Kabila, Etienne Tshisekedi paraît comme la clé de l’énigme. Les attitudes de Kabila et de son camp le prouvent à suffisance.
Il y a un temps, le chef de l’Etat avait délégué l’un des plus proches collaborateurs, à savoir le patron des services de renseignements, pour des contacts directs avec l’UDPS. Des contacts qui se sont poursuivis à Bruxelles, lieu de convalescence de Tshisekedi, avant de se déplacer en petit format aussi bien en Italie qu’en Espagne.
Et, chaque fois que Tshisekedi manifestait son intention de ne pas adhérer à la logique du dialogue, c’était la panique dans le camp de la Majorité. Très attachée au projet de dialogue, la Majorité a tenu bon, parvenant par moment à faire fléchir l’UDPS.
Pendant ce temps, l’UDPS faisait face à une fronde intérieure – son aile la plus radicale avait du mal à cautionner la participation de l’UDPS à un quelconque dialogue sous l’égide de Kabila. Cette guerre interne a fini par contraindre Tshisekedi à prendre du recul par rapport au dialogue. Dans un communiqué signé depuis Bruxelles en date du 13 septembre 2015, Etienne Tshisekedi suspendait toute forme de négociations préliminaires avec le camp du chef de l’Etat. « L’Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social, par la voix de son président, a pris acte de l’échec des entretiens de Venise et d’Ibiza, ayant mis aux prises ses représentants à ceux du camp Kabila, et a demandé à ses délégués de se retirer dès cet instant, de la table des négociations », avait déclaré Tshisekedi.
Dans le même communiqué, Tshisekedi rappelait la nécessité d’une médiation internationale, particulièrement des Nations unies, au dialogue, ramenant toutes les discussions avec les émissaires de Kabila aux prescrits de l’accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba.
Aujourd’hui, après un temps de flottement, le ciel semble éclaircir de part et d’autre. Les deux camps paraissent avoir aplani leurs termes de divergence. Dans la forme, la Majorité n’écarterait plus l’option d’une médiation étrangère que devait probablement mener les Nations unies, via son envoyé spécial dans les Grands Lacs. Quant au format, l’UDPS semble avoir obtenu de Kabila le principe d’un dialogue à format autour du thème central portant exclusivement sur les élections. L’UDPS s’est dit prête à quitter la table du dialogue dès l’instant où le débat s’écarterait de ce qu’elle considère comme principe sacro-saint, c’est-à-dire le respect de la Constitution.
En toute discrétion, les délégués de Tshisekedi dépêchés à Kinshasa ont balisé le terrain pour une participation de l’UDPS au prochain dialogue. Ce qui n’exclut pas toute surprise de dernière minute. Est-ce que Tshisekedi fera le déplacement de Kinshasa ? Dans la Majorité, on y croit fermement. Mais, il faut savoir qu’avec Tshisekedi, rien n’est acquis à l’avance.
Quoi qu’on dise, Etienne Tshisekedi passe pour le dernier verrou au dialogue politique qui est attendu au courant de ce mois de novembre 2015. A défaut, il faut y mettre une croix.
Malgré la chute des cours des matières premières et des recettes en diminution, la croissance reste soutenue. Mais le retard du développement des infrastructures risque d’en limiter l’impact.
Alors qu’elles tablaient en début d’année sur une croissance du PIB de 10,3 % en 2015, les autorités ont dû revoir leurs prévisions à la baisse en raison du ralentissement de l’activité économique au premier semestre. La « troïka stratégique » (comité exécutif rassemblant notamment les ministres du Budget, de l’Économie nationale, des Finances, et le gouverneur de la Banque centrale autour du Premier ministre) a ainsi annoncé, le 24 août, que la croissance ne sera finalement « que » de 8,4 % en 2015, après s’être envolée à 9,2 % en 2014.
Principale cause de ce ralentissement : la chute des cours mondiaux du cuivre, qui ont atteint leur plus bas niveau depuis 2009, soit environ 5 100 dollars (autour de 4 500 euros) la tonne au 31 août (en baisse de 26,8 % sur un an). Particulièrement affectée par cette conjoncture, Kamoto Copper Company (KCC), filiale du groupe helvétique Glencore, qui assure environ 15 % de la production cuprifère du pays, a annoncé dans le même temps qu’elle allait suspendre ses activités en RD Congo pendant dix-huit mois à partir d’octobre. Une décision qui entraînera inévitablement une chute de la production de cuivre nationale au quatrième trimestre de cette année et en 2016, et qui aura des répercussions négatives sur la balance commerciale et les recettes de l’État.
Un projet de budget pour 2016 revu à la baisse
Pourtant, les fondamentaux macroéconomiques ont été consolidés. L’inflation est restée maîtrisée à 1 % en 2014 et devrait s’établir à 1,045 % en 2015, mieux que les prévisions à 3,5 %. Le taux de change demeure également stable, avec un glissement de 0,2 % actuellement, contre 0,1 % en 2014.
Le gouvernement espère encore que la croissance repartira à 9 % dès l’an prochain, mais certains analystes sont plus réservés. D’autant que les cours mondiaux du cuivre pourraient encore tomber, à 4 750 dollars la tonne, dans les six à douze mois à venir, ainsi que l’a récemment rappelé la banque d’affaires Goldman Sachs.
« Le taux de croissance du pays devrait donc plutôt s’établir autour de 7 % en 2015 et entre 6 % et 7 % en 2016 », souligne Léonide Mupepele, expert minier et directeur du bureau Bicotim. Un résultat certes en deçà des prévisions de la troïka, mais qui reste tout de même honorable.
L’année 2016 s’annonce d’autant plus difficile que d’importantes échéances électorales sont prévues, la présidentielle et les législatives. Non seulement l’organisation de ces scrutins est budgétivore, mais les mois qui les précèdent sont généralement plus propices à l’attentisme qu’aux investissements.
Le gouvernement a revu son projet de budget pour 2016 à la baisse, à 8 milliards de dollars (1 milliard de moins que pour l’exercice 2015), soit un budget inférieur à celui de la Ville de Paris par exemple (dont le budget pour 2015 était de plus de 9 milliards d’euros, soit plus de 10 milliards de dollars). L’exécutif congolais sait que l’une de ses priorités sera de parvenir à mobiliser les recettes, notamment minières. Or c’était déjà l’un de ses points faibles cette année. « L’exécution du budget 2015 se traduit par un faible taux de réalisation, soit 31 % des ressources prévues dans la loi de finances », a ainsi rappelé le président du Sénat, Léon Kengo wa Dondo, à l’ouverture de la session parlementaire de septembre.
Quelles sont les solutions envisagées ?
Quelles solutions pour ménager le budget et faire face aux dépenses ? « Le gouvernement a examiné la possibilité de réduire le train de vie des institutions politiques, de manière à affecter plus de ressources aux besoins des populations et aux provinces », indiquait Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, le ministre de l’Économie nationale, à l’issue d’une réunion de la troïka, le 9 septembre. En d’autres termes, le gouvernement envisage de rationaliser le budget en réduisant les dépenses de l’État de 30 % et en réorientant une partie des recettes sur les secteurs sociaux (éducation et santé), ainsi que sur l’énergie et les infrastructures.
Puisque l’on ne peut pas compter sur les seules recettes publiques, « il faut trouver des mécanismes de financement innovants », souligne un conseiller du Premier ministre. Outre la mobilisation de fonds d’investissement étrangers, de nouvelles sources de financement pourraient être mises en place, comme le fameux go pass (une taxe payée par les passagers embarquant dans les aéroports du pays) ou la redevance logistique terrestre (constituée de recettes générées par les taxes sur les conteneurs dans les différents ports du pays, et mise en place fin 2012 afin de financer les investissements ferroviaires de la Société commerciale des transports et des ports, ex-Onatra). D’autres mécanismes doivent être imaginés, incluant notamment des partenariats public-privé.
L’agriculture a réalisé une croissance de 4 % en 2014 grâce à une amélioration de la productivité
Le ralentissement de la croissance met en évidence la dépendance au secteur minier de l’économie congolaise, et donc sa fragilité. Pourtant, depuis 2010, d’autres filières ont contribué plus activement à son développement. À commencer par l’agriculture, qui a réalisé une croissance de 4 % en 2014 grâce à une amélioration de la productivité, avec une augmentation sensible des volumes de bois, de café, d’huile de palme, ainsi que de la plupart des produits vivriers (fruits, légumes et féculents). Les efforts d’investissements, publics et privés, réalisés pour améliorer les infrastructures et la forte demande en logements soutiennent la progression des secteurs du BTP et de l’immobilier.
Le secteur tertiaire a par ailleurs enregistré une croissance globale de 7,4 % en 2014, tirée par le développement des activités commerciales, du transport, des télécoms et, dans une moindre mesure, des services financiers. Enfin, l’essor de la branche manufacturière (boissons, farines, etc.) reste timide, freiné par la faiblesse de la couverture en électricité et par les délestages récurrents.
Le chef de l’État compte-t-il « refaire le coup » des Cinq Chantiers, le programme de reconstruction du pays sur lequel il s’est fait élire en 2006 ?
En outre, malgré ses bons taux, cette croissance a eu peu de répercussions sur le niveau de vie des populations, comme en témoignent les indicateurs sociaux. Des faiblesses que les observateurs attribuent entre autres au manque de stratégie et au retard pris dans la réhabilitation ou la construction d’infrastructures dignes de ce nom, en particulier dans les secteurs de l’énergie et des transports. Le programme « Réunification de la République par voie routière » (RRR) n’a été lancé qu’en 2012, l’intérêt pour le fluvial est récent, le redéploiement du réseau de chemin de fer et la réhabilitation du matériel roulant de la Société nationale des chemins de fer du Congo (SNCC) piétinent.
Mais d’importantes annonces, avec accords de financement, ont été faites en septembre, au retour de Chine du chef de l’État, Joseph Kabila : port en eau profonde à Banana (dans le Kongo-Central), nouvelles voies de chemin de fer, construction d’un tramway à Kinshasa… Est-ce du sérieux ? Ou le chef de l’État compte-t-il « refaire le coup » des Cinq Chantiers, le programme de reconstruction du pays sur lequel il s’est fait élire en 2006 ?
Le patient congolais
La RD Congo se caractérise par de fortes inégalités socio-économiques entre provinces, mais aussi entre milieu urbain et milieu rural, qui sont accentuées par le très lourd déficit du pays en matière d’infrastructures de base, en particulier les réseaux d’électricité et de transport. Résultat : la majeure partie de la population ne profite encore ni des progrès ni des résultats de la croissance et reste l’une des plus pauvres au monde.
Le pays émarge au 186e rang sur 187 pays classés dans le rapport sur le développement humain 2014 du Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (Pnud) : le PIB par habitant est estimé à 451 dollars, alors que la moyenne subsaharienne est de 3 237 dollars, et 87,7 % de la population vit avec des revenus inférieurs au seuil de pauvreté (fixé à 1,25 dollar par jour), dont 46,2 % dans une situation d’« extrême pauvreté », c’est-à-dire ne disposant pas des revenus nécessaires pour subvenir à ses besoins alimentaires essentiels.
Les efforts consentis ces dernières années ont permis à la RD Congo d’afficher quelques progrès, notamment dans le taux d’alphabétisation (65,8 %), l’espérance de vie à la naissance (50 ans, le pays a rejoint la moyenne continentale) et l’accès direct à l’eau potable (52 %), selon les données nationales de 2015. Cependant, les retards sont énormes. Le dernier rapport conjoint de la BAD, de l’OCDE et du Pnud, publié en mai 2015, souligne en particulier que le taux de desserte en électricité n’est que de 10,3 % – l’un des plus faibles du continent.
Mais si l’on regarde dans le détail, pour la plupart des provinces, il ne dépasse pas… 4,3 %. Seules bénéficient de taux d’électrification supérieurs à cette moyenne les provinces de Kinshasa (59,5 %), du Kongo-Central (15,6 %) et celles issues de l’ex-Katanga (17,7 %).
Le Gouvernement vient d’autoriser la sortie du territoire de la République Démocratique du Congo des 69 enfants congolais adoptés par des expatriés. Selon le ministre de la Justice et des Droits Humains, cette autorisation est la résultante du travail fait en amont par la commission interministérielle qui a passé en revue les dossiers des enfants bénéficiaires des adoptions internationales.
Cette commission était composée des représentants de la Primature, des ministères de l’Intérieur, des Affaires étrangères, de la Défense, de la Justice, de la Femme et Enfant, ainsi que Famille, de l’ANR (Agence Nationales des renseignements) et de la DGM (Direction Générale de Migration).
Quant aux pays d’adoption, huit nationalités occidentales sont concernées par les 69 enfants congolais. Il s’agit de : Etats-Unis d’Amérique : 14 enfants ; Italie : 10 ; Belgique : 12 ; Canada : 10 ; Allemagne : 1 ; France : 10 ; Pays-Bas : 11 ; Suisse : 1.
Hormis ces 69 cas, le ministre Thambwe a indiqué que le gouvernement a également autorisé la sortie du territoire national de 3 autres enfants atteints de maladies graves et adoptés par trois pays ci-après : Allemagne : 1 ; France : 1 ; Suisse :1.
Par ailleurs, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba a laissé entendre que le gouvernement a signifié aux ambassadeurs des pays concernés par les 69 enfants adoptés – qui venaient d’ailleurs de participer à la réunion avec lui avant l’annonce – que la commission chargée du traitement des dossiers d’adoption ne pourra plus fonctionner. Ses activités se sont arrêtées ce jour.
Il faudra désormais attendre le vote de la nouvelle loi sur les adoptions étrangères actuellement en examen à l’Assemblée nationale, ainsi que sa promulgation.
A ceux qui croyaient que la République Démocratique du Congo allait apporter son soutien à ces enfants adoptés là où ils iront, le ministre de la Justice a répondu par la négative.
« D’aucuns pensaient qu’il était possible que les enfants adoptés puissent bénéficier du soutien de la RDC où ils se trouvent.
J’étais obligé d’informer les collègues en ma qualité de conseiller juridique du gouvernement qu’il n’est pas possible une fois qu’ils ont été adoptés de pouvoir assurer un suivi quelconque en dehors de notre pays », a-t-il fait savoir.
En outre, il a tenu à prévenir les diplomates des pays d’adoption que les dossiers des familles restés en souffrance ne seront rouverts qu’après le vote et la promulgation de la nouvelle loi. Et ils seront traités suivant les conditions que ladite loi aura définies.
Il importe de signaler que le ministre de la Justice et des Droits humains avait à ses côtés, le Directeur général de la DGM, François Beya.
Avant la communication à la presse, les membres de la commission s’étaient réunis au cabinet du ministère de la Justice. Les diplomates des pays ayant adopté les 69 enfants y ont pris part.
Après deux jours des travaux en atelier, du 28 au 29 oct
obre au Centre catholique Nganda à Kintambo, une quarantaine d’exploitants d’huile de palme en RD Congo ont dressé un chapelet des recommandations afin de promouvoir l’expansion de palmeraies en RDC. Partant du thème : « Croissance verte et partenariat gagnant-gagnant dans le secteur de l’huile de palme : quelles perspectives pour la RDC ? », ceux-ci ont partagé et consolidé leurs expériences, identifié les défis et solutions à la production durable d’huile de palme. Dans le lot des résolutions, ils se sont convenus de créer un cadre national permanent d’échanges, évaluation et suivi de l’approche ‘’ Croissance verte et partenariat tripartite gagnant’’ dédié à la chaîne de valeur huile de palme.
Ils ont également suggéré la mise sur pied d’une feuille de route axée sur la croissance verte et le partenariat gagnant-gagnant ; l’élaboration d’une politique stratégique de la croissance verte ; l’aménagement d’un planning pour la coordination et le suivi des actions-intentions projetées ; l’accès aux capitaux/crédits agricoles ; l’alignement au plan/fonds d’investissement stratégie REDD + RDC, la structuration de petits producteurs au niveau local et national ; la priorisation de recherche ; etc.
Venus pour la plupart des zones de production reconnues comme telles, que le Mayumbe, le Kwilu, l’Equateur, l’e-Province Orientale ainsi que celles du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et Maniema, les récipiendaires ont été recrutés dans les milieux des entreprises d’exploitation d’huile opérationnelles, des organisations de développement engagées dans la chaine de valeur palmier à huile, des syndicats et associations de défense des droits humains, des institutions nationales et provinciales, des réseaux, etc.
Les craintes
Sous l’impulsion d’OXFAM NOVIB et de CACUDEKI Asbl, les participants ont également débattu de la manière de poursuivre l’appui au développement du secteur huile de palme, l’augmentation du revenu rural, la sécurité alimentaire, sans détruire la forêt, l’investissement du secteur privé, la préservation des droits primordiaux des communautés autochtones (gestion durable des terres et eaux, les moyens de subsistance durable), etc.
Cependant, Ils ont exprimé une série de craintes concernant leur survie dans un environnement dominé de plus en plus par des « ogres » d’exploitation industrielle. « Nous craignons l’écrasement de petits producteurs ; l’envahissement de nos concessions par les populations riveraines ; la non implication des intérêts dans le processus ; l’absence d’un plan d’action concret et applicable ; la non implication du petit paysan ; l’absence d’un engagement concret du gouvernement de la RDC ; le manque d’un mécanisme de suivi de la feuille de route ; etc. ».
En guise de réponse, les organisateurs ont indiqué que ce 1er atelier exploratoire d’intérêt s’inscrit dans une démarche introductive de la vision et des modèles basés sur l’apprentissage dans le cadre RSPO (Round table for Sustainable Palm Oil, une plate-forme pour la certification croissance verte et de partenariat gagnant-gagnant) et avec des petits producteurs et d’engagement des acteurs du secteur. « Les modèles ‘Croissance verte et FAIR’ ont été développés et expérimentés avantageusement par OXFAM et ses alliés dans plusieurs pays (Indonésie, Malaisie, etc.) dont l’opérationnalisation des principes doit se lier au contexte spécifique de chaque pays. La capitalisation de ces expériences des autres partenaires serait profitable dans ce processus… », ont assuré les organisateurs.
Il convient de noter que jusqu’aux années’ 75, la RDC était comptée parmi les grands producteurs et exportateurs d’huile de palme au monde. La Zaïrianisation de l’économie en 1973 et les longues années de guerres ont eu pour conséquence l’abandon, l’inexploitation des plantations et l’effondrement de l’ensemble du marché de l’huile de palme. Pourtant, a estimé un expert du secteur, le potentiel est énorme. Plus de 60.000 tonnes sont importées pour couvrir les besoins nationaux. Le secteur artisanal a toujours persisté et continue d’approvisionner un marché essentiellement intérieur. On note un fort dynamisme de la plantation villageoise.
Pour lui, face à la forte croissance de la demande sur le marché national et international, la RDC offre de sûres opportunités pour le développement de grandes plantations de palmier. “ La RDC est à la route de vagues d’acquisitions et d’investissements par des entreprises d’huile de palme. Cependant, l’expansion incontrôlée de la culture industrielle et des projets de monoculture à grande échelle du palmier à huile peut non seulement s’avérer catastrophique pour l’environnement en accélérant le changement climatique, mais elle risque aussi d’aggraver les problèmes sociaux et économiques déjà amplifiés par une décennie de conflits armés en RDC”, a-t-il alerté.
Tshieke Bukasa
RDC : 72 enfants adoptés par des étrangers, (enfin) autorisés à rejoindre leurs familles d’accueil
02 novembre 2015 à 15h24 — Mis à jour le 02 novembre 2015 à 17h01
Par Jeune Afrique avec AFP
Kinshasa a annoncé lundi que 72 enfants congolais adoptés par des couples étrangers allaient pouvoir quitter la RDC. Une décision qui intervient plus de deux ans après le gel des autorisations de sortie, décidé en septembre 2013.
S’achemine-t-on vers la fin du moratoire sur l’adoption internationale en RDC ? Retenus depuis fin septembre 2013 à la suite du gel des autorisations de sortie, 72 enfants adoptés par des couples étrangers peuvent enfin rejoindre leurs familles d’accueil.
«Nous avons autorisé la sortie de 69 enfants du territoire national », a affirmé à la presse, le 2 novembre, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba, ministre congolais de la Justice, à l’issue d’une réunion avec les ambassadeurs des principaux pays concernés. « Nous avons également autorisé la sortie de trois enfants atteints de maladies graves », a-t-il ajouté.
À en croire le garde des Sceaux congolais, cette mesure concerne des enfants devant être adoptés par des familles américaines, italiennes, belges, canadiennes, allemandes, françaises, néerlandaises et suisses.
Fin d’une situation dramatique ?
C’est la fin d’une situation vécue comme un drame par les familles concernées, condamnées à vivre séparées par plusieurs milliers de kilomètres. Depuis le gel des autorisations de sortie, quelques uns de ces enfants destinés à rejoindre des familles à l’étranger sont morts, selon des ONG qui suivent de près le dossier.
En août 2015, le ministère congolais de la Justice avait indiqué à Jeune Afriqueque le nombre des enfants adoptés qui attendaient leur départ vers l’étranger était passé de 1 103 en 2013 à « près de 1 500 ».
Pour l’heure, il est difficile de savoir si d’autres autorisations suivront, les travaux de la « commission qui traite des adoptions » ayant été suspendus par le ministre de la Justice jusqu’au « vote » et à la « promulgation » d’une « nouvelle loi » sur l’adoption internationale.
Subject: Abuse of powers to the ICC Who turns the Bemba case a conflict in Congo-DRC
Subject: Abuse of powers to the ICC
Which turns the Bemba case
Conflict in Congo-a Congolese
Fatou Bensouda, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is intractable with Jean-Pierre Bemba, a former Congolese rebel leader. On Wednesday, the office of Ms. Bensouda clearly demanded the recognition of the guilt of Jean-Pierre Bemba in the barbarity of his militia in Central during the period 2002-2003, where they supported the ousted by a coup Bozizé Patassé regime. Burdened by a heavy leader accused of five crimes of war three and two against humanity, Jean-Pierre Bemba is imprisoned in The Hague for 06 years. And that’s when his trial opened in November 2010 draws to a close, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC has decided to call it guilty of inhuman acts of his agents. The office of Ms. Bensouda, recalled in particular rape, looting and barbaric murders they committed during the period. For “Jean-Jacques Badibanga”, representing the prosecutor’s office, there is no shadow of doubt that the accused is guilty of the case against him. Acknowledge guilt, he has especially emphasized unejustice be made to victims of his atrocities. Too, he added at the end of his long indictment, where Jean-Pierre Bemba, will build a solution by giving his office. Source: The New Tribune, November 13, 2014. You can find this article at this site:http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/…/21906-bemba-la-cpi-le-b…
Dear Compatriots
Mrs. JP Bemba to appear by another
Congolese, this fuzzy procedure is not ethical
Jean-Jacques Badibanga, Office of Attorney
Ah! this is a Congolese who indicts “Jean-Pierre Bemba.” This is a bad option than trying to mix the Congolese in a matter that they have no interest included. Madam Provides General of the ICC to dodge ‘criticism of its methods’ ‘close’ ‘Luis Moreno Ocampo’ ‘she is overwhelmed wants to go through a’ Congolese ” to make it credible that its jurisprudence to be achieved show as evidence and prosecution of this lazy trial proceedings as commenced under ” Moreno Ocampo ‘and continuing to hold in prison without verdict and award, collateral bickered cAR cruelties like those we serve’ Seleka ” and ” Antibalaka ‘. It kills in Central Africa. Why do not we going chercher”Michel Djotodia ‘to be tried at the ICC. Why do we have left ” Ange Patassé. ” The author of the crimes sponsor Bemba free. Worse, the Central was granted an amnesty. Why do not we continue ” François Bozizé ‘father who is the parent of the genocide that takes over that of Seleka after the departure of Michel Djotodia in exile.
Obviously, that is not to say that I defend ” Jean-Pierre Bemba ” for what he has done and what he is charged. No, I do not say this either by mouth or by writing. I see only an absence of Justice and hard on his person from the ICC to break the skin and throw it in the street like a rag before the decisive discussions on fate before the judges. For continue to hold such an important prisoner whenever references to new appearances, it must be recognized that that game led to the bankruptcy of expostulated. Any postponement decision is a load of expense that pays the endless defense lawyers. Is this is what the ICC continues to have one day a prisoner who has no more counsel for his defense? In any case, it has the air, this probability is suspicious. If Jean-Pierre Bemba was French, Belgian or American, we do not retain as long as does the ICC with ‘Mrs. Fatou Bensouda’. Nevertheless, I deplore this game of “Madame” to want to slander the ‘Congolese’ ‘on what most of them as regrets slow pace of Justice. The Bemba case is now a ” scandal of the ICC ‘. After World War II, the Nuremberg trials did not last much. The business of war all know a expéditivité Procedure in Court Martial. At the Nuremberg Trials, August 31, 1946, the bulk of the trial was done and these defendants, below, went to confession
Ø Göring Keitel;
Ø Streicher;
Ø Funk;
Ø Schacht;
Ø Sauckel;
Ø Seyss-Inquart;
Ø Fritzsche, etc.
The ICC is not able to finish with the Bemba trial and in a better time. The killings in Central Africa, with the means of Justice that has the ” International Criminal Court ‘are superior to those that had the Allies in 1945. However, the Judges committed to the trial of war criminals have not dragged procedures length. Justice, before a trial, knows how the debate will take place before the bar. In addition, the Attorney General, in that occasion, sees how he will lead the charge against the accused. How is it that the ICC is either unable to finish with Jean-Pierre Bemba? There is a scandalous bias on the part of all the “Solicitors” the ICC to investigate aligned ‘Affairs crimes in Africa. this International Forum, by its name, has the appearance of a “politico-military zoo” that encloses the figures who were involved in bad business in the direction that did not please the makers of the “Direction World Politics. “Otherwise, if the ICC was consistent with its mandate and mission, it would be in its cells “Blaise Compaore, Kagame, Museveni, Kabila …”. This suggests that the recovery in Bemba Trial pump is one of those policies that direct business signs warning the DRC’s approach to change plans in a lawful manner.
In other words, this walk then do not like about those that modulate the corridors of power in Africa, as’ ‘a Democracy in Congo’ is a barrier to what was fraudulently traded in the absence of rule of law. There may be a relationship between the reopening of the trial that lasts and that the matter is not as complex as the crimes of the Second World War, even though the crime is still a crime. Here I condemn the lengthy procedures of the ICC judge convicts second zone. The case of the Central African Republic is an obvious example is to consider those who have led the country in its current state while they are all free. I deplore the ‘demonstration of a Congolese’ in front of the stage. This display is a Rédcien a masquerade in order to say that even own colleagues’ ‘Jean-Pierre Bemba’ are with the ICC. And suddenly, ” Ms. Fatou Bensouda ‘will fare well in a court case in which it fails to bring the evidence of guilt that exposes unquestionably exhibits in the tradition of “Justice “which is not manipulated.
Madam you do evil against his opponent a Congolese
fellow at bay. Bemba can not be the subject prisoner
ambitions that abound in the Corporation of Judges at the ICC
What hurts my heart and unworthy me in all respects, this is the way we can not show our retained in a folder with the ” Greatest criminals’ are not called Cours. All turn against the Congolese, who are the first victims of the “War of the Great Lakes.” In this respect, we do not display in many circumstances we convene international micro our national character against major issues expected that undermine our inter-Congolese cohesion. The truth is not enough, when straight and unidirectional to be understood as the way of pure reason and good track of Justice said. It is true that the ” Judge ” to work in the lines that the procedures and give him indicate, but it is not in all cases that the judge or the Prosecutor a ‘Forum of Justice’ ‘is ability to handle a record or be a ” Commissioner of the Court ” by the ICC to enforce that law, the Court expects of him. Judges and Lawyers to reject or are obliged to recuse himself when the matter that make them referees or witnesses vulnerably affect the integrity of their delivery or their defense to say to the bar. These are mainly cases that are heard as:
· Conflict of Interest:
Jean-Pierre Bemba’s Congolese, this is not a Congolese ICC Prosecutor to judge because there is a risk of a double injustice speed can be either plead for relaxation or advocate for drowning following the antecedents of personal or partnership, as it seems. Words of ” Jean-Jacques Badibanga ‘are those of Moreno Ocampo and Mrs. Bensouda, all very opposed to Bemba as intimate enemies that some things apart to death.
· Interference unbecoming a delicate issue:
To date, it appeared that the ICC is not able to unravel the truth and falsehood in the charges against ” Jean-Pierre Bemba. ” Thereupon, Madam Prosecutor resorted to eavesdropping Attorneys Jean-Pierre Bemba, which is not a procedure that ‘Belgian Judges’ observers have denounced this issue. As for Mrs. Bensouda, the evidence is not clearly demonstrated beyond doubt had to go through the prosecution of lawyers Bemba, which is in short all right, “Abuse of Power” played by a fiercely while all perpetrators in the ‘Bemba’ Central Africans’ are amnestied.
· Collusion of the Legal Adviser with the Institution of prosecution:
There is collusion in the trial of the proceedings which is visible to the naked eye, is that of Ms. Bensouda who is desperate to charge ‘Bemba’ for revenge or say, corroborate the accusations Moreno Ocampo failed to foil until the end of his contract. Some also know that ” Prosecutor was accused of rape and unfair dismissal. ” Why the ICC has not pursued after the Justice Switzerland has established real evidence with tangible pieces of evidence?
· Attorney defending the opinion of the employer with yourself:
Is what we are seeing is not a cabal that has the Congolese as a guinea pig of Justice of the ICC. Why is this Forum not she listen to those who accuse him of crimes against humanity ” Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni, Azarias Ruberwa Bizima Karaha ‘who looted, raped and massacred in Congo over’ six million souls ”. And if one wants to evidence:
· There are wars by proxy militias from Rwanda and Uganda in the DRC;
· There Raid in Bas-Congo to Kinshasa by the Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Ugandan Army, August 2, 1998;
· There is the death of ” Patrick Karegeya ” the BBC has shown how Paul Kagame made to kill and including General Kayumba Nyamwasa testifies emotion and sadness;
· There are Congolese women as ‘Azarias Ruberwa and Bizima Karahamueto’ persecuted, tortured and buried alive with pepper pressed into the rectum of their sitting posture (buttocks) as suppositories doctors against hemorrhoids. Why was this dodge the crimes. One can only think that the ICC defends her opinion that respects a modus operandi in connection with the Forum decided that selectively arrest and trial. Of course, all the achievements of Solicitors before probably be rewarded with a promotion. Can we not assume that and say that to speak of ” Jean-Jacques Badibanga ‘OTP’ is consistent with a policy of trial developed by a corporation of Judges or prosecutors who use them- same first. Because ultimately, the field arrests, instead of Rwanda and Uganda, the DRC is.
· Predominantly a mission to act as nominee Attorney:
In the light of political developments in the DRC, there he was not behind the resumption of the trial of Bemba political calculation is that coincide with the intentions of the regime in the DRC to change the ” Constitution ”. Since we can pretend to go back to ” Jean-Pierre Bemba, ” can distract the Congolese not to be vigilant with their national leaders because the charges will be made against ‘Bemba’ ‘will have a aroma of justice, that of those who, for reasons that we do not think they know away an opponents’ Kabila ” the political arena who booed. In other words, are we not then arrange, through the trial of Bemba, right after this period of Ouagadougou, an extension of scenario ” Kabila ” behind the scenes of power by the highways of international barriers? For if the Bemba trial was to end, it’s a long time that this case would have ended. Why now, especially when agitated in Kinshasa for the constitutional review of Article 220?
· Gift for personal advancement:
Speaking as Congolese, ready-gown ‘Madam Prosecutor of the ICC,’ ‘which is the gift that was promised to’ ‘Attorney Badibanga? Anything is possible. This is not an American, a Chinese, a Russian, a French, a Belgian, a Spaniard who can testify against his compatriot in a ‘foreign court’ ‘. The ICC is deemed to be the color of the race which runs récriminés there there, a “Sanhedrin Black” (World Court of International Justice Apartheid), that is to say an institution for lock Africans. That’s Congo is attacked by neighboring countries, but to the ICC, there is no Rwandans or Ugandans, even those who massacred more than 12 million people when making all victims throughout the region of the Great Lake. Ntaganda, I will say we are Rwandans. Okay, but it’s not like that Rwanda has accused but as Congolese even if the documents of his birth certificate shows something else, that is to say, his national origin.
At the ICC, in “Bemba case,” a burning issue, but political and blur. This is un”Congolais Bar ICC ‘, so directly from the “Office of the Prosecutor,” I note in writing, “Mrs. Fatou Ben Saouda” which takes speech calling for the condemnation of’ Jean Pierre Bemba ‘. It is not ethical. At the Nuremberg Trials, no German, apart from those who have been summoned to testify against the accused has been chosen to tell the ” Justice ” against detainees at the 3rd Reich. Affairs of the Central connect several junctions and overlapping it from Mobutu. A ” Attorney Congolese who takes speech in this case is not neutral, its involvement in the verdict is part of a ‘conflict of interest’ ‘. No people in the world, I mean, those of rich countries and have an idea of their justice and their culture can not compromise on to testify against their compatriots. As I said, an American, a Japanese, an Israeli, a Belgian, a French will not go into a ‘Tribunal international or foreign allegiance’ ‘witness his tale. In Jurisprudence, then this refusal is accepted to avoid the trial turns into emotional drama or hatred denunciation related to interpersonal reasons, mostly.
To dislodge “Laurent Gbagbo”, France has committed odd in Côte d’Ivoire. Be remembered that a helicopter of the French Army who bombed the Ivorian population under the command of ” Jacques Chirac in Abidjan. What we think of ‘Nicolas Sarkozy’ ordering from the Elysee from ‘Laurent Gbagbo’ ‘as if the “Ivory Coast” was a French colony or as a province of France. That we imagine this fiction: “See French in Kigali before the Court of Kagame testify against François Mitterrand.” it is simply impossible. Common sense should have inspired ‘Ms Fatou Bensouda’ ‘not to include a’ ‘Congo’ ‘in a case that puts him in front of his compatriot. Moreover, when the militia ” Jean-Pierre Bemba ‘operating in Central Africa, can we ask how old was the Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC’ ‘Jean-Jacques Badibanga’ ‘to prove that with ease he had, on November 12 at the helm of the ICC? Of this insurance that comes in a case that has aged in the docket of the ICC?
I read and heard here and the certain statements saying that we should forget the choice of the Congolese people expressed Nov. 28, 2011 otherwise known as the truth of the polls for which many have paid with their blood and that we should move to another thing to push the Congolese people snatch his freedom by other means but which one? I wonder if the people could not fight for his freedom to choose a president how would he do in another way? Time will tell what! But the bitter fact is that I unfortunately some that do not want this truth of the polls to the fact it is not too the problem but rather the truth that came out of urns that bothers many of enter them but I urge the Congolese people be constant, courageous and determined in this fight for his release and go through as a people who can not enforce its sovereignty by the freedom to choose their leaders is a good people for slavery but I still believe that my people will get there anyway against winds and tides so wish good for us who still believe!
A Aloud ….
Everyone agrees almost to take the famous expression of our brother, the “reckless” Cesar Ngadi, on the triumphal tour of Antoine Felix Tshisekedi said Tshilombo FATSHI in two Kasai provinces.
Comparison is not due to some, but the most important was the work of revitalizing made with this base, at this objectifies people, living on less than a dollar a day, while its soil and subsoil contain matters which, in a country where good governance is established, would make him one of the wealthiest people on earth.
But since independence, managements and redistribution of these resources have benefits Predators has a minority of all races.
Revenant FATSHI, this tour was a slap to all his detractors and opponents in both the biological family in the party, or surrender and the repositioning of those who yesterday strokes videos and postings are observed have castigates “Tshilombo the son has his Mother.”
BOYOKI YANGO YA OK, tell me my “partner Uber more” who will recognize, after being convinced by this demonstration, swears by Felix the Leader …
But, but, but, the equation is significant because what attitude to adopt because Dad is elected President? B52 is Mokongo Nzoku although certainly decreases the disease still benefited from an intact popularity and IMPERIUM in UDPS
Too early for some, necessary for others, it is obvious that FATSHI is returned full of feet in the peleton headache outsiders in 2016, the ratings of Vital Kamerhe, Nzanga Mobutu and possibly Jean-Pierre Bemba in case it would frees the ICC …
Within several UDPS should now be kicking themselves because the policy defines as the “Leader Maximo” defines itself as “the demographic weight” than any actor on the chessboard. Remember 2011 and small speckled phrases Sphinx toward its potential partners who could not fill a stadium!
Yes, a LEADER in the DRC and is NOT to be reckoned with and on him.
Congratulations Mon Frere Felix for this work is only the beginning of great things.
Add attitude has the stature and branch lines to a better future for our people.
Abraham Luakabuanga.
The Collegien.
Prime Minister Matata Ponyo Mapon and members of his government on 07/05/2012 at the People’s Palace in Kinshasa, in the National Assembly. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Prime Minister Matata Ponyo Mapon and members of his government on 07/05/2012 at the People’s Palace in Kinshasa, in the National Assembly. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Press Review Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Potential analysis Tuesday consequences of waiting the government of national cohesion announced by the head of state since last year after national consultations.
It is from October 23 2013que throughout DRC eagerly awaiting a government, writes colleague. This executive wanted for national cohesion was presented as the foundation to consolidate all the resolutions and recommendations of the national consultations, the paper said.
Since October 2013, the newspaper noted, the government is running regime of current business.
Potential wonders how long can fire an executive whose members can not, in principle, perform acts of management.
The paper goes further and is also interested in the operation of both Houses of Parliament.
Since the opening of Parliament on 15 September, says Brother, the National Assembly and the Senate are struggling to take flight.
The draft budget for 2015, essential point of this regular session in September, no monopolizes the attention of deputies and senators, see the potential.
The newspaper estimated that the shock wave of the long wait for a government of national cohesion eventually plunge all institutions expectantly.
It is as if the progress of the country was suspended from the announcement of the famous government that puts people in every way.
The Lighthouse also is interested in the government of national cohesion. The newspaper announces match-Aubin Minaku Matata as the head of state will arbitrate Kingakati.
The newspaper understands that the Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament and the Prime Minister does not emit the same wavelength for a communication problem.
The Lighthouse reveals that Matata Ponyo sells his government in recent days in his relationship with the public.
The paper said that some members of the presidential majority criticize the Prime Minister too appropriate the achievements of his government.
The trial of the murder of Mamadou Ndala is also on the cover of the press on Tuesday.
Tropical Storm returns to the death of Colonel driver died after his testimony at the first hearing of the trial.
The newspaper writes that the silence on the death concerned.
This sudden death is likely to burst away any prospect of truth in the assassination of Colonel Mamadou Ndala writes Brother.
The daily relays a request from NGOs defending human rights, VSV, which invites Kinshasa to conduct an independent investigation to shed light on the actual circumstances of the death of the driver Mamadou Ndala.
The Lighthouse also returns to the position of the VSV that expressed concern about the death “suspicious” Sergeant Arsene Ndabu.
His death surprised everyone has occurred in a health center in Beni after the testimony of the victim, writes colleague.
Ebola: the patient in Texas is a very serious condition
AFP Published Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 10:58 p.m. – Updated Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 11:06 p.m.
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The Ebola patient arrived in the USA lied when checking at the airport
Ebola covers the whole of Liberia, the United States after more than 100 potential contacts
INTERNATIONAL growing concern in Texas. The world also is holding its breath.
Liberia’s first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, is in a very serious condition, said Saturday the hospital in Dallas, Texas, where it is processed since September 28. “Thomas Eric Duncan is in a very serious condition,” wrote in a brief press spokesman Hospital Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
His condition is worse compared to Friday when the last newsletter spoke of “serious” condition. The spokesman gave no further details.
Moreover, the American health authorities said Saturday that all the people who had direct contact with the patient showed no symptoms.
“We have identified nine people so far we are sure they have been in contact with the patient, the family members and caregivers,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) at a press conference.
Besides this group revised down from the previous day, “we also identified 46 people we can not rule out with certainty contact with the patient,” said he added.
But for now, “none of the 45 people on the 46 that have already been examined, nor the nine people most at risk, showed symptoms as Ebola fever,” said Dr. Frieden. He added that all these people were closely monitored until the end of the incubation period estimated at 21 days.
Robert Kabemba 20 min GETTING TO KNOW THE STORY: HOW AND WHY THERE Kamerhe A-FOUGHT Tshisekedi HOPE NATION CONGOLAISE? (BY POET ROBERT Kabemba) Relevant question that needs to be answered to inform the national opinion on the issues of Congolese politics because without the knowledge of what happens, it’s hard to embrace the future with certainty. This is also one reason that drives us to invite the Congolese to reading the signs of time to understand the true facts. Preparing for the future does not mean forgetting the past. Indeed, the past exists and it is not by ignoring it will prevent him from influencing the present and the future. An Indian proverb does not he say that anyone who disregards his past are condemned to repeat it constantly? Also this look back he intended to allow us to assess the progress made in our attempts to build a better world and especially to be a source of education to better prepare for the future. The phenomenon Joseph Kabila in Congo-Kinshasa is a miserable experience and a Gaullist temptation. Kamerhe has totally failed in its Plan A poorly designed that plunged the Congo in a deplorable and ungovernable. If he succeeded in creating the Third Republic, can he still succeed IV while his prestige associated with the failure of the Third Republic is at its lowest? We say no and declare that his plan B is an illusion. Congolese will recall the conditions under which political negotiations had taken place in the camp of the opposition to support the only candidate Etienne Tshisekedi. While the latter was considered Hope for change, Kamerhe dangerous contagion had done with his disciples Sultani to curb expectations of our people. This group had submitted false opponents four candidates with malice and disperse the voice of the real opposition to annihilate man Limited. While the diaspora as all the vital forces of the nation were mobilized to support their favorite candidate Kamerhe Mentor Kabila was adamantly opposed. Why had he done that? Had he not a hidden agenda? What is true, he had just come distract the opposition, divide, weaken and that on behalf of his idol Joseph Kabila. This forces us to agree with a Mwami Kivu who had told Radio Okapi before the elections “that under no circumstances will oppose Kabila Kamerhe according pacts they have signed.” This means that the opposition is only one scenario Vital to protect the interests of those in power. Recognizing the popularity of resident Limited, Kamerhe Tshisekedi knew that once elected, he would still very strong and powerful; which would make his ambitions in 2016 almost impossible. The logic of this approach is simple to understand because for him 5 years in office of the Resident Limit should allow real opposition that is to say, a UDPS and allies to prepare for 2016 to scrub a second mandate. Kamerhe was afraid young tough opponents surrounding Tshisekedi. For him once this last president, in 2016 the new President would come out of these young opponents. That is why despite the insistence of the Diaspora and the lifeblood of the nation’s spy Kabila was not slow to apply for the presidency with malice Etienne Tshisekedi and his lieutenants. His betrayal and its refusal to respond to the will of our people is a blow for the diaspora and the entire Congolese people. Fighting Tshisekedi, Kamerhe had fought a people who had placed their hopes to the father of Congolese democracy. Turning his back, he had the altercation diaspora. Also as part of its hegemonic after his package in November 2011 it will extend its actions to destroy the real opposition to better entrench the power of Kabila. It will attempt to influence some opponents of lesser caliber, without any influence on the national and international levels to become spokesman. While the war was raging in the east which is his electoral stronghold in his capacity as leader purely Regional, it will close the eyes to be concerned only Spokesperson file the opposition. This was not a concern for the Congolese. It will mount a scenario to paralyze Acquired Forces Change by bribing some members who fortunately were driven FCC for their commitment to Kamerhe on behalf of those in power. For betraying and fought Etienne Tshisekedi in elections of November 2011, Vital Kamerhe did not honor the memory of our compatriots killed or murdered by those in power for their struggle against the dictatorship. We especially think of all those valiant heroes who fell to the bullets: Chebeya, Armand Tungu, Cedrick who immolated himself and so many others. Kamerhe can he have the courage to stand before the Congolese and especially those in the Diaspora for him to tell them what? Is it not responsible for whatever happens to the Congolese today? Strategy to approach Tshisekedi not it is part of his hidden agenda in 2016? Does he try to gain the confidence of the Congolese people believing that Tshisekedi will give him support? We in the Tshisekedi generation will always remember the battle of that great man and do not accept at all that Kamerhe have the support of our people. We do not believe that members of the UDPS, the Acquired Forces for change, the Lifeblood of our country and the Congolese diaspora can have confidence Vital Kamerhe bad visionary and prophet of the Congolese misfortune. Poet Robert Kabemba Historian, political scientist, sociologist Political Analyst index
Rwanda: a BBC documentary is controversial
RFI media
In the documentary, the Head of State Paul Kagame is accused of ordering the attack against the plane of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.DR Rwanda Rwanda
In Rwanda, the association of genocide survivors Ibuka, close to the government, said it was “outraged” by a BBC documentary broadcast this week, entitled Rwanda’s untold story, “The history of Rwanda Ever Told.” A documentary dependents against Rwandan President Paul Kagame, accusing him of war crimes during the genocide, massacres in the Congo, political assassination and to be responsible for the attack against the plane of President Habyarimana.
In a letter addressed to the Director General of the BBC, Ibuka believes the documentary denies the reality of the 1994 genocide and called on the BBC to stop broadcasting the documentary. “We, the survivors of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, are outraged by the blatant denial of the genocide against the Tutsis carried by your documentary …”, so begins the letter.
For Ibuka, the documentary gave a platform to parties “politicizing genocide” and deny the reality and the systematic and planned massacres. Among the leading figures interviewed two former close to President Kagame, became strong criticism.
The former chief of staff, Kayumba Nyamwasa, accused his former boss of being not only the sponsor of the attack against the plane of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, but to have done so knowing that massacres against the Tutsis would take place.
revised figures
More serious for the association of survivors, scientists interviewed in the documentary say the number of dead Tutsis was overstated, as the million victims mentioned by the government, the majority would be Hutu. “Genocide denial is seen as the final stage of genocide” and occurs when there are attempts to deny the event and minimize the scale or number of deaths, denounces Ibuka.
This documentary also questions the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the American administration, accusing the president protected from any prosecution. Broadcast on the BBC, the Rwandan ambassador to Britain, Williams Nkurunziza, said the documentary was “extremely biased”.
Katanga: double Gecamines production of copper and cobalt October 10, 2014, | Last Update October 10, 2014 at 3:53 | under Economy, Katanga. Tags: cobalt, copper, Gecamines, Katanga 6 Trucks loaded ore stranded on the road to Kolwezi in Katanga Province / DRC, 11/03/2011. Trucks loaded ore stranded on the road to Kolwezi in Katanga Province / DRC, 11/03/2011. The production of copper and cobalt Gécamines has doubled in September. The mining company produced 1,200 tonnes of these minerals while its average monthly production is 500 tons. This was announced Thursday, Oct. 9 its interim CEO, Jacques Kamenga Tshimwanga.
For him, the increase in production is due in particular to the continued provision of electricity by Snel.
“You are not unaware that Gecamines had no electricity because we did not pay the bills Snel,” says Jacques Kamenga Tshimwanga.
The interim administrator delegate of Gecamines says the increased production of its business is tied to spending cuts.
All proceeds from the company would now be oriented production.
Jacques Kamenga Tshimwanga also reveals a program board which should allow Gecamines to reach a monthly production of 1,600 tonnes.
“The board of directors has set up a production schedule of 16 months. This part of the program 1 September 2014 until December 2015 This is an emergency program is a 16 month program. The objective set by the board of directors to senior management was required to produce 1400 tonnes. And as we speak, we just completed 1260 tonnes on 1400 which we were assigned, “he enthuses.
Radiookapi.net read on:
My child is taking drugs … What to do?
The Vif10 / 10/2014 at 14:34
Source: Le Vif
For parents, no standing liabilities. But rant, prohibit or punish only widened the gap between them and their child. So what to do for him to stop taking drugs?
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My child is taking drugs … What to do?
When a young “consumes”, it seldom openly inform his family. And as there is no foolproof telltale signs of drug use, the surprise may be complete. Result in the parents, the butt joint exhumed from the wastebasket of their child or the anguished cry of the teacher who took (e) in the act of smoking joints usually stirs a mixture of dismay and anger. “This is quite normal, and you do not have to hide your feelings with your child, says Helga De Ridder, a psychologist at ambulatory care center in addiction De Spiegel, in Asse and Halle. But before starting the dialogue, better to let off steam. “
A joint or a line?
And enjoy the break you need to seek advice. Eg Infor-Drugs, who has seen and heard many others since its inception in 1971, “When parents discover that their child is using drugs, they tend to attack head-on, repeating the speech, largely reflected by the media, the harmfulness of the product, says Antoine Boucher, spokesman for the association. Unaware that for many young people, this harm is an incentive. “If I put myself in danger, it is I am a strong person. it helps me to become what I want to be, to break down barriers between me and the others, to show them to me as I really am. ‘Often the drug raises identity and relational issues. “
Therefore, contrary to appearances, there is no fundamental difference between a seal and a line of coke. “Some parents are reassured by finding that their child is ‘only’ cannabis, not heroin or cocaine, says Helga De Ridder. Yet we know from experience that the risk of addiction depends less on the product of motivation.’s young he uses drugs to give a special meaning to certain events, or else she helps calm anxiety or feel better about yourself? What effect does he expect, what concrete problem he tries to solve consuming? higher this problem is fundamental, the more likely to move from experimental use to problematic use increases. “
Side parents, the ultimate goal of dialogue is obviously getting the young to consider healthy alternatives to drug use. “But they should resist the temptation to approach their children with ready-made solutions, insists Anthony Boucher. At this stage in the evolution of the young, their primary role is to ask questions, not to impose it answers. This is very difficult, because in their eyes, he or she is still the little boy or girl who they learned to watch out for cars. they wanted to tell him how much he disappoints, and that ‘consuming drugs, he shows them that he is a brat with no maturity. But by adopting this attitude, they can only validation of his’ bad habits’. because its malaise and identity difficulties stem in part from their inability to treat as an equal. Despite their love for him, they keep him in a position of inferiority, which he tries to leave, among others, by drug use, but also by violence or extreme behavior. “
The time has come to change the relationship. “Instead of playing card prohibition or punishment, listen to what he has to say, said Antoine Boucher Have a real conversation with him. In families today, there is much talk, but not quite the point. I know it’s scary to a lot of parents, because they are convinced that their child will blame them. but it’s a charge you need to know to hear, even if it is partly unfair important is to surprise your child, show him that you are not the parent he believed. you admit he grew up and, even drugs, it is your equal, and you are there for him. It is not perfect, but neither are you, and you do not want to think about their place, but just to be with him. that’s going to shake because it is revolutionary . If consumed to prove he is an adult, he will receive more or less consciously, that his approach has no meaning, since its objective is already achieved. “
Case by case
It’s not a miracle scenario, and even young he seduces not stop drinking overnight. “Often, they continue for a year or two, said Antoine Boucher. But they lock themselves in their rooms more, they agree to do certain activities with their parents, they réintéressent their studies … In fact, n ‘there is no recipe: it’s case by case, but do not stay in the unsaid. require a young ceasing to consume without trying to understand what drove him there, it’s like a drug to suppress before the disease is under control. “
This obviously does not mean that we absolve young consumers from any liability or protect any cost consequences of their actions. “Some parents insist, for example, to pay the debts of their children, says psychologist Katty Debremaeker, attached to residential treatment center De Spiegel in Kessel-Lo. Why would call it into question since all of its drawbacks use it spared? Épaulez it, but without clear customs. instead of paying his debts, contribute to the establishment of a settlement plan. Or pay them, but by imposing a repayment! “
custom made
Moreover, nothing obliges parents to face this ordeal alone. Hotlines, counseling services, outpatient addiction care and, if necessary, residential treatment centers allow them to seek help from primary care providers – psychologists, psychotherapists, addictologists doctors, nurses, social workers, etc. “But parental support remains vital, says Katty Debremaeker. They know their child better than anyone and can tell us about their strengths and weaknesses, which is likely to influence and which leaves marble alternatives to drug use that could be proposed to him, and so much information that helps us to develop a customized therapy! “
News> World> Malala, 17, Nobel Peace Prize and icon of the struggle against obscurantism Malala, 17, Nobel Peace Prize and icon of the struggle against obscurantism
By Le Nouvel Observateur Le Nouvel Observateur
See all the articlesPublié 10-10-2014 at 12h37A + A
The young Pakistani, fled to Britain after a brush with death in a Taliban attack, continues to defend the right to education for all girls and boys.
The young Malala during a conference JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP The young Malala during a conference JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP
Malala Pakistani and Indian Satyarthi get the Nobel Peace Prize
The Computational Chemistry Nobel 2013 roundup
At only 17, Malala Yousafzai Pakistani was crowned Friday, October 10 Nobel Prize for Peace. This activist for the right to an education is propelled worldwide symbol of the fight against extremism after miraculously survived a Taliban attack.
Taliban target
Traditional long veil falling over her dark brown hair, round cheeks and tan, open and bright look, piping voice, Malala had his life changed two years ago, October 9, 2012, in Mingora, capital of his native valley Swat natural jewel of northwest Pakistan.
That day, two Taliban gunmen burst into the back of the small bus back to school. After asking which of these girls was Malala, the first shoots him in the head at close range. The bullet ricochets off the left corner of the skull and out through the neck. In coma, between life and death, the girl was evacuated to a hospital in Birmingham, England, where she regained consciousness six days later.
“Where was I Who had brought me where were my parents? Was my father still alive? Terrified me. The only thing I knew was that Allah had blessed me in m ‘giving a new life, “said the teenager in his autobiography,” I, Malala “(Calmann- Levy, 2013), bestseller published in more than five languages. The girl is doing. A miracle.
The Autobiography of Malala
Symbol of the fight against obscurantism Taliban
His story has upset a section of public opinion. For five years, the youngest woman ever did nobélisée school for all – girls and boys – his fight. In his book, as it did in 2009 under a pseudonym on the blog for the BBC Urdu “Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl,” Malala Yousafzai reflects the influence of the Taliban in Pakistan valley. She recalls including public floggings and destruction of girls’ schools, banning television, dance and music.
Until the decision of his family to flee in 2009, like a million others, while fighting raged between Taliban and Pakistani troops.
Refugee in Britain where she could be treated after the attack and return to normal life, Malala tries to regain a normal life. But continues to attribute its existence to a particular mission:
I was spared for a reason, that to use my life to help people, “she wrote in her autobiography.
His plea to the rostrum of the UN in favor of access to education for girls July 12, 2013 marks the spirits again. She states that “extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education scares them.” His speech was greeted with a standing ovation from the Assembly.
A normal teen
In Birmingham, the difficulties are not absent. Malala says in his book suffer from homesickness and difficulty in adapting to British life. The English girls who go out at night scantily clad, boys who openly sympathize with the girls in cafes … All this was nothing more natural for the young Pakistani there one year. But we must recognize the benefits: “I see women in jobs that we could not imagine in Swat”, does she enthuses.
A year before receiving the Nobel, Malala Yousafzai receiving the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, awarded by the European Parliament. The microphone of France Inter, and she traced his future: “I will become Prime Minister of Pakistan and I will work to educate every child.” Her heroine is called Benazir Bhutto, former Pakistani prime minister. The story of Malala has only just begun.
C.L. with AFP and M. B.
CHILD’S SPEECH CHRONIC HEALTH Kinshasa: shortage of drinking water in the town of Bumbu published there 11 hours, 42 minutes | Last Update October 9, 2014 at 3:33 | under News, Kinshasa, Politics, Society. Keywords: Bumbu Water Punérie, Regideso1 Water shortage Mbinza pumping, Kinshasa, 31 January 2011.
Water shortage Mbinza pumping, Kinshasa, 31 January 2011.
Fifty plots are not, for five months, provided with water in Matadi area in the town of Bumbu (Kinshasa). These plots are particularly avenues Mem, Tuwisana Masengi and in the area between Little Saïo and Burma, Radio Okapi found Thursday, October 9.
The people of this part of Bumbu travel long distances to get drinking water.
For a two-person household, for example, it costs between 6,000 Congolese francs (6, 52 American dollars) and 9,000 Congolese Francs (9, 77 USD) to cover the daily water needs while this represents, in normal times the monthly water consumption Regideso.
Water shortage in Kinshasa
Drinking water on Lake Kivu, following the shortage of water in Goma. Photos MONUSCO. Tony Ntumba.
situation that does not help households in this part of Bumbu.
“It penalizes us. We are obliged to keep the dirty clothes to clean once and for all after buying water. You do need to wash once or twice a day for lack of water, “complained a housewife.
Regideso said he was not aware of this situation since no customer has reported the problem the whole time while his billing at any time to pass levies indexes consumption.
The head of Regideso in this area yet recognizes the shortage in other parts of the municipality of Bumbu which, according to him, are not served by water for three weeks following the work of replacement pipe water pipe.
Radiookapi.net read on:
AIDS have emerged in Kinshasa in the 1920s, according to a study
Virologists already knew that HIV retrovirus (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS, was transmitted from monkeys to humans. But an international team of researchers was able to reconstruct the genetic history of the pandemic and therefore the progress of the infection.
The results of this work, published Thursday, October 2 in the American “Science” magazine, suggest that the common ancestor of HIV is “very likely” appeared in Kinshasa in the 1920s and that a combination of factors led to the emergence and the spread of AIDS.
One of the factors analyzed suggests that the development of railways, particularly in the Belgian Congo, has played a key role in the development of the pandemic. Kinshasa, one of the best connected cities in all of Central Africa at the time, served as a hub, the researchers said. In addition, some changes in social attitudes, especially among sex workers, as well as greater access to syringes shared addicts, some of whom were infected and acted like wildfire.
To date, AIDS has infected nearly 75 million people and killed 36 million for most of sub-Saharan Africa.
with AFP
“I smiled at them when they were losing heart, and you could not drive the serenity of my forehead.” Job 29: 24.
Smile is part of our everyday life. We smile to strangers, to those who hold a door or disposing we place on the bus, we smile merchants, our colleagues, our friends and our family of course. We smile at our children and they learn to make us watching us. A smile vehicle lot, it illuminates the face of him who gives and him who receives it warms.
In many countries where poverty is rife, smile sometimes disappears. It disappears from the face of adults and little by little the children. It is difficult for them to smile every day when they lack everything: food, clothing, decent housing and they operate in an environment of violence and suffering. No one comes to their aid. Day after day, hope flies away, taking with it any attempt to smile.
Yet simple gestures can bring a smile to a child, take him in his arms, stroking her hair, her smile first. These are things that seem simple but, as Job says, can give courage.
The child-care centers are places where children feel considered, respected, loved. Basic needs are taken care of: it is followed on the food and medical, receives tutoring and participate in social and cultural activities, but more importantly it features a warm, safe environment and hear about God. Out of distress, isolation and poverty, hope is reborn and with it a smile.
The Hindu family, which went through a period of great despair had his life transformed:
Harisna was just 6 years old. She used to see his father from early morning to go fishing even if the work is not enough for them to live properly. His mother, Vijendini said: “Even after borrowing money and sold everything I could, we did not have enough to live on. I had to look for each day of work. ”
Alcoholic, the father created a difficult climate to support at home. Harisna and his brother often huddle against each other to avoid it. Vijendini eventually get sick what drives them deeper into poverty. “I could not even get the medication I needed. I still had to ask for money to people … ”
Then one day Vijendini encounters Christian. In talking with the pastor, she hears of child sponsorship. “That day, my life has changed! “” I found so much love and acceptance in the Church! ”
Harisna join the program shortly after. “I was so happy! “Harisna added. ”
“Harisna smiles more now,” sharing Vijendini. “I have no fear for the future of my children. ”
Many parents, like Vijendini testify to the radical change in their child since he is sponsored. This change is even more obvious when the family accepts God in his life for the first time. Hope is reborn, smile too.
“No one needs a smile more than one who has more to offer,” says a Chinese proverb. This is so true …
Kinshasa: opposition march against the constitutional revision
published there 5 hours, 58 minutes | Last Update September 27, 2014 at 6:17 | under News, Kinshasa, The One, Politics. Keywords: Opposition ‘Constitution walking Revision 16 The opposition supporters marched on one of the main avenues of Kinshasa on 1/9/2011, for the revision of the electoral register. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo The opposition supporters marched on one of the main avenues of Kinshasa on 1/9/2011, for the revision of the electoral register. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo Political and social opposition forces marched Saturday, Sept. 27 to show their opposition to a possible revision of the constitution in the DRC. Walking is part of the square exchanger Limete until triumphal boulevard, through the boulevards and Sendwe Lumumba. The protesters also demanded the organization of an inclusive political dialogue. A similar march, however, was broken up by police in Goma, North Kivu. The representatives of the major political parties of the opposition were visible this afternoon from walking, at the interchange of Limete. Several thousand members of political opposition parties took part in the peaceful demonstration. On flags and banners, one could read UDPS, UNC, Labour Party, UDEMO, MPCR, RCD and others. At the head of the march, the opposition leaders like Vital Kamerhe, Mavungu Bruno, Jean-Claude Mvuemba, Jean-Lucien Busa, Basil Okolongo, were visible. Their message: no to a possible revision of the constitution; yes to the holding of an inclusive political dialogue in accordance with a resolution of the framework agreement in Addis Ababa. “He [inclusive dialogue] is provided for in resolution 2098 This dialogue will not focus on the sharing of power, but on how to have good elections, to finally see we can respect the rights and freedoms of citizens and everything related to the running of the country, “said the leader of the UNC, Vital Kamerhe. Civil side and other non-governmental human rights society, it noted, inter alia the presence of Mrs. Leonie Kandolo, Dolly Ibefo VSV and Jean-Claude Katende of Asadho. They also expressed their demand including the release of political prisoners and opinion. This march is a rare manifestation of Congolese opposition held without slipping and without major incident. The security forces were barely visible. Two weeks ago, the provincial government had banned the march stating that another opposition activity, a meeting was scheduled the same day. The Provincial Minister of the Interior of Kinshasa, Emmanuel Akweti, explained that “the authority has not refused the works’ but it considers” just … there were practical problems for supervision of walkers. “ On dispersed in Goma A Goma against the march against the constitutional revision was dispersed by police using tear gas. Several opposition parties, including the UNC, the party, the RCD-KML, the DCF-N, took part. The protesters also demanded the independence of the judiciary and the release of political prisoners. Walkers say at least a dozen people, including some students, were injured during the dispersal of the march. This is denied by the police. Radiookapi.net read on:
What would I do if I were president of the DRC. I would consult traditional leaders in rural areas because they still represent more than half of the country. I oblige to learn to read and write to all children in their mother tongue in order to safeguard the culture, or rather cultures of the country (this learning will normally last three years of primary school); a national language would be placed on the agenda of high school. The capital would be moved to the center of the country, the future Lumumbaville in the territory of Katako-Kombe to Onalua because it is necessary to unclog Kinshasa, the colonial power had already planned to move the capital to Luluabourg. All Congolese university eager to work for the state would require a special one-year stay in his home village. Any candidate for political office should be subject to the same obligation. I would demand to rewrite family law in accordance with our customary rights and not the right of Paris (I think especially in the age of marriage at 18 years while all our grandmothers were espoused before., You can easily continue my program seeking to respect the customs and traditions of the people of Congo.
Médecins Sans Frontières (Belgium)
· September 23
Here Deddah a fantastic woman who survived the Ebola. Instead of returning home, she decided to stay in our center Ebola Foya in Liberia to take care of sick children. Their parents are often died of Ebola or can not take care of their children because of the risk of disease transmission.
► Learn about the Ebola outbreak in Africa
People fleeing war against Rwanda in Goma, Congo RDC
Movement of people in the eastern part of the DRC: North Kivu passes the one million displaced persons
Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:46
The first Congolese NOBEL PEACE Dr. DENIS MUKWEGE. For the blood and tears of Congolese women and children who were violated in the war in Goma, RDC
DRC: nurses public partial strike for 11 days
The strike by nurses and administrative staff of public hospitals has continued for 11 days across the country. The strikers are demanding promotions in rank, an increase in their salary scale and the inclusion of new units on the payroll. They also accuse the government of violating the agreements with them, including through the application of their scale. This strike since 30 September is still partial.
The army continued its advance north to the city of Goma. After Kibumba Kiwanja and Rutshuru center, it is the turn of Rumangabo, located 50 kilometers from the capital of North Kivu, to spend this Monday, October 28 under the control of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC). All these places were occupied by rebel M23’s for over a year. In photo, the arrival of Congolese troops in Kiwanja.
# laRDCenDEUIL Over 1,100 women are raped every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a frequency of this type of violence multiplied by 26 compared to what was previously believed, according to the findings of a study published in the United States .
More than 400,000 women and girls ages 15 to 49 were raped in the vast central African country ravaged by conflict over a period of 12 months between 2006 and 2007, according to the study published in the American Journal of Public Health (American Journal of Public Health). This is 26 times more than the 15,000 women raped recognized by the UN during the same period.
Child soldiers, “victims, witnesses and perpetrators of atrocities”A Belgian Jesuit living in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the father of Henri Kethulle of Rhyove, denounced a “gigantic” child trafficking organized nine months between the city of Kikwit, Bandundu province (west) and Kinshasa, reported Thursday the UN radio OkapiFor there to be professional carriers Kasai, we must build roads. As the Congolese state did nothing , we must do ourselves. Do not be outraged by these images become rather aggressive and enterprising.
The father of Kethulle called on the Congolese authorities to intervene to put a stop to the trafficking. He thinks that the authors are well known. “These people argue that children who go to Kinshasa will be under extraordinary conditions. Two children are taken for both these children being removed from their families, do not feel suddenly lost. They will be together. And say for example that the father of Henri Kethulle, we know very well be Kinshasa, opened an orphanage and will pay school fees, “Has he told Radio Okapi.
Train derailment in the DRC: the dilapidated network challengedDemocratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo The balance sheet is further increased after the derailment Tuesday, April 22 with a freight train out of the station Kamina in Katanga. There are at least 57 deaths, according to the spokesman of the government. Passenger trains are rare in the DRC and the network is poorly maintained. Bondo USA Informs You