Bondo USA informs you of our existence in the US, our objective is to inform the people of America about in miseries of the other side of the world, Central Africa. Particularly the
Presidency in 2017, Tshisekedi chairman of the high-tracking authority of the agreement, outline the compromise in view
While the solemn closing ceremony is expected in the coming hours, some sources close to the Cenco announce that an agreement has been reached between the Rally, …
Photo Pascal Mulegwa
While the solemn closing ceremony is expected in the coming hours, some sources close to the Cenco announce that an agreement has been reached between the Rally, the Front for the Respect of the Constitution and the signatories of the agreement of the 18 of October . Contacted by ACTUALITE.CD, Peter Kazadi, legal adviser to Etienne Tshisekedi, talks about some key points on which the various components have agreed but nevertheless reveals that there are still divergences which block the official signature of the ” agreement.
Has an agreement been reached between the stakeholders?
The agreement is not formally concluded. But everything suggests that this agreement will be affectively concluded to the extent that more than 80% of the parties have agreed. There are still some points of suspense that we are waiting to resolve by 11 am.
What are the points of the divergences?
The problem now remains with the transition government that must be led by the Gathering as the latter requires it, while in front of us there are people who want it to be worded that the government will be led by a Proposed by the Opposition. There is also the question of shared responsibility at the provincial level. Since we felt that, since the sharing principle applied at the national level, it would also be fair for the same principle to be applied at the level of the provincial governments to ensure the balance and representativeness of all in this period. No one has the legitimacy of the people.
What about the destabilization of the political climate?
On this ground the power remained under a silence. But the Minister of Justice has reassured us a commission of high magistrate has been set up to examine case by case and we expect to have effect in the hours ahead.
What are the points of convergence?
We have agreed on several points of convergence, including the fact that Kabila must remain at the head of the country for twelve months. President Tshisekedi is to chair the High Authority responsible for monitoring the agreement and the electoral process. And other points are on the electoral calendar, the electoral sequences, everyone agrees that we must have the elections in 2017. These are the major points on which we agree.
Supporter of the boycott dialogue: Kamerhe loose Eve Bazaiba
By lephare –
July 20, 2016
kamerheGrand missing from the Conclave of the Opposition in Genval, Belgium, and supporter of the boycott the dialogue, Vital Kamerhe just dropped Bazaiba Eve, with which he was chorus to accuse those who had responded to the invitation of Etienne Tshisekedi, initiator of the forum, to the power game. While Kinshasa found that, for over a month, the president of the UNC (Union for the Congolese Nation) and the General Secretary of the MLC (Congolese Liberation Movement) became inseparable allies in the discharge resolutions conclave Genval, after which sprouted from the earth a new platform of the Opposition called “Rally for the Defence of the Republic of Values.”
We remember that in several statements released to the media, Bazaiba Eve, claiming Moderator cap Dynamics, asking, among other prerequisites for accession to the platform with the resolutions of the Conclave Genval developing a Rules governing the operation of the Assembly for the Defense of the values of the Republic.
While it was expected that Vital Kamerhe continue to go it alone, having been again pointed absent at the meeting between the Opposition and the Support Group of the African Union Facilitation Dialogue, here two weeks in Brussels, and that of Monday, July 18, 2016 between representatives of the Rally for the Defence of values of the Republic, led by Etienne Tshisekedi at the Quai d’Orsay in Paris, and a panel of representatives of the international community Great Lakes, he created the
surprise yesterday, Tuesday 19 July.
Indeed, the one who was taking far for hard boiled Dynamics has chosen to adhere to the agenda of the pro-Opposition dialogue and especially to participate in the meeting of July 31, 2016 announced this political family to popularize among the masses
conclusions of the Conclave Genval and communicate the program of activities to take immediate for inclusive dialogue and blocking the road to “slippage” looming on the horizon.
Judgment of the Israeli settlement: the resolution adopted in the United Nations, the us refrain
Afp published on Friday, 23 December 2016 at 20 h41 – updated on Friday, 23 December 2016 at 21 h03
Subscribers Amona, an Israeli settlement frozen awaiting evacuation
Trump waited at the turning point in Israel
A resolution calling for the judgment of the Israeli settlement in the Palestinian territories was adopted on Friday by the security council of the united nations after the decision of the United States not to use their right of veto.
In a reversal of their usual position on this issue, the United States abstained. The other 14 members of the security council have them voted in favour of the text.
This is “a big slap” for Israel, reacted immediately nabil Abu Roudeina, spokesman of the Palestinian Presidency. “it is a unanimous international condemnation of colonization and of a strong support for a two-State solution”, did he added
The vote, which was hosted by applause, had been claimed by the New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela.
inRead invented by Teads
These four countries are involved after the volte-face of Cairo who had proposed Wednesday night this resolution written by the Palestinians and presented on behalf of the Arab group at the United Nations. But Egypt had requested Thursday the postponement of the initial vote, after an intervention of the American President-Elect Donald Trump with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
This text that urge Israel to “Cease Immediately and completely all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem”, sparked a diplomatic offensive on the part of the Hebrew state who is immediately turned to his American Allies.
Washington has indeed used its veto thirty times to block of resolutions regarding Israel and the Palestinians, according to the organization Security Council report.
It’s in 2009, regarding a call for a cease-fire in Gaza, that the United States abstaining for the last time in a vote in the security council regardless of the theme.
In 2011, they had vetoed a resolution similar to the Egyptian project. But five years later, the position of the administration of Barack Obama, who maintains relations notoriously bad with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was the subject of much speculation.
He’s finally appeared clear to the Israelis that in a few days of hand over power to Donald Trump — which one of the promises of campaign is to recognize Jerusalem as the “Capital” of Israel –, the team Obama did not intend to To make use of its right of veto.
” when they had knowledge of the fact that (the current us administration) would not its veto this resolution, Israeli officials have made contact with members of the transition team of m. Trump to ask for help from the elected president “, said Friday at the AFP Israeli official under cover of anonymity.
Obama and Kerry ‘behind’ the project
Donald Trump who had very quickly pleaded for a veto American in a rare position for an elected President, has so called President Sissi, according to a press release by the Egyptian Presidency.
” the two leaders agreed on the importance of giving the new us administration (that will m. Trump from 20 January) a chance to manage all aspects of the Palestinian cause in order to reach a comprehensive agreement ” on the record, according to this release.
The reversal of the Egyptian President has surprised but it follows many evidence of admiration for Mr. Trump. This former army officer had spilled his predecessor Islamist in 2013, an act condemned by m. Obama.
A Senior Israeli official has also accused Friday Barack Obama and his secretary of state John Kerry to be at the origin of the draft resolution Egyptian.
“the us administration has secretly concocted with the Palestinians a resolution radical anti-Israeli, behind the back of Israel, which would encourage terrorism and boycotts”, did he declared to AFP under cover of anonymity.
” the text that we do not focus solely on the colonies. It also condemns violence and terrorism. He calls also to avoid any incitement emanating from the Palestinian side, so it is a balanced text “, has, however, considered the ambassador of France to the United Nations, François Delattre.
“the main objective that we have here is to preserve and to reaffirm a two-State solution” Palestinian and Israeli who knowledgeable in the peace and security, explained m. Delattre.
The Egyptian project views on this subject that colonization is “dangerous for the viability of a two-State solution”.
Colonization is seen as a major obstacle to the peace process, Israeli constructions being carried out on land that could belong to a future Palestinian State.
The United Nations the regard as illegal in international law and have repeatedly called on Israel to end it. In spite of this, United nations officials have noted an increase of construction in recent months and some Israeli officials see the election of Donald Trump as an opportunity to expand the colonization.
Where you’re born shouldn’t determine how much you learn or how far you can rise. Let’s invest in our schools and see diversity in the classroom as the great asset it is. You shouldn’t have to grow up in a wealthy family to learn music or art or gymnastics. Every student in every community should have the chance to go as far as their hard work will take them.
Trump at bay before the second debate with Clinton (live)
AFP Published Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 9:28 p.m. – Updated Monday, October 10, 2016 at 3:03
US election: For Fidel Castro, Donald Trump is “disqualified” from the first debate
Donald Trump publishes a testimony accusing Bill Clinton of rape (video)
INTERNATIONAL The mission of Donald Trump is clear but daunting: repair the damage caused by the revelation Friday about the real estate mogul was held in 2005, so vulgar and macho they have unleashed a storm.
Follow the debate live here through online distribution resulted iTélé:
Live iTELE by iTélé
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The candidate has seen his support melt, dozens of elected Republicans who broke with him for 48 hours. The Grand Old Party is shaken by a movement of rejection of Donald Trump on an unprecedented scale, within one month of the election of the successor Barack Obama.
In this video filmed by NBC 11 years ago, Trump, then aged 59, boasts of conquering women that attract with close technical sexual harassment.
‘You can do anything’
“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything” if he struts.
The media has also emerged a 2002 interview where he says women leave when they are no longer in her first youth. Embarrassing statements when the Republican troublemaker, familiar with the excesses, has a crying need to rally some of the female voters and moderates. Even before the scandal, Hillary Clinton had taken a comfortable lead in the polls.
The debate promises to be fierce, especially as the billionaire was given after losing his first confrontation with Democrats on 26 September.
A position of strength, Hillary Clinton will try to convince that the 2005 video reflects the deeply brutal and intolerant character of his opponent, “unfit” to the presidential office, wanting to evidence the statements made last year by the candidate on minorities . “This is not an isolated incident. He said horrible things identical Hispanics, about blacks, about Muslims,” said John Podesta Sunday, campaign manager for Hillary Clinton.
On the plane taking him to St. Louis, his spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said the Democrats would benefit the debate to try to recover voters repelled by the video of Donald Trump.
“She has the opportunity to speak directly to many voters who did not intend to present to vote for it,” said Ms. Palmieri. “It’s an opportunity”.
Elected leave the ship Trump
What strategy will adopt magnate, pushed into a corner?
“It has a full apology and he will probably do it again tonight,” said Sunday Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York and fierce defender of Donald Trump. But the act of contrition, the Republican candidate, in a video message Saturday, was perceived as insincere because he in the same breath attacked Hillary Clinton’s extramarital escapades of her husband.
Saturday, Mr. Trump has retweeted a video of virulent conservative website Breitbart, which comes from the general manager of his campaign team. It shows three women, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones, who accused since the Clinton years have sexually abused in the 1970s or 1990s, and Hillary Clinton for having attacked ruthlessly to defend her husband.
These women entrust be “terrified” by the prospect that the former secretary of state arrives at the White House.
The debate will also be one of the last chances to Donald Trump to stop the bleeding in his camp, while some Republicans say the White House already lost and concentrate on rescuing their majority in Congress. The weekend was black, many Republicans announcing they would not vote for Donald Trump in November, claiming his or outright withdrawal from the race in favor of his running mate, Mike Pence.
Among them, John McCain and Mitt Romney, the last two Republican candidates for the White House, Arnold Schwarzenegger, former actor and former California governor, or former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have each defected.
In a Sunday tweet, Trump assured it continued to benefit from a “special support (apart from some within the ‘direction’ of the Republican Party)”, which he described as “sanctimonious hypocrites. ”
The victim of a gang rape in Chad, zouhoura, 16 years old, wants to break the silence
The victim of a gang rape in Chad, zouhoura, 16 years old, wants to break the silence
Afp published on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 12 h08 – updated on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 12 h10
Kidnapped by ei, nihad testifies: “they have chosen 21 girls, have met in a room and the rapes began” raped and burned alive, a young girl dies in India
16 years ago, she became a symbol and the bears with courage: Zouhoura, Chadian young victim of a gang rape in his country, demands that ” Justice ” for her and ” for all women ” raped remained walled in The silence.
Silhouette frail, delicate features, zouhoura has upset the Chad by its history, who threw thousands of young demonstrators in the streets in recent weeks.
On 8 February, while she goes to high school with a friend, in n ‘ Djamena, a car with tinted windows suddenly stops. On Board, five young boys. She’ll find out later, they are part of the youth of golden this very poor country.
“they took me by the neck and threw me in the car”, Testifies Zouhoura, in a voice still childlike. Eums, she stumbles over the words. ” they took me of force outside of the city… You know the rest “.
Come back on Monday in France, where she has already lived from 2009 to 2015 at parents, she decided to speak out in public on Friday to Paris to combat the impunity of the perpetrators of sexual crimes in Chad.
“there has never been justice before ( to punish ) the rape of a woman of Chad”, She said to the AFP, the eyes senior under his scarf printed of shades of gray. ” I’m not the only victim. There are other women, girls who have been raped – I know – and they remained anonymous, they didn’t say anything “.
Encouraged by her father, an opponent to the regime installed in a long time to Nancy, in Eastern France, zouhoura, she decided to talk.
” I was expecting to what he says: +Attend, we need to fix it in famille+ but no, he did not hesitate. He told me to wear +va plainte+ “.
In Chad, the representatives of the forces of order to which she confides, “at the beginning, didn’t react”. A Taboo subject, aggressors son of senior dignitaries of the regime. ” I was talking about, I was talking about. They threatened me “.
Furious see zouhoura complaint, its rapists broadcast pictures of the assault on the social networks. But these pictures of the young girl naked, in tears, upsets the country.
Despite the security regime of President Idriss Deby Itno, leaving very little space to the opposition, hundreds of students protesting in n ‘ Djamena, on 15 February. There are violently dispersed by the riot police. One of them, abbachou hassan ousmane, aged 17, was shot and killed.
The days that follow, the protest extends to other cities. Other young protesters are injured, 17 are arrested.
See so many chadians manifest, up to London or Washington, “that encouraged me”, Said zouhoura.
When the authorities “have seen that people protested, and that my picture was everywhere on social networks, they have quickly arrested criminals”.
The five alleged rapists, including three sons of generals, and four alleged accomplices, including a son of the minister for foreign affairs, are arrested.
But zouhoura doubt that they will be judged one day. ” in Chad, there is no justice. (…) I’m not even sure that they are in jail “. “I want that justice be done, that this does not happen again”, Insists the teenager.
Voice that choke sometimes tear flowing, to talk about this rape in public, testify before journalists costing him. But “it had to be done, it was necessary”, Ensures a your strengthened zouhoura who wants to “continue this fight” and, after that, perhaps, to return to his studies abruptly interrupted.
usaid To materialize the fight against discrimination towards women, USAID, in collaboration with Congolese men and women politicians as well as some defensive structures of human rights, signed an act of commitment to advancing the implementation of parity between men and women in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The signing took place last Tuesday, March 29, 2016, in the residence of the director of USAID in the commune of Gombe.
In this act of commitment, the Government, Parliament and the Senate, the United Nations system agencies and members of Congolese and international civil society have recognized that parity between men and women is based on the Universal Declaration of human rights. They were convinced that a stronger application of the gender will lead to an overall improved economic and social conditions at the national level.
They took engagementde promote equality by helping women and girls to realize their ambitions and achieve their goals. It is about supporting a culture of change through the development of sectoral policies and strategies gender sensitive, including support for girls’ education, providing thereby the fulfillment opportunities and empowerment of women and girls. It should contribute to the extent of its capabilities, to improve backward customs, which are a major obstacle to the promotion of gender equality in the DRC. Supporting equity by valuing the work of women and men equally, contribute to the establishment of a protective environment to protect men, women and girls toutesformes exclusivity are among the recommendations. .
For the director of USAID, Dr. Diana B.Putman, the commemoration of International Women’s Day is a good time to take stock and reflections designed to mount strategies and concrete actions in the promote equity in gender relations. She argued that it is in the interest of every nation, institution, organization, business, political party, community and family, use and maximize the full potential and the talents of women. The majority of the population being women, their involvement in various mechanisms for economic growth and development would allow more increased productivity and real earnings.
For her part, Eve Bazaiba, National MP and Chair of the socio-cultural committee in the National Assembly, which examined the presentation of the Congolese law on parity has estimated that the minority of men who run the most women in the DRC as a result, the country’s ranking among the most heavily indebted poor countries. This is consequent to the non mastery of the problems female majority. Why it is important to create a balance within society.
It is not normal for a married woman to be declared legally incapable as the girl she raised and reached 18 fully enjoy all their rights without any constraints.
Yves Kadima. via lavoixdukasai.blogs
Do you want to experience the miracle of God in your life?
God is willing to work a miracle in your life. He is willing to fulfill all its promises in your life provided you really hast faith. It is important for every child of God to note that God has not changed. Just as he performed miracles and wonders in ancient times, and it still operates today and the still operate tomorrow. Reading Hebrews 4: 1-2 makes us understand that we can all experience the fulfillment of God’s promises in our lives. These promises cover all spheres of our life. They cover our spiritual, social, family, personal. For example, we have in Acts chapter 2, the promise of the Holy Spirit; and in Mark 16, they heal the sick, cast out demons, speak new languages, drink deadly thing and stay alive … These promises are for us. They have to achieve in our lives. But only their performance is linked to the disposition of our heart. These promises will be converted into miracle than in those who receive them with faith
1 Timothy 6.17-18: The rich of this world, orders not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but in God [living] that gives us all abundantly for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share.
One of the biggest challenges of the Christian life is to live it. Especially when we touch on sensitive issues such as money or property.
Some prefer not to deepen the issue from the Biblical view of fear of being made to feel guilty.
Yet meditation of the Word of God concerning these points is a valuable aid to make good use and to avoid pitfalls. I propose to draw some reflections mainly the famous Biblical text of 1 Timothy 6.6-10 and 17-19. “God gives everything well for our enjoyment.”
Start by the end of this exhortation (v. 17-19), perhaps the most reassuring part for those who have some property. One might have expected, after a literal reading of the story of the rich young man (Luke 18.18-30), Paul urges that those who are “rich in this world” to sell everything they have to the giving to the poor and follow Jesus.
No ! Jesus’ attitude to the rich young man was a specific appeal against a certain situation.
Those who are rich are encouraged to recognize that it is a grace (provided, of course, whether an honest wealth).
God does not necessarily require us to live in poverty, but it can give “all widely for our enjoyment.” Obviously some would have liked the explanation stops there to make the most of their assets, the “selfishly possible” in good conscience. But this text we want to preserve a kind of enslavement than money or material possessions produce when they occupy too much space in our concerns.
“Those who are rich to put their hope in God.”
The Christian life begins with repentance by which we turn away from what used to take the place of God in our lives. Over time, the danger is great to lose sight of the spiritual realities because of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches … (Luke 8.14).
Instead of putting our faith and hope in God, we are wrong to “god.” In many ways, the Christian life is a regular choice “God or Mammon” or “God and our possessions.” Jesus demonstrates that it is not possible to put them on the same level, one will take over the other (Matthew 6.21-24).
Again, this does not mean having to part with all his goods. The basic problem is not the money itself but “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Paul, following probably proverbs of his time, sees money as “the root (hidden) of all evils,” or rather, “all kinds of evil.”
The rich are called not to be proud, not to put their hope in uncertain riches (the current crisis reminds us), but in God who gives all widely for our enjoyment.
“Willing to share”
Paul says: “Let them do good, be rich in fine works, ready to share, in solidarity, is amassing treasure as well as a good fund for the future, to capture real life” (v. 18, NKJV).
What a great program in these guidelines, including the provision to share our property and amassing a treasure for the future. “There is one who scatters, and yet increaseth; one who withholds unduly, only get poorer “(Proverbs 11:24).
Money becomes a way of doing good to others, to love more concretely our neighbor, to develop solidarity in too individualistic world: “So while we have opportunity, do good to all men, especially unto them who are of faith. “(Galatians 6:10).
The source of profit piety?
Back to the beginning of the exhortation. Some people with perverted intelligence, deprived of the truth, were piety a source of profit.
One can imagine some churches where requests for money are oppressive and enrich a few corrupt leaders, or some itinerant preachers, experts in manipulation for personal glory or to fill their pockets.
In this context, Paul reminds Timothy that godliness is actually a great source of profit if one simply what one has, “For we brought nothing into the world, as indeed we can carry anything. “(V.7-8)
Step back on our arrival and our departure from this world can help to relativise the weight of our acquisitions. Piety becomes rich in that it develops the simplicity of faith, we press more from the one who alone can fill our lives.
Living the Christian life involves the concrete fulfillment of the will of God in many areas. Our goods and money in it. These are the graces that the Lord grant us for ourselves but also for others. Specifically, I believe that God calls us to show our generosity from “ours” (1 Timothy 5.8), our local church, and wherever we have the opportunity to do good.
1 Timothy 6.17-18: The rich of this world, orders not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but in God [living] that gives us all abundantly for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share.
One of the biggest challenges of the Christian life is to live it. Especially when we touch on sensitive issues such as money or property.
Some prefer not to deepen the issue from the Biblical view of fear of being made to feel guilty.
Yet meditation of the Word of God concerning these points is a valuable aid to make good use and to avoid pitfalls. I propose to draw some reflections mainly the famous Biblical text of 1 Timothy 6.6-10 and 17-19.
“God gives everything well for our enjoyment.”
Start by the end of this exhortation (v. 17-19), perhaps the most reassuring part for those who have some property. One might have expected, after a literal reading of the story of the rich young man (Luke 18.18-30), Paul urges that those who are “rich in this world” to sell everything they have to the giving to the poor and follow Jesus.
No ! Jesus’ attitude to the rich young man was a specific appeal against a certain situation.
Those who are rich are encouraged to recognize that it is a grace (provided, of course, whether an honest wealth).
God does not necessarily require us to live in poverty, but it can give “all widely for our enjoyment.” Obviously some would have liked the explanation stops there to make the most of their assets, the “selfishly possible” in good conscience. But this text we want to preserve a kind of enslavement than money or material possessions produce when they occupy too much space in our concerns.
“Those who are rich to put their hope in God.”
The Christian life begins with repentance by which we turn away from what used to take the place of God in our lives. Over time, the danger is great to lose sight of the spiritual realities because of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches … (Luke 8.14).
Instead of putting our faith and hope in God, we are wrong to “god.” In many ways, the Christian life is a regular choice “God or Mammon” or “God and our possessions.” Jesus demonstrates that it is not possible to put them on the same level, one will take over the other (Matthew 6.21-24).
Again, this does not mean having to part with all his goods. The basic problem is not the money itself but “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Paul, following probably proverbs of his time, sees money as “the root (hidden) of all evils,” or rather, “all kinds of evil.”
The rich are called not to be proud, not to put their hope in uncertain riches (the current crisis reminds us), but in God who gives all widely for our enjoyment.
“Willing to share”
Paul says: “Let them do good, be rich in fine works, ready to share, in solidarity, is amassing treasure as well as a good fund for the future, to capture real life” (v. 18, NKJV).
What a great program in these guidelines, including the provision to share our property and amassing a treasure for the future. “There is one who scatters, and yet increaseth; one who withholds unduly, only get poorer “(Proverbs 11:24).
Money becomes a way of doing good to others, to love more concretely our neighbor, to develop solidarity in too individualistic world: “So while we have opportunity, do good to all men, especially unto them who are of faith. “(Galatians 6:10).
The source of profit piety?
Back to the beginning of the exhortation. Some people with perverted intelligence, deprived of the truth, were piety a source of profit.
One can imagine some churches where requests for money are oppressive and enrich a few corrupt leaders, or some itinerant preachers, experts in manipulation for personal glory or to fill their pockets.
In this context, Paul reminds Timothy that godliness is actually a great source of profit if one simply what one has, “For we brought nothing into the world, as indeed we can carry anything. “(V.7-8)
Step back on our arrival and our departure from this world can help to relativise the weight of our acquisitions. Piety becomes rich in that it develops the simplicity of faith, we press more from the one who alone can fill our lives.
Living the Christian life involves the concrete fulfillment of the will of God in many areas. Our goods and money in it. These are the graces that the Lord grant us for ourselves but also for others. Specifically, I believe that God calls us to show our generosity from “ours” (1 Timothy 5.8), our local church, and wherever we have the opportunity to do good
1 Timothy 6.17-18: The rich of this world, orders not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but in God [living] that gives us all abundantly for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share.
One of the biggest challenges of the Christian life is to live it. Especially when we touch on sensitive issues such as money or property.
Some prefer not to deepen the issue from the Biblical view of fear of being made to feel guilty.
Yet meditation of the Word of God concerning these points is a valuable aid to make good use and to avoid pitfalls. I propose to draw some reflections mainly the famous Biblical text of 1 Timothy 6.6-10 and 17-19.
“God gives everything well for our enjoyment.”
Start by the end of this exhortation (v. 17-19), perhaps the most reassuring part for those who have some property. One might have expected, after a literal reading of the story of the rich young man (Luke 18.18-30), Paul urges that those who are “rich in this world” to sell everything they have to the giving to the poor and follow Jesus.
No ! Jesus’ attitude to the rich young man was a specific appeal against a certain situation.
Those who are rich are encouraged to recognize that it is a grace (provided, of course, whether an honest wealth).
God does not necessarily require us to live in poverty, but it can give “all widely for our enjoyment.” Obviously some would have liked the explanation stops there to make the most of their assets, the “selfishly possible” in good conscience. But this text we want to preserve a kind of enslavement than money or material possessions produce when they occupy too much space in our concerns.
“Those who are rich to put their hope in God.”
The Christian life begins with repentance by which we turn away from what used to take the place of God in our lives. Over time, the danger is great to lose sight of the spiritual realities because of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches … (Luke 8.14).
Instead of putting our faith and hope in God, we are wrong to “god.” In many ways, the Christian life is a regular choice “God or Mammon” or “God and our possessions.” Jesus demonstrates that it is not possible to put them on the same level, one will take over the other (Matthew 6.21-24).
Again, this does not mean having to part with all his goods. The basic problem is not the money itself but “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Paul, following probably proverbs of his time, sees money as “the root (hidden) of all evils,” or rather, “all kinds of evil.”
The rich are called not to be proud, not to put their hope in uncertain riches (the current crisis reminds us), but in God who gives all widely for our enjoyment.
“Willing to share”
Paul says: “Let them do good, be rich in fine works, ready to share, in solidarity, is amassing treasure as well as a good fund for the future, to capture real life” (v. 18, NKJV).
What a great program in these guidelines, including the provision to share our property and amassing a treasure for the future. “There is one who scatters, and yet increaseth; one who withholds unduly, only get poorer “(Proverbs 11:24).
Money becomes a way of doing good to others, to love more concretely our neighbor, to develop solidarity in too individualistic world: “So while we have opportunity, do good to all men, especially unto them who are of faith. “(Galatians 6:10).
The source of profit piety?
Back to the beginning of the exhortation. Some people with perverted intelligence, deprived of the truth, were piety a source of profit.
One can imagine some churches where requests for money are oppressive and enrich a few corrupt leaders, or some itinerant preachers, experts in manipulation for personal glory or to fill their pockets.
In this context, Paul reminds Timothy that godliness is actually a great source of profit if one simply what one has, “For we brought nothing into the world, as indeed we can carry anything. “(V.7-8)
Step back on our arrival and our departure from this world can help to relativise the weight of our acquisitions. Piety becomes rich in that it develops the simplicity of faith, we press more from the one who alone can fill our lives.
Living the Christian life involves the concrete fulfillment of the will of God in many areas. Our goods and money in it. These are the graces that the Lord grant us for ourselves but also for others. Specifically, I believe that God calls us to show our generosity from “ours” (1 Timothy 5.8), our local church, and wherever we have the opportunity to do good.
1 Timothy 6.17-18: The rich of this world, orders not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but in God [living] that gives us all abundantly for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share.
One of the biggest challenges of the Christian life is to live it. Especially when we touch on sensitive issues such as money or property.
Some prefer not to deepen the issue from the Biblical view of fear of being made to feel guilty.
Yet meditation of the Word of God concerning these points is a valuable aid to make good use and to avoid pitfalls. I propose to draw some reflections mainly the famous Biblical text of 1 Timothy 6.6-10 and 17-19.
“God gives everything well for our enjoyment.”
Start by the end of this exhortation (v. 17-19), perhaps the most reassuring part for those who have some property. One might have expected, after a literal reading of the story of the rich young man (Luke 18.18-30), Paul urges that those who are “rich in this world” to sell everything they have to the giving to the poor and follow Jesus.
No ! Jesus’ attitude to the rich young man was a specific appeal against a certain situation.
Those who are rich are encouraged to recognize that it is a grace (provided, of course, whether an honest wealth).
God does not necessarily require us to live in poverty, but it can give “all widely for our enjoyment.” Obviously some would have liked the explanation stops there to make the most of their assets, the “selfishly possible” in good conscience. But this text we want to preserve a kind of enslavement than money or material possessions produce when they occupy too much space in our concerns.
“Those who are rich to put their hope in God.”
The Christian life begins with repentance by which we turn away from what used to take the place of God in our lives. Over time, the danger is great to lose sight of the spiritual realities because of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches … (Luke 8.14).
Instead of putting our faith and hope in God, we are wrong to “god.” In many ways, the Christian life is a regular choice “God or Mammon” or “God and our possessions.” Jesus demonstrates that it is not possible to put them on the same level, one will take over the other (Matthew 6.21-24).
Again, this does not mean having to part with all his goods. The basic problem is not the money itself but “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Paul, following probably proverbs of his time, sees money as “the root (hidden) of all evils,” or rather, “all kinds of evil.”
The rich are called not to be proud, not to put their hope in uncertain riches (the current crisis reminds us), but in God who gives all widely for our enjoyment.
“Willing to share”
Paul says: “Let them do good, be rich in fine works, ready to share, in solidarity, is amassing treasure as well as a good fund for the future, to capture real life” (v. 18, NKJV).
What a great program in these guidelines, including the provision to share our property and amassing a treasure for the future. “There is one who scatters, and yet increaseth; one who withholds unduly, only get poorer “(Proverbs 11:24).
Money becomes a way of doing good to others, to love more concretely our neighbor, to develop solidarity in too individualistic world: “So while we have opportunity, do good to all men, especially unto them who are of faith. “(Galatians 6:10).
The source of profit piety?
Back to the beginning of the exhortation. Some people with perverted intelligence, deprived of the truth, were piety a source of profit.
One can imagine some churches where requests for money are oppressive and enrich a few corrupt leaders, or some itinerant preachers, experts in manipulation for personal glory or to fill their pockets.
In this context, Paul reminds Timothy that godliness is actually a great source of profit if one simply what one has, “For we brought nothing into the world, as indeed we can carry anything. “(V.7-8)
Step back on our arrival and our departure from this world can help to relativise the weight of our acquisitions. Piety becomes rich in that it develops the simplicity of faith, we press more from the one who alone can fill our lives.
Living the Christian life involves the concrete fulfillment of the will of God in many areas. Our goods and money in it. These are the graces that the Lord grant us for ourselves but also for others. Specifically, I believe that God calls us to show our generosity from “ours” (1 Timothy 5.8), our local church, and wherever we have the opportunity to do good.
1 Timothy 6.17-18: The rich of this world, orders not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in uncertain riches, but in God [living] that gives us all abundantly for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share.
One of the biggest challenges of the Christian life is to live it. Especially when we touch on sensitive issues such as money or property.
Some prefer not to deepen the issue from the Biblical view of fear of being made to feel guilty.
Yet meditation of the Word of God concerning these points is a valuable aid to make good use and to avoid pitfalls. I propose to draw some reflections mainly the famous Biblical text of 1 Timothy 6.6-10 and 17-19.
“God gives everything well for our enjoyment.”
Start by the end of this exhortation (v. 17-19), perhaps the most reassuring part for those who have some property. One might have expected, after a literal reading of the story of the rich young man (Luke 18.18-30), Paul urges that those who are “rich in this world” to sell everything they have to the giving to the poor and follow Jesus.
No ! Jesus’ attitude to the rich young man was a specific appeal against a certain situation.
Those who are rich are encouraged to recognize that it is a grace (provided, of course, whether an honest wealth).
God does not necessarily require us to live in poverty, but it can give “all widely for our enjoyment.” Obviously some would have liked the explanation stops there to make the most of their assets, the “selfishly possible” in good conscience. But this text we want to preserve a kind of enslavement than money or material possessions produce when they occupy too much space in our concerns.
“Those who are rich to put their hope in God.”
The Christian life begins with repentance by which we turn away from what used to take the place of God in our lives. Over time, the danger is great to lose sight of the spiritual realities because of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches … (Luke 8.14).
Instead of putting our faith and hope in God, we are wrong to “god.” In many ways, the Christian life is a regular choice “God or Mammon” or “God and our possessions.” Jesus demonstrates that it is not possible to put them on the same level, one will take over the other (Matthew 6.21-24).
Again, this does not mean having to part with all his goods. The basic problem is not the money itself but “the love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10). Paul, following probably proverbs of his time, sees money as “the root (hidden) of all evils,” or rather, “all kinds of evil.”
The rich are called not to be proud, not to put their hope in uncertain riches (the current crisis reminds us), but in God who gives all widely for our enjoyment.
“Willing to share”
Paul says: “Let them do good, be rich in fine works, ready to share, in solidarity, is amassing treasure as well as a good fund for the future, to capture real life” (v. 18, NKJV).
What a great program in these guidelines, including the provision to share our property and amassing a treasure for the future. “There is one who scatters, and yet increaseth; one who withholds unduly, only get poorer “(Proverbs 11:24).
Money becomes a way of doing good to others, to love more concretely our neighbor, to develop solidarity in too individualistic world: “So while we have opportunity, do good to all men, especially unto them who are of faith. “(Galatians 6:10).
The source of profit piety?
Back to the beginning of the exhortation. Some people with perverted intelligence, deprived of the truth, were piety a source of profit.
One can imagine some churches where requests for money are oppressive and enrich a few corrupt leaders, or some itinerant preachers, experts in manipulation for personal glory or to fill their pockets.
In this context, Paul reminds Timothy that godliness is actually a great source of profit if one simply what one has, “For we brought nothing into the world, as indeed we can carry anything. “(V.7-8)
Step back on our arrival and our departure from this world can help to relativise the weight of our acquisitions. Piety becomes rich in that it develops the simplicity of faith, we press more from the one who alone can fill our lives.
Living the Christian life involves the concrete fulfillment of the will of God in many areas. Our goods and money in it. These are the graces that the Lord grant us for ourselves but also for others. Specifically, I believe that God calls us to show our generosity from “ours” (1 Timothy 5.8), our local church, and wherever we have the opportunity to do good
Even if we are poor, we wear dirty clothes, we walk barefoot, we live with less 1000FC a day, but there is a wealth that you know and you will never succeed in removing us: THIS IS OUR SMILE AND OUR SOLIDARITY.
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Sponsor a child ” RDCONGO ”
In the world there are many children who suffer, sponsor a child is to allow a child to live, to eat, to receive academic instruction and spiritual
Jesus said, “Let me come to little children, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14
“Sponsor a child
Born without hands, this little 7 year old girl wins a writing contest
A man harassing a woman who puts K.O. in 3 seconds (VIDEO)
When a mathematical problem panics canvas!
Anaya Ellick achieved a feat by winning a writing contest. Born without hands, this little girl 7 years in Virginia (USA) does not use prostheses to write. It simply provides with a pencil stuck it between his arms.
Its director describes as a “source of inspiration”. “She never gives up and does everything to get what she wants,” said he told the BBC. “It’s a hard worker, and it is the student who has the best writing in the classroom.”
The girl beat 50 other participants in this national writing contest.
She competed in the category of children with intellectual disabilities, physical or behavioral.
“God is in heaven, that child on earth, or are the so-called intellectuals breaking our neurf in the media is saying they love their country and the Congo, it is the view that we would speak loudly and vs act, the army, police, MPs, senataires, ministers, national intelligence agency, civil society, the media …. the country going too male …..” Children in the Dem. Rep. of Congo are not safe. People in the region of Beni live in constant fear for their lives. As people who claim to love children how can we continue to allow this to be. We must put an end to the violence in the Congo and look out for our future, the children. Bondo USA calls for everyone to do their part in protecting and nurturing the future of our world. We want to denounce and reverse the violence in the Dem. Rep. of Congo and make it a place where kids can thrive. The total absence of the state is apparent. The International Community must intervene for the children.
DRC: Political uncertainty slows growth (IMF)
Posted: 09 June 2016
Political uncertainty in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) slows national economic growth already hit by falling commodity prices, said Wednesday the International Monetary Fund. (IMF).
In DRC, the presidential supposed to take place in 2016 appears every day a little more compromised.
“Since the middle of 2015, the DRC has been hit by negative shocks due mainly to the fall in prices of its main export products,” says the IMF in its note issued after a visit evaluation of its teams in the Congo.
“In 2016, difficulties in the external environment, coupled with uncertainty over the domestic situation, continued to negatively impact economic growth, public finances and balance of payments,” the statement added.
“Ultimately,” according to the estimate of IMF experts, the Congolese economy “should remain subject to headwinds, including slow growth in advanced and emerging economies, hardening of the international financial situation, and uncertainties about the domestic situation. ”
Fifth world producer of copper and cobalt first (2014 figures), DRC, least developed countries and the most corrupt in the world, has recorded strong economic growth from 2010 to 2014, led by mining.
In 2015, growth has declined significantly under the influence of falling commodity prices driven by the economic slowdown in China
For 2016, the authorities do not expect that to grow to 6.6% and the government has revised down sharply from the state budget, already cramped.
The IMF has criticized in the past that the Congolese strong economic growth of recent years has not been sufficiently exploited to reduce inequalities in a country where the vast majority of the 71 million people struggling in abject poverty.
The president of the DRC, Joseph Kabila ends in December and the constitution forbids him to run but the opposition accuses the power to do everything to make it impossible to hold the presidential election before the end of the year.
In May, the Constitutional Court issued a ruling allowing Kabila to remain in office beyond his term if no successor has been elected on that date.
(Radiookapi via
Parents do not know how to occupy children
Posted: 10 June 2016
Slowly but surely, the school year 2015-2016 is about to pull over. For many parents, this is both a matter of relief to have despite the sluggish economy managed to fulfill, somehow, school fees and other applications involved education, early mornings …. . But also a time of huge concern and anxiety for how to occupy their children during these two months of school holidays ahead. And because in general, there is not in our towns and communities scattered throughout the country of reception facilities in order to allow these children to care in extracurricular activities during holiday seine way . The few existing initiatives are often out of reach of the average citizen.
If the village and the funds for the country, learning in nature remains open and fully available to these young people to refine their knowledge of the environment and learn the basics of various trades, such as visits to the field, fishing, hunting, build the boxes …. etc, this is far from true in large urban center. In these centers, anarchic constructions occupied the formerly dedicated to holiday activities spaces. The logical consequence of this state of affairs leads
idleness is the increase of increasing concern juvenile crime in large cities. Indeed, deprived of everything, and parents do not have the means to channel the excess energy of their children is in disorder and resourcefulness that these children will turn, with all the risk
that entails, to delinquency and Kuluna dreaded phenomenon.
Ideally these children during holidays are healthy activities to enhance their growth, like the sports, travel and tourism, summer camps that allow them to recharge their batteries to block the next year. In this logic, it is more imperious than the authorities and communities at all levels reflecting on the most appropriate way to occupy young people during this period dreaded.
(The lighthouse via
Help the needy children in DRC Congo ” Dimbelenge in the Greater Kasai Region’’
I wish to inform you that the purpose of this is to collect as much money to help these needy children, orphans!
Project goal: Helping the children and their families, who have no means to live in dignity on this land of men created in the image of God.
After much thought friends, we took the decision to embark on this project.
The goal is to help them with the means to buy school supplies, clothes, shoes, toys, medicines and give some money to the parents to help them financially!
For us this collection is very important to restore the smile to these children. It would be wonderful to share moments with them!
Thank You. For your help, God will richly bless you in your endeavors
“The child is becoming an adult. A child is a child. It is neither white nor yellow. It is not black. It is color of a child. So give him. Give without counting.”
Contact Bondo USA
Phone: 817-554-2625
Mail: PO Box 471 Bedford, Texas 76095
After Cape Verde and Liberia, Michelle Obama made a stop in Morocco
June 27, 2016 at 20:10
By Fahd Iraqi – Casablanca
As part of a tour to promote the education of girls in the world, the first lady of the United States is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 28 Moroccan teenagers in Marrakech.
Morocco: the best is a Bachelor Bachelor
Morocco: the best is a Bachelor Bachelor
Morocco: school women
For several weeks, the realm in charge of tourism authorities and security are on the teeth. Admittedly Marrakech welcomes a very special guest: Michelle Obama, first lady of the United States, landed this Monday, June 27 in the Red City, where it must stay in the prestigious Royal Mansour hotel accompanied by his retinue. Because the wife of the most powerful man in the world did not come alone. Besides his daughters Sasha and Malia, the Meryl Streep and Freida Pinto actresses are also travel.
Let the girls learn!
With his guests, the first lady of the United States Tuesday, June 28 will participate in an exchange with Moroccan teen. The meeting, which will be hosted by the star presenter of CNN Isha Sesay, will focus on the factors preventing young Moroccan girls to continue their education. A theme that is part of the “Let Girls Learn” initiative launched in 2015 by the Obamas. Barack Obama’s wife is already delivered this year in Liberia, where she also met today with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf before heading to Morocco. Michelle Obama tour will then continue Wednesday, June 29 in Madrid, where it will present its program to encourage developing countries to further educate the 62 million girls worldwide who do not go to school.
A significant drop-out rates in secondary education
In Morocco, the enrollment of girls at the heart of the debate. A recent report from the Ministry of Education indicate that the dropout rate is important in this category of students: in secondary education, in 2014-2015, the rate was over 12%. At the primary level, however, it fell by 3.2% to 2.9% between 2012 and 2015. Support for education is a pillar of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a program established in 2004 by the US government to reduce poverty worldwide. It granted Morocco a budget of $ 450 million in April 2016.
Fahd Iraqi
Congo – Kinshasa: Kabila lit the fuse
Congo – Kinshasa: Kabila lit the fuse
MARIE-FRANCE CROS Published Friday, March 18, 2016 at 7:12 – Updated Friday, March 18, 2016 at 12:3
against the massive repression
Congo: showdown for a new mining road Lualaba
At the opening of the parliamentary session on Tuesday, the Senate president Kengo wa Dondo (independent), called for respect for the Constitution (adopted by 84% of voters), only ten years old and already several times amended to increase the powers of President Joseph Kabila.
The President of the National Assembly, he Aubin Minaku (PPRD, the Kabila party), announced that the presidential majority would focus on the local and provincial elections (which also serve to renew the Senate) – but don ‘ has said nothing about the presidential election, which must constitutionally be held in November, 2016.
For observers, it is increasingly clear: the primary ballot, one that everyone expects, will not take place this year, the authority refusing de facto to prepare to stay in power.
Too simple !
On March 15, a flatterer of Joseph Kabila, Tryphon Kin Kiey, assured in the newspaper “Forum des As” Article 70 of the Constitution provided “at the end of his term, the President of the Republic remains in office until the effective installation of an elected president. ” False, says for “La Libre Belgique” a connoisseur of the Congolese Constitution: “Article 70 mentioned the ‘elected president, not’ a ‘elected president It is a definite article, which means that. he needs to be elected such that the outgoing President is optionally up the time required for the inauguration of his successor Otherwise, of course, that would be too simple. no election, I remain in power! ”
If there is no presidential election, we must refer to Article 75, which establishes that “in case of a vacancy due to death, resignation or any other cause permanent incapacity, the as President of the Republic […] are temporarily exercised by the President of the Senate, “he said. For many lawyers, “or any other cause permanent incapacity” covers exceeding two consecutive terms of five years.
Senate President being Kengo wa Dondo, the presidential majority wants provincial elections, possibly to place in that position one of its members, if maintaining the current occupants of positions did not happen without breakage.
When and where is the explosion?
“We did not ask whether an explosion will occur, says” La Libre Belgique “a senior company. One wonders where when and it will take place. Some companies are already preparing for that matter evacuation plans. ”
According to sources, the figures of the regime “trying to prepare a plan B” for not down with the ship if Joseph Kabila did not manage to extend despite the ban him so by the Constitution. They understand that they act as they do that because they have it; give people outside the Presidential Majority favors or information they did not ask them, etc.
For now “everything is locked” by the government, observers note. The Presidential Majority won the presidency for 17 of the 21 new provincial assemblies – amid accusations of vote-buying in a context of unpaid wages for months. Repression hit any challenge. Opposition political leaders or dissidents of the majority are prevented from speaking to the electorate, or move – even to pray quietly for Katanga dissidents – and closed media.
The frees. via
Trump hardens its attacks against a reporter from fox news called “crazy”
Belga published on Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 22 h41 – updated on Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 22 h41
How the Republican party could stand in the way Donald Trump
American Presidential candidates are expressed as middle schoolers
USA: Donald and Hillary, more than ever…
Donald Trump has hardened Thursday its attacks against a famous journalist, Megyn Kelly, he has publicly called her “crazy” at least half a dozen times in 48 hours. Tuesday night, the Republican candidate to the American Presidency had with a new nickname on Twitter, “Megyn Kelly the crazy” (Crazy@Megynkelly).
Wednesday, it has continued on the same tone, and Thursday, at least three tweets were still crazy the reporter from fox news.
Trump has also tweeted after the journalist was entrusted to the magazine more that she would have liked to be more defended by a colleague of fox news, Bill O ‘ Reilly, in the face of trump.
Last January, Bill O ‘ Reilly had interviewed Donald Trump, who had told her not to have ” no respect ” for the journalist he regularly ” Bimbo “, “biased”, “surcotée”… Bill O ‘ Reilly hadn’t defended.
“I can’t stand her”, Also wrote Wednesday Donald Trump on his twitter account about Mrs. Kelly, as if he hadn’t worry more important, so he aspire to lead the United States.
“I can’t really watch any more megyn the crazy”, Did he added in another tweet, about the journalist who hosts a TV show in the evening on fox news, “the Kelly file”, One of the most popular of the cable channels.
In addition to his tweets, Donald Trump retweete also messages of other persons denigrating the journalist.
He’s made these last few months a specialty of nicknames contemptuous and personal attacks: among the Republican candidates, he nicknamed Jeb Bush “low energy”, Marco Rubio “little marco”, And Ted Cruz “the liar”.
Megyn Kelly has not directly responded to further attacks of trump, but she posted on his twitter account a poll that half of the United States have an opinion “very unfavorable” of trump.
The FREE. Via Lavoixdukasai. B
US election: candidates express themselves like schoolboys
US election: candidates express themselves like schoolboys
AFP Published Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 23:31 – Last Updated Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 23h32
USA: Donald and Hillary, more than ever …
Trump predicted “riots” if the Republican Party refused to invest
The next Republican debate canceled after the boycott of Donald Trump
The main candidates for the US presidency use in their speeches a typical words and grammar school students of grades 6 and 5, according to a study that highlights their vocabulary level has declined over the countryside.
Donald Trump is lagging behind the other four candidates studied for both their level of grammar, combined with that of a pupil of CM2, that vocabulary, who is a student of 5th.
The Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh (East), studied the lexical and grammatical level of campaign discourse of five candidates: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the comparing to that of former presidents.
From a lexical point of view, the study released Wednesday estimates that Donald Trump is expressed as a student of 5th, Ted Cruz as a student of 4th. Hillary Clinton is almost at the third, Marco Rubio a little above, and Bernie Sanders is the most elaborate with a vocabulary level worthy of a second grader.
In terms of grammar, Donald Trump is the worst performer (CM2-6e), all other ranging between 6th and 5th.
The study also points out that the lexical field of five candidates has narrowed in recent weeks: they use words more and more simple.
In terms of grammar, no one arrives at the President Abraham Lincoln, including the famous Gettysburg Address was a level first. None not happen under George W. Bush, the grammar of a pupil of CM2, the study said.
It also specifies that the level of vocabulary of former presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, as well as that of President Barack Obama, was at least that of a student of 4th.
Lalibre. via
Electoral Process: the specification of the westerners to minaku
Lephare 15 March 2016
Minakuune Dozen Western Diplomats representing the governments of Canada, Belgian, British, German, Swedish, Dutch, American… Were received last Monday, March 14 in the morning by the president of the National Assembly, aubin minaku.
The Congolese election process, with the displays the vote of the laws that may help to the finalization of the said process, was at the centre of their discussions. The question of support in terms of budget financing of the electoral process by the partners of the Democratic Republic of the congo has also been mentioned by the parties.
“we came to meet with the president of the National Assembly on the legal provisions to accompany, support and guide the actions of the independent National Electoral Commission in the framework of the preparation of the electoral process in the congo”. This is the statement by the chairman of the delegation, the deputy special representative of the SG OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN DRC, at the end of the hearing in replying to the question of journalists.
The guests of the president of the lower chamber have, moreover, expressed the wish to see the two houses of Parliament to take into account, to review and approve very quickly the provisions of the act of amendment of the electoral law relating to the identification and recruitment Of voters, with to the poster for the inclusion of new major, the vote of the congolese from abroad. The law on the distribution of seats has also been the subject of sharing between the parties. “these two legal provisions are very important for the independent National Electoral Commission in the context of its ongoing work on the revision of the electoral register”, Did he stressed.
In addition, aubin minaku and his interlocutors traded on the possible debate during the present parliamentary session, the draft law on the protection of the privileges and immunities of former chief executive of the elected representatives of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In this connection, the president of the National Assembly has assured them that bills are already on the table in his room and will soon be submitted to the debate with a view to their adoption.
As for the draft law relating to the reform of the electoral law, the ambassadors have learned that they are not yet deposited in the two rooms.
For its part, the delegation of diplomats suggested to the president of the National Assembly that the two above-mentioned laws are already on the table of the government, and that they will soon be sent to Parliament.
“we asked him to use the emergency procedure within the framework of the laws and regulation of the National Assembly to discuss and adopt these laws”, Still has brought back the head of the delegation.
After the president of the National Assembly, aubin minaku, the delegation was received by his counterpart of the Senate, Leon kengo wa dondo.
The people’s palace. Parliament: opening this morning of the session of all the stakes!
The people’s palace. Parliament: opening this morning of the session of all the stakes!
Posted on: 15 March 201
This Tuesday morning, 15 March 2016, the chamber of the people’s palace will be a special ambiance in what it’s like the set by the constitution will be effective. It’s a regular session of the parliament who wants all the stakes, according to several informed observers. From the start, these are brief meetings protocol which will be observed in the two rooms. They will be devoted to the announcement of the materials which will be submitted to the work in plenary in the upper house just like in the lower house. It is also a session, which, in the light of the political issues of the time, will be eventful. On the electoral plan, three laws should be passed to allow the independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to remove one of the obstacles to the convening of the electorate. If in the lower house, there won’t be that the adoption of laws as a major challenge, it will not be so in the Senate. Already, on the web, a debate would be launched in the microcosm policy on the after kabila. For some, a petition circulates to deprive leon kengo wa dondo, given to assume the burden of the state in the event that the elections would not be organized within the constitutional. For others, it is not a question to consider that the constitution has not planned.
The Major stakes involved to this regular session: Endow the ceni laws which she needs for her to do his work in full independence. It is of the law on the distribution of seats, the recruitment of young adults and congolese living abroad. Leaving no room for political debates that are specific to the opening of this regular session, after three months of vacation parliamentarians, the opportunity will be given to the presidents of two rooms, aubin minaku and Leon Kengo, to reiterate their call, this time on your The exhortation for the revitalization of the work with responsibility.
The regular session that opens in both houses of Parliament, will have three months of discussion, vote laws, projects and proposals of laws in order to provide the country of legal instruments which he needs in various areas of national life. Without forgetting the laws of ratification of the conventions, treaties and agreements signed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo with countries or external partners.
As a reminder, the regular session of September took place at a difficult time at the political level. It will be recalled that some political parties, once members of the presidential majority, have left this political platform, accusing the power in place of wanting to violate the constitution in order to obtain a new mandate for the president of the Republic, Joseph Kabila.
Grouped together in what we call G7 (group of seven parties), The leaders of this grouping politics have lost the posts they were both in the government, Parliament than in other institutions. While the session was still in progress, the head of state has consulted all segments of the population, including the presidents of the two houses of Parliament, in view of the organization of the national dialogue. It should, according to its originator, Mark the way for elections 2016 leading to results credible and acceptable by all. This, by avoiding all forms of violence. This session of September was closed to the lower house of parliament without the members of the opposition.
(Lapros, via lavoixdukasai. B
Donald Trump took a movement of panic in Dayton (video)
Donald Trump took a movement of panic in Dayton (video)
Editor online
Put Online 4 hours ago
One of the meetings of the Republican candidate had to be cancelled after clashes.
Donald Trump. © Reuters
Donald Trump. © Reuters
On the same subject
Violence after the cancellation of a meeting of Donald Trump (video)
“a planned attack”
Speaking on these incidents in front of his supporters gathered at the airport in Dayton, Ohio), The Frontrunner for the republican presidential has put all the blame on the hundreds of demonstrators who broke into the amphitheater of the university of Chicago where he had to take the floor on Friday night.
” let me tell you that the people who have made the trip by thousands are invited haven’t caused any problems. They were hooting and harassed by these other people. People who, by the way, accounted for Bernie (Sanders), The friend communist “, Mr. Trump, in reference to the candidate for the democratic nomination.
The protesters, including many black and Hispanic, according to him have conducted a “planned attack”.
Insults, punches
Names of birds, bottles and punches have stolen, while the security was trying to separate the groups and evacuate the room. The violence continued to the outside and the police have taken at least five arrests. Two police officers were injured.
” these people organized, for a lot of thugs (…), Have totally energized america “, Wrote Saturday m. Trump in a tweet, thus ensuring that it is continuing its campaign with determination.
Five Major States (Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina) vote on Tuesday for the primaries, a day called second “Super Tuesday” because he will offer his winner of many delegates. The first “Super Tuesday” was held on 1 March.
Mr. Trump was supposed to take part in two meetings on Saturday in the state of Ohio. During the first, on the edge of the runway of the airport of Dayton, a protester tried to climb on the stage, the bodyguards of Mr. Trump, agents of the secret service, crowded enclose the candidate to protect him.
(the video on mobile)
Trump, “the arsonist”
Without pronouncing the name of Donald Trump, President Barack Obama has on his side called Saturday the candidates in the race for the white house to reject the “insults and the taunts of court of school”.
In a direct allusion to the slogan of the billionaire (” Make his greatness to America “), Mr. Obama has added that America was feeling fine.
What people in the race for the presidency should concentrate, this is how can we do to make it to get even better. No insults or ridicule of schoolyard, no divisions based on race and faith, and certainly not of violence against other Americans “, Asked the American President, who spoke at a meeting of fund raising in Texas.
At the head of the race in the camp Democrat, Hillary Clinton, for its part, has blamed mr Trump having a behaviour of arsonist, whereas the billionaire republican is familiar an inflammatory rhetoric and about regularly denounced for their excesses.
” if you play with fire, you will cause a fire out of control. This isn’t called govern. It is to play political arsonist “, Did she says.
Forit: Lavoixdukasai. Blogs
For the opposition, this executive body will manage the Syria until general elections which must be ruled out, according to her, the current president of the Syrian Arab Republic.
But to Damascus, he’s out of the question to discuss the presidential nor the fate of bashar al-Assad, re-elected in 2014 in the middle of the war for a new period in office.
” we will negotiate with anyone who wants to discuss the presidency. Bashar Al-Assad is a red line. If they (the leaders of the opposition) want to continue with this approach, it would be better than they don’t come ” in Geneva, warned the head of the Syrian diplomacy, Walid Muallem.
To Damascus, the transitional authority would be nothing other than a “Government of unit” extended to opponents but always placed under the authority of Mr. Assad.
Mr. Alloush has also accused the regime in Damascus and its ally Russian to be guilty of violations of the truce.
“the number of violations during the 14 days is more than 350 and this shows that the regime has violated the truce or do not feel engaged”, Did he say.
A cessation of hostilities, negotiated by the United States and Russia, entered into force on 27 February between the regime and the rebels in Syria. Despite some incidents, she is good and has allowed to be made of aid to the besieged population and organize the discussions of Geneva under the auspices of the best.
Free: via lavoixdukasai. Blog
US presidential Trump rejects accusations on its campaign-related violence
US presidential Trump rejects accusations on its campaign-related violence
AFP Published Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 21:38 – Last Updated Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:39 p.m.
Trump criticized by his rivals after clashes in a meeting
US presidential Donald Trump plays appeasement in a serious Republican debate
The EU and the USA “unprepared” for a Trump presidency, says Schulz
Donald Trump has declared Saturday “galvanized” in his campaign after the cancellation of one of its meetings enamelled by clashes, accusing his opponents of being responsible for these tensions and Barack Obama calling for an end to the “insults “and” violence “. Commenting on the incident to his supporters gathered at Dayton Airport (Ohio), the Republican frontrunner for the presidency has put all the blame on the hundreds of protesters broke into the university’s amphitheater Chicago, where he was scheduled to speak Friday evening.
“Let me tell you that people who have traveled thousands being invited caused no problem. They were booed and harassed by these other people. People who, incidentally, represented Bernie (Sanders) Communist friend, “Mr. Trump said, referring to the candidate for the Democratic nomination.
The protesters, including many blacks and Hispanics, according to him have carried out a “planned attack”.
bird names, bottles and fists flew, while security tried to separate groups and evacuate the room. The violence continued outside and the police made at least five arrests. Two policemen were injured.
“These people organized for many thugs (…) have completely revitalized America,” wrote Mr. Trump Saturday in a tweet, thus ensuring that he continued his campaign with a strengthened determination.
Five large states (Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina) voted Tuesday for the primary, qualified second day of “Super Tuesday” because it will offer to the winner of many delegates. The first “Super Tuesday” took place on March 1.
Mr. Trump was to attend two meetings on Saturday in the state of Ohio. In the first, on the edge of the runway at Dayton airport, a protester tried to get on the stage, the bodyguards of Mr. Trump, agents from the Secret Service, rushing to surround the candidate for protect him.
Without mentioning the name of Donald Trump, President Barack Obama called on Saturday for its part the candidates in the race for the White House to reject “insults and schoolyard taunts.”
In a direct reference to billionaire slogan ( “Make his greatness to America”), Obama said that America was well.
“What about what people in the race for the presidency should focus is how can we do to make it go even better. No insults or schoolyard taunts, no divisions based on race and faith, and certainly not violence against other Americans “asked the US president, who was speaking at a meeting of fund raising in Texas.
Leading the race in the Democratic camp, Hillary Clinton, for his part criticized Mr. Trump to have an arsonist behavior, while the Republican billionaire familiar with inflammatory rhetoric and about regularly denounced for their excesses.
“If you play with fire, you will cause an uncontrollable fire. This is not called to govern. This is playing politics arsonist,” said she said.
The Republican candidate and governor of Ohio, John Kasich, has accused him of Mr. Trump “playing on the fears of the population.” Donald Trump regularly takes Mexicans and Muslims in particular.
“Donald Trump has created a toxic climate this toxic climate leads his followers and those who seek confrontation to unite to battle,” said Mr. Kasich, lagging in the nomination contest.
The businessman, whose gatherings are increasingly the incidents theater, hopes the contrary widen its lead in the upcoming elections and become irretrievable.
One of Mr. Trump rally scheduled Sunday at Cincinnati was canceled because the Secret Service was able to complete preparations in time.
Another meeting of Trump, earlier Friday in St. Louis, Missouri, had been interrupted multiple times, 32 people were arrested there.
On Wednesday, a supporter of the billionaire, John McGraw, 78, was charged after being filmed striking a black protester at a rally in North Carolina (southeast).
These scenes, which have grown in intensity in recent weeks, are now part of the public movements of the businessman, who plays during his speech.
He enjoined on February 1 on supporters to “bump”, promising to pay their legal fees. On 23 February, he said he would “give a punch in the face” of an interference.
Lalibre. via
US presidential Trump rejects accusations on its campaign-related violence
US presidential Trump rejects accusations on its campaign-related violence
AFP Published Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 21:38 – Last Updated Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:39 p.m.
Trump criticized by his rivals after clashes in a meeting
US presidential Donald Trump plays appeasement in a serious Republican debate
The EU and the USA “unprepared” for a Trump presidency, says Schulz
Donald Trump has declared Saturday “galvanized” in his campaign after the cancellation of one of its meetings enamelled by clashes, accusing his opponents of being responsible for these tensions and Barack Obama calling for an end to the “insults “and” violence “. Commenting on the incident to his supporters gathered at Dayton Airport (Ohio), the Republican frontrunner for the presidency has put all the blame on the hundreds of protesters broke into the university’s amphitheater Chicago, where he was scheduled to speak Friday evening.
“Let me tell you that people who have traveled thousands being invited caused no problem. They were booed and harassed by these other people. People who, incidentally, represented Bernie (Sanders) Communist friend, “Mr. Trump said, referring to the candidate for the Democratic nomination.
The protesters, including many blacks and Hispanics, according to him have carried out a “planned attack”.
bird names, bottles and fists flew, while security tried to separate groups and evacuate the room. The violence continued outside and the police made at least five arrests. Two policemen were injured.
“These people organized for many thugs (…) have completely revitalized America,” wrote Mr. Trump Saturday in a tweet, thus ensuring that he continued his campaign with a strengthened determination.
Five large states (Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina) voted Tuesday for the primary, qualified second day of “Super Tuesday” because it will offer to the winner of many delegates. The first “Super Tuesday” took place on March 1.
Mr. Trump was to attend two meetings on Saturday in the state of Ohio. In the first, on the edge of the runway at Dayton airport, a protester tried to get on the stage, the bodyguards of Mr. Trump, agents from the Secret Service, rushing to surround the candidate for protect him.
Without mentioning the name of Donald Trump, President Barack Obama called on Saturday for its part the candidates in the race for the White House to reject “insults and schoolyard taunts.”
In a direct reference to billionaire slogan ( “Make his greatness to America”), Obama said that America was well.
“What about what people in the race for the presidency should focus is how can we do to make it go even better. No insults or schoolyard taunts, no divisions based on race and faith, and certainly not violence against other Americans “asked the US president, who was speaking at a meeting of fund raising in Texas.
Leading the race in the Democratic camp, Hillary Clinton, for his part criticized Mr. Trump to have an arsonist behavior, while the Republican billionaire familiar with inflammatory rhetoric and about regularly denounced for their excesses.
“If you play with fire, you will cause an uncontrollable fire. This is not called to govern. This is playing politics arsonist,” said she said.
The Republican candidate and governor of Ohio, John Kasich, has accused him of Mr. Trump “playing on the fears of the population.” Donald Trump regularly takes Mexicans and Muslims in particular.
“Donald Trump has created a toxic climate this toxic climate leads his followers and those who seek confrontation to unite to battle,” said Mr. Kasich, lagging in the nomination contest.
The businessman, whose gatherings are increasingly the incidents theater, hopes the contrary widen its lead in the upcoming elections and become irretrievable.
One of Mr. Trump rally scheduled Sunday at Cincinnati was canceled because the Secret Service was able to complete preparations in time.
Another meeting of Trump, earlier Friday in St. Louis, Missouri, had been interrupted multiple times, 32 people were arrested there.
On Wednesday, a supporter of the billionaire, John McGraw, 78, was charged after being filmed striking a black protester at a rally in North Carolina (southeast).
These scenes, which have grown in intensity in recent weeks, are now part of the public movements of the businessman, who plays during his speech.
He enjoined on February 1 on supporters to “bump”, promising to pay their legal fees. On 23 February, he said he would “give a punch in the face” of an interference.
Lalibre. via lavoixdukasa
our de primaires aux Etats-Unis, Trump et Clinton favoris
AFP Publié le mardi 08 mars 2016 à 07h47 – Mis à jour le mardi 08 mars 2016 à 07h47
Michael Bloomberg annonce qu’il ne sera pas candidat à la Maison Blanche
USA: Ted Cruz s’érige en seul rival crédible de Donald Trump
USA: Clinton et Sanders plongent dans le bain brûlant de Flint
Mardi est jour de primaires aux Etats-Unis: les électeurs de quatre Etats sont appelés aux urnes pour valider ou freiner l’hégémonie de Donald Trump côté républicain, tandis que la démocrate Hillary Clinton s’attendait à accroître son avance sur Bernie Sanders.
La situation évolue vite dans la course des primaires républicaines. Chaque semaine, jusqu’à présent, a vu se renforcer l’avance de Donald Trump, 69 ans, qui, avec 12 victoires sur 20, a à ce jour obtenu le plus de délégués, dans des régions aussi différentes que le nord-est ou le sud du pays.Mais derrière lui, le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, 45 ans, champion de la droite religieuse, s’est montré compétitif au Texas et dans les Etats voisins. Le camp anti-Trump, qui le considérait comme trop intransigeant pour fédérer le parti, hésite à le soutenir au détriment du sénateur de Floride Marco Rubio, 44 ans, abonné aux troisièmes places, et qui joue sa survie en Floride la semaine prochaine.
La cavalerie est enfin arrivée sous la forme de spots électoraux dépeignant Donald Trump comme un charlatan, une campagne publicitaire financée par des républicains consternés qu’un homme qui autrefois flirtait avec le parti démocrate puisse porter les couleurs conservatrices à la présidentielle de novembre.
L’un d’eux, diffusé en Floride, compile des grossièretés proférées par Donald Trump au cours de la campagne. Financée par l’organisation American Future Fund, qui ne dévoile pas ses donateurs, cette campagne a un budget de plusieurs millions de dollars, selon son porte-parole Stuart Roy, un montant conséquent.
D’autres publicités, créées par l’organisation Club for Growth, cible les républicains de l’Illinois. “Il nous prend vraiment pour des crétins”, déclare le narrateur.
L’Illinois, la Floride et d’autres Etats voteront le 15 mars lors d’un nouveau “super mardi”.
Se sentant visiblement menacé, Donald Trump a annoncé le lancement de sa propre campagne de publicité en Floride contre Marco Rubio, le sénateur local. Le spot, très virulent, le qualifie de “corrompu” en rappelant une vieille affaire de cartes de crédit. En cas de défaite dans son propre Etat, Marco Rubio pourrait se voir obligé de jeter l’éponge.
“Le petit Marco, on ne le voit jamais au Sénat”, a déclaré Donald Trump lundi dans un meeting en Caroline du Nord, dans lequel il a de nouveau fait prêter serment aux participants de voter pour lui.
“Je suis le seul candidat à avoir battu Donald Trump encore et encore”, a quant à lui dit Ted Cruz, fort de ses victoires.
Le Michigan, dans le nord, et le Mississippi sudiste voteront ce mardi à la fois pour les primaires démocrates et républicaines. Les partis républicains de l’Idaho et d’Hawaï organisent également des consultations. Au total, 150 délégués républicains (sur 1.237 requis pour décrocher l’investiture) et 166 démocrates (sur 4.763) seront attribués.
Donald Trump fait la course en tête dans le Michigan, selon un récent sondage de l’Université Monmouth, avec 36% des intentions de vote contre 23% pour Ted Cruz, même si John Kasich, gouverneur de l’Ohio voisin, laboure le terrain et espère créer la surprise.
Dans le Mississippi, aucune enquête récente n’existe, mais en février le milliardaire dominait très largement ses rivaux.
Chez les démocrates, Hillary Clinton est la favorite dans les deux Etats, surtout dans le Mississippi où les Noirs représentent un bloc électoral important. Jusqu’à présent, ils ont voté à plus de 80% pour la démocrate dans les autres Etats du Sud.
Le Michigan et Detroit forment le coeur de l’industrie automobile américaine, et Hillary Clinton a accusé Bernie Sanders d’avoir voté contre le plan de sauvetage du secteur en 2008/2009.
“J’ai voté pour le plan de sauvetage automobile, il a voté contre”, a-t-elle répété lundi en visitant une entreprise de logiciels à Grand Rapids.
En réalité, Bernie Sanders a voté pour le dispositif d’aide mais, dans un vote ultérieur, a cherché à bloquer les crédits devant servir à renflouer le système bancaire et en partie les constructeurs automobiles.
Le sénateur du Vermont a, lui, souligné aux électeurs le soutien passé d’Hillary Clinton en faveur d’accords de libre-échange qui ont, selon lui, coûté des millions d’emplois.
Lalibre. via lavoixdukasai.blogs”
Clinton wins the jackpot on election night, weakened Trump
AFP Published Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 8:37 – Updated Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 13:55
Our map on the US primaries
USA: primaries in five states while Trump splits conservatives
The Democratic primary also involves Belgium
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas won two victories Saturday at the resounding “caucus” Republicans in Kansas and Maine, overlooking the billionaire Donald Trump, while Bernie Sanders also won two rounds against Hillary Clinton Democratic side. With 8,550 votes against 6,070 for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz easily won in Maine, announced the local branch of the Republican party, adding that the other two candidates, the Ohio Governor John Kasich and Senator of Florida Marco Rubio were well behind with 2,270 and 1,492 votes respectively.
The ultraconservative also pocketed a victory in Kansas, where all ballots were counted: Ted Cruz won 48.2% of votes in the election meetings against 23.3% for the real estate mogul, although it had been expected to win in the polls in the state of the central United States.
Far behind, Marco Rubio and John Kasich émargeaient respectively 16.7% and 10.7% of votes. Speaking from Idaho in the US northwest, Ted Cruz-which continues to present itself as the ultimate bulwark Donald Trump- thanked Kansas and Maine in the wake of the first screenings of American television. As he had done in the elections on “Super Tuesday” on March 1, he later told journalists called Marco Rubio and John Kasich has thrown in the towel in their race for the White House to rally behind his candidacy .
Trump weakened
If it was too early to draw conclusions, Donald Trump could be paid for with this defeat the standoff it had with the establishment of his own party, headwind against his appointment. The real estate mogul even canceled his coming Saturday at the annual high mass conservatives near Washington. The latter are placed at a symbolic but significant poll Saturday behind the ultra-conservative Ted Cruz. Praised by 40% of conservatives, it is ahead Marco Rubio (30%), Donald Trump (15%) and John Kasich (8%), amid political crisis in the party.
Democratic side, the Socialist Bernie Sanders won two victories in Kansas and Nebraska. “It’s official: Bernie Sanders wins Kansas,” he tweeted simply local Democratic antenna to announce the victory, without giving numerical trend. He subsequently gave winner in Kansas.
Clinton won the big prize of the evening
The destroyer of “Wall Street” and adds color to a campaign that had emerged considerably weakened after the “Super Tuesday” at which Hillary Clinton won seven victories. The former first lady, favorite of the Democratic nomination for the November presidential election, has in turn won Saturday in Louisiana, jackpot election night in terms of delegates at stake. Victory terminating the Democratic side election night. Among Republicans, however, results in the same state of Louisiana, which must distribute 46 delegates, as well as those of Kentucky, are still awaited.
The debate, virulent, reminded the boxing exchanges which had participated applicants mid-February, as the race for delegates for the nomination is accelerating. But still a notch below, the show included an obscene allusion to Donald Trump, including Marco Rubio had mocked for supposedly small size of his hands.
“He talked about my hands by implying that if they were small, something else had to be small. I guarantee that there is no problem,” the billionaire said Thursday.
Apparently shocked by the level of discussion, the Ohio Governor John Kasich introduced himself again as the most reasonable candidate, touting his executive experience and Congress on the budget. “I always try to avoid the kind of mixed that we saw on stage. People tell me, wherever I go, I’m the adult on the stage,” he said.
The debate concluded an eventful day for the Republican Party divided on the irresistible rise of Donald Trump. He won ten of the first 15 consultations since 1 February. The primary calendar is designed so that as of March 15, the leading candidate is virtually guaranteed to win the nomination: most states like Florida will award all their delegates to the winner, which consolidate any advance exponentially to the required absolute majority.
Time is short, and the Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney, has taken the lead against the offensive, coming out of his reserve in a damning speech Thursday.
“Donald Trump is a charlatan, a fraud. His promises are no better than a degree from Trump University. He took the Americans for pigeons,” he said in Utah.
He especially dwelt on the personality of the billionaire, his “dishonesty”, his “greed”, his “misogyny” and vulgarity. But Republicans doubt the effectiveness of this offensive against improvised and late. “It’s too late,” lamented the Washington Post Republican consultant Alex Castellanos.
“As long as Trump respects the rule of the game, if he wins, it’s like that”, told AFP Steve King, elected Republican Congress that supports Ted Cruz, at the annual gathering of conservatives, in National Harbor near Washington.
A leader of the Congolese opposition protests against the Dialogue, the destabilization of the CENI, the appointment of special commissioners and other attempts to delay the presidential election in DRC. He calls the people to street protests to block the road to drift. For this opponent, “Joseph Kabila is unwilling to relinquish power.” He argues that supporters of the Plan deploy a bunch of strategies to curb the momentum in the electoral process and extend the mandate of the Head of State, contrary to the spirit of the Constitution of February 18, 2006 and the Global Agreement and inclusive, signed at the Inter-Congolese Dialogue in South Africa. Under the agreement, all political forces had agreed to grant Joseph Kabila the five-year term, renewable once. These actors, he says, would not accept that this mandate be extended beyond this period, especially since it would respect the spirit of the texts and the alternation in power.
The President of Innovative Forces for Union and Solidarity (Fonus) out of his reserve. Perched on his chair leopard skin, Joseph Olenghankoy is mounted on his high horse last Tuesday, November 3 to castigate what he sees as attempts to ‘slip’, orchestrated by the government in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Therefore, he calls the people to street protests to block the road to drift.
Molded in his beige safari, Joseph Olenghankoy has resumed his speech “revolutionary.” Best opponent that has made it famous during the Second Republic. Facing an audience of journalists, mobilized his press conference at party headquarters on Avenue of Education, President of Fonus wanted to shout his ras-le-bol face all these maneuvers, which he are diligentées the greatest possible distance to the holding of the presidential election.
“Joseph Kabila is unwilling to leave power,” proclaimed aloud Olenghankoy Joseph, leader of Fonus argues here that the Plan’s supporters are making a lot of strategies to curb the momentum in the electoral process and prolong the mandate of the Head of State, contrary to the spirit of the Constitution of February 18, 2006 and the Global and Inclusive Agreement, signed at the Inter-Congolese Dialogue in South Africa.
Under the agreement, says Joseph Olenghankoy all political forces had agreed to grant Joseph Kabila the five-year term, renewable once. These actors, he says, would not accept that this mandate be extended beyond this period, especially since it would respect the spirit of the texts and the alternation in power.
The President then Fonus do not understand why today tenors Plan multiplied ploys to delay the election process, arguing in particular that there is not enough money to finance elections. Olenghankoy For Joseph, the Treasury has indeed resources to organize the ballot, especially as the Government claims to have erected the intelligent building and bought two modern aircraft, using extrabudgetary funds, which go beyond 100 million.
“If then for such expenses unbudgeted we know raise funds, why the Treasury would it suddenly dies when to hold elections, though provided for in the national budget?” Asks Olenghankoy. Not hiding his tongue in the pocket, the president of Fonus asks the international community to freeze and repatriate the accounts of monks from abroad regime to allow the Congolese to be used in financing elections.
Olenghankoy Joseph also sees evil eye destabilization of the office of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), with the resignation of its leaders cascade. He believes that the abbot Apollinaire Malumalu and his deputy were forced to resign to create a vacuum at the Central Electoral and delay the elections.
“I predicted the media that the president of the CENI would resign and after him, the members of the office, in turn, on the orders of the regime! And now today, the events begin to give me reason “Olenghankoy storm. “The CENI is not independent. It is controlled by the Power,” he proclaims.
What then Dialogue advocated by the Head of State? The flagship of Fonus said niet. He believes that it is an attempt to legitimize or ‘save a regime that is drowning.’ ‘ “The dialogue in itself is not bad. But it is a headless monster. Etienne Tshisekedi takes this dialogue to review the 2011 elections Why do you want to embark on this story concerning two presidents who have sworn their separate ways? “, this loose policy, which says is proud to have actively participated in Consultations to consolidate national cohesion and save the country prey to foreign aggression.
“However, I argue that there is dialogue between Kabila and Tshisekedi to enable them to settle electoral disputes. Because everyone should interpellate the other for the vow he had made. So I do not see why I have to enter this type of dialogue, “loose with a touch of irony the former collaborator of the Sphinx of Limete.
Joseph Olenghankoy welcomes in this respect the position of the majority of the dissidents who are retracted in the G7. It supports their claims, but nevertheless asks the opinion not to rush to trust them. For, according to the leader of Fonus dissent is not opposed. “There, he said, the way to a genuine dissident who wants to become opponent Caution is all that politicians have to deal with three types of friends who attend daily. Idealists, the opportunists and traitors “.
While supporting the dissidents of the Majority, Olenghankoy decries the appointment by the head of state, special commissioners, appointed for a transitional period at the head of 21 provinces from the dismemberment. “These people are illegitimate. Their appointment is underpinned by any provision of our country” protests the opponent Avenue of Education.
Grabbing up the ball, Joseph Olenghankoy announced that resumes with its street protests, as in the old days of Mobutu.
After a period of hesitation, the sky seems clear to both sides. Both sides appear to have leveled their terms of divergence. In form, the majority do not deviate the option of foreign mediation that probably was to lead the United Nations, through its Special Envoy to the Great Lakes. As for the format, the UDPS Kabila seems to have gotten the principle of a dialogue format around the central theme relating exclusively to the election. The UDPS said he was ready to leave the dialogue table as soon as the debate would depart from what it considers sacrosanct principle, that is to say respect for the Constitution. Discreetly, delegates rushed Tshisekedi in Kinshasa prepared the ground for a UDPS participation in the next dialogue. This does not exclude any last minute surprises. Do Tshisekedi will travel to Kinshasa? In the majority firmly believed it. But, be aware that with Tshisekedi, nothing is guaranteed in advance.
The decor for a political dialogue is taking shape. Now is the final adjustments that would, in essence, that protocol. Everything could be played during this November. The state leader of the camp was able to find the key to blow the final lock that still obstructing the way. It is the participation of the UDPS of Etienne Tshisekedi in this forum.
An inter-institutional meeting to remind the imminent convocation of the political dialogue. The announced presence of emissaries of Tshisekedi in Kinshasa. For a time, indices are multiplying around the holding of this forum, billed as one of the last for 2016 soothed.
Obviously there indices that do not lie. In Kinshasa, every day that passes is one step forward the political dialogue. In the camp of the Presidential Majority, we continue to believe in holding this dialogue. On the other side, that is to say, in the Opposition, the violins are far from agreeing. If some in its ranks, adhere to project head of state, others by cons, fear that dialogue will make the bed slip.
In all cases, the stage for a dialogue is taking place. The last scenario is played on the axis-Kinshasa Tshisekedi. Indeed, Kabila in Kinshasa and Tshisekedi in Brussels pass for the two central pieces of the puzzle. It is around these two personalities that will define all the other participants in the dialogue, as it is the majority or the opposition.
The central latch
In the Policy Joseph Kabila, Etienne Tshisekedi appears as the key to the riddle. The attitudes of Kabila and his camp to prove sufficiency.
There is a time, the Head of State had delegated one of the closest collaborators, namely the boss intelligence services for direct contact with the UDPS. Contacts which continued in Brussels, instead of Tshisekedi convalescence, before moving in small format both in Italy and Spain.
And whenever Tshisekedi manifested its intention not to join the logic of dialogue, there was panic in the majority camp. Very attached to the proposed dialogue, the majority held firm, managing at times to bend the UDPS.
Meanwhile, the UDPS was facing an internal revolt – its most radical wing had trouble endorse UDPS participation in any dialogue under the aegis of Kabila. This internal war ended up forcing Tshisekedi to stand back against the dialogue. In a statement signed from Brussels dated 13 September 2015, Etienne Tshisekedi was suspending any form of preliminary negotiations with the camp of the Head of State. “The Union for Democracy and Social Progress, through the voice of its President, took note of the failure of talks Venice and Ibiza, which pitted its representatives with those of Kabila camp, and asked its delegates to withdraw from that moment to the negotiating table “, said Tshisekedi.
In the same statement, Tshisekedi recalled the need for international mediation, particularly the United Nations, dialogue, bringing all discussions with Kabila’s emissaries to the prescribed framework agreement in Addis Ababa.
Today, after a period of hesitation, the sky seems clear to both sides. Both sides appear to have leveled their terms of divergence. In form, the majority do not deviate the option of foreign mediation that probably was to lead the United Nations, through its Special Envoy to the Great Lakes. As for the format, the UDPS Kabila seems to have gotten the principle of a dialogue format around the central theme relating exclusively to the election. The UDPS said he was ready to leave the dialogue table as soon as the debate would depart from what it considers sacrosanct principle, that is to say respect for the Constitution.
Discreetly, delegates rushed Tshisekedi in Kinshasa prepared the ground for a UDPS participation in the next dialogue. This does not exclude any last minute surprises. Do Tshisekedi will travel to Kinshasa? In the majority firmly believed it. But, be aware that with Tshisekedi, nothing is guaranteed in advance.
Whatever they say, Etienne Tshisekedi happening for the last lock in policy dialogue is expected to later this month of November 2015. Otherwise, you have to put a cross.
[the potential]
DRC: sustained growth, but …
Published November 3, 2015 at 6:13 p.m. – Updated November 3, 2015 at 6:19 p.m.
15 to 6:13 p.m. – Updated November 3, 2015 at 6:19 p.m.
By Cécile Manciaux and Muriel Devey Malu Malu
Jeune Afrique
Despite falling commodity prices and decreasing revenues, growth remains strong. But the delay in infrastructure development may limit their impact.
DR Congo: a Chinese group allowed to participate in largest copper mining project in the world
DR Congo: a Chinese group allowed to participate in largest copper mining project in the world
DRC: Prime Minister wants to boost economic reforms
While they had forecast earlier this year on a GDP growth of 10.3% in 2015, the authorities had to revise their forecasts downward because of the slowdown in economic activity in the first half. The “strategic troika” (Executive Committee including gathering the Budget Ministers of National Economy, Finance, and the Governor of the Central Bank around the Prime Minister) has announced, on August 24, that growth will ultimately “only” 8.4% in 2015, after soaring 9.2% in 2014.
Main cause of this slowdown: the fall in world copper prices, which reached their lowest level since 2009, about 5100 dollars (around 4500 euros) per tonne to 31 August (down 26.8% on one year). Particularly affected by this situation, Kamoto Copper Company (KCC), a subsidiary of Swiss group Glencore, which provides about 15% of copper production in the country, announced at the same time that it would suspend its activities in DR Congo for ten- eight months from October. A decision which will inevitably lead to national copper production drop in the fourth quarter of this year and in 2016, and which will impact negatively on the trade balance and government revenue.
A draft budget for 2016 revised down
However, macroeconomic fundamentals have been consolidated. Inflation remained under control at 1% in 2014 and is expected to be 1.045% in 2015, better than the forecast 3.5%. The exchange rate also remains stable, with a shift of 0.2% today, against 0.1% in 2014.
The government still hopes that growth resumes to 9% by next year, but some analysts are more reserved. Especially as world copper prices could fall further, to 4750 dollars per tonne, within six to twelve months and has recently reminded the investment bank Goldman Sachs.
“The country’s growth rate should rather be around 7% in 2015 and between 6% and 7% in 2016,” says Leonid Mupepele, mining consultant and director of Bicotim office. A result below expectations certainly the troika, but still remains solid.
The year 2016 even more difficult than announced important elections are scheduled, the presidential and legislative elections. Not only the organization of these elections is budget-but the months that precede are generally more favorable to the wait as investments.
The government revised its draft budget for 2016 downward to $ 8 billion (1 billion less than in fiscal 2015), representing a budget lower than the City of Paris, for example (whose budget 2015 was over € 9 billion, or more than $ 10 billion). The executive Congolese known that one of his priorities will be to raise revenues, including mining. Now it was already one of its weak points this year. “The execution of the 2015 budget results in a low rate of implementation, 31% of the resources provided in the budget law,” and reminded the Senate President Leon Kengo wa Dondo, at the opening of the parliamentary session September.
What are the possible solutions?
What solutions to household budget and meet the expenses? “The Government has considered the possibility of reducing the lifestyle of the political institutions in order to allocate more resources to the needs of populations and the provinces,” stated Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, Minister of National Economy, after a troika meeting, 9 September. In other words, the government plans to streamline the budget by cutting state spending by 30% and redirecting some of the revenue on social sectors (education and health), and energy and infrastructure .
Since we can not rely solely on government revenue, “we must find innovative funding mechanisms,” says an adviser to the prime minister. In addition to mobilizing foreign investment funds, new sources of funding could be implemented, such as the famous go pass (a tax paid by passengers boarding at airports in the country) or land logistics fee (consisting of revenues generated by taxes on containers at various ports of the country and set up in late 2012 to finance railway investment in the Office National des Transports, former Onatra). Other mechanisms must be devised, especially including public-private partnerships.
Agriculture has achieved a 4% growth in 2014 due to improved productivity
The growth slowdown highlights the dependence on the mining sector of the Congolese economy, and thus its fragility. Yet since 2010, other sectors are more active role in its development. Starting with agriculture, which achieved growth of 4% in 2014 due to improved productivity, with a significant increase in volumes of timber, coffee, palm oil, as well as most products food (fruit, vegetables and starchy foods). The efforts of investment, public and private, implemented to improve infrastructure and strong demand for housing support the growth sectors of construction and real estate.
The service sector has also registered an overall growth of 7.4% in 2014, driven by the development of commercial activities, transport, telecommunications and, to a lesser extent financial services. Finally, the growth of manufacturing industry (drinks, meals, etc.) remains shy, hampered by low coverage of electricity and by recurrent power cuts.
The head of state he has “remake the hit” Five Building, the country’s reconstruction program on which he was elected in 2006?
Moreover, despite its good rates, this growth has had little impact on the living standards of the people, as reflected in social indicators. Weaknesses that among other observers attribute the lack of strategy and the delay in the rehabilitation or construction of infrastructure worthy of the name, especially in the areas of energy and transport. The “Reunification of the Republic by road» (RRR) was only launched in 2012, interest in the river is recent, the redeployment of the railway network and rehabilitation of rolling stock of the Company National Railways of Congo (SNCC) stalled.
But important announcements, with funding agreements were made in September at China back of the Head of State, Joseph Kabila: deep-water port at Banana (in the Kongo-Central), new paths path iron, building a tramway in Kinshasa … Is it serious? Or head of state he has “remake the hit” Five Building, the country’s reconstruction program on which he was elected in 2006?
The Congolese patient
DR Congo is characterized by strong socio-economic inequalities between provinces and between urban and rural areas, which are accentuated by the heavy deficit of the country in terms of basic infrastructure, particularly electricity networks transport. Result: the majority of the population still benefits neither progress nor on the results of growth and remains one of the poorest in the world.
The country émarge the ranks 186th out of 187 countries ranked in the Human Development Report 2014 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): GDP per capita is estimated at 451 dollars, while the sub-Saharan average of 3237 dollars and 87.7% of the population live on incomes below the poverty line ($ 1.25 a day), including 46.2% in a situation of “extreme poverty”, that is, ie do not have the necessary income to meet their basic food needs.
Efforts in recent years have allowed the DRC to display some progress, especially in the literacy rate (65.8%), life expectancy at birth (50 years, the country has come to mean Mainland) and direct access to drinking water (52%), according to the 2015 national data However, delays are enormous. The latest joint report of the AfDB, the OECD and the UNDP, published in May 2015, emphasizes in particular that the electricity supply rate is only 10.3% – one of the lowest on the continent.
But if we look in detail, for most provinces, … it does not exceed 4.3%. Only receive higher electrification rate this average the provinces of Kinshasa (59.5%), Kongo-Central (15.6%) and those from the former Katanga (17.7%).
The Government has authorized the release of the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo of 69 children adopted by Congolese expatriates. According to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, this authorization is the result of the work done upstream by the Interministerial Committee which reviewed the records of beneficiaries of international adoptions children.
This commission was composed of representatives of the Prime Minister, the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, Women and Children and Family, the ANR (National Intelligence Agency), and DGM (Directorate General of Migration).
As for the new country, eight western nations are affected by the 69 Congolese children. These are: the United States of America: 14 children; Italy: 10; Belgium: 12; Canada: 10; Germany: 1; France: 10; Netherlands: 11; Switzerland: 1.
Apart from these 69 cases, the Minister Thambwe said the government has also allowed the removal of the national territory 3 other children with serious illnesses and adopted by the three following countries: Germany: 1; France: 1; Switzerland: 1.
Moreover, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba suggested that the government meant the ambassadors of the countries affected by the 69 adopted children – from elsewhere to attend the meeting with him before the announcement – that the commission responsible for casework adoption may stop working. Its activities have stopped that day.
It will now await the passing of the new law on foreign adoptions currently before the National Assembly and its promulgation.
To those who believed that the DRC would provide support for these adopted children where they will go, the Minister of Justice answered in the negative.
“Some thought it was possible for adopted children to have the support of the DRC where they are.
I was obliged to inform colleagues in my capacity as legal adviser to the government that it is not possible once they were adopted can provide any follow-up outside our country, “t- he said.
Furthermore, it was keen to prevent diplomats from adopted country that records the families go into default will only reopened after the vote and enactment of the new law. And they will be treated according to the conditions that the law will be defined.
It is important to note that the Minister of Justice and Human Rights was at his side, the Director General of the DGM, François Beya.
Before the press communication, the commission members gathered in the office of the Department of Justice. The diplomats of the countries that have adopted 69 children took part.
After two days of studio work, from October 28 to 29
obre at Nganda Catholic Centre Kintambo forty palm oil farmers in DR Congo drew up a string of recommendations for promoting the expansion of palm plantations in the DRC. Based on the theme: “Green growth and win-win partnership in the palm oil sector: what prospects for the DRC? “They have consolidated and shared their experiences, identify challenges and solutions for sustainable palm oil production. In the lot of resolutions, they agreed to establish a permanent national framework for exchanges, evaluation and monitoring approach ” Green growth and tripartite winning partnership ” dedicated to the chain of palm oil value.
They also suggested the establishment of a roadmap focused on green growth and win-win partnership; the development of a strategic policy of green growth; the installation of a schedule for the coordination and monitoring of planned action-intentions; access to capital / agricultural credit; aligning the plan / investment fund REDD + DRC, the structuring of small producers at local and national level; research prioritization; etc.
Venus for most production areas recognized as such, the Mayumbe Kwilu, Ecuador, e-Orientale Province and those of North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema, the winners were recruited operational environments of oil operating companies, development organizations involved in the chain of palm oil value, unions and associations for the defense of human rights, national and provincial institutions, networks, etc.
Under the leadership of Oxfam Novib and CACUDEKI Asbl, participants also discussed how to continue supporting the development of the palm oil sector, increase rural income, food security without destroying the forest, Investment from the private sector, the preservation of essential rights of indigenous communities (sustainable management of land and water, sustainable livelihoods), etc.
However, they expressed a series of concerns about their survival in an environment dominated increasingly by “ogres” industrial exploitation. “We fear the crushing of small producers; the invasion of our concessions by the local population; non involvement of interests in the process; the absence of a concrete and enforceable action plan; the non-involvement of the small peasant; Without a concrete commitment of the government of the DRC; the lack of a monitoring mechanism of the roadmap; etc. “.
In response, the organizers indicated that this first exploratory workshop of interest is part of an introductory vision and approach models based on learning through RSPO (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil, a platform for certification as green growth and win-win partnership) and with small producers and engagement of stakeholders. ‘Models’ and FAIR Green growth’ have been developed and tested advantageously by Oxfam and its allies in several countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.) including the operationalization of principles must bind to the specific context of each country. The capitalization of these experiences of other partners in this process would be beneficial … “, assured the organizers.
It should be noted that until the years’ 75, the DRC was counted among the largest producers and exporters of palm oil in the world. The Zairianisation of the economy in 1973 and the long years of wars have led to abandonment, unexploited plantations and the collapse of the entire palm oil market. Yet, said an industry expert, the potential is huge. More than 60,000 tonnes are imported to cover domestic needs. The artisanal sector has always persisted and continues to supply mainly a domestic market. There is a strong momentum of the village plantation.
For him, the face of strong demand growth in the domestic and international market, the DRC offers reliable opportunities for the development of large palm plantations. “The DRC is vague road acquisitions and investments by oil palm companies. However, the uncontrolled expansion of industrial culture and large-scale oil palm monoculture projects can not only be catastrophic for the environment by accelerating climate change, but it also risks aggravating social problems and Economic already amplified by a decade of armed conflict in the DRC, “he wa
RD: 72 children adopted by foreigners, (finally) allowed to join their host families
November 2, 2015 at 3:24 p.m. – Updated November 2, 2015 at 5:01 p.m.
By Jeune Afrique with AFP
Jeune Afrique
Kinshasa announced Monday that 72 Congolese children adopted by foreign couples were able to leave the DRC. A decision that is made more than two years after the freeze of exit permits, decided in September 2013.
Children “legally adopted” but blocked in DRC: Kinshasa book his story
Is moving does one towards the end of the moratorium on international adoption in the DRC? Held since late September 2013 following the exit permits freeze, 72 children adopted by foreign couples can finally join their host families.
“We have authorized the release of 69 children nationwide,” said to the press, November 2, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba, Congolese Minister of Justice, following a meeting with ambassadors of key countries. “We have also authorized the release of three children with serious diseases,” he added.
To believe the Keeper of the Seals Congolese, this measure concerns children to be adopted by American families, Italian, Belgian, Canadian, German, French, Dutch and Swiss.
End of a dramatic situation?
This is the end of a situation experienced as a tragedy for the families concerned, condemned to live separated by thousands of kilometers. Since the freezing of exit permits, some of these children for join families abroad have died, according to NGOs that closely follow the case.
In August 2015, the Congolese Ministry of Justice had told Young Afriqueque the number of adopted children who were waiting for their departure abroad had increased from 1103 in 2013 to “nearly 1500”.
For now, it is unclear whether other approvals will follow the work of the “commission which deals with adoptions” have been suspended by the Minister of Justice to “vote” and “promulgation” of a “new law” on international adoption.
Dialogue : Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa said Friday in Kinshasa willingness to speed up the project to extend the Inga hydroelectric dams on the Congo River could provide power to the whole of Africa.
Congolese President Joseph Kabila and his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma held talks Friday morning in the Congolese capital and have “welcomed the progress made in the implementation of the Treaty on the proposed Grand Inga”, concluded in 2013, the statement end of their meeting.
MM. Zuma and Kabila “urged” the services concerned in the two countries “to accelerate the process to resolve all outstanding issues […] in order to pave the way for the execution of the Pan project,” added Minister Foreign Congolese Raymond Tshibanda, by reading of this release.
Very long-term project, “Grand Inga” envisages several phases of expansion of electricity production capacity on the exceptional site of the Inga Falls, about 250 km south of Kinshasa, where currently there are two dams built in the 1970s and in 1980, and today operates well below their capacity.
If he were to be achieved, the Inga site would have a production capacity of 40,000 MW, the equivalent of more than 24 nuclear reactors of third generation, which would be exported to South Africa, but also to the West Africa even further north.
Kinshasa is currently working on the first step towards realizing that dream: Inga III low head, which should enable the DRC – a country where only 15% of the population has access to electricity – produce additional 4,800 MW.
In gestation for over ten years, Inga III – with a total cost estimated at $ 12 billion – was resurrected in 2013 by the promise made by South Africa to buy more than half of the production of electricity of the future dam (2,500 MW) ensuring financial sustainability to the project.
Supported by the World Bank (WB) and African Development Bank dThe e (ADB), Inga III has nevertheless been delayed.
Calls for tender
The Congolese government launched in late June new tenders for the construction of Inga III with three foreign consortiums were prequalified in 2010: a consortium of Chinese companies, led by China Three Gorges Corporation, which conducted the Three Gorges Dam in China, another whose head is the leading Spanish construction group ACS and the third led by the Canadian group SNC-Lavalin.
Kinshasa, seeking a dealer capable of financing the work of Inga III and build and operate the project encourages these three teams to be open to new partners to meet the new specifications.
The government’s goal is to recruit the dealer before the end of 2016 to the beginning of the work – an estimated five years – in 2017.
Under the Congolese constitution, the end of 2016 should see a change at the head of the country. In power since 2001, Kabila has no right to run for the presidential supposed to take place in November this year, but the opposition suspects him of trying to do everything to delay the vote.
According to a source close to the case, some consortia “engaged in discussions” with other groups in France, Germany or the United States, whose interest in the Inga project has been revived by the recent visit of Mr. Kabila in China.
Kabila has set Tuesday in his office an “Agency for development and promotion of the Grand Inga Project” headed by former Minister of Electricity Bruno Kapandji.Tshisekedi répond à l’Asadho
He did not wait long to respond to correspondence addressed to him, September 9, 2015, by the President of the ASADHO on holding dialogue and if it was willing to defend the interests of the Congolese people. Etienne Tshisekedi, UDPS national president, responded in the space of 24 hours, the person’s concerns. Accordingly, he was keen to put under canvas its response, the rest sent in copy to the diplomatic corps, so that no one ignores. Hereinafter, the answer to the attention of the president of the ASADHO.
A Jean-Claude Katende
National President of ASADHO in Kinshasa / Gombe
Concerns: Your letter to the President of the UDPS and published in the Journal “Le Phare” No. 5156 of Wednesday, 09/09/2015.
Mister President,
The Union for Democracy and Social Progress “UDPS acronym, has read the letter you addressed to the elected President and Chairman of the UDPS, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Sir, about the contacts between the UDPS and Presidential Majority related to political dialogue.
In this pathetic letter, you do well to recognize and recall the prominent role played by Mr. Tshisekedi wa Mulumba and Etienne UDPS for democracy, respect and culture of human rights and settle in our bloom country, the Democratic Republic of Congo.
You clearly express your commitment to dialogue at the same time you recognize the merits of contacts between the UDPS and the presidential majority in order to overcome the divergence to expedite the holding of the dialogue.
Also, are you concerned of taking into account the aspirations of the people during these contacts.
In this same vein, you wonder if the President Tshisekedi will take into account the will of the Congolese people to see political change happen in December 2016 with the departure of Mr. Kabila which, you claim, has just completed a second term and the people he does not even have a third extension of its current mandate.
You do not fail to draw the attention of President Tshisekedi on the fact that other political and social forces should be involved in these meetings that the political change in 2016 will take place without delays or conflicts.
Finally, remember that any agreement that does not take into account the aspirations of the people to see the President of the Republic from the end of his second term would be a betrayal, a violation of the Constitution and a violation of democracy.
You also ask if, during these meetings, the UDPS had accepted the establishment of a transitional government. You invite the President Tshisekedi ultimately build the people on all these concerns.
In order to enlighten and edify once again our people who placed all his trust in Tshisekedi wa Mulumba President Etienne and the UDPS, we want to make, on behalf of the elected President and under his dictation, clarifications as follows:
First: the fight that the UDPS and its leader, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, led for more than thirty-three, refers only to the satisfaction of the general interest and therefore the interest of the People.
Whenever the interest of the people was ignored, the UDPS and its President have shown they were prepared to accept every sacrifice and every privation not to betray the Congolese people.
Who will forget that when the belligerents and all so-called opposition parties serving then as now in institutions, had agreed to violate the Global and Inclusive Agreement from Sun City and vitiate, for selfish interests, the electoral process leading to the 2006 elections, only the UDPS, supported and joined by the G 14, had the courage and merit to refuse to take part in a job-sharing in a mismanagement of betrayal or People’s interest was not taken into account.
The UDPS then refused, with what it would cost him to endorse the flawed electoral process in 2006 that was to lead to feeling not respect the aspirations of the people and their sovereign will as it would be expressed in the urn, putting himself out of all institutions for five years.
In sacrificing himself so, can we still ask the question whether UDPS stands or take into account the aspirations of the people?
Second: the UDPS was stunned to see the president of ASADHO say that Mr Kabila is currently completing his second term as 28 November 2011, the Congolese people were granted the majority of its votes to Etienne Tshisekedi, acclaimed as President of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Everyone knows that the 2011 coup is the basis of the political crisis and legitimacy for which it must interact to create the conditions to relaunch the peaceful electoral process and secure, after which Mr. Kabila, who n is not a candidate, shall conduct civilized transfer of power to the elected President and that, within the time prescribed by the Constitution.
Third: in the “Road Map” of 18 February 2015 made public by the President Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Etienne and superbly summarizes the causes of the current crisis and the terms of reference of the political dialogue held in accordance with the Framework Agreement Addis Ababa and subsequent resolutions of the UN Security Council, there is no mention made of any establishment of a transitional government.
That is, in the understanding of the UDPS and its President, political dialogue has no mission to create transitions but rather the conditions for a transparent and credible electoral process, in full respect of the Constitution .
Quarto: UDPS said and repeated that the current political crisis is the result of the 2011 electoral heist This crisis and puts face to face the President-elect, but unable to perform his functions, the President has the effectiveness of power.
The identification of the protagonists and thus interlocutors being thus defined, the political and social forces in the country that must effectively take account are recruited in one camp or the other.
François Mitterand, who has experienced an uninterrupted 50-year political career, we learned that in politics, “There is not no man’s land. It belongs to one camp or another.
Quinto: in his messages respectively on the occasion of January 2015 events and with the discovery of the mass grave Maluku, President Tshisekedi had asked the people to remain mobilized until the departure of Mr. Joseph Kabila.
It must start at the latest in November 2016 after the holding of the presidential election to be entered September 19, 2016 in accordance with Article 73 of the Constitution.
Thus, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, faithful servant of the people’s cause to which he has donated his life in a fight invariable geometry, to serve the interests of the people, will never find with power any accommodation that would go into the sense of depriving this people change imperatively awaited by the alternation in 2016.
Contacts and dialogue itself are intended, as will be understood, to avoid, once again, there is not a credible electoral process amid tampering with results surge of violence as in 2006 and 2011.
We believe and have elucidated the relevant concerns raised in your estimated by expressing, on its own dictation, thought and approach of President Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Etienne, which refers only to the salvation and many Congolese and Congolese.
Done at Kinshasa, September 10, 2015
Bruno Tshibala Nzenzhe
Party spokesman.
CI. ; – At the Ambassador of South Africa
-A Ambassador of the United States of America;
– At the Ambassador of Belgium;
– At the Ambassador of Angola;
– At the Ambassador of the Republic of Congo;
– At the Ambassador of Great Britain;
– At the Ambassador of the Netherlands;
– At the Ambassador of France;
– In the heads of political parties (all);
-At The heads of national and international nongovernmental organizations (All).
Il n’a pas attendu longtemps pour réagir à la correspondance lui adressée, le 9 septembre 2015, par le Président de l’Asadho sur la tenue du dialogue et s’il s’était disposé à défendre l’intérêt du peuple congolais. Etienne Tshisekedi, président national de l’UDPS, a répondu, dans l’espace de 24 heures, aux préoccupations de l’intéressé. Partant, il a tenu à mettre sous la toile sa réponse, du reste adressée, en copie au corps diplomatique, pour que personne n’en ignore. Ci-après, la réponse à l’attention du président de l’Asadho.
A Monsieur Jean-Claude Katende
Président National de l’ASADHO à Kinshasa/Gombe
Concerne : Votre lettre adressée au Président de l’UDPS et publiée dans le Journal «Le Phare» n°5156 du Mercredi 09/09/2015.
Monsieur le Président,
L’Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social «UDPS en sigle, a pris connaissance de la lettre que vous avez adressée au Président élu et Président de l’UDPS, Monsieur Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, au sujet des contacts entre l’UDPS et la Majorité présidentielle en rapport avec le dialogue politique.
Dans cette lettre pathétique, vous faites bien de reconnaitre et de rappeler le rôle prééminent joué par Monsieur Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba et l’UDPS pour que la démocratie, le respect et la culture des droits de l’homme s’installent et fleurissent dans notre pays, la République Démocratique du Congo.
Vous exprimez nettement votre attachement au dialogue en même temps que vous reconnaissez le bien-fondé des contacts entre l’UDPS et la Majorité présidentielle en vue d’aplanir les points de divergence pour hâter la tenue du dialogue.
Aussi, vous préoccupez-vous de la prise en compte des aspirations du peuple au cours de ces contacts.
Sur cette même lancée, vous vous demandez si le Président Tshisekedi tiendra compte de la volonté du peuple congolais de voir l’alternance politique se réaliser en décembre 2016 avec le départ de Monsieur Kabila lequel, affirmez vous, vient d’achever un deuxième mandat et que le peuple ne veut pas qu’il en ait un troisième voire la prolongation de son mandat actuel.
Vous ne manquez pas d’attirer l’attention du Président Tshisekedi sur le fait que d’autres forces politiques et sociales devraient être associées à ces rencontres pour que l’alternance politique de 2016 se fasse sans atermoiements ni heurts.
Pour conclure, vous rappelez que tout accord qui ne tiendrait pas compte des aspirations du peuple de voir le Président de la République partir à la fin de son second mandat serait une trahison, une violation de la Constitution et une atteinte à la démocratie.
Vous vous demandez également si, au cours de ces rencontres, l’UDPS aurait accepté la mise en place d’un gouvernement de transition. Vous invitez in fine le Président Tshisekedi à édifier le peuple sur toutes ces préoccupations.
En vue d’éclairer et d’édifier encore une fois notre peuple qui a placé toute sa confiance au Président Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba et à l’UDPS, nous tenons à apporter, au nom du Président élu et sous sa propre dictée, les éclaircissements que voici :
Primo : le combat que l’UDPS et son leader, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, mènent depuis plus de trente-trois ans, ne vise que la satisfaction de l’intérêt général et donc l’intérêt du Peuple.
Chaque fois que l’intérêt du peuple n’était pas pris en compte, l’UDPS et son Président ont démontré qu’ils étaient prêts à accepter tous les sacrifices et toutes les privations pour ne pas trahir le peuple congolais.
Qui oubliera que, quand les belligérants et tous les partis dits de l’opposition siégeant hier comme aujourd’hui dans les institutions, s’étaient entendus pour violer l’Accord Global et Inclusif issu de Sun City et vicier, pour des intérêts égoïstes, le processus électoral devant conduire aux élections de 2006, seule l’UDPS, soutenue et rejointe par le G 14, a eu le courage et le mérite de refuser de prendre part à un partage des postes dans une gestion calamiteuse de la trahison ou l’intérêt du peuple n’était pas pris en compte.
L’UDPS a ensuite refusé, avec ce que cela devait lui coûter, de cautionner le processus électoral vicié de 2006 sentant qu’il devait conduire au non respect des aspirations du peuple et de sa volonté souveraine telle qu’elle allait être exprimée dans l’urne, en se mettant hors de toutes les institutions pendant cinq ans.
En se sacrifiant ainsi, peut-on encore se poser la question de savoir si l’UDPS tient ou tiendra compte des aspirations du peuple ?
Secundo : l’UDPS est ahurie de voir le président de l’ASADHO affirmer que Monsieur Joseph Kabila est en train d’achever son deuxième mandat alors que le 28 Novembre 2011, le peuple congolais avait accordé la majorité de ses voix à Etienne Tshisekedi, plébiscité ainsi Président de la République Démocratique du Congo.
Nul n’ignore que le coup de force de 2011 est à la base de la crise politique et de légitimité pour laquelle il faut dialoguer en vue de créer les conditions de relance du processus électoral apaisé et sécurisé, au terme duquel Monsieur Kabila, qui n’est pas candidat, devra procéder à la passation civilisée du pouvoir avec le Président élu et ce, dans les délais prescrits par la Constitution.
Tertio : dans la « Feuille de route » du 18 février 2015 rendue publique par le Président Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba et qui résume superbement les causes de la crise actuelle et les termes de référence du dialogue politique à tenir conformément à l’Accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba et aux Résolutions subséquentes du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies, il n’y est fait nulle part mention d’une quelconque mise en place d’un gouvernement de transition.
C’est dire que dans l’entendement de l’UDPS et de son Président, le dialogue politique n’a pas mission de créer des transitions mais plutôt les conditions d’un processus électoral transparent et crédible, dans le strict respect de la Constitution.
Quarto : l’UDPS dit et répète que la crise politique actuelle est la conséquence du hold-up électoral de 2011. Cette crise met ainsi face-à-face le Président élu, mais empêché d’exercer ses fonctions, et le Président qui a l’effectivité du pouvoir.
L’identification des protagonistes et donc des interlocuteurs étant ainsi définie, les forces politiques et sociales du pays dont il faut effectivement tenir compte se recrutent dans l’un ou l’autre camp.
François Mitterand, qui a connu une carrière politique ininterrompue de 50 ans, nous apprend qu’en politique, « Il n’y a pas de no man’s land. On appartient à un camp ou à un autre.
Quinto : dans ses messages respectivement à l’occasion des événements de Janvier 2015 et lors de la découverte de la fosse commune de Maluku, le Président Tshisekedi avait demandé au peuple de rester mobilisé jusqu’au départ de Monsieur Joseph Kabila.
Ce départ doit intervenir au plus tard en Novembre 2016 après la tenue de l’élection présidentielle devant intervenir le 19 Septembre 2016 conformément à l’article 73 de la Constitution.
Ainsi, Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, serviteur fidèle de la cause du peuple auquel il a fait don de sa vie, dans un combat à géométrie invariable, pour servir l’intérêt du peuple, ne trouvera jamais avec le pouvoir un quelconque accommodement qui irait dans le sens de priver à ce peuple le changement attendu impérativement par l’alternance en 2016.
Les contacts et le dialogue proprement dit sont destinés, comme on l’aura compris, à éviter, qu’encore une fois, il y ait un processus électoral non crédible sur fond de tripatouillage des résultats avec déferlement de violences comme en 2006 et 2011.
Nous pensons ainsi avoir élucidé les pertinentes préoccupations soulevées dans votre estimée en exprimant, sous sa propre dictée, la pensée et la démarche du Président Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, qui ne vise que le salut et le bien des Congolaises et des Congolais.
Fait à Kinshasa, le 10 septembre 2015
Bruno Tshibala Nzenzhe
Porte-parole du Parti.
CI. ; – A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de l’Afrique du Sud
-A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de Belgique ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur d’Angola ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de la République du Congo ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de Grande-Bretagne ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur des Pays-Bas ;
– A Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de France ;
– Aux Responsables des Partis politiques (Tous) ;
-Aux Responsables des organisations non gouvernementales nationales et internationales (Tous).
With Iran, Obama holds his great diplomatic victory
AFP Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 12:47 – Last Updated Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 4:04 p.m.
Video: Obama’s statement after the agreement on the Iranian nuclear
Obama: the nuclear deal may open a new era
Nuclear deal: Reaction Iranian President
Iran: that contains the agreement reached after 17 days of hard negotiations?
Iran: the “top” finally in sight?
Iran: “Key issues remain to be addressed,” according to USA
“I’m at the beginning of my work on the world stage” by receiving his Nobel Peace Prize on the eve of his first term, Obama took note of the controversy surrounding this surprising reward.
Nearly six years later, he holds, through the agreement reached with Iran on its nuclear program, a diplomatic success that size away the prospect of military action with unpredictable consequences in a deeply unstable region.
The agreement of course his critics in the US and on the international scene, Israel to the Gulf Sunni monarchies. And even if it happens in the coming weeks the delicate stage of the Congress, it will be several years – long after his departure from the White House – to measure the real impact.
But the 44th US president, however, can legitimately be seen as the concrete expression of a fundamental principle of its foreign policy: give a chance to dialogue even with America’s enemies.
We must tirelessly trying to find a balance “between isolation and cooperation, pressure and encouragement,” he explained receiving his Nobel Prize in Oslo in December 2009, hammering his belief that “sanctions without outstretched hand and convictions without discussions” were doomed to failure.
Where his predecessor had prepared a list of countries infréquentables, tracing his famous “axis of evil,” Obama has tried to open, even to cross – in September 2013 – a long cape unthinkable: a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani.
Thirty-five years after the rupture of diplomatic relations in the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution and the hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran, the two countries – and other members of the P5 + 1 – have fallen to agreement on a document that aims to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons in exchange for a lifting of sanctions that are strangling the Iranian economy.
“For decades, our policy has been to contain Iran, not to cooperate or work on any subject whatsoever. This is a fundamental change,” said Aaron David Miller of the Wilson Center. “Whether you are for or against this agreement, it is significant.”
To Trita Parsi of the National Iranian American Council think tank, the text adopted in Vienna is unquestionably the balance sheet of foreign policy centerpiece of Mr. Obama, who leaves the White House in 18 months.
If the restoration of diplomatic relations with Cuba, announced it a few days ago, is “probably speaking for many Americans,” this agreement with the Islamic Republic will be “infinitely more important geopolitical consequences,” he says.
“My name on the agreement”
In the short term, all eyes will turn to the US Congress. If he is not called to ratify the text (not a treaty), it nevertheless has the power to block it. In the fight looming, every vote will count if the Capitol elected adopt a motion of disagreement, Obama could still veto it. But it could still be overcome if two thirds of members of Congress oppose the president.
If it passes the obstacle, what place will occupy this highly technical agreement, fiercely negotiated for nearly two years in the history books?
Some point to the rapprochement between the US and China in the 1970s under the leadership of Richard Nixon, who had paid a historic visit to Beijing in February 1972.
But the parallel is – in many ways – imperfect. “We are still far from normalization between the United States and Iran,” said Aaron David Miller, who recalls the many sources of tension in the region: Tehran to support the Assad regime in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon , Hamas in Gaza or the Houthis in Yemen.
The question is whether this agreement can mark a profound change, the beginning of a broader dialogue between Washington and Tehran. “History will tell, we do not know yet. My feeling is that this will not happen,” added the historian.
For Suzanne Maloney of the Brookings Institution, this “breakthrough”, the result of deploying a “diplomatic power” unconventional, should rather be compared to the agreements reached during the Cold War, Ronald Reagan in particular on disarmament with the Soviet Union.
“It was of strategic agreements that allowed to manage one of the most dangerous aspects of a relationship between opponents,” she says.
Aware that its approach does not have unanimous support, Obama met for the time his weight – and its place in history – in the balance.
“My name will be written on this agreement,” he explained late May. “Nobody has more interest than I make sure it keeps its promises.”
The controversial Confederate flag removed from the parliament of South Carolina
Le Vif
10.07.15 at 17:10 – Update at 17:09
Source: Belga
South Carolina withdrew Friday from parliament the controversial Confederate flag, emblem of the Southern troops during the Civil War but racism symbol for many Americans, a move caused by a killer in a black church.
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The controversial Confederate flag removed from the parliament of South Carolina
the Confederate flag © REUTERS
Hundreds of people gathered near the local parliament in Columbia, the capital of the State of south-eastern United States, accompanied by the lowering of the flag of joy and singing “USA”. This withdrawal is a “sign of goodwill and healing (injuries) and a decisive step towards a better future,” tweeted soon Barack Obama, first black president of the United States.
The decision to remove the controversial flag, confirmed this week by both houses of the local parliament, was taken almost three weeks after the massacre of nine blacks in a church in Charleston, whose author had brandished the banner and justified the move by his hatred of blacks.
After the drama, the controversy surrounding this flag swelled in the US, to the point that many US retailers have announced that they would sell more flocked emblem products.
“We honor the tradition. We honor the history. We honor more heritage. (…) This flag must go to a museum where we will continue to ensure that people can honor it appropriately,” said before the ceremony the Republican Governor of the state, Nikki Haley.
The leader of South Carolina had ratified yesterday the text voted in the local parliament and demanded the withdrawal of the flag by claiming a symbol that “divides”.
“No one should pass the parliament building and feel the pain,” she added
Burundi: Humanitarian worried degradation
Marie-France Cros (with AFP) Posted Friday, July 3rd, 2015 at 6:27 p.m. – Updated Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 5:24 p.m.
Burundi: UN Observation Mission considers the elections neither credible nor free
Burundi: street fighting or summary executions?
While Burundi’s incumbent president continues his campaign for the July 15 presidential – which withdrew the opposition – that the minimum conditions are not met for a vote, according to the international community, humanitarian worry about the effects of the constant political degradation.
The High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN has announced Wednesday in Dar es Salaam, capital of Tanzania, the number of Burundian refugees home to countries that might well pass 70,000 current 250 000 or even twice, because of the tension created by the Burundian president.
80% saw a murder
The opposition, civil society, the Church and part of the Burundian presidential party oppose what President Pierre Nkurunziza is seeking a third term, prohibited by the Arusha Peace Agreement, which ended the Civil War (1993-2005). As the Constitution is opposed less clear, the regime has pressured the Constitutional Court, denounced his vice-president, on the run, so that it interprets the text in favor of the head of state.
According to the NGO International Rescue Committee (IRC), newly arrived Burundian refugees in Tanzania have reported increased violence: 80% of those surveyed by IRC claim to have witnessed the killing of a civilian before fleeing the Burundi. Many are almost no luggage because they had to flee suddenly.
The NGO Plan International says, meanwhile, that about half of Burundian refugees arriving in Tanzania are children, often unaccompanied by an adult.
NGOs working in refugee camps in Tanzania emphasize that this new influx exceeds the capacity of camps, including health, which could lead to outbreaks. The NGO Save the Children therefore ask the Tanzanian government and UNHCR to identify new sites for installing refugee camps.
For its part, the Election Observation Mission of the UN confirmed that the legislative and municipal elections of 29 June took place “in an environment that was not conducive to the holding of free elections, credible and unifying . ”
According to AFP, his nine-page report is “devastating”; it details the violence, intimidation, violations of human rights and restrictions on freedom of expression throughout the campaign and depicts “a climate of fear and intimidation widespread in parts of the country.”
Curiously, the results of the elections were still not known Friday.
See the election!
The United States called for the postponement of the presidential – as did the UN, the African Union, the European Union – and denounced the elections on June 29 They called on Nkurunziza to “place the welfare of the citizens of Burundi over his personal political ambitions” by taking part in a political dialogue with the opposition and civil society.
The countries of the East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda) meet again on Monday in Dar es Salaam to try to find a solution to the crisis. If the heads of state of these countries are not necessarily opposed to what Mr. Nkurunziza clings to power, they see a dim view of it does not control the situation and creates problems
Bah patience
Man discovered in 179 years
India: “Death m ‘forgot’
“My little – children
dead there for years. in
somehow, m death has
forgotten ”
Mahashta Mûrasi is a
Indian who claims to be born
in 1835. It is not only the oldest man
world but also the man who lived the longest
since the history of mankind (according to the Guinness World
According to the information forwarded, the man would be born
Bangalore January 6, 1835. From 1903, he lived in Varanasi,
where he worked until 1957, until his retirement in 122
According WorldNewsDailyReport. com all documents
official for identifying this man support his
My little – children died there a few years, ”
Mûrasi said. “In a certain way, death m forgot.
And now, I have lost all hope to die! “
Fall of John Kerry cycling: broken femur and live back in the US
afp Published Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 11:48 – Last Updated Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 2:22 p.m.
Kerry met Putin: first signs of relaxation between Russia and USA
US Secretary of State John Kerry, 71, broke his right femur Sunday during a bicycle accident on the French-Swiss border. He is expected to leave Geneva in the day to the United States, announced the State Department. “He will be back in Boston today for treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital,” the spokesman of the Department of State John Kirby.
The accident occurred around 9:40 near the town of Scionzier, Haute-Savoie (center-east of France), and Mr. Kerry was transported by helicopter to the University Hospital of Geneva. No other vehicle was involved in the accident.
Mr. Kerry, according to his spokesman John Kirby, has “not lost consciousness.”
The head of the US diplomacy and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif had begun in Geneva on Saturday of “intense” negotiations for sealing by the end of June a historic agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program.
Initially, John Kerry had to go to Madrid on Sunday afternoon before joining Paris Monday night on the eve of a meeting of the international coalition against the Islamic state group.
On the same subject:
Kerry met Putin: first signs of relaxation between Russia and USA
DRC Katanga Congo: 4,600 students study under mango trees in Manono
published there 6 hours, 20 minutes | Last Update May 17, 2015 at 6:44 | under News, Katanga, Politics, Regions Security Company. Keywords: Bantu conflicts, school, students, Fire, manono, pygmies
Book in hand, an employee of the UNHCR about to save a family of pygmies in a displacement of the center of Dongo (DRC) in Betou (RCA) on 18/11/2009. Ph. Don John BompengoCarnet hands, servant UNHCR about to save a family of pygmies in a displacement of the center of Dongo (DRC) in Betou (RCA) on 18/11/2009. Ph. Don John Bompengo
About 4 600 students in 38th Garenganze community, territory of Manono (Katanga) study, in recent days, under mango trees and without school supplies, teaching materials or after their schools were burned as a result of conflict between Bantu and pygmies.
These students are part of families who fled conflict between Bantus and Pygmies in northeastern territory of Manono (Katanga).
In a workshop from 11 to 12 May at Manono center, members of the community have called Garenganze people of good will to bring urgently for financial assistance to enable these students to complete the school year 2014-2015.
Eight schools in this community have already been burned since January following the ethnic conflict.
A (re) read: Katanga: 6 people die burned in an IDP camp in Nyunzu
According to a member of the 38th Garenganze community, the death of a teacher belonging to a school of this community, on May 5, was an event too in the conflict between the Bantu pygmies.
Remember, eight people were killed and more than thirty others were injured in clashes occurred, Tuesday, May 5, between pygmy and Bantu militia in the territory of Manono (Katanga). According to sources from civil society Manono, dead and injured people are of Bantu community.
The same sources have not yet advanced the balance of people dead on the side of the Pygmy community.
While in April in Katanga, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Evariste Boshab, called Bantu and Pygmy reconciliation.
These conflicts, which also affect the Kalemie and Kabalo territories have already caused several deaths in the region. They also caused the movement of people, who live in difficult conditions.
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Nine people were killed and several were injured in exchanges of fire between two rival gangs of motorcyclists in Waco, Texas, according to local media.
Clashes erupted between two rival gangs on the parking lot of a restaurant that made use of baseball bats and knives before leaving their guns, explained Sergeant
One of the best-selling cobblestones in Belgium is made by children in India
Le Vif 05/15/15 at 20:24 – Update at 20:24 Source: Belga
One of the best selling cobblestones on the Belgian market, the “Kandla Grey”, comes from Budhpura, India, where child labor is common, writes De Standaard Friday.
One of the best-selling cobblestones in Belgium is made by children in India
Many Belgian importers purchase such products at Budhpura, according to a newspaper investigation. They do not directly but go through Indian suppliers that source from local traders, who themselves buy the cobblestones with families and children.
Most pavers “Kandla Grey” that Belgians buy, come therefore probably Budhpura. Besides the terraces and walkways individuals, such as paving stones adorn including Oude Markt in Leuven, instead of the church in Merelbeke and sidewalks in many cities.
“I will not say that all ‘Kandla Grey’ just Budhpura, but at least 80%,” explains Herwig Callewier, manager of Beltrami and president of the Federation of Belgian wholesalers in natural stone. “In fact, we suspect a long time that children work to Budhpura. But we never acted within the sector.”
A Budhpura, 40% of families are single parents. Fathers often die around the age of 40 following a silicosis and pneumoconiosis, affecting stonemasons.
Learn more about: india working conditions child labor pavers
Monsengwo is the demonstration of his dealings with the regime
The Cardinal Monsengwo is tipped facilitator of the political process initiated by the regime. The missi Dominici Kabila Mutond Kalev, head of information (National Intelligence Agency, ANR acronym) also went to visit him in the consultations he has undertaken with the vital forces of the nation. According to people close to security services sources, Ka¬lev proposed to ensure Monsengwo média¬tion future political dialogue. The same sources confirmed that Cardinal accepted the offer of the regime. Curious though that Monsengwo as easily accept such an offer without asking prior.
Genre recovery media signal arbitrarily cut and release of political prisoners. His attitude corroborates the allegations of political cronyism with the regime. He who is silent while the FCR, a Catholic media has suffered the wrath of the regime which cut its signal without any justification and in defiance of the law. Monsengwo can not thread the mediator beautiful costume, this costume is very good to him. His double game during the 2013 national consultations is still fresh in our memories.
It is to him that the regime had commissioned to con¬vaincre Kengo go to national Consultations with the promise of occupying the prime minister. He did not hesitate to give a boost to his friend Kengo al¬ors he knows very well that the President of the Senate has no popular base to feed his wild ambitions. It’s always the same Monsengwo, who had gone in Brazzaville to support President Sassou in its attempt to provide good offices to the National Consultations.
While the dictator Sassou profile pou¬vait in no case don¬ner her right to such privilege. Monsengwo has you face the barbarism Sas¬sou made by our compatriots in the name of family ties. Finally account Monsengo supported the National Consultations are révé¬lés today a fiasco because having solved any problem of political background now another proces¬sus policy is already on the horizon. The former Archbishop of Kisangani is customary poli¬tiques of these dirty tricks. He who had marched last year at the meeting of Catholic intellectuals who wanted to have the light of their shepherd on a fundamental ques¬tion concer¬nant the future of their nation, namely: con¬stitutionnelle review.
Long announced and very enten¬due, Monsengwo, who had given his agreement pour¬tant, it was not made and has never apologized nor any don¬ner explica¬tion his detestable com¬portement . Without seeking to exercise power directe¬ment, Monsengwo loves power and likes to influ¬encer actors of the political scene. He can not hide behind the law reserves to justify its guilty si¬lences because when he was archbishop of Kisan¬gani, he spoke in season and out of all the political issues of the time. This also largely contributed to hoist the sou¬veraine to roost in the National Conference. The policy is primarily a matter of symbolism! Do not pren¬dre speech at critical moments in the life of a nation is guilty abstention demonstrating a certain complicity with the regime that pretends to fight for his excesses.
Why has he addressed the bloody riots in January? And why other topics just as serious, if he retreats into silence? Monsengwo can not hide behind either Cenco (National Episcopal con¬férence of Congo) which is an organ of the Catholic Church, which has its own dynamic and has taken the most courageous positions including on constitutional revision. Today it is almost a given that Monsengwo be appointed mediator nou¬veau political process, impartiality is questionable. Opponents to challenge as soon as the nou¬velle will be formalized. Si¬non, civil society as the opposition will not be immune to its various low blows and multiple com¬bines as was the case with Kengo and currently with the regime. This was also the case with his famous third way hatched in the back of Tshisekedi to benefit Ken¬go in the 90 This betrayal had pushed Tsh¬isekedi a coalition with Mobu¬tu to deprive the Office of the Transitional Parliament . The opinion must therefore be wary of this character. The adage that the clothes do make the man applies very well to it. Forewarned is forearmed! As a people also warned both!
PAUL Muland?
“We teach that education is a great privilege that can lead anywhere, but sometimes I worry that I might be selling them a dream. So I try to teach them what’s possible, but also what’s real. They need to learn that hard work leads to success. But I also tell them that they might need to be a bit more patient than others. Sometimes they ask hard questions, and I try to answer as honestly as possible. A few weeks ago, I was teaching a lesson about segregation, and one of my students raised his hand. He said: ‘If segregation is over, then why are there only black kids at our school?’” — with Honorable Martin Fayulu.
One day, a man returning from work late, tired and irritated found his 11 year old son at the entrance of the gate.
“Dad, can I ask you a question?”
“What is it?” the man replied.
“Dad, how much you earn per hour?”
“It’s not your problem … Why such a question?” said the man, in an aggressive manner.
“I just want to know. Please how much you earn per hour?”
“You know what? .. I earn $ 10 per hour!”
“Ah …” the boy replied, with his head down. “Dad, lend me only $ 5 …”
The father was furious, “It is for this reason that you asked this? …. Do you think that’s how you can get money to buy toys? Quickly to bed in your room.
I work hard everyday for such childish things? ”
The boy remains silent, enters her room and closes the door ..
The man sitting becomes more and more nervous on the issues of the child.
How dare he ask such questions just to make money?
An hour later, the man pulled himself together and said: Maybe he really needed to buy something with the $ 5 and after all this is not in his habits. The man went to the boy’s room and opened the door.
“Are you asleep, son?” asked the man …
“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy …
“I think I have been too hard on you my son …
I have had a very hard day, so I unloaded teaches me about you. Here the $ 5 you asked. ”
The small smiling toddler cried … “Oh, thank you daddy!”
The man saw that the boy already had money, and started to get angry again.
The boy slowly counted his money, then looked at his father.
“Why did you want more money if you had already?”
“Dad, it’s because I did not have enough.” Replied the boy.
“Daddy, I have $ 10 now. Can I buy one hour of your time? … Please, arrives tomorrow an hour before at home .. I ‘d like dinner with you.”
The father was broken. He put his arms around the child and asked for forgiveness …
It’s just a little reminder to all those who work hard in life. We must not let it slip through your fingers without having spent time, or some of that time with those who really need, those who are close to our heart.
Do not forget to share the $ 10 (the value of your time) with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company we work for, could easily replace us in the coming hours.
But family and friends we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives ….
Share if you are touched and help save relationships between Child and Parent
DRC Congo Mbandaka: a nurse committed suicide for non-payment of his bonus
Nursing students dance the 12/05/2011 in Kinshasa, during the parade marking the International Nursing Day. Radio Okapi / John BompengoDes nursing students dance the 12/05/2011 in Kinshasa, during the parade marking the International Nursing Day. Radio Okapi / John Bompengo
The burial of Jean-Pierre Timbo Inzago, nurse of general Gemena hospital (Equateur), took place Sunday, May 10 in an atmosphere of tension. He had committed suicide due to non-payment of its risk premium of April, set at 38,000 Congolese francs (41 US dollars). Notability Gemena intervened to restore calm in order to protect the heritage of this newly renovated hospital. Nevertheless, the union of nursing South Ubangi threatens to call to boycott work from Monday.
At the burial, uncertainty and indignation of the biological family and colleagues were total.
Several witnesses claim that Jean-Pierre Timbo Inzago worked for 29 years without pay. This nurse lived only its risk premium usually paid on the basis of payroll established locally.
This time, the pay of April takes place from last week by a delegation from Kinshasa. It is done on the basis of listings, where his name does not appear.
Why he has not been paid, like several other nurses, said the provincial head of division of health, Welcome Mangonza.
So Timbo Inzago could not contain his anger, say witnesses. On Saturday, he poured gasoline, then set fire to the hospital. It will succumb to the night his burns.
Sunday morning, there was tension before the burial of the bodies provided for in the hospital entrance, under supervision of law enforcement. Relatives of the victim had gone mad caillasser the office of the provincial division of health / South-Ubangi.
Reread also: Ecuador: nursing radicalize the strike in Lisala
For the nurses union, JP Timbo was martyred bad faith of the Congolese authorities, who neglect the social servants. That’s why he threatens to call its members to strike on Monday.
This movement aims to reclaim the increase in the rate of risk premium, rank harmonization and integration of active nurses, which are omitted from the listings in favor of deserters. This wish is expressed by the Congolese civil society New South Ubangi.
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The European Commission will present on Wednesday a plan of action on immigration
AFP Published Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 12:01 – Last Updated Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 13:40
The wreck of the trawler was spotted 700 deaths
More than 1,000 migrants have landed in two Italian ports in the early morning
Obligation of solidarity for the reception of refugees, open to economic immigration, forced to return illegal: the European Commission will present an action plan Wednesday to try to stop the trafficking of migrants, but many of his proposals raise the hostility in the EU countries. The president of the EU executive Jean-Claude Juncker has decided to “carry” this project which AFP has learned. He expressed his intentions in late April before the European Parliament in Strasbourg and took the opportunity to measure opposition.
The European People’s Party (EPP), his political family, has opposed a plea in its intention to open legal channels for economic immigration.
“We reject this approach because it will strengthen the problem,” warned the president of the group, the German Manfred Weber. The EPP has obtained the removal of any reference to economic immigration in the resolution adopted by the assembly, devoted exclusively to the care of the only refugees.
Economic migrants must be turned back, and referral procedures should be accelerated, “if not, eventually, we will lose any popular support for refugees”, argued Manfred Weber.
Jean-Claude Juncker has decided to ignore. He wants to propose economic immigration in the action plan, despite opposition from many commissioners, said Sunday to AFP an informed source.
He also wants to impose an obligation on States to support refugee quotas to reduce the pressure exerted by the continuous arrival of migrants in Italy, Malta and Greece. More than 9,000 people parts of the coast of Libya in overloaded boats to board were rescued and arrived during the week in Italy, where their home is a challenge, as the centers of the country already hosting more than 80,000 migrants.
“The EU states must show solidarity and redouble their efforts to help countries in the front line,” insists the version “not definitive” project.
The Italian authorities and the media of the peninsula consider this mandatory allocation is acquired. But the binding force had still not been accepted Sunday as some commissioners want it to be done on a “voluntary” basis, told AFP a source informed.
The divisions are so strong that no figures had been arrested Sunday on the number of seats to provide Syrian refugees. UNHCR urges EU 20,000 places a year.
“Jean-Claude Juncker wants a mandatory allocation, but it has practically become a casus belli,” said another source.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s conservative denounced Friday as a “crazy idea”.
Viktor Orban’s not the only one to oppose this proposal. The French right EPP member also blocks on quotas, said sources within the group.
The proposal provides for redistribution of refugees by quota calculated based on the GDP of the country, its people, its unemployment rate and the number of refugees already installed.
It primarily concerns the countries of Central Europe, especially Poland, homeland of the president of the European Council Donald Tusk, accused of not showing solidarity.
“Six countries -Germany, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Italy, Belgium-have to pay 80% of asylum applications in the EU 15 countries agree to receive refugees and thirteen do nothing, take no responsibility “complains the former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Liberal group in the European Parliament.
Solidarity is the politically sensitive subject of the proposal. She has scuppered the extraordinary European summit on April 23 after a series of deadly shipwrecks.
Jean-Claude Juncker said he was disappointed by the lack of ambition shown by European leaders and wants to force them to “take responsibility” with this action plan at their next summit on 25 and 26 June
On the same subject
More than 1,000 migrants have landed in two Italian ports in the early morning
AFP Published Tuesday, May 5, 2015 10:00 – Last Updated Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 2:03 p.m.
Over 5,800 migrants rescued this weekend in the Mediterranean, 10 dead
Shipwrecks of migrants: Theo Franck-en calls to destroy the boats on the International Libyan coast
Forty migrants died in a shipwreck
Forty migrants have died in an incident on their dinghy, facebokpartie have a group of nearly 200 migrants who were on two separate boats and were rescued in recent days in the Strait of Sicily. The survivors arrived on Tuesday in the port of Catatonia on the freighter “Zeran” which also carried five bodies.
According to the survivors of the shipwreck, the incident occurred shortly before the rescue operations of this weekend, during which the units of the Italian Navy and the Coast Guard rescued with the help of several ships merchants, nearly 6,000 people.
More than 3,000 of these immigrants arrived aboard different ships Monday in Sicily and in other cities in the south of the peninsula and over 1,000 other Tuesday morning.
A series of shipwrecks of migrants’ boats had more than 1,200 dead in April.
On the same subject:
Rape of children by the French army – Sweden threatens to expose the entire case! Friday, May 1, 2015 – 24:52
Anders Kompass, the UN framework unveiled rape case
Anders Kompass, the UN framework unveiled rape case
CANALFRANCE.INFO – “The French soldier told me he had put his bangala in my mouth,” said a 9-year-old rape victim, in a report written by the UN and then published by “The Guardian “. The revelation about the case of sexual abuse by the American press has outraged France, even pushing President Francois Hollande to deliver a strong message against the actors, “If some soldiers behaved badly, I will be relentless. “
After 10 months of silence, a man has decided to reveal the open, the document stamped “top secret”. This man now under investigation for violation of internal protocols within the UN is Anders Kompass. The United Nations wants to dismiss him and Sweden vigorously opposes this decision.
Read the interview abused children
The war between the United Nations and Sweden declared, France disoriented
Swedish national, Anders Kompass is the director of field operations of the High Commissioner of the UN for human rights. He was suspended for revealing this information to French prosecutors. Having already been subject to investigation, Kompass fuiter had secret information about a conflict of interest concerning Western Sahara. Today, the former UN framework is defended by Sweden, her homeland. His suspension has generated diplomatic incidents.
“If the UN forces Kompass to resign, we will have to make public the entire French army by rape case and we will also launch a potentially violent and dangerous debate,” threatened the Swedish ambassador. Sweden still does not understand why the UN wants to protect its internal documents rather than act, investigate and punish the perpetrators of rape in the CAR. For Minister of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations must have a 0 tolerance and seriously study the cases of sexual abuse.
After 30 years of experience at the UN, should we keep Anders Kompass? An investigation was opened. Meanwhile, France will also conduct research on the supposed accusations of sexual abuse. The French army has promised full transparency and tolerance 0. The abused children were interviewed, their testimonies transcribed in the UN report before being released by the international press. The French press, except, however, did not want to relay exhaustively about children highlighted in this report. In the US, the title release: poisoned legacy of the French army in Africa. At the Elysee, there are concerns. The severity of the case might tarnish forever the image of the French army in the world but especially in Africa.
Is the truth out of the mouth of children?
Central African Republic: Justice investigation of sexual abuse committed by French soldiers
The with AFP and Reuters 04/29/2015 at 4:26 p.m. • updated on 04/29/2015 at 19:08
Image: des-troupes-francaises-de-
A framework of the United Nations (UN) was suspended last week BY
the international organization for the French authorities forwarded an internal report on alleged sexual abuse committed by French soldiers on children in the Central African Republic (CAR), reports the Guardian Wednesday, April 29. Anders Kompass, Director of Field Operations at the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, based in Geneva, is accused of a fuiter DOCUMENT
confidential and have shorted the hierarchy.
The investigation report, the British newspaper said he consulted, would focus on suspicions of abuse committed between December 2013 and June 2014 in a center for displaced persons located in the aéporort M’Poko Bangui, the CAR capital. Y include testimonials collected in situ BY
UN investigators, boys accusing French soldiers of having raped and have abused them in exchange for food or money. One of them is aged just 9 years.
“An intolerable affront to the values of the soldier”
The Ministry of Justice has CONFIRMED
Reuters on Wednesday that the Paris prosecutor opened July 31, 2014 a preliminary investigation into the charges after having reviewed the UN report. “The investigation is ongoing, we have no comment to make” is simply stated a spokesman of the ministry.
The defense ministry has meanwhile said that the French army ‘[had] taken and will take [it] all necessary measures for the establishment of the truth. ”
“If the facts were proven, it will ensure [it] that the strongest sanctions be imposed against officials which would be an intolerable affront to the values of the soldier. »
The UN would slow to act
The incident took place before and after the establishment of the UN mission in the country, the minusca. The report was commissioned by the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights, following rumors of abuse in the M’Poko camp.
Anders Kompass, Swedish aid worker transmitted the report to French investigators, after finding that the UN was slow to act, according to the Guardian. The investigation was entrusted to the Office of the UN Internal Oversight Services.
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2,000 year old tree in South Africa called The Tree of Life. The boabab tree.
Some hollowed out trunks have been used to provide shelter to as many as 40 people, it can hold up to 4,500 liters of water, fibers from the bark can be turned into rope and cloth and fresh leaves are often eaten to boost the immune system.
The medicinal properties of the boabab fruit are amaze balls: 3 times as much Vitamin C as an orange , 50% more Calcium than spinach, and it has a plentiful source of antioxidants which are disease fighting molecules credited with helping reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Beauty of the Motherland
2 Corinthians 5.1-10
On earth we live in a body. It is like a tent that will be destroyed one day. But we know that in heaven we have a house that lasts forever. It is God who made it are not men.
And now we groan, we seek with all our strength to put on that at another garment, our house from heaven.
Indeed, if this home from the sky covers us, God will not find us naked.
As we live our tent of the earth, as we groan under too heavy a burden. It’s true, we do not want to leave our body. But we want to put on it the garment of heaven so that life becomes what must die.
He who has prepared us for this life is God. He gave us the Holy Spirit, as the first part of the property that we will receive him.
So we are always of good courage. But we know, as we live in our bodies, we live far from the Lord.
Indeed, we live in faith and we still see nothing.
Yes, we are courageous and willing rather to leave this body to go and live with the Lord.
But what we want above all is to please him, or staying in the body or in the exit.
We must all appear before us the tribunal of Christ. Then each will receive what he deserves for what he has done good or evil during his life on earth. [I have no comment to make. We know that everything here any time can be taken from us. Paul’s words are not a soothing comfort to the absurd, injustice, evil. But the call to courage and espance that remains when everything in our hearts, as in this setting was set lower than the earth. Therefore, our rage face of death, and in front of it is massive, it’s indignation. Because the real meaning of death is humiliation]
New avalanche in Nepal: 250 people missing
AFP Published Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 4:29 p.m. – Updated Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 5:59 p.m.
IMAGES: Powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal
Earthquake in Nepal: foreign aid face significant logistical challenges
The plane B-Fast landed in Kathmandu
The flight of birds to the devastated city Kathmandu, during and after the earthquake (VIDEOS)
Some 250 people are missing after an avalanche occurred Tuesday in an area of Nepal near the epicenter of the recent deadly earthquake and lying on a known trekking routes, said a local official.
“An avalanche occurred today in the afternoon Ghodatabela a zone located on the trek Langtang known,” said the official, Uddhav Prasad Bhattarai.
“It is difficult to give the exact number of missing but could be 250 according to preliminary estimates.”
Foreign tourists could be among the missing but the area is difficult to access and complicated communications, the official added.
Relief operations have started but are hampered by bad weather, according to Mr. Bhattarai.
The Nepalese Prime Minister decreed three days of national mourning in memory of the victims
The Nepalese Prime Minister declared three days of national mourning in memory of the victims of the earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people and thanked donors, in a televised address on Tuesday. “In memory of the Nepalese foreign brothers and sisters, elders and children who lost their lives in this deadly earthquake, we decided to observe three days of national mourning from today,” said Sushil Koirala.
Still no news of 27 Belgians
The number of Belgians lying in Nepal and whose unaccounted for three days after the earthquake, is 27, said Tuesday early evening Michael Mareel, deputy spokesman of the FPS Foreign Affairs.
This figure was still 30 early in the day. Two hundred and twenty Belgians were in Nepal at the time of the earthquake, clarified their families and friends for Foreign Affairs.
People with or wishing information about the Belgians lying in Nepal can form 02/5014000 and 02/5014001 phone numbers. The crisis center is reachable from 8h to 20h.
Italy: Arrivals 250,000 500,000 Ë Refugees from Libya during the two to three months Next
Article published on 04/16/2015
The Italian secret services Have Launched the alarm on Next arrival Ë 250,000 500,000 refugees from Libya during the two to three months Next.
Following the arrival of 8,500 migrants in Three Days of the disappearance of 400 people ACCORDING NGOs, secret services Have Launched alert on a “tsunami” of refugees for over two months Next.
Red alert on Sicilian Coast. Following the arrival of 8,480 refugees in Three Days in Sicily and Calabria, Prefects’ Association launches an alarm on the risk In rapid saturation of refugee reception centers do from Libya. Cope with the influx of migrants, the Interior Ministry an address A circular to prefects for emergency FIND places pay 6,500 refugees, as well as in 70,000 places occupied TIME. BUT prefects Are Caught entre les INTERIOR MINISTRY AND the Sie Local Authorities are reluctant Take From A New commitments. In As Much As selon the Italian press, the Italian secret services Have Launched the alarm on Next arrival Ë 250,000 500,000 refugees from Libya during the two to three months Next.
“Those who devote attention to Professional Migration flows from Libya Believes That Italy has two months, three maximum Before descend upon our southern coasts of the United Nations ‘tsunami’ of the Deprived 250,000 ACCORDING Optimist , 500.000 Those who think pour That the “basin” broader “warns” Corriere della Sera “. Half Lower fork remains to Celle (500,000 to the UN Refugee million in 2015) discussed by the Executive Director of Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri in March last, but far disputed by the Italian government. But Just What REMEMBER Italy face A flow Refugees From 170,000 to pay any 2014 pour Getting In the MAGNITUDE of the human drama in preparation. SINCE the beginning of the year, more than 19,000 migrants Have already landed on the Italian southern coasts and shelters are on the verge of explosion … ..
Les Echos via
Mass grave near Kinshasa: UN recommends exhumation
(AFP 4/15/15)
Jose Maria Aranaz (g), Director of the Joint United Nations office for human rights in the DRC, Martin Kobler (d), Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the DRC
The UN said Wednesday it had recommended that the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the exhumation of bodies buried in a newly discovered mass grave near Kinshasa to shed light on the matter that feeds the controversy in the country .
“It was recommended to the exhumation but the authorities to take all measures that reassure the population to combat the rumors,” said the press Jose Maria Aranaz, Director of the Joint United Nations Office for Human Rights Rights (UNJHRO) in Kinshasa.
“We must make every effort to shed light [on] this matter. It means [need] reassure” and show “civil society, the international community that there is nothing to hide “added Mr. Aranaz about the gruesome discovery in Maluku, 80 kilometers northeast of the Congolese capital.
“I hope we’ll see that at the conclusion of the investigation and that all [the world] will be reassured [about] what happened in Maluku,” he has declared.
The Kinshasa authorities have already indicated that the decision to exhume the bodies or not returned to public prosecutor in charge of the investigation.
Authorities said 421 bodies mainly presented as those of the fetus, stillborn children, or “poor” were buried in the night of March 18 to 19 near the cemetery Maluku to decongest the central morgue in Kinshasa.
The authorities claim that collective burials of this kind are common in a city of ten million inhabitants, most living in utter destitution, and where, according to them, 600 people die every day.
The discovery of the pit has fueled rumors that it could house the victims of the unrest broke out in January in several cities of the country against a proposed revision of the electoral law has since passed and enacted. Dozens of people were killed in the violence, mainly in Kinshasa.
While the government calls not to go “higher bid in bidding,” the European Union requested a “credible” and “transparent” investigation into the pit, as the opposition and many Congolese associations and organizations Defence of Human Rights Human Rights Watch and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.
On Monday, the Congolese Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo was estimated that there were “perhaps had administrative errors in the process of burial,” but that “in the background” there was “nothing to fear because the burial of people was justified. ”
Kabila GOES AND COME TO AFRICOM CONGO – KINSHASA! February 9, 2015 IN Analyses BY Jean-Pierre Mbelu
Kabila will release. There is so much more doubt about it. NOT all depended on him. Its ‘creators’ have a word to say about him. He can pretend, with his entourage, NOT to be considered. He will leave. And to tell things as brutally Mufoncol Tshiyoyo regime change will be SERVED Congolese (es). What’s next? Africom happens. This could be worse. Watch Out! This will not be worse BY report to the police reign, corrupt and bloodthirsty ” the Kabile ‘. I Do Not. The arrival of Africom will perpetuate the regime manipulated politicos whose political achievements are summarized their photos taken with ‘Uncle Sam’. The near future may be very difficult. If organized and active minorities are unable to add a little more ” conscience ” actions of Congolese street, neo-colonization is likely to continue.
The masses invade the streets of Kinshasa on 19, 20 and 21 January 2015. Unarmed, they face the political police of Joseph Kabila armed to the teeth. IT kills several Congolese compatriots. These masses abandoned by the politicos called them to resist against the vote of a rogue electoral law were abandoned to their fate. They had to resort to ” political resourcefulness’ to occupy the streets of Kinshasa-la-rebellious for three successive days. The removal of Article 8 of this wicked law after heated debate organized by the Senate ‘obsolete’ pushed the city province uttered a sigh of relief and shout ” victory ”. Yet there was no ” victory ” at all. Immediate riots in Kinshasa and other cities in Congo – Kinshasa has not turned into a historical riot. [1]
It failed to mobilize more masses across the country. It has not reached the symbolic places of Kinshasa and other cities of the country to occupy the intensely with words specific orders. It was quickly recovered by ‘politicos’ who soon turned into’ an accident desire. ” That is to say, a desire for bourgeois democracy similar to that of ” major Western democracies’ ‘managed’ ‘usurpers of power’ representative rulers who exploited by ‘small hands of capital’ ‘, based its power. January 27, 2015, in Kinshasa, sedition made in USA agency already disoriented this historic uprising by organizing a conference on ‘human rights and governance.’ ‘ This conference was a sign to decipher. It did not take long to learn that the NED was to be joined by Africom.
The removal of Article 8 of this wicked law after heated debate organized by the Senate ‘obsolete’ pushed the city province uttered a sigh of relief and shout ” victory ”. Yet there was no ” victory ” at all. Immediate riots in Kinshasa and other cities in Congo – Kinshasa has not turned into a historical riot.
It is curious innocence (?) With which the Kinshasa media report these extremely serious facts! Observer January 6, 2015 wrote: “IN the framework of military cooperation between the US and the DRC, the command of the United States for Africa (AFRICOM) will organize a series of civil-military activities Democratic Republic of the Congo. The information was given at the beginning of the week in Berlin to West Germany by the Chief Command of the United States for Africa (Africom), General David Rodriguez. »
And the newspaper adds: “According to the head of Africom, the civil-military operators aim to strengthen the capacity of FARDC IN order to make this institution a republican army, and professional. Africom will also be involved in the implementation of social projects for the civilian population. “Citing an official of the US military command for Africa, he adds this:” “It’s a way to show the contribution of the Armed Forces in the development of communities.”
Like many other Congolese newspaper The Observer is satisfied with a STORY! Why Africom Congo – Kinshasa now? What were the missions of Africom’s creation? Why have several African countries refused to receive on their soil? Africom how he will reconcile an army of ragtag, infiltrated by outsiders, with people it is determined to exterminate with the support of its sponsors Anglo-Saxon? Africom it comes to Congo – Kinshasa by himself or he was invited by ” Congolese leaders ”? Why the arrival of Africom country Lumumba risk does coincide with the end of a police state, bloody and deadly?
The reason is the same since the beginning of time: the Congo – Kinshasa contributed to the military power and US economic power. The deep state US has vowed not to leave the country under the influence of competing powers such as China and Russia. In 2010, the Department of Energy of the United States, a study entitled ‘Strategy for essential minerals’ in this country has stressed the strategic importance of the Congolese raw materials. This justifies the US military presence in Congo – Kinshasa. The army wants to use soft power to fool the Congolese POPULATIONS into thinking she wants to reconcile with the political police of ‘rais’.
The Congo – Kinshasa contributed to the military power and US economic power. The deep state US has vowed not to leave the country under the influence of competing powers such as China and Russia. In 2010, the Department of Energy of the United States, a study entitled ‘Strategy for essential minerals’ in this country has stressed the strategic importance of the Congolese raw materials. This justifies the US military presence in Congo – Kinshasa.
Africom is simply complete the work begun by the Rwandans and Ugandans proxies. Remember that “during the Congo wars from 1996 to 2003, the US provided arms and led the militia of Rwanda and Uganda who then invaded the eastern provinces of Congo on behalf of the United States . The various multinationals were not the only ones to benefit from the plunder. Regimes in Rwanda Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni in Uganda have profited enormously and Congolese wars AS minerals cassiterite, wolframite, coltan (including niobium and tantalum are derived) and gold [2 ]. »
Amnesia is SUCH a power that Congolese (es) may host Africom as an innocent partner. In his nervousness, Mufoncol Tshiyoyo recently published an article in which he attacked the fellow who did not understand that the end of the Kabila regime could be a lure for them. In fact, many compatriots do not yet understand what is happening. They applaud those of us who, after the call on the Kinshasa street were quick to go to be photographed with ‘their American friends’ to say that they are’ on the right side of history ”.
He still would have the directions of the foreign policy of the Congo – Kinshasa is part of the discussions between his daughters and son. They are publicly defined. As the Kinshasa newspaper ‘The Observer’ ‘deals with the establishment of Africom country Lumumba, it does not open debate on the objectives of this military command. However, several studies show that “the consolidation of US presence in the region is part of a larger program that aims to extend the power of AFRICOM, the military command of the United States to Africa, through an archipelago of military BASES in the region.
In 2007, the adviser to the State Department, J. Peter Pham, thus defined has the strategic objective of AFRICOM: “Protect access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance, which means d On the one hand protect these fragile natural resources and also ensure that no other nation such as China, India, Japan and Russia obtains monopoly or treatment. “In addition, during an AFRICOM conference in Fort McNair February 18, 2008, Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared the guiding principle of AFRICOM was to ensure the” free flow of African natural resources on the global market “BEFORE adding that China’s rise as a major threat to US interests in the region. [3] “There, in perspective, the pursuit of perpetual war ” masters of the world ” could be described as’ civil war ” or ‘tribal’ or ‘ethnic’.
Kabila out! Africom happens. It is not for the sake of the Congolese (es). Nor for the development of Africans and their unit. The challenge is also and always the strategic raw materials.
What to do? Leave Congolese (es) working with sedition made in US agencies to prepare the ground for peaceful occupation avoid having PROBLEMS with ‘their coteries,’ ‘get excited as Tshiyoyo in frontally attacking or call to learn about the history of Africom? What to do? To be photographed with the Americans is it today in Congo – Kinshasa, sufficient proof that we work for a better future of the country Lumumba? Kabila out! Africom happens. It is not for the sake of the Congolese (es). Nor for the development of Africans and their unit.
The challenge is also and always the strategic raw materials. This was legible IN discover the key to the mystery of the war against Gaddafi’s Libya Indeed, “the key to the mystery? It is precisely that multinationals do not pay these raw materials, they steal them. In Africa, they plunder the resources, impose low wages, unfavorable trade agreements and privatization harmful, they exert all kinds of pressure and blackmail on weak states, they strangle by unfair debt, they install complacent dictators they cause civil wars IN coveted regions. “[4]
To put THINGS otherwise, with the arrival of the Congo – Kinshasa Africom, the African Great Lakes region will still have to deal with ‘perpetual war’ ‘. Congolese (s) who claimed victory after the withdrawal of Article 8 of the wicked electoral law will realize that they were deceived. (To be continued)
Mbelu Babanya Kabudi
Kinshasa: hundreds of bodies buried in a mass grave in Maluku
April 4, 2015, | Last Update April 4th, 2015 at 10:13 | in News, News, Kinshasa, The One, Politics, Security Company. Keywords: Boshab, cemetery, funeral mass grave, Indigent, burial, Maluku, MONUSCO, morgue
Graves in the cemetery of the Kintambo 4/06/2012 in Ngaliema in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Graves in the cemetery of the Kintambo 4/06/2012 in Ngaliema in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Approximately four hundred and twenty to five bodies have, for two weeks, were buried in a mass grave in the cemetery of Fula Fula in the common urban-rural Maluku in Kinshasa. The discovery was made by the people of that area of the capital. She immediately grabbed MONUSCO to denounce that gave off foul odors it.
The UN mission, in turn, appealed to the prosecutor asking him to investigate this issue. Some reliable sources claimed that they are bodies of those who died during the events of the last 19 to 21 January in the capital.
During these three days, the opposition had organized demonstrations to denounce the amendment of the electoral law then under discussion in Parliament.
In a report released Friday, April 3 in Kinshasa, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Security, Evariste Boshab Mabudj, rejected the version that the bodies buried in the mass grave were victims of riots in January in the capital.
He said the number of victims of these events were well known [12 dead by official sources and 42 according to the International Federation of Human Rights].
A (re) read: Kinshasa: controversy over the balance of the opposition demonstration
For Evariste Boshab, it is rather poor, long kept at the central morgue of the reference Kinshasa General Hospital, formerly Mama Yemo and buried by the Kinshasa City Hall on an application for the management of the morgue.
According to the government report, among the poor, there are people who have broken the social fabric with their families, abandoned body, unidentified bodies and dead babies, registered in due form to the central morgue.
Evariste Boshab also indicated that it is in the name of transparency and duty of the truth that the government releases its administrative report, pending the judicial panel.
Deputy Prime Minister for the Interior also said that the government was willing to exhume the body, if the application was made, or if any doubt remained.
For transparency, Evariste Boshab promised to make his report available to all.
The representatives of the Joint Office of the United Nations for Human Rights (UNJHRO), present at the meeting, welcomed this exchange and say take note of the statements of the government but expect the administrative report promised to rule on this folder.
In addition to members of the UNJHRO, other organizations participated in the meeting with the Congolese NGO Human Rights HUMAN Rights Watch, members of the government and the leaders of the security services.
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BY victory the blood of the Lamb
“The involvement of the devil in human corruption prevents men from being able to deliver themselves. True liberation requires divine intervention. No accused can pay the deposit for himself. Need a recognized authority to endorse you. The blood of Jesus is that authority. The blood of Jesus is your guarantee deposit against the wickedness of the devil. It is the divine provision for the liberation of man from all forms of evil wickedness. This is what it takes to silence any opposition. This is the ultimate weapon that gives us the victory. The blood of Jesus offers us the privilege of being discharged and acquitted, that we should walk in freedom every day of our lives.
Blood is the latest MAP God in the battle of life. Pharaoh had to give when the blood came on the scene in Exodus 12. The Israelite s were delivered from 430 years of oppression when blood entered the scene. You, too, will be freed NOW from all forms of oppression unhealthy that keeps you on the ground, in the name of Jesus! »
Let’s look at the virtues of sharing in Christ’s blood:
Zechariah 9:11 As for you, because TON covenant sealed by the blood, I thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.
12 Return to the stronghold, prisoners of hope! Today I declare that I will restore double.
The blood of Jesus is the protective fortress ensuring that the enemy can never hold us captive. Having shed his blood for our sins, Jesus brought back the captivity with him, cf. Ep.4: 8-10, captives of hell but all the captives from the slavery of sin, made free through faith in his word, cf. John 8: 31-36.
1 John 5: 6 This is he, Jesus Christ, who came by water and blood; not only by water, but with water and with the blood; and it is the Spirit that bearer witness, because the Spirit is truth.
7 For there are three that bear witness:
8 the Spirit, the water and the blood, and the three are in agreement.
The blood of Jesus comes last resolve any permanently through His shed blood, the victory we definitely gained by faith, we are forgiven, delivered and protected by his precious blood.
The blood of Jesus came to us from God by opening a road to God. Through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins is done and we are now at peace with God. His blood was also freed us from our sins by cleansing our consciences from dead works.
At the Lord’s Supper, we commune with the blood with many virtues, the time is appropriate to allow him to do his work in us if we HAVE sins that keep us connected.
By the blood of Jesus, HAVE us victory over the devil and all he sends us; Poverty, disease, oppression. The blood of the Passover lamb protected the Jews, how much more the precious blood of the Lamb of God! The devil can not resist and has to admit defeat, his weapons against us no longer have any effect when we raise the blood of the Lamb to his attacks. He can not condemn us; the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, cf. 1Jn.1: 7.
Apocalypse 12:10 And I heard in the sky a loud voice saying: NOW is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ; because it was rushed, the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Colossi ans 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; 1:13
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we HAVE redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins (King James Version)
Meditate on the passages below how to reach that speak of blood virtues of Christ shed on the cross for us.
1 Corinthians 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Romans 5: 9 Much more then, being NOW that we are justified by his blood, we shall be saved PER him to anger.
Ephesians 1: 7 In him we HAVE redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace,
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come then through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
12 and he entered in once into the holy place, not with the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.
13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, 14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit has offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works, that you serve the living God!
15 And that is why he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that the death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, those who are called may receive the eternal inheritance that their been promised.
1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who judges according to each one’s work, without respect of persons, conduct yourselves with fear DURING the time of your pilgrimage
18 knowing that not with corruptible things, as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life that you have inherited from your fathers,
19 BY but the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brothers, since we HAVE, through the blood of Jesus, free entry into the sanctuary
20 by a new and living way opened for us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
21 and since we HAVE a great priest over the house of God,
22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
1 John 1: 7 But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.
Apocalypse 1: 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth! Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins by his blood,
Apocalypse 5: 9 And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals; for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by TON blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
Do you want to break the power of sin? -1-
Do you want to break the power of sin?
The strength is in Christ! (Repeat)
Washington called Netanyahu to stop “occupation” 50 years old
AFP Published Monday, March 23, 2015 at 9:13 p.m. – Updated Monday, March 23, 2015 at 9:14 p.m.
Netanyahu asked to confirm that he wants a Palestinian state
Netanyahu assured of a clear majority to form government
Netanyahu after Obama critical comment on Israeli Arab voters
Washington will reassess its diplomatic support for Israel at the UN
The White House on Monday called for an end to “occupation that has lasted nearly 50 years,” hammering SOLUTION its commitment to a two-state Israeli and Palestinian, and denouncing once again the words of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the subject . “We can not just act as if these words were never spoken or did not raise questions about the commitment of the Prime Minister to achieve peace through negotiations DIRECT,” said Denis McDonough, Secretary General of the White House, referring to the “troubling” statements of Mr. Netanyahu.
“The United States will never stop working for a two-state solution,” he continued, saying, in a speech in Washington before the organization J Street, it was necessary “to end an occupation that lasted nearly 50 years. ” After the victory of his party in the elections held on March 17, Netanyahu changed his tune, ensuring, in numerous interviews given to US media, it was not actually opposed to the idea of a Palestinian state coexisting with Israel.
But the turnaround has not convinced the White House who has announced plans to reassess its position vis-à-vis Israel in the UN, where the US traditionally bring her unwavering support.
Forcefully denouncing the “contradictory statements” Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. McDonough, who works in the Obama side for over ten years, said that the Palestinians must “have the right to live in a sovereign state and to govern themselves. ” “Palestinian children deserve the same right to be free on their land that Israeli children on their own,” he continued, calling the next Israeli government to demonstrate, with actions and not just words, a ” sincere commitment “towards a two-state solution.
The general secretary of the White House made no reference to public apology Monday by Netanyahu for denouncing the “danger” of the massive mobilization of Israeli Arabs in the parliamentary elections.
The day of the vote, he had posted an alarmist video on his Facebook page. “The power of the right is in danger. The Arab voters go to MASS in the polling stations,” he said there.
US President Barack Obama strongly criticized the remarks, saying that democracy was based “on the principle of equitable and fair treatment for everyone.”
New York: Martin Kobler calls for the renewal of the mandate of MONUSCO
The UN Security Council met on Thursday March 19 in New York on the situation in the DRC and the renewal of the mandate of MONUSCO. Speaking first, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Martin Kobler called for the renewal of the mandate of MONUSCO, considering that a lot still remains to be done to further stabilize the DRC. For its part, the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Raymond Tshibanda, called for the gradual departure of MONUSCO. The Council is expected to vote in the evening.
Martin Kobler has identified the political, security and humanitarian situation in the DRC. This, according to him, is relatively stable thanks to the efforts of the Congolese government with the support of MONUSCO.
For the head of MONUSCO, many things have already been done in the field. But much remains to be done to further stabilize the DRC, which requires a renewal of the mandate of the UN mission.
“We are here to serve the people. We are also here to offer our services to the Government. Our willingness to leave the country is real and unequivocal. The departure of MONUSCO should be linked to outcomes and concrete improvement in the situation on the ground, “said Martin Kobler.
Civil society to a “strong mandate”
In the same vein, over 170 human rights NGOs and civil society in the DRC appeal to the “renewal of a strong MONUSCO mandate” for the reform of the security sector and support the electoral process.
In a joint statement issued Thursday in Kinshasa when the Security Council was discussing this issue, the NGOs claim that the Congolese crisis is far from resolved and is likely to deteriorate in the coming months.
The coordinator of the Network for Security Sector Reform and Justice, Emmanuel Kabengele says:
“[Consider] the police reform the flap; so far, there are only 3% of performance. What is true is that in the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, still continue to exist a number of armed groups. For us, compared to the case of insecurity, we need a combination of efforts. And in all modesty, we could not say that we ourselves could cope. ”
Kinshasa for a “phased withdrawal”
For his part, Raymond Tshibanba representing the country at that meeting, acknowledged the positive results achieved in the fight for the stabilization of the DRC by the government with the support of MONUSCO:
“Today, there is certainly still some pockets of insecurity in some places well located in North Kivu and South Kivu. Elsewhere in the country, peace and security prevail. Moreover, there is a functioning state, legitimate and effective institutions, an army in reconstruction. ”
According to him, the DRC is now able to continue this work alone. Raymond Tshibanba has therefore called for the gradual departure of MONUSCO:
“The Democratic Republic of Congo is grateful to the United Nations for its estimable competition in the pursuit and achievement of these results. However, it believes that the time has come for it to fully assume its responsibilities to safety and the safety of its population. It therefore calls for the Council to right this legitimate aspiration is consubstantial with the notion of sovereignty. ”
The United States reminded the DRC Congo prescribed democracy
BY CORALIE Kienge February 10, 2015
Ambassador James C. Swan
The sociopolitical-economic elite Congolese, as well as many diplomats were present at the invitation of the Embassy of the United States in the DRC celebrated Friday, February 6, 2015 in Kinshasa, the day “Martin Luther King”. Opportunity to Ambassador James C. Swan to develop, for the benefit of his guests, democratic values and freedoms defended by the visionary Martin Luther King Jr. At a time when the DRC is preparing to experience a new turn in its march towards democracy, James Swan has urged the Congolese leaders to promote the emergence of democratic institutions that are “the best way to resolve such crucial issues for the good of the people”. Hardened supporter of constitutional democracy, the diplomat said that this implies respect for the constitution, even by those who may be personally disadvantaged by respecting it. It also involves regular renewal of leaders – including well-INSTALLED politicians in their posts, he concluded.
The speech of Ambassador James C. Swan
The Martin Luther King Day February 6, 2015
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, welcome!
At a time when we celebrate and we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, a man whose movement has profoundly changed America and influenced the world.
The day dedicated to Martin Luther King is a national holiday in the United States. We are the only Western country to have declared a public holiday in honor of a person of African descent -a tribute not only to Dr. King but also the contributions and sacrifices of significant African American community that mark our history . This year we celebrate this festival Monday, January 19, a date that was marked by protests, unrest and violence in Congo. The contrast between the vision of Dr. King focused on the peaceful resolution of disputes, and violence we HAVE been witnesses that week was startling.
Dr. King has left a deep heritage in the United States, perceptible through the significant progress made with regard to race relations and inclusion. There is still much to do, as we have seen this year when a young black 18 year old was killed by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, an incident that has subsequently caused protests in many US cities . The African American community has however made impressive progress economically and politically, during the second half of the last century. As a demographic category, African Americans are unfortunately still lagging on a number of economic and social indicators. The 40 million African Americans still have a combined purchasing power estimated at one trillion dollars, they are also increasingly visible in the most important positions in the country, including, of course, at the White House.
You’ve probably noticed this evening the surrounding posters that illustrate the civil rights movement in the United States. These are images of struggle and triumph. These pictures tell the courage of these men and women united in the common effort to denounce injustice and prejudice and to end segregation in our country. But the real impact of the civil rights movement has spread well beyond the African American community. In the US, the idea of the civil rights movement actually evokes movement for democratic reforms and good governance. The purpose of this move was to ensure that all our citizens can participate fully in the life and decisions of our nation and contribute to its success.
Dr. King was a visionary, a brilliant orator, a courageous activist and a person with principles, ardently defending the non-violence. However, it has not made the change in America alone. He has worked in a framework including strong national institutions that ensure compliance with the constitutional guarantees to all citizens. Other Americans-even those who opposed him-have acted to ensure that their views are heard, even when they threaten powerful interests. Let us remember that the Supreme Court that made the landmark decision known as Brown’s behalf against the School Board -stimulant as premises exclusively for blacks were inherently unequal and unconstitutional resolutely -was in fact composed entirely of white men from privileged backgrounds. Do not forget that it was a conservative president who sent the National Guard to ensure that the decision of the court should be respected in all schools. Finally, keep in mind that this was the first elected president of South originates from our deep civil war that defended a law on civil rights was a milestone. The courses, free media and a vibrant civil society guarantied rights to assemble, to demonstrate and to express opinions on these issues. Those who tried to tackle these rights -in letting dogs on peaceful demonstrators in Selma or harassing black students in Little Rock-are portrayed in our history as despicable characters.
Dr. King’s accomplishments also teach us that the elections and the alternation of political power are important. TO programs to advance equality and social mobility for all Americans were achieved in large part due to overwhelming electoral victories of their promoters in 1964. Ultimately, the inspiring vision of Dr. King laboriously progressed and was included in the law through national institutions that have met our constitutional standards.
Here in Congo, at a time when the country faces a number of important national policy decisions, we also believe that democratic institutions are the best way to resolve such crucial issues for the good of the people. “In a democracy Constitutional, this implies lé respect for constitution-even by those who may be personally disadvantaged by respecting it. It also involves regular renewal of leaders-including politicians INSTALLED well in their positions. And it also implies, will guarantee all citizens the right to assemble, to speak freely and to have access to the media. All these areas suggest the existence of a thriving democracy.
The United States is therefore affected by recent moves in the Democratic Republic of Congo which have helped to foster the perception of a reduction in the political space. I refer to the prohibition of access to free communication offered by radio programs and social networks; arrests, detentions or threats of lawsuits against politicians and officials of the major civil society; as well as barriers to right to peaceful assembly and the right to demonstrate. These measures, even if they are incidental and unintentional, may have a negative effect on free political competition. Although the state is unquestionably the responsibility to protect public order, he also -in democracy- a duty to create the conditions’ for the open and public scrutiny of government policies. In Congo, the political space is particularly crucial given that the country enters an election cycle that should lead to the first peaceful transfer of executive power since independence.
The partnership between the United States and Congo is solid. The interests of the United States in the Congo are diverse, and include the promotion of economic development and growth of the private sector, as well as peace and security, particularly in eastern DRC. But as we contemplate tonight the legacy of Dr. King, the time for reflection on the fundamental role of freedom of expression and media, freedom of assembly, of the alternation of power and respect for the constitution in building a democracy strongly democracy capable of promoting the nation’s goals for the good of the people. In the history of the United States, no one has used these freedoms as efficiently and sustainability as Dr. King.
DRC: leak of a UN report pinning Congolese officers
RFI media
Members of the FARDC, the Congolese armed forces in eastern DRC on February 27, 2015. REUTERS / Kenny Katombe
A new leak at the UN Security Council could not fix the relationship between the Congolese government and MONUSCO. This is an excerpt from the latest report of the UN Secretary General on the UN Mission in the DRC, which refers to the suspension of support to seven commanders of the police and army, under the pretext that they would likely see their past to commit serious violations of human rights.
To recap, the Congolese government refused any support MONUSCO for all operations against the FDLR when the UN had publicly requested the replacement of two officers in charge of these operations in North Kivu.
It is rare, if not unprecedented, the quarterly report of the Secretary-General on MONUSCO should mention the results of the “screening”, that is to say, the valuation of liabilities Congolese officers on rights man in the government’s request for support opportunity to MONUSCO. This “screening” is nevertheless a very regular basis, but usually quite discreetly to avoid offending the Congolese government. Now, it is an obligation for the UN mission to ensure that they give no support to individuals or units suspected of serious crimes.
Of the 124 police commanders and army Recently reviewed by the UN, so we learn through this report that seven were put on a red list. And they and their units therefore benefit from any support of the mission. As noted by the still confidential report of the Secretary General, this is what is happening in North Kivu for operations against the FDLR because of the appointment of officers on the red list.
“It has sentenced 22 soldiers in Goma for serious crimes and that, of course, no one talks about it, rebels Congolese Communications Minister Lambert Mende. I do not know which is the origin of the leak, but there was obviously people in the UN who live badly the decision of our president to conduct independent operations against the FDLR, “he continues. The side of MONUSCO, it ensures that the decision to publish these figures in politics is nothing and is in any case not to wrinkle more Kinshasa.
■ The plight of the displaced
Civil society in South Kivu is concerned for thousands of displaced people who have fled the areas of operations against the FDLR. With the cessation of support for MONUSCO to the president of the civil society in the region, Descartes Mponge, aid can not help the displaced.
We know that some aid must be escorted by Monsuco, or MONUSCO not go in conflict zones.
Descartes Mponge
the president of the civil society in South Kivu
DRC: 7.3 million children aged 5 to 17 do not attend school
March 10, 2015, | Last Update March 10, 2015 at 8:02 | in News, Education, Kinshasa, The One. Keywords: school, student, Education
Some college students Boboto expect their parents 5/9/2011 in Kinshasa, during the 2011-2012 school year. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Some college students Boboto expect their parents 5/9/2011 in Kinshasa, during the 2011-2012 school year. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 7.3 million children aged 5 to 17 years (28% of the school population) do not attend school. This figure was revealed at the forum held in Kinshasa since the beginning of the week on national education. Actors of Education assess progress made by the DRC to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in education.
The millennium goal number 2 enjoins states to ensure primary education for all. These countries had to give all children, boys and girls all over the world, the means to complete a full course of primary schooling by 2015.
During the forum organized in Kinshasa by the National Coalition for Education for All (conept) -RDC, with the support of OSISA, participants from national, provincial and international civil society, noted that 28% of the school population did not attend school in the DRC.
Another figure presented during this meeting: 16.5% of current government spending allocated to national education instead of the 25% required to achieve the goals of education for all.
Participants in the forum of civil society, however, welcomed the progress made by the DRC in the education of children.
“The fact that the government is increasingly trying to improve its budget on education, it is a very good thing. The fact that he also has embarked on a major project to build schools to try to bring the student in school, it is also an excellent thing yet, “said Nick Elebe representing OSISA in DRC.
The government is encouraged to make efforts in areas such as literacy and schooling for girls.
“The pre-school enrollment rate is still 4.4%, and at the level of primary education free is not yet effective. When we go to the level of literacy, we have not yet sat structures for adult literacy. Today the issue of gender equity in education is still suffering “, said Jacques Tshimbalanga, National Coordinator of Education for All Coalition.
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The good practices of Belgium with regard to gender equality in the UN welcomed the 10/03/15 at 19:35 Bright – Update at 19:35
Source: Belg a
Belgium, represented by the Minister of Women’s Rights of the Walloon-Brussels, Isabelle Simon-is, stood out Tuesday morning at a round table organized on the sidelines of the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women to United Nations, New York.
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The good practices of Belgium with regard to gender equality welcomed the UN © iStock
A small fifteen countries have actively participated in the debate on the theme “Accountability for real equality for women and girls” and to highlight the initiatives taken in each country to advance the rights of women and identify effective policies.
Ms. Simonis emphasized, in his speech, several good practices implemented in Belgium. It thus stressed the “important responsibility of politicians who have to actually engage and establish objectives with monitoring indicators.” She gave the example of men and women equality plan implemented by the Federation Walloon-Brussels, which is controlled by the government each year and by the end of the legislature parliament.
The minister also highlighted the Institute for the equality of women and men, which is responsible for dealing with complaints of discrimination based on sex by offering an analysis of the case, a conciliation between the parties and, if necessary a legal defense. “To be effective, the legislation must be controlled and enable citizens and citizen to rely on,” Ms. Simon-is said.
“Equality mechanisms are essential in this regard.” Finally, Ms. Simon is highlighted quotas, which for her are a “necessary evil” to revive a positive dynamic.
And to quote the Belgian example where this type of binding legislation has achieved a rate of about 40% of women elected to parliaments and nearly 20% of women on the boards of directors of listed companies stock exchange and public companies.
“Quotas are essential, but they are far from sufficient,” qualified the Minister calling for greater collaboration with the private sector to promote the exchange of good practices.
“Companies have everything to gain to attract workers and allow them to progress in their career.” The Mrs Simon is was welcomed by the mediator of the debate, Commissioner for gender discrimination in Australia, Elizabeth Broderick. And only done during this kind of debate: speaking Belgian Minister also raised some applause in the audience.
Iran: White House condemns the attitude of the Republicans
AFP Published Monday, March 9, 2015 at 20:15 – Last Updated Monday, March 9, 2015
Obama: Netanyahu does not offer “viable alternative” on Iran
Netanyahu to the US Congress: the Iranian regime threatens “the whole world”
The White House on Monday strongly condemned the attitude of the Republican senators who sent a letter to Tehran at a time when negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program have entered the final straight.
This open letter is “pursuing a partisan effort to weaken the president’s ability to conduct foreign policy” of the United States, said Josh Earnest, spokesman for the US executive.
In an open letter to “the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” 47 of the 54 Republican senators have circumvented the American president to prevent the Iranians that Congress had alone the power to permanently lift sanctions against Iran, adopted into law in recent years.
“This is a moment that Republicans (…) clearly indicate that their goal is to undermine the negotiations,” said the spokesman for Mr. Obama. “This raises serious questions about the purpose of those who signed the letter,” said Mr. Earnest, lamenting that “some Republicans are trying to establish direct communication with supporters of a hard line on Iran.”
Recalling that the current negotiations were “not only between the US and Iran,” but between Iran and Group 5 + 1 (China, USA, France, UK, Russia and Germany) Mr. Earnest called the Republican majority in Congress since January, to make real proposals rather than trying to weaken the position of the president.
Today, in the analysis of facts and political gestures Kabila and his entourage, we see that history seems to repeat itself:
– Kabila is currently surarmer his presidential guard at the expense of the rest of characterized army as Mobutu in his time.
– Kabila is bitten by the temptation to revise the constitution to remain in power indefinitely, despite incessant put in US custody who did king.
Kabila rejects the advice of the master tape and Mbuyu Lumbi suggesting him to retire in 2016 and not to follow the suicidal strategy Malu Malu. On board and stubbornness among other General Didier Etumba, the head of the FARDC who advised him to stay in power beyond 2016, promising to take care of some military opponents and quell any form of popular resistance, Kabila is determined to re-enlist in 2016.
As Sakombi in his time, Lambert Mende, became the authoritative voice of Kabila and the omnipresent and omnipotent super minister Kabila is used as the striker of presidential propaganda.
In the sights of presidential security, Katumbi, Fayulu, Kamerhe Katende and Master of
Asadho seem to neutralize the first targets, according
to several sources of power. As for the UDPS, the regime is working seriously to its break from Etienne Tshisekedi has opted for a policy of silence so that it is self-liquefies in 2016. The machine is already running. The first signs are felt with Moleka case and other cases of purchases of consciences reported among some parliamentarians sitting in the National Assembly. The passage of the pastor Mugalu, head of the civil house of the head of state, at the residence of Tshisekedi, yet will damage … But if that strategy fails, Tshisekedi and Felix Valentin Mubake would then be targeted.
About the modus operandi, DESC has information that a group of ex-FAZ and Enyeles fighters in exile in Congo-Brazza would be handled, unwittingly, by a real fake opposing the sale of the Kinshasa regime. It was commissioned by the security services to approach these exiles to convince to conduct a coup against Kabila and institutions. Once they will begin to perpetrate their first acts, they will be surrounded and neutralized by the Republican Guard. The latter will use this setup to engage in large-scale repression and neutralization of political opponents of Kabila, across the political spectrum (majority-opposition) and the protest of his regime. All this will be done by applying a similar scenario to the events of December 30, 2013 in Kinshasa. A bloody repression of unemployed youth in the capital, which was planned as a preparatory exercise of military maneuver (…/) this repression that the regime wants deterrent and exemplary to break any hint of politics and popular protest.
That the Kabila regime ignores or pretends to ignore is that to see how Western handled the so-called revolutions of the Arab Spring, have fallen Mobutu dictators, Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, an armed standoff it is to unfavorable advance. Several sources lodged with the Western embassies in Kinshasa. These sources tell us that the United States, Britain, Belgium and the European Union, despite rather vague position of France, and uncompromising unanimously for the start of Kabila in 2016. MONUSCO would be responsible for executing the roadmap. This is what also explains the current rift between Kabila and Kobler, including records Likofi operation.
If Nzimbi and Baramoto, Mobutu’s close relatives, could not shoot to defend their brother whom they owed everything and were related by blood pact, it is not as opportunistic Banze, BISENGIMANA, which Etumba or Olenga save the soldier when Kabila will sound the death knell.
The security pillar is always the first to betray and scamper when fighting
So he kept declare “I’m All Right Jack” Mobutu actually had its green berets DSP [natiaka na ngai na ba mayele Green Berets (I have complete confidence in my Green Berets), or ” Oyo ekoya eya “(come what may), he liked to say] to Kinshasa to fire and sword to deter the West to bring the AFDL in Kinshasa. At this time, Mobutu was far from imagining that his generals, including Nzimbi, Likulia, then Prime Minister, Mahele (Minister of Defense and Chief of General Staff of the FAZ) were in contact with the US ambassador in Kinshasa Simpson, who ordered them to ask the troops not to fight in Kinshasa. This is why the flight of Nzimbi Brazzaville May 16, 1997 after harangued his troops to fight to the last drop of blood. An act of abandonment by troops genera officer called high treason and punishable by execution by firing squad! Meanwhile, Likulia sent to Mahele Tshatsi camp to calm the DSP which began to mutiny. Subsequently we know very well. One of the biggest pro-Western dictatorships, based on an over-armed praetorian guard fell without firing a shot.
Moreover during the uprising of 19 to 21 January 2015, despite the impressive deterrent security apparatus deployed the day before, the GR and the police have shown ineffective to counter the will of a youth determined to turn the sad page Kabila has caused more than 8,000,000 Congolese dead
PS: This is not because Western suddenly wish the starting Kabila they want the salvation of Congolese!
Jean-Jacques Wondo Omanyundu
2. Documentary: The members of the PPRD who defected to drop their late President 2016
: a white police officer killed an unarmed black man
AFP Published Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 20:05 – Last Updated Tuesday, 10 March 2015
USA: a young Black killed by a policeman in Wisconsin during a clash
Ferguson in the cross hairs of American justice
A white police officer killed an unarmed black man, who had thrown him naked in the US state of Georgia (south-east), a will on Tuesday, an incident that comes as violence police against racial minorities made headlines in the United States.
The agent, DeKalb County, responded Monday afternoon to a call from a subdivision, where a man provoked astonishment of the inhabitants CAR there knocking on doors and moved crawling naked on the floor, explained Police Chief Cedric Alexander County at a press conference.
Once there, the officer fell face to face with the man who refused to obey his orders and was suddenly thrown on him. The officer took out his pistol and shot twice, killing the suspect at the time, said Police chief whose remarks were reported by the local press.
The victim, Anthony Hill, a Black 27, was not wearing a gun on him during the incident and seemed to suffer from mental disorders, according to Mr. Alexander.
The investigation was entrusted to an independent entity from the county police, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
The incident occurred just days after the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the march for civil rights of blacks in Selma, Alabama (south) where President Barack Obama delivered a speech.
The protests against police violence against blacks have increased notably since the death in Ferguson (Missouri, center) in early August of a young Black, Michael Brown, a white police officer.
The Ministry of Justice has published this week a damning report pointing discriminatory behavior of the police to Ferguson, the Minister of Justice Eric Holder said Friday was “ready” to dismantle.
In the US, even after Harvard, better be white 09 march to find work, 2015 By EYE OF AFRICA
Graduates of Hampton University in 2010. (Photo Jason Reed. Reuters)
Graduates of Hampton University in 2010. (Photo Jason Reed. Reuters)
A study by a US research center shows that the labor market is still discriminating against African Americans, even when they leave major universities.
“We just open our eyes, our ears and our hearts to know that the shadow of the racial history of this country still hangs over us,” asserted Saturday, Barack Obama, in a speech on civil rights in homage to the marches from Selma. Despite progress in the fight against racial discrimination in the United States, inequalities between the white and black communities remain, particularly in the labor market.
A study by the National Academy of EDUCATION JOURNAL, published in Social Forces, found that African Americans from prestigious universities end up with the same number of job interviews than their white peers less graduates.
Out of Harvard, Stanford or Duke greatly increases the chances of finding a first job paid well, the site says Inside higher ed. However, these opportunities are not equal according to skin color of the job seeker. A white student graduated from a great university is recalled at least once when submitting
six nominations. For a black candidate, with the same qualifications, a minimum of eight candidates are required to receive a response. As for students from less elite schools like those in California, Amherst or North Carolina, the imbalance also exists. Young whites are answered about every nine CV and Blacks, themselves, need to send five expect a return.
Michael Gadding, sociologist and author of the study, says he did not expect at all to such a gap in prestigious. “Most people think that if you are able, against all odds, overcoming social disadvantage and be accepted to Harvard, then you will definitely find your place what. But experience shows that it still has shortcomings, “he is sorry. CAR says the teacher, “once out of the establishment, young people are faced with preconceived ideas and false stereotypes.”
Ivory Coast: the mutilated bodies of children are afraid of returning ritual sacrifices According to AFP Online on Friday, January 23, 2015, 3:33 p.m.
Twenty abductions took place in the country since December.
© Legnan Koula – A girl selling water in plastic bags, Abidjan
© Legnan Koula – A girl selling water in plastic bags, Abidjan
Twenty children were abducted in less than two months in Côte d’Ivoire, most of the bodies were found mutilated, announced Friday the direction of the Ivorian police, raising fears of an outbreak of ritual sacrifices.
“The phenomenon is real and unusual. Our services have registered 21 cases of kidnapping since December “, including one child was found alive, said the Director General of the National Police.
The majority of children abducted in various parts of the country, including three in the economic capital Abidjan, “are found mutilated dead, with the disappearance of their genitals or beheaded,” a-te said.
The approach of elections
“Is it for rituals related to the upcoming presidential elections? Is it really, as we hear too enrichment? Anyway, the situation is serious, “wrote Fr. Norbert Abékan, a charismatic priest Abidjan, in the north-south daily.
The religious also raised the possibility of the involvement of “grazers” these specialists in scams on the internet that would “human sacrifices to better scammed,” hoping to increase their chances of winning more money.
Ivory Coast, which is emerging from a decade of political and military crisis which the post-election violence of 2010-2011 formed the epilogue is crucial for October presidential elections supposed definitely bring peace to the country.
The wildest rumors have always circulated during election years in Ivory Coast on disappearances, including albinos, for the purpose of human sacrifice.
A ma mère/ To my mother
Femme noire, femme africaine, ô toi ma mère je pense à toi…
Ô Dâman, ô ma mère, toi qui me
portas sur le dos, toi qui m’allaitas,
toi qui gouvernas mes premiers pas,
toi qui la première m’ouvris les yeux
aux prodiges de la terre, je pense à toi…
Femme des champs, femme des rivières, femme du grand fleuve,
ô toi, ma mère, je pense à toi…
Ô toi Dâman, ô ma mère, toi qui
essuyais mes larmes, toi qui me
réjouissais le coeur, toi qui,
patiemment supportais mes caprices,
comme j’aimerais encore être près de toi, être enfant près de toi…
Ô Dâman, Dâman de la grande
famille des forgerons, ma pensée
toujours se tourne vers toi, la tienne
à chaque pas m’accompagne, ô
Dâman, ma mère, comme j’aimerais
encore être dans ta chaleur, être
enfant près de toi…
Femme noire, femme africaine, ô
toi, ma mère, merci ; merci pour tout
ce que tu fis pour moi, ton fils, si
loin, si près de toi !
Camara LAYE
(an English translation by Deborah Weagel, University of New Mexico)
Black woman, African woman, O mother, I think of you …
O Dâman, O mother,
who carried me on your back, who nursed
who governed by first steps,
who opened my eyes to the beauties of the world, I think of you …
Woman of the fields, woman of the rivers, woman of the great river, O
mother, I think of you …
O Dâman, O mother, who wiped my tears,
who cheered up my heart,
who patiently dealt with my caprices,
how I would love to still be near you.
Simple woman, woman of resignation, O mother, I think of you.
O Dâman, Dâman of the great family of blacksmiths, my thoughts are
always of you, they accompany me with every step,
O Dâman, my mother, how I would love to still feel your warmth,
to be your child that is close to you …
Black woman, African woman, O mother, thank you; thank you for all
that you have done for me, your son, so far away yet so close to you!
Camara LAYE
Every human group takes its richness in communication, mutual support and solidarity for the common goal of individual development with respect for differences.
Obama Selma: the march against racism in the United States “is not over
AFP Published Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 11:36 p.m. – Updated Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 11:37 p.m.
Police kill a homeless in Los Angles: the video that shocked the US
Marine Le Pen accuses the government of “racism”
“Our walk is not yet ended” fifty years after the bloody crackdown in Selma (south) of a march for civil rights made history, Barack Obama called to continue the fight against racial discrimination in the United UNite.
In a speech in bright sunshine before the Edmund Pettus Bridge on which there was half a century, some hundreds of peaceful demonstrators were violently attacked by the police, the first black president in the history of the United States called for clarity and alertness, mentioning in particular setbacks on the right to vote.
If he highlighted the progress made – “If you think that nothing has changed, ask someone who has lived in Selma, Chicago or Los Angles in the 50s!” – Obama also called reasoning consists in refusing to suggest that racism has disappeared.
“We do not need the Ferguson report to know that it’s not true,” he added, referring to the overwhelming government document published this week pointing police discriminatory behavior in this small Missouri City (center), scene of violent riots after the death of a young Black killed by a white police officer.
“We just have to open our eyes, our ears and our hearts to know that the shadow of the racial history of this country still hangs over us,” he continued in this small town in Alabama where had gathered tens of thousands of people, 50 years after “Bloody Sunday” that traumatized America.
“We know that this market is not over yet,” he told Mr. Obama, who then led his predecessor George W. Bush at his side, a procession on foot on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, over the river Alabama.
Two weeks after the start of March 7, 1965, thousands of people led by the Rev. Martin Luther King left again Selma to the capital of Alabama, Montgomery, nearly 90 km away, where they arrived in a large procession after several days of walking into history.
On 6 August 1965, Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, guaranteeing all voting rights by eliminating countless obstacles that stood in the way of African Americans wishing to register as voters .
If the 1965 Act has changed the situation, however, the debate is not over. Democrats regularly accuse Republicans threaten to electoral fraud in some states to introduce additional constraints on voter identification in order to discourage minorities from going to the polls.
“Even today, in 2015, 50 years after Selma, there are laws across the country designed to make voting more difficult,” he told Obama. “As we speak, other laws of this type are available,” he added. “How is that possible?” He asked himself vehemently.
Stressing the decisive impact of non-violent march from Selma to the “destiny” of the United States, Obama also found that it remained a source of inspiration for “millions of people” across the world.
“From the streets of Tunis instead Maiden in Ukraine, a generation of young people can draw strength from this place,” he began, referring to the movement launched in Selma that brought down “political barriers, economic and social. ”
In the US, even after Harvard, better be white 09 march to find work, 2015 By EYE OF AFRICA
Graduates of Hampton University in 2010. (Photo Jason Reed. Reuters)
Graduates of Hampton University in 2010. (Photo Jason Reed. Reuters)
A study by a US research center shows that the labor market is still discriminating against African Americans, even when they leave major universities.
“We just open our eyes, our ears and our hearts to know that the shadow of the racial history of this country still hangs over us,” asserted Saturday, Barack Obama, in a speech on civil rights in homage to the marches from Selma. Despite progress in the fight against racial discrimination in the United States, inequalities between the white and black communities remain, particularly in the labor market.
A study by the National Academy of EDUCATION JOURNAL, published in Social Forces, found that African Americans from prestigious universities end up with the same number of job interviews than their white peers less graduates.
Out of Harvard, Stanford or Duke greatly increases the chances of finding a first job paid well, the site says Inside higher ed. However, these opportunities are not equal according to skin color of the job seeker. A white student graduated from a great university is recalled at least once when submitting six nominations. For a black candidate, with the same qualifications, a minimum of eight candidates are required to receive a response. As for students from less elite schools like those in California, Amherst or North Carolina, the imbalance also exists. Young whites are answered about every nine CV and Blacks, themselves, need to send five expect a return.
Michael Gadding, sociologist and author of the study, says he did not expect at all to such a gap in prestigious. “Most people think that if you are able, against all odds, overcoming social disadvantage and be accepted to Harvard, then you will definitely find your place what. But experience shows that it still has shortcomings, “he is sorry. CAR says the teacher, “once out of the establishment, young people are faced with preconceived ideas and false stereotypes.”
True Christians.
But if the Lord rejects a facade of Christianity that Christianity has the name, what will happen to those who are still loyal to those who met him in a personal way, to those Christians who are authentic? Thank you and God he left! When you discover you frequent fast as their christianity is. What it will happen to them? I’ll read you part of the word that I read to you in the first letter to the Thessalonians: “This is indeed what we say unto you by the word of the Lord, we live remained for the coming of the Lord shall not precede those who have died because the Lord himself with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God will descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first! Then we which are alive and remain we shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord toujous ”
What we have just read to you here is Christian hope. The Christian does not expect the undertaker, he does not expect the company undertaker! It awaits the return of Jesus Christ!
One who belongs to Jesus Christ, the one who converted yesterday or six months ago, or who converts finishing reading this booklet, do not look to the grave, he looks beyond the grave. He who is the Lord can cultivate the hope of not seeing death but to be removed when the Lord comes.
An incredulous that targait even be religious, before the proclamation of this truth, once said wryly, “You do not still believe that when the Lord comes, we will ascend to heaven as fair balonnets! ”
And why not ?! I ask you, why not? Will it an intellectual challenge to this? In an age when man overcomes gravity on the moon rises and walks in the cosmos, what is hard to believe that as the Lord ascended into heaven, we too must go up the same way? And we HAVE evidence.
Enoch says the Bible is a man who was taken to heaven without seeing death.
Elijah ascended alive to heaven in a chariot and horses of fire.
But the biggest proof is the ascension of our Lord. The Bible teaches that He has tied his fate to ours, He became what we were up to be sin for us. But the Bible also says that by faith in him, we link our fate to his.
And that is why the Bible says: “As Christ died, you died to sin as Christ is risen, you have been raised with Him Those who are saved ascend to heaven in the same way that the Lord is risen there… because there is really lifted, and I wish to endorse this ironic phrase quoted
above: “like a balloon Fair” The story that is made in Acts 1: 9 unfolds before us like a movie, “As they watched, he was taken up; and a cloud received him and took (stole him) from their eyes. “Well, that’s the same way as those who belong to Him will rise to meet him when” the Lord himself shall descend from sky … and we will be caught up together to meet him in the air … ”
We can not portray the sky
The apostle Paul, despite his great erudition, when it was delighted to heaven to the third heaven, had to say that he had seen the things he is not allowed to express any language.
The Apostle John, with a much more limited vocabulary, try to portray the heavenly Jerusalem, using colorful language. He will discuss cobbled streets of transparent gold crystal, doors of one pearl, and reaching the end of its vocabulary, unable to do more, we mentioned how the sky is, we described negatively he tells us how the sky is not. He tells us this: “There are no more tears, no more shouting, no more suffering, no more sin, no more than dead! ” My friends, you know a place in this world where there are no tears, where there is no sin where there is no death? Go to the paradise islands of the Pacific. Maybe the weather is good there but it there are people crying There suffering, there is jealousy, there is envy, there are murders, he y adultery, there is sin that is the cause of all the suffering of humanity.
Take any smallest village to home; there may not be a supermarket, there will not be a movie, there will not be a church, but there will always be graves or cemetery. Everywhere there is crying, suffering, death.
But there, in the presence of the Lord, these things have ceased to be.
And it is there, says the apostle Paul, that we will find those who have gone before us; these great men of the Old Testament that enchanted our childhood. Names like Noah, like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, like Esai, like Jeremiah, the closest New Testament names like Peter, like Paul, like John, like Jacques, and more recently, names like Marie Durand and resistant to the Tower of Constance, Livingstone missionary explorer, Martin Luther King, and so on .And also all those great names like the martyrs of the faith who have had their eyes and tongue under torture who died at the stake by the Inquisition, who held firm to keep us the truths of the gospel and win for us the freedom of conscience, we will review them all.
We’ll see those as the mother or the grandmother rocked our childhood humming hymns that we HAVE never been able to forget altogether. We will see their loved ones as we filed into the tomb. That day, we wanted to throw us into the grave with them. But the coming of the Lord we will all meet together and with Him in the paradise of God. It is this, my friends, Christian hope.
But the sky is not the streets of gold, this is not the doors of one pearl. The sky is not the presence of all these great names, the sky is the presence of the Lord Jesus. He is the heaven and heaven without him would not be heaven.
Everyone knows that a house without the presence of the being we love is no longer his home. It can be paneled, it can be richly furnished, it can be decorated. If the one you love is gone, Oh! How empty. And as someone rightly said: “That a single person missing and the world is empty.”
This makes me think of that girl whose mother fell seriously ill. Compassionate neighbors took care of the child in keeping the home. Mourrut mother and was buried. The neighbors who kept this little girl had previously not dare tell him the truth. As she cried every day, saying, “I want to go back to my house, I want to return to my house!” these people let him go home. She ran into the hall shouting! “Mom” She went into the kitchen, “Mom!”, She entered the living room “! Mom,” she went in the room: “Mom!”
And when she realized that her mother was not there, she asked to be taken back to its neighbors. Her house without her mom, it was not his house.
Heaven without Jesus would not be heaven. The sky is IT!
I think this evangelist who made a series of conferences in a city. He was asked to visit one of those old people who can not attend meetings. He went to see an old Christian lady of 87 years. He approached her and, in a very familiar way said, “Grandma, we will read a psalm He read Psalm for her and when he had finished reading, she recited the psalm. ! she KNEW by heart, he added: “Grandma, we will pray for you” and he began to pray for her and when he had finished praying for her, she began to pray for him He felt something. . hot thing that came into his heart A little surprised, he said, “Grandma, the Bible made us a promise, is that when the Lord returns we will be made like Him” She added. “Yes, but you mentioned that half of the verse that says “… then we shall see him as he is!”.
So tell me a dear old friend who is now with the Lord: “In heaven nothing more reminder that land if the marks in the hands, the feet and the side of the Saviour.”
How long will this return does he do?
The Word of God is clear on this point. In 1 Corinthians 15, it is said, “Behold, I bring you a mystery, we do not fall asleep us (die) not all but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye … In Greek,” in a moment “it is” an atom “An atom was the smallest part then known of a body, which means that the smallest part of the time I love that expression.” in the blink eye. “His departure will be at the last trumpet, the trumpet sound of God and it will be the big day, the great flight of his church for the glory. And it will start, I repeat, the signal of the greatest global crisis. Do you know why I said world? Well because it will be a crisis when the whole world will be involved.
In the Gospel of Luke chapter 17 verses 34 to 36, the Lord spoke of his return, which, let us not forget, must be, as we have seen, at a glance. These words must have seemed amazing for people of his time and even today unscientific without some consideration.
Here is what he says in the Gospel of Luke chapter 17: “… the days of the son of man … I tell you, in that night, two will be in one bed, one will taken and the other left, two women grinding together; one will be taken and the other left, two will be the CHAMPS, one will be taken and the other left. ” For those who are in bed is the night, the women who prepare the meal is the morning, the men who are CHAMPS is the day How would you have three different hours pass along and a wink ?.
Is it by chance the Lord knew the time zone? Long before Copernicus and Galileo, he knew that our earth was round and that while Australians are the dodo, we Europeans we would be standing at midday. He, the Creator of worlds could speak several different times in the same instant. Hence the logical deduction of a crisis on the scale of continents.
Scenes of disappearance
There will be that day of the disappearance of scenes and the Bible provides us with examples.
Enoch we were talking about was the first to be removed and disappear. Elijah disappeared before the son of the prophets that have found more. They searched in vain for several days, “disappeared without trace” could have read a paragraph in the local newspaper.
And when Jesus Christ will return the same scenes recur but on a global scale. This will be a kind of globalization of the event. Some parents do not find their children who believed in the Lord Jesus and who had received at a young heart.
I am also concerned that some parents will go to meet the Lord and unbelieving children find themselves alone, left behind as we wrote at the beginning.
I fear that if the return had to happen on a Saturday night, Sunday morning worship some parishioners waiting in vain for their pastor to preside over worship; preacher a little wacky in their opinion, they listened with half an ear and a knowing smile when he spoke to them of Jesus’ return and the urgent need to be converted before it is too late. They will say: “But then but what he did today, it’s late!” Of course he is late, even a huge delay. It does not present CAR will be already present another cult that from Above!
And I fear very strong as some Ministers of Worship who deny the truths of Scripture and the rapture of the Church in particular, waiting in vain for the arrival of some parishioners that day. They tapoteront on their watch “Swiss Made” to make sure it still works. Quite unnecessarily elsewhere. These latecomers will be gone forever. Why them who were the most frequent and are the most punctual late today? Because they will worship to another, the Divine Office in the glory of God. What absenteeism there will be that day!
I remember an adventure that happened to me long ago at the beginning of my conversion. I was converted from a year or two at most. I had a dear friend, a young Christian I well versed in the Scriptures age.
And it came to me to spend two or three days. We talked about everything, especially BEYOND Bible, our hope, our faith and the rapture of the Church.
At home my parents, there was no guest room. He was forced to share my bed It was, shall we say, a small double bed or a large single bed. At that time, being unmarried, I had not learned to be content with the bare minimum of the bed My big and rangy person spread on the bed, he on one side, me on the other, and I fell asleep deeply.
The next morning, very early, as the sun was just beginning to dawn I wake up one eye, I look to my left and I can not find anyone. I open the second eye and I see that actually the place was empty. I turn around and look to the coat rack: his tie, his shirt, his clothes were all hanging there. I then woke up altogether. and I said to myself: A thought which we debated yesterday through my mind: “Two will be in bed, the one shall be taken, the other left.” Is-that the Lord would have returned during the night ?.
But have I said, “That is not possible because if he had returned, I should have gone with him since I belong to Him!”
I assure you that I did not was leading off. I had, as they say, the barometer to zero! Startled, I jumped out of bed and, going around, I’ve found sleeping on the rug! Finding more space in the bed because of my bulky person, he had found no place on the rug. This rug is blessed among rugs!
But one day will come when we will look beautiful on the carpet, no one will!
I hasten to say that when the Lord said: “Two will be in bed …” He did not mean fifty-fifty, and that necessarily two, would be taken or left. But he told us about a possibility that in the same home, a husband and wife, one can belong to the Lord and the other not. One taken and the other left.
The crisis.
It is from this point that the world will experience this great crisis.
The Bible says that those who are Christ, Christians, the real ones, not those that are in name but those who are “born again”, they are the salt of the earth. Our world is like a big body in which there is less and less salt, because there are proportionally fewer Christians.
And the day the salt of the earth will be gone, it will be the big cramp. I mean cramp!
I learned that salt was good against cramps! The days of tennis, in the heat of the short, suck salt tablets. It prevents cramps.
The day the Lord will be left with His redeemed who are the salt of the earth, our world is already beset by cramps that day will once and for all the great cramp.
And salt, as is known also prevents corruption. When making further dam is removed, it will be the globalization of corruption that we already see the devastating effects today.
You will ask me no doubt: “What will happen to those who are going to be removed?”
The Bible is clear, those who are the Lord shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ reserved only for God’s children. The Bible tells us as mostly the court (the platform) rewards. In addition to assessing who will be on what will have been his Christian life, each is written, it will receive his praise of the Lord (1 Cor.4: 5).
And after that?
And those who are left behind, what would he come? They will appear at a second court is not a court of Christ. This is the great white throne, the court of God where they will be judged and where everyone will be controlled positive about sin will have a place which will be assigned into the lake of fire and brimstone.
Some may say, “You warned us, when Jesus Christ returns we will turn to Him, we convert to Him.” Alas, it will be too late to solve the great question of the salvation of his soul. Why? Because the Bible warns us that then it will come another, another Christ, the Antichrist will take the Lord’s name.
This is how God speaks in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 9, “Then shall that wicked, the appearance of the lawless one will be by the power of Satan with all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish. Because they received not the love of the truth to be saved, God shall send them strong delusion, a delusion for that they should believe a lie so that all those who have not believed the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned. ”
The Bible says that Superman is coming and that those who believed not the carpenter of Nazareth, the humble son of Mary, the son of God believe in the anti-Christ. The Bible says they should believe a lie.
You will say: “I believe I do not!” Instead you will believe it. It is God who says in the second letter to the Thessalonians in the second chapter. Those who have not believed the truth of Christ, God will deliver them to lie, and a delusion or strong delusion. Men will be dazzled, seduced by the splendor and wonders of this man of Satan.
From 1933 to 1945, there was the other side of the Rhine about 60 million Germans. They were among the most educated people, the most advanced in the world. Everyone knows they have almost all shouted “Heil Hitler” It’s all wrong and they recognize it today. What I especially want you to know is that Hitler was just a kid off the anti-Christ.
In these day the magistrate will not be the servant of God, it will be the servant of sin!
If you do not want Jesus Christ in your life, you get ready to cheer and to serve God’s enemy, the Anti-Christ.
Some reading this, may say: These things, we HAVE heard a long time. But where is the promise of His coming as always, things in life turn out the way they have always turned. It’s winter, spring, summer, autumn and then it starts again, winter, spring, summer, autumn. Seasons appear, disappear, and as the saying our Parisian friends is always metro-work-sleep, metro-work-sleep and then go again. So where is the promise of his coming? ”
Imagine that this issue is not a new idea, it is already in the Bible. She is the first to ask. In the second Epistle of Peter chapter 3, we read these words: “Know first of all that in the last days scoffers will come with their mocking, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation “As we see,” Where is the promise of his coming? “.
They said that when the days of Noah. This mystical old, that old crank who had built a boat in the middle of a plain and thundered in their ears that water would come down from heaven to engulf them all. They have made a big deal! They said, “The water coming down from heaven, other was we never saw water coming down from heaven!”. Indeed, the weather seems to have been different from what they are today! It was a very heavy dew that covered the ground each morning (Genesis 2, verses 5 and 6). Never had seen heavier than air down from above. They mocked the words of the old prophet. But the water came down from heaven and swallowed them all.
Later, it was Abraham’s nephew, Lot, who went knocking on every door by saying that this time it was fire from heaven that was to come down from heaven. Here, too, made fun of him. The Bible says they thought he was joking. They took it for a little jokester, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them all.
And today, men scoff and say, “Christ back and down out of heaven to others!” But it will come down from heaven. Jesus is coming back soon and Ii.
And if you are convinced of his return, are you ready to meet him?
If you believe it, can I now ask you one question: “How do you expect the Lord who comes from heaven?”.
How to prepare?
During the last war a British bomber crew went on a mission over Nazi Germany but was hit by flak, both of its engines were out of order.
The flight back was long and the aircraft stalled struggled painfully over the North Sea at night. The pilot and navigator were talking together and the pilot said, “I wonder if we will be able to rally the base.”
The navigator said, “My wife is waiting for me at the air base and must believe we lost.” The driver said: “My wife also expects me The plane could go over the cliffs of Dover and land safely driver jumped out of the cabin and there in the night, in the end,.. he saw a twisted form in the wind waiting. It was his wife who was waiting and threw herself into his arms.
The browser also came down and went into the officers’ mess. Through the glass door he cast a glance and saw his wife asleep in a chair with a book on her lap! She woke up, she said, “Oh my darling I waited for you!”
And it was true, she expected, but asleep in a chair with a book on her lap!
Our Lord also comes from heaven if we wait, how do we expect?
Asleep in our western world comfort with full hands, the eyes and worldly projects full heart? Is this how we expect that we say what we HAVE to be most valuable in the world? So I propose this evening to get up and go out to meet him outside where we do not sleep in the storm, in the wind, in the rain, in the fight staring at the sky, hence the Lord shall return soon.
Would you be prepared to meet him ?!
To be ready, we must receive Him today. Now is the must accommodate in your heart and you give him
My friends, as you read these last lines, wherever you are, you collect a moment and say a short prayer:
“Lord, I TODAY measures the moral distance that separates me from you; I’m not ready to meet you; I need YOUR forgiveness, grant it to me I beg you I want to be ready for the big day. of thy coming, and of my meeting with you, with your help I will walk with you and I will serve you to the end “.
USA: a white police officer killed an unarmed black man
AFP Published Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 20:05 – Last Updated Tuesday, 10 March 2015
USA: a young Black killed by a policeman in Wisconsin during a clash
Ferguson in the cross hairs of American justice
A white police officer killed an unarmed black man, who had thrown him naked in the US state of Georgia (south-east), a will on Tuesday, an incident that comes as violence police against racial minorities made headlines in the United States.
The agent, DeKalb County, responded Monday afternoon to a call from a subdivision, where a man provoked astonishment of the inhabitants CAR there knocking on doors and moved crawling naked on the floor, explained Police Chief Cedric Alexander County at a press conference.
Once there, the officer fell face to face with the man who refused to obey his orders and was suddenly thrown on him. The officer took out his pistol and shot twice, killing the suspect at the time, said Police chief whose remarks were reported by the local press.
The victim, Anthony Hill, a Black 27, was not wearing a gun on him during the incident and seemed to suffer from mental disorders, according to Mr. Alexander.
The investigation was entrusted to an independent entity from the county police, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
The incident occurred just days after the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the march for civil rights of blacks in Selma, Alabama (south) where President Barack Obama delivered a speech.
The protests against police violence against blacks have increased notably since the death in Ferguson (Missouri, center) in early August of a young Black, Michael Brown, a white police officer.
The Ministry of Justice has published this week a damning report pointing discriminatory behavior of the police to Ferguson, the Minister of Justice Eric Holder said Friday was “ready” to dismantle.
Africa: Tanzania drop English as language of instruction and opts for Kiswahili
Posted on Minsili in IS SAID! on February 20, 2015 No Comments.
A school in Tanzania – Photo via the site
A school in Tanzania – Photo via the site
INITIATIVE – There are these facts that deserve some light, so despite their innocuous side (apparently), there is a real upheaval both in morals and practice. Following the partition of Africa for the benefit of the for…mer colonial powers at the Berlin Conference (1885), logically the languages of these powers have become official languages of the Colonies. Subsequently, the fact remained, once independence of the 60 acquired. But for the supporters of a more “free” Africa (for them, were fake independence, neo-colonialism replacing the old system, Editor’s note), this also involves prerequisites as a common language, or at least languages African regional continental obedience. Thus, with regard Kiswahili – already spoken by millions of East Africans in particular – the fact that Tanzania decided to make the language of secondary education at the expense of English, is a act a certain suymbolisme.
Summary below: Tanzania drop English as the language of instruction in primary and secondary schools. This was announced on national television on February 14 by Sifuni Mchome, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training. He added that the new system would remove national exams for primary school now, Tanzanian students have their final exams after 11 years in the primary and secondary curriculum. Another new, secondary and primary education will be totally free, regarding schools run by the state. The reform also aims to make Tanzanian GRADUATES already effective and operational right out of the new cycle of teachings. Note that Swahili has been selected by the African Union, as a 5 Working languages of the Pan-African institution, but in reality, it pains to materialize. * In this context, a reform of education as one that was annoncéepar the Tanzanian authorities and to promote an African language can only be followed closely. To a lesser extent, also note the case of Rwanda, which in 2008, abandoned the French as the language of instruction, but then the benefit of the French. (Minsili ZANGA)
“The sixth night I was raped by all the guards Salmon said. ‘It’s up to you now”
CHRISTOPHE Lamfalussy AND OF JOHANNA Tessie-res (PHOTOS) SENT SPECIAL Dohuk Published Sunday, 22 February 2015 17:00 – Last Updated Monday, February 23, 2015 at 5:11 p.m.
Dacha captives, young women Yezidi lived hell. Today, some testify
He gives up his dream life to fight the Islamic State in Iraq
“Please come home” British families remember their daughters parts in Syria
The EI broadcasts a video showing peshmerga in cages
A INTERNATIONAL Christopher Lamfalussy reporting and Johanna Tessie-res (Photos) envoys in Dough.
Never Basima (*) had told what she experienced in late August and early September, in the hands of Dacha. Not even her sister and even less to his brother.
But the courage of the young Yezidi saw that their people are once again persecuted, is great. It therefore accepted without insistence, to testify “La Libre Belgique”. She spoke without stopping, sitting in a container that serves as her and her makeshift family housing.
The Rwanga camp under development in Dough, must hold up to 3,000 of these containers. It is funded by the son of the Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani. Each container has a kitchenette, a tiny bathroom and a large room which are stacked in a corner of the family business – a few blankets, cardboard and clothing. provided by humanitarian aid.
From one village to a container
This is the living room, the new universe, twenty years from Basima. The young woman from the village of Kojo, northern Iraq (1750 inhabitants). Between 3 and 15 August, Dacha militia, led by a certain Abu Hamza, tried to convert the villagers to Islam. They brought a mullah. Yezidis refused. The men were executed, twenty by twenty. The women were divided into three groups: the elderly, women with children or pregnant, and girls.
Basima has thus found in a pick-up in the direction of Mosul. Man Dacha, Turkmen, monitors the girls on the platform. “He touched us,” she said. “He pinched my left breast. I screamed. The driver stopped. He asked what was going on. All the girls screamed. I could not breathe as he stank. He asked to sit in front of it and fix the gaze without blinking until Mosul. ”
A contraceptive tablet
Like many others, the young woman found herself in a house where fighters marched in groups, looking for fresh meat. She had to do it the dishes under the insults. Daech provided a tea for three daughters. They were hungry.
“That night,” she continues, “fighters heaps arrived. I sat between two girls, head buried in his knees. A man came in front of me, very big. He said:… the one in pink for me I realized it was me the Turkmen has intervened because he wanted me for him they quarreled in the crowd, lying on the ground, j ‘saw two slender legs I have gripped I asked him to save me He told me… okay. ”
Unknowingly, Basima threw herself on one of the leaders of the group, a Salman, nicknamed “Uncle.” He was only 28 years old but occupied, she said, high office in Daech.
Salmon takes her to his house and pricks his arm with a drug. He falls asleep within minutes. Upon waking, he gives her shampoo to wash, tablet contraceptives and promises to be back by midnight. “He fell asleep next to me without touching me,” she said. The second night was more violent; he made her undress and when he refused to sleep with him, forced him to stay naked all night. The following five nights, she was repeatedly raped. Basima does not spare the details, but the translator does recounts a part. Including that “he put his toe in honey and forced me to lick it.”
The sixth night she was raped by all the guards. Salmon said: “It’s yours now.”
Saved by a Sunni family
Basima was sold to another fighter who threatened to sell it on the “market women” in Mosul. “I went out into the street,” she continues. “I screamed. I saw an old house. I begged them to save me. They welcomed me.”
The young Yezidi’s life was saved at that Iraqi Sunni family. They provided a false identity card in the name of a Muslim Kirkuk. She could then pass the dividing line between Dacha and Iraqi Kurdistan. In September, she was free.
In January, two of her sisters are also returned from captivity in Syria. Here, too, it had been taken by a Sunni family. But in this case, the family had to pay a ransom.
Kerry homosexuals in the world: “America is with you”
AFP Published Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10:07 p.m.
The United States plans “serious sanctions” against Russia
Nuclear: Group 5 + 1 “united” on Iran by Kerry
“Whoever you are and that you loved” the United States “with you,” promised on Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry at homosexuals in the world, by inducting the first envoy to the rights LGBT people. “It’s more than a message, it is a movement that we can run and with our work, we will crown with success,” he told the head of US diplomacy by presenting his ministry and the press Randy Berry diplomat Monday named “special envoy for the human rights of LGBT” (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans-genders). “The United States of America remain steadfast in their commitment to advancing the rights of all human beings and this includes the foreground LGBT people equal to all others here at home and around the world,” insisted John Kerry, acclaimed. Mr. Berry, presented by the State Department as a diplomat “openly gay”, spoke at the induction ceremony, addressing her husband and her young children. “This love is always punished by imprisonment, harassment, torture and worse in too many places in the world. It is a violation of human rights,” he said. Mr. Berry has served in Nepal, New Zeal-and, Uganda, Bangladesh, Egypt and South Africa and even the Netherlands. The defense of homosexuals was already a priority at the time the State Department of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2009-2013). The administration of President Barack Obama is extremely sensitive done on the issue of human rights including those of homosexuals, systematically exposing abuses or repression in African countries, for example. However, in principle, Washington never take a position on the issue of marriage between persons of the same sex in other countries. In the United States, same-sex couples can legally marry in 37 states out of 50 (plus the capital Washington) and the Supreme Court must decide in June whether the marriage is a constitutional right for all couples, regardless of their orientation sexual.
Every Day Just A sentence But forcing East to see what the conflicts are in a rehearsal Many Territories … THIS IS NOT bashing What denounce But draw the attention of circumstantial than already PEOPLE Tell the responsible authorities of ‘peace not Let That’ called ‘, but’ Made ‘on 2,345,000 kms², IT’S not too … but Ask Sometimes one knows MORE OR Put the head! DRC, land All security challenges!
“Recurrent attacks pygmy militia against villages Belonging to nationals of the Luba Community, IN TOWNS Located in the northwest of the territory of Manono (…) Took eighteen AUNT and Wounded Seventeen” SINCE km-February, a explains Lieutenant Colonel Felix Prosper Bass, spokesman for the UN Mission (MONUSCO) lors In a press conference in Kinshasa.
From 9 to 15 February, 27 people had already Summer killed in three attacks nominal Menses pygmy militiamen in the same region.
SINCE 2013 conflict not oppose the Bantu majority, to Pygmies (hunter-gatherers Present In SEVERAL Central African countries) in the district of Tanganyika and Individual In the Manono area.
The Congolese government was “shocked” by De Croo, which shows “unimpressed” BELGA Published Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 12:06 – Last Updated Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 9:07 p.m.
Reynders and De Croo in Congo “The Belgo-Congolese friendship is not a friendship without commitment”
Moses Katumbi, governor of Katanga, “I have a mandate to finish”
The Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, Alexander De Croo, said Tuesday they had in the last days of talks “open, frank and free” with Congolese officials “to see how, together, we can improve the lot of the population “in the Democratic Republic of Congo (RD). He was responding to comments made by the spokesman of the Congolese government, Lambert Mende Olamanga, which badly taken the criticisms Saturday by Mr. De Croo against the measures taken by the regime of President Joseph Kabila in the wake of violence last month against a revision of the electoral law.
“We are shocked. Because we believed to have turned the page with the hilarious M. (Karel) De Gucht (a former foreign minister, also Flemish Liberal, known for his criticism repeatedly Congolese leaders to the point cause a serious crisis between Kinshasa and Brussels, ed.) And this is a new De Gucht looming on the horizon, “said Mr. Mende RTBF.
For his part, former PS minister of Development Cooperation, Jean-Pascal Labille has condemned Tuesday broadcast on La Première (RTBF), the frankness of his successor,
“Yesterday (Monday, ed), I spoke to seven Congolese ministers, Sunday we (Mr. De Croo and his colleague Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders) HAVE seen Foreign Minister, Raymond Tshibanda. We had with all of them a constructive conversation and we could look them straight in the eye. During the discussions it has, among others, discussed the human rights situation, as well as other elements that may contribute to the further development of the people Congolese, “retorted Mr. De Croo from Goma in eastern RD
Thursday, the last day of their visit to the DRC, the two Belgian ministers are meeting in Kinshasa Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon and probably President Joseph Kabila.
DRC: the words of De Croo greeted by the Congolese opposition
The Vif 02/23/15 at 20:37 – Update at 20:37
Source: Belga
The Congolese opposition on Monday welcomed the statements of the Belgian Minister of Cooperation, Alexander De Croo (Open VLD), which condemned the crackdown this weekend prevailing climate in the Democratic Republic of Congo as the elections approach. The UDPS and UNC claim that the electoral timetable is respected.
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DRC: the words of De Croo greeted by the Congolese opposition
Alexander De Croo and Didier Reynders. © BELGA / Eric Lalmand
“The task of Belgium in the Congo is to keep in touch with politicians and make sure they fit into the logic of the elections,” said Bruno Mavungo, the Secretary-General of the UDPS, after a interview in Kinshasa with the Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders (MR).
Felix Tshisekedi, son of the history opponent Etienne Tshisekedi and spokesperson of the parliamentary group UDPS abounded in this direction, praising what Mr De Croo. “It is normal that such statements are made about a regime that took over the management of the dictatorship,” he began.
On his arrival in Kinshasa, where he accompanied Mr Reynders for an African tour, Mr. De Croo did not mince his words Saturday to condemn authoritarian inclinations of the Congolese government. “The situation against which we find ourselves with a lot of arrests, arbitrary justice and disruption of mobile internet and SMS traffic is intolerable,” said the Liberal minister. “We can not accept the status quo.”
The two leaders of the UDPS insisted Monday with Mr. Reynders on the importance of the electoral calendar. “If the elections are not held before the end of 2016, we will have chaos,” said Mr Tshisekedi. “Nothing will be legal in Congo.”
The Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) headed by former President of the National Assembly Vital Kamerhe, does not take another speech. “Belgium can not remain indifferent during the electoral process,” said the latter after meeting Mr Reynders later in the afternoon. Belgium must ensure compliance with the electoral calendar, but also FUNDING elections by the international community, he insisted.
“All the opposition and civil society welcomed the words of the Minister De Croo,” continued Mr. Kamerhe. “During our interview, Mr Reynders told me it was on the same line as Mr De Croo, although each has its own style. For us, it matters that the Belgian government has taken a clear position.”
The opposition leader called not to neglect the protests that marred last month in response to the announcement of a reform of the electoral law. “We are in the African spring, people are vigilant,” he said, referring to the recent popular movements in Burkina Faso and Burundi. He felt it was no longer acceptable to block electronic communications. “The people have the right to
KINSHASA (GLRJ NEWS) We want to point out to our Congolese compatriots that since Saturday, February 21, 2014 a part of the Congo had been annexed to Rwanda. This is not a joke this story. This is a geodetic monument that had just been rebuilt on the hill Bushwaga at more than 10 kilometers north-east of Goma in the territory of Nyiragongo in Nord-Kivu. According to a reporting Radio Okapi, the new terminal now defines the borders between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
Radio Okapi tells us that there was a joint commission DRC-Rwanda who made this work. Border terminals we want to build between the two countries, and that the terminal had been built this weekend will “support to determine where should be built other terminals borders between the two countries.”
According to the article that appeared on the website of Radio Okapi, Mr. Alphonse Vango, an expert from the Standing Committee on behalf of the borders of the DRC said that “The terminals were determined in 1911. However, to determine, they relied on what is called the geodetic, terminals which are known in advance, by contact side of the border. ”
Whatever one may say, such things will only qu’énerver Congolese because Rwanda seeks to annex the North Kivu his small country because of the riches of the soil and subsoil he wanted from several years under the dictator Paul Kagame. Kabila has caused much difficulty in the Congo and the Congolese than any president in the history of Africa.
The Congolese people will certainly not forget the acts of such provocation.
DR Congo: the mining code of discord
(Jeune Afrique 02/24/15)
Martin Kabwelulu, told leaders of mining company that talks were still possible before the adoption of the new code governing their industry. But the talks were supposed to complete.
At the Mining Indaba, held in Cape Town from February 9 to 12, there was electricity in the air between R & D companies Federation Congo (FEC) and the Minister of Mines, Martin Kabwelulu. In case the new mining code, to be adopted this year and could lead to an increase TAXES and royalties, as well as the strengthening of local employment and processing requirements on site.
Serge Kubla (MR) in jail, Florence Reuter “completely shocked”
EDITOR’S ONLINE AND BELGA Published Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 16:30 – Last Updated Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 8:02 p.m.
Serge Kubla “acknowledges the facts” but not “corruption”
The mayor of Waterloo Serge Kubla (MR) was charged and placed under arrest warrant Tuesday for “corruption on a person exercising a public function in a foreign state” as author or co-author of the investigating judge Michel Claise Brussels , said the federal prosecutor’s office in a statement.
The disputed facts concern the Democratic Republic of Congo activities of Duferco industrial group, the latter being suspected of having, through bribery of Congolese officials, “favored the evolution of significant investments in gaming, lotteries, “the statement said.
These funds have been sent at least in part through Serge Kubla, former Walloon Minister of Economy.
It is believed to have given 20,000 euros to the wife of former Congolese Prime Minister Adolph Muzito in exercise between 2008 and 2012, during a meeting at the hotel “President” of Brussels as an deposit a sum estimated at 500,000 euros.
According to the newspaper’s website “De Tijd” which is based informed sources, Mr Kubla had himself received “hundreds of thousands of dollars” of the steel company via an offshore shell company.
Other speakers …
Today Aged 67, Mr Kubla was placed under arrest “given the risks of collusion with others at this stage of the proceedings”, the statement of the federal prosecution. The mayor of Waterloo was incarcerated in the prison of Saint-Gilles.
His indictment and arrest were preceded by several searches conducted Tuesday morning by federal police at the request of the investigator.
The federal prosecutor says in a statement that he had brought the proceedings Claise November 17, 2014 to inform “including Mr Kubla charge” of corruption head on a person exercising a public function in a foreign state.
Contacted by Belga, the management of Duffer declined to comment.
Invincible and very popular in his commune, Serge Kubla was the head of the city of Waterloo since 1977. The politician has left the regional parliament following the elections of 25 May.
The MR demands his resignation
The side of the MR, both the federal and municipal level, the information had the effect of a bomb. Without delay, the president of MR, Olivier Chastely calls for the resignation of Serge Kubla its Maratha at Waterloo
Do not let down the Congolese!
CONTRIBUTION EXTERNAL Published Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 4:59 p.m. – Updated Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 17:00
Congo: Where De Croo see a status quo Reynders sees progress
Belgium allocates € 10 million for infrastructure projects in Congo
Reynders: “We will push for the implementation of the agreements with Congo” Reynders and De Croo in Congo “The Belgo-Congolese friendship is not a friendship without commitment” OPINIONS
Axelle Fischer opinion of the Commission for Justice and Peace Francophone Belgium.
What Mr De Croo irritated power in the DRC, but liked to civil society. After the violent events of January is the time to support the Congo in its electoral process.
What our Deputy Prime and Minister of Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo the weekend, DRC, have surprised observers and probably angered the government in power. The fact remains that some members of the local civil society are welcomed. Is that expectations are high vis-à-vis Belgium: a greater presence not only economically expected of our country, but also political. A caller from civil society exclaimed, “Why Belgium does she say anything face arbitrary arrest and Internet blocking Power needs clear language of the international community?”
That is it! Saturday night at the Belgian Embassy in Kinshasa, the Congolese capital, Mr De Croo, speaking face Belgians living there, openly accused the government of Joseph Kabila.
Our minister was referring to the unfortunate events of January 19 to 21 that took place not only in the capital, but also to the east. The majority included a measure conditioning the next presidential election results from a general population census. Faced with this new attempt by the majority of not respecting democratic change provided in the Congolese constitution, the people are emboldened. Power up, overwhelmed by the scale of the social unrest, gave the order to fire. Result: 27 dead and many arbitrary arrests. To limit the communications, Internet and SMS network have been cut. Today, many are asking for an impartial investigation. As such, we must advocate for the actual installation of a National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) independent members whose selection would be made in accordance with the Paris Principles and would have a mandate to protect and promote human rights. It would not be a luxury, while Chebeya trial, the name of this activist human rights assassinated in June 2010, stalled.
Looking back, Congolese civil society is the recognition that people are tired of waiting for the economic and social changes as promised. The Congolese electoral process therefore leave indifferent citizens. “The people is a strength. When it rises, it is irresistible,” does one breath of the civil society side.
Today, the electoral law was enacted without the famous measure that has so warmed the spirits and published electoral calendar. It only remains to concretely organize elections … 11, including 5 direct (provincial, municipal and local elections, presidential and legislative elections) that should bring between October 2015 and end of 2016, 40 million Congolese voters to vote. A colossal challenge! Among the challenges, first note the required survey of young people today more than 18 years; Then, big news, the inclusion of Congolese abroad who will elect a new president and national MPs. This news should not leave indifferent the many expatriates living in Belgium.
Some voices are already to question the feasibility of such a process in a large and unaccustomed to exercise democratic countries (the long-awaited local elections have not been held either in 2006 or in 2011 ). Others worry: ill-prepared, local elections, they will not be a source of popular uprisings and violence?
For the Congolese crave democracy. And they do not let the fly. The challenge is to move from a democracy that some feel very representative to participatory democracy at the grassroots. “We HAVE given you our ears, our eyes, our mouth. What have you done?” Chanted a participant in an association meeting. Congo has important human resources: among others, organized civil society, including a network of the Catholic Church used to have a political voice authoritative. On this basis, there is still time for civic education to ensure that elections are held in the country calmly and prepare election observation mechanisms, guaranteeing the necessary transparency.
The role of MONUSCO in this process must be strong, despite the current tensions with the government that does not see a good eye-called “interference” of the United Nations Mission in the disarmament of armed groups operating in the volatile eastern region. It is true, as pointed out by the Congolese President Joseph Kabila, the country is not under the tutelage of MONUSCO. The fact remains that his help would greatly facilitate logistics and maintaining security.
To organize the elections, still lack the financial means. Because this operation is necessary as expensive: 1.145 billion is expected. And even if savings are possible, international assistance is essential. More reason that Belgium take his place by playing a role in the coming months. But for this we need the dialogue with the ruling regime is maintained. Belgium (its authorities, and civil society) must commit themselves to the Congolese people to help them carry out the electoral process to the consequences, desired positive for peace and security in the region. Until then, it is to remain vigilant and to pay special attention to human rights defenders and local journalists who will have the task of informing their citizens and the international community.
Posted on 21-02-2015 Edited on 21-02-2015 on 23:03
Etienne Tshisekedi returns for the first time in public
RFI media
Etienne Tshisekedi has reappeared in public Saturday, February 21 in Brussels, accompanied by his wife, Martha Mom (g).
RFI / Sonia Rolley
First public reappearance in Belgium this Saturday, February 21 Congolese history opponent Etienne Tshisekedi. The UDPS leader lives in Brussels since his medical evacuation from the DRC in August.
With our special correspondent in Brussels, Sonia Rolley
Etienne Tshisekedi, superstar. It is he that militants were waiting. For some, it had been years since they had seen him give a speech in public, or even just seen. Even less since the Congolese history opponent is in Belgium, where he came to heal it a few months ago. Several members of the UDPS were actually complained.
That’s all alone and unaided Etienne Tshisekedi has entered the room, to thunderous applause. He sat quickly beside his wife, Mama Martha, under the flashes of cameras. There then followed some speech which the President of the UDPS has appeared to pay little attention, applauding when the room applauded, look sometimes empty, tired face.
Etienne Tshisekedi 02/21/2015 – Sonia RolleyÉcouter
It sits he spoke. No big speech, just a word of thanks. He called on the UDPS to work in harmony, in unity. “For us to win, we need the unity of all,” he said. Probably a reference to the internal divisions that knows the party. Another point on which Etienne Tshisekedi insisted: do not try 14h noon, we must establish the rule of law. “The ideal is the rule of law,” he repeated. About greeted by a very loud applause. Last point of a discourse within minutes: even if we would hunt the impostor by force, there will always be a dialogue, he said. The UDPS has transmitted a roadmap to end the crisis in MONUSCO and other members of the community internationale.Cette first reappearance ended with a photo shoot in a delirious atmosphere, where dozens of activists rushed to take a snapshot with their president. But there was a crowd and many were disappointed.
February 17, 2015 – 10:07 p.m.
A judge blocks the undocumented adjustments decreed by Obama
Barack Obama November 20, 2014 at the announcement of the regularization of undocumented migrants in the White House in Washington…
A US federal judge has ordered the temporary suspension of a regularization plan for millions of illegal immigrants, decreed by Barack Obama in November, an order hailed by Republican opponents of the president.
Barack Obama announced on November 20 that his administration would grant three-year work permit up to five million illegal immigrants, of the approximately 11 million in the country.
One component of this plan for undocumented children arrived in the United States, was to begin accepting applications on Wednesday.
In a decision issued late Monday, Judge Andrew Hanen, the federal court in Brownsville, Texas (south), suspended the application of the measures until the court ruling on the merits of the complaint filed by Texas and 25 other states led mostly by Republicans, who believe that adjustments are illegal.
“The Department of Justice, legal scholars, experts in immigration, and the Washington federal court felt that the actions of the president came to any place in the framework of its powers,” responded Tuesday spokesman for the White House. “The decision of the federal judge wrongly prevents it legally and common sense to come into force, and the Department of Justice announced that he would appeal.”
But the court decision, even temporarily, has brought grist to the mill of congressional Republicans, who are trying to cancel the regularization plan through legislation.
“By acting unilaterally to rewrite our laws on immigration, Obama has despised the will of Americans and violated the Constitution,” said Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the Committee on Justice of the House of Representatives. “We can not let a man invalidate existing laws with a simple signature or a phone call.”
The Mexican government has strongly criticized the judgment.
“These programs are an appropriate remedy for millions of families and can enhance the contribution of Mexican immigrants to the economy and American society,” said José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs
in a statement.
In Congress, parliamentarians must vote by February 27 the law of funding from the Department of Homeland Security, on which the immigration authorities, but the law drafted by Republicans includes several amendments that would cancel the regularization plan of Barack Obama.
Supportive of the president, the Democrats are blocking against it, and the situation is still unchanged with the approach of the deadline.
February 15, 2015 in News & Alerts, Politics & Society 0 0 By Marie-France Cros / La Libre Belgique MONUSCO (the UN Mission for Stabilization of Congo) she will remain in the Congo until 2035? This is what emerges from letters she sent while Kinshasa wants his departure, after fifteen years of presence. This is what emerges from letters she sent while Kinshasa wants his departure, after fifteen years of presence. The mandate of the UN mission, constantly renewed by the Security
Council, expires on 31 March 2015. The Deputy Secretary General of the UN for peacekeeping operations, Herve Ladsous, said last December that MONUSCO will not leave the Congo “before three, four or even five years.” La Libre Belgique, however, obtained a copy of the letter sent a few weeks ago by the Head of the Section of purchases of MONUSCO to a villa owner in North Kivu, asking him to extend the lease contracts outstanding until “2035”. According to an expert of the UN environments we have questioned, “A government never propose that without a political green light at the highest level.” ARM WRESTLING These letters are sent by MONUSCO while a standoff for a while Kinshasa opposed to the Mission. During his speech on the state of the nation in December, President Joseph Kabila, referring to the “rise” of the Congolese army, said that the “management” of “risk” made by armed groups Uganda (ADF Nalu) and Rwanda (FDLR from genocidal) “certainly requires expertise and specialized equipment for which the United Nations remains welcome competition, but it does not justify the maintenance on our soil of a contingent 20,000 men. ” “The time has come to begin reducing the number of peacekeepers on our territory,” he concluded. Now if joint operations Congolese army / MONUSCO against the ADF Nalu were launched in January 2014, those against the FDLR, announced repeatedly for months have de facto not started. The FDLR are inlaid in Congo since the defeat of the genocide in Rwanda against the Rwandan Patriotic Front (FPR) in 1994. Since then, the Rwandan rebels were, with the Congolese army, the main perpetrators of atrocities in Kivu (eastern Congo) .Their number has melted. They were more than 10,000 men, reduced to about 2,000 today. A number of them have indeed deserted discreetly win other regions of the country and adopting a Congolese name to escape reprisals of their leaders. La Libre Belgique, however, obtained a copy of the letter sent a few weeks ago by the Head of the Section of purchases of MONUSCO to a villa owner in North Kivu, asking him to extend the lease contracts outstanding until “2035”. According to an expert of the UN environments we have questioned, “A government never propose that without a political green light at the highest level.” Many thousands have benefited disarmament operations by the UN and returned to Rwanda in favor of reintegration programs
. These programs, however, not take shelter of a trial
for genocide; what are essentially no or few people involved in it who have used it. Those remaining in Congo – the core – are trying to require a return as a political group in Rwanda, Kigali what obviously does not hear. Finally, several joint operations (one Rwandan-Congolese, other Congolese-UN) were conducted against the FDLR since 2008, but never completed. Why? Chanceries, many find Kinshasa “not ready” politically eliminate these troops FDLR were used as auxiliaries by the Congolese army and are the best troops in Kinshasa against Rwanda in case of attack from eastern neighbor . According to a recent UN report, the rebels have established important complicity with the Congolese army in various trades, with political connections in Kinshasa. Postponed several times, the last ultimatum to disarm FDLR was set for January 2, otherwise they would be disarmed by force. But it is still happening. If the elections in December, President Kabila wanted the peacekeepers leave, two months earlier, he had, on the contrary, desired that “MONUSCO strengthened its presence in Beni” theater massacres attributed to the ADF Nalu. In between, the UN ruled against the Kinshasa plans to change legislation to allow President Kabila to extend the power unconstitutionally. POLITICAL CONFRONTATION WITH THE UN? The head of state had curtly replied that he did not agree to “orders” from abroad about the upcoming elections. Operation solo Several public statements by the UN and the European Union had then encouraged Kinshasa to give the order to launch military operations against the FDLR, while the Congolese government said on January 3, completed his preparations, that peacekeepers were “ready” to lead them alongside the Congolese army. But on January 29, Kinshasa announces that it launches operation against the FDLR alone without peacekeepers. Surprise, MONUSCO does still have that it will support the Congolese army for logistics – until she discovered that officials of the Congolese operation just been replaced by General Bruno Mandevu and Fal Sikabwé – who are each on a “red list” of the UN for their alleged involvement in hundreds of violations of human rights committed in 2009. “Unacceptable” for the UN, the appointment of two general is well maintained by Kinshasa: Congo is not “trust” justifies the spokesman of the government. The military standoff doubles as a political confrontation with the UN. In October, Kinshasa declared “persona non grata” the head of the Joint Office of Human Rights of the UN, Scott Campbell, who had denounced the summary execution of offenders during a police operation. That did not stop in January, the number two of MONUSCO, the Nigerian diplomat and general Abdallah Wafy – on departure – to declare that “only the police” had the power to suppress anti-Kabila riots that broke out in several cities (27 to 42 people, according to sources), “not the army or the Republican Guard” (presidential Guard), adding that “we do not maintain order with tanks.” Marie-France Cros
DRC: Kabila increase the tone facing the international community RFI media FARDC launched Thursday, 29 January 2015 military operations “Sokola2” to disarm the Rwandan rebels of the FDLR. MONUSCO welcomed the decision and announced it would support the Congolese army “operationally and logistically.” Photo MONUSCO / Force Summoned to his office, the Congolese president announced a twenty ambassadors of the international community, including the head of the UN mission in the DRC, that his country waives any UN support to carry an armed offensive against Rwandan Hutu rebel FDLR. Joseph Kabila also criticized the interference of the international community in the internal affairs
of the country. The tone of Joseph Kabila was polite but firm. To believe those who were there, the weather was not to dialogue but to focus. Summoned to the presidency for nearly an hour, 18 ambassadors listened to the Congolese president back mainly on two points. First, the offensive against the Rwandan Hutu rebels. Officially launched in late January, Joseph Kabila announced “renounce any support from MONUSCO to carry out this operation against the FDLR.” The reason? According to the spokesman Lambert Mende Government, Joseph Kabila deemed “disrespectful” that the UN mission in the DRC requires the substitution of two general at the head of the anti-FDLR operation. Neither the President nor the government had been informed of the charges of violation of human rights that weighs on these two officers. But for some the real problem lies elsewhere. Reject the UN support could be a way not to initiate real operations against the FDLR. The offensive launched in late January, has not really started on the ground. Still MONUSCO is in a difficult position. Its mandate requires it to neutralize Rwandan Hutu rebels, but she refused so far to engage alone without the Congolese army, given the complexity of the operation. Joseph Kabila also criticized the tendency of some embassies to “interfere in the internal affairs of the country.” In May already, the president had ascended the straps ambassadors and asked that they not be “pharmacies opposition.” If there are no official reaction, diplomats recall that the DRC has accepted the presence and the mandate of the UN mission in the country, sees its sovereignty necessarily restricted by Chapter 7 of the UN charter. Concern and skepticism in Goma In Goma, the capital of North Kivu, the question of a possible offensive against the FDLR without the support of MONUSCO is one of the topics of conversation. It seems that many people doubt the ability of the Congolese army to act alone. After more than fifteen years of presence in the DRC the UN mission has always bad press in Goma. He is accused, for example, have “left the M23 take the city in November 2012,” “not doing enough to protect the Congolese people.” Despite these criticisms, many, like Abdul, a student, feel that the support of MONUSCO is necessary to defeat the FDLR, “Abandon the support of MONUSCO, it’s a risk. FARDC do not have the discipline, we do not know how they can do it without the support of MONUSCO. Still need MONUSCO was to logistics, policy, strategy. » A trader even accused some elements of the army of collaborating with the rebellion. “Without MONUSCO, I can not agree. The FDLR live in strategic corners where there are a lot of minerals. Now they are working with the senior commanders of the FARDC, they can not fight, they are friends, “he says. A little further, however, that military wife ensures that the decision to Kinshasa is good. According to her, MONUSCO prevents FARDC take action. Many are worried about civilians in FDLR area. And for this inhabitant, with or without MONUSCO, it makes no difference. “In any attack weapon, there is still dead man, he says. It will not be just the FDLR who may be victims, but also the Congolese. Even with the presence of MONUSCO, when there is attack weapon, there is still dead man. “He believes that military action is not the solution and returns, as many Gomatraciens the ball in Kigali refuses any dialogue with the rebels
DRC: Ceni announces the release Thursday of the overall electoral calendar published there 5 hours, 3 minutes, | Last Update
February 12, 2015 at 12:53 | in News, The One, National, Politics. Keywords: INEC, Maumalu, Politics, DRC Tweet28 Abbot Apollinaire Malumalu, chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) at the meeting with political parties on 12.12.2014 at the People’s Palace in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo Abbot Apollinaire Malumalu, …chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) at the meeting with political parties on 12.12.2014 at the People’s Palace in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo The overall electoral calendar will be published Thursday, February 12, announced the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), Abbot Apollinaire Malumalu. In an exclusive interview with Radio Okapi, it indicates that all prior to the publication of this calendar have already been met. The overall cost of elections is estimated at $ 1,145,408,680. “The CENI had made two previous and the two met. I would remind them. The first was to exercise the options and these are lifted in the law [election]. Second, it was a multi-year budget adopted by the government and it is already after adjustments we have made. Today [Thursday, February 12], the calendar will be published, “said Malu Malu. From South Africa where he is the president of the CENI added that this schedule will not only global, but also constitutional. “The calendar can only be global and constitutional. He has no problem. The rest is gossip. These are people who transmit speculation. CENI is responsible, professional and knows what to do. It is up to each other to stick, “said Malu Malu. The president of the CENI has ensured that every election and the date is known, including the presidency. “You see only the legislative and other. Each election will be known today and its date. The final decision is made at the plenary (…) “, he continued. According to him the next election “requires a lot of money,” valued at 1 billion 145 million 408 680 USD. “After exchanging with the Prime Minister, we have set up a commission that has advanced a comprehensive election budget amounting to $ 1,145,408,680. Elections are expensive in the DRC, “he commented. According to Malumalu, the CENI has already agreed with the government disbursement plan for the financing of elections. You can follow the full interview of Malumalu.
DRC: Ceni publishes the schedule of elections urban, municipal and local May 26, 2014, | Last Update
May 27, 2014 at 9:08 | under News, Kinshasa, The One, Politics. Keywords: Apollinaire Malumalu, National Assembly, INEC, Presidential Apollinaire Malu Malu on 14/06/2013 in Kinshasa, during his swearing to the Supreme Court of Justice of the DRC for his appointment as head of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). Radio Okapi / Ph. Richard ONEMA The Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) released Monday, May 26 calendar urban elections, municipal and local. This schedule contains three dates
: June 14, 2015, election day for the common councilors, sectors and chiefdoms; August 29, 2015, election day urban councilors, mayors and chief industries, and finally 15 October 2015, provided for the election of mayors and deputy mayors. “This schedule will be respected,” assured the president of the CENI, Abbot Apollinaire Malumalu, adding that the funding problem does not arise. For Ceni, urban, municipal and local elections are “large elections to assist in the stabilization of the Congolese state.” “It is necessary that the Congolese electoral system be defined once and for all, whether regular,” said Abbe Malumalu. “The calendar will be respected and we will ensure that every institution of the Republic to fulfill its legal obligations,” said the president of the CENI. funding “Since the preparation of these elections urban, municipal and local concerns two budget years – fiscal 2014 and fiscal 2015 – there is no problem of funding these elections,” the abbot guaranteed Malumalu . The law of the 2014 Finance
has already budgeted $ 166 million US dollars
for the elections, he said. The overall budget that was tabled by the CENI for these elections is about 300 million US dollars, the source said. At each step, the Government will table this institution – where the bulk of funding – a disbursement plan. CENI will also solicit input from the international community, through the partnership committee comprising representatives of the government and partners of the Congolese electoral process. You can listen and download
the interview of Father Malumalu Radio Okapi: What about the 2016 presidential election? The president of the CENI discussed the roadmap of the continuation of the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he had submitted to the National Assembly on 30 January. This paper presented two hypotheses: first organize the municipal and local direct elections before continuing with indirect elections of provincial deputies, senators, mayors, governors, mayors and city councilors. After this step, come the election by universal suffrage of national deputies and the President of the Republic in 2016. The other hypothesis was to organize the first elections by direct universal suffrage MPP, national, and the President of the Republic in 2016. Read also: DRC: the roadmap of the Ceni at the center of the parliamentary session in March When Parliament will vote on the option provincial and senatorial elections, promised the abbot Apollinaire Malumalu, the CENI publish the timing of these elections. Legislative and presidential are scheduled in 2016. But the law itself has prior to these elections, he noted, the administrative census. The 2016, so this is the administrative census which is the first: the Government is active for that census in constitutional deadlines or the legislature amends the electoral law. If then nothing is done in this direction, the CENI will be obliged to submit a duly substantiated derogation extension to the Constitutional Court. “The Ceni can never plan an election that goes beyond 2016 […] The CENI will never be in the club of people who want to go beyond 2016,” insisted the president of the CENI
Ecuador: only 40% of school age children attend school in 2015 Teachers and students of a school in Kinshasa, 19/11/2011. Teachers and students of a school in Kinshasa, 19/11/2011. At least 40% of school-age children were enrolled
in primary school in 2015 in the province of Ecuador. These figures result from a study conducted by the Provincial Observatory of Education, with support from UNICEF. They were presented Friday, February 7 in Mbandaka by education stakeholders during an evaluation session of the educational policy of the province. Despite the various awareness campaigns, including those made by UNICEF to invite parents to send their children to school, school enrollment in primary school remains low. During the evaluation session, professionals and education partners reflected on the root causes of this low tuition rates
. Unanimously, they pointed to the payment of various school fees by parents, despite the free education decided by the government. This is maintained by the non-payment of teachers yet recognized by the state. Another cause is the multiple problems related to banking payroll of teachers who, according to participants
, affect the quality of education. According to the president of the Provincial Centre of Education, Ohano Kasongo, participants
recommended the State to take responsibility by paying all teachers and taking care of school fees in order to make effective free of teaching in primary school.
ROOSTER SINGS The cooperative Masina Tshwengé market garden in the DRC By Sayouba Traoré Distribution: Sunday, January 25, 2015 The cooperative Masina Tshwengé market garden in the DRC Members of Masina Vegetable Growers Cooperative Tshwengé DRC. © RFI / Sayouba Traoré PodcastTélécharger this edition To locate the issues, a brief overview of the food situation in the capital of the DRC. According to recent studies, malnutrition is a problem in Kinshasa. We recorded a global acute malnutrition rate of 11%. Nearly 5 million people live in a situation of food insecurity. Only 3 in 10 households are able to build up a reserve of 3 days. Agricultural production in Kinshasa is 11 times lower than the needs of its population. Horticulture, that is to say, market gardening, urban and suburban creates opportunities for families in food insecurity.
MEP Cecilia Kyenge request of Congolese origin, in turn, Kabila to step down and release JC Muyambo and Vano Kiboko CKS / There one day Cecile Kashetu Kyenge MEP Cecilia Kashetu Kyenge MEP Cecilia Kyenge Congolese original request, in turn, Kabila to leave power, release Vano Kiboko and Jean-Claude Muyambo and stop harassing the Congolese opposition. After several attacks on the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila your pen knight, Jean-Luc Kienge on several points including, among others, respect for the constitution, human rights, the release of Vano Kiboko and Jean-Claude Muyambo and following my written open letter to the presidents, heads of government and other people of good will on the death Gaby, it makes me very happy to see the reactions of the authorities around the world beginning to demand accountability from Joseph Kabila. A replay: A replay: Audio Message “TOUCHING” of#JeSuisGaby killed by Kabila January 19, 2015 in Kinshasa Congratulations
to the MEP, Cécile Kyenge for having the courage to say out loud what they think and denounce Kabila and his reign of terror. And as you said yourself, “it is always painful to see such a rich country mired in poverty. They have almost everything. They just need the right leaders. » As a native of the DRC and good leader with European expertise, members of civil society and the opposition are waiting with open arms to add your stone in the great work that is “heal the DRC” as ‘said Dr. Mukwege at the presentation of the Sakharov Prize
. In the coming days, Canada, through a member of the Liberal party with whom I had mounted the friends of the Congo in the Canadian parliament will also make an announcement going in the same direction that Madame Cécile Kyenge to ask at the Canadian parliament and the government to respond to the muzzling of the opposition and the flagrant violation of human rights in the DRC and to see Kabila from power at the end of his term. The countdown has just begun for Joseph Kabila … Having many hats in my organization, the group of Katanga and notable dignitaries who had asked me to read their message to the military and the presidential guard Kabila just ask me to be their spokesman now for two reasons: The few of Katanga dignitaries who tried to speak against a third Kabila have eté penalty throw in jail with show trials, namely Jean-Claude Muyambo, Vano Kiboko, Moses Katumbi, Kyungu wa Kumwanza and others that remain now do not want to talk for fear of ending up in the same situation as the other mentioned above. Rereading: Message dignitaries and notables Katangan to Kabila’s presidential guard After long reflection, I accepted their offer for the welfare of the Congo in general on the following points: – Respect for the Constitution – Publication of the electoral calendar – Respect for human rights These dignitaries refuse their latest energy, see the Katanga be associated to the barbarism of power ending Kabila but they decided to point the finger at Lambert Mende, Evariste Boshab and former Mobutu around Joseph Kabila and “have taken hostage “to take him in a tomb by deceiving the true aspirations of the people for their obscure interests. As correctly pointed Cecile has Kyenge Joseph Kabila, the incumbent president of the DRC: “We must make him understand (Kabila) that dialogue is essential. Otherwise what just happened in Kinshasa is a taste of Burkina Faso in the Congo. ” Jean-Luc Kienge Executive director of the association The Forgotten the planet + 1-705-822-3355 © The extract of the interview with MEP of Congolese origin, Cécile Kyenge with Jeune Afrique on Joseph Kabila: DRC, your home country, the future presidential election fueling concerns. Joseph Kabila can he extend his term? He was president for ten years and swore to uphold the Constitution, that the Congolese people have understood. It seems clear that he has not much space. He is quite young and has an interest
in playing alternation. Unfortunately, the opponents do not have the opportunity to speak properly. The European Union must have the courage to denounce the intimidation and arrests, including those of former MP Vano Kiboko or opponent Jean Claude Muyambo. From this point of view, we will have to account to President Kabila. We must make them understand that dialogue is essential. A Burkinabe scenario may happen again in the DRC? We saw what happened during the protests against the electoral law. It’s a pretty strong signal. Some close to Kabila consider that the election will not be held for lack of means. They have long known that there will be an election to organize in 2016! This is a maneuver. The European Union must monitor this issue, such as Burundi. This does not just mean going to the field on election day as observers. It must involve both upstream, in the respect of the sovereignty, to give people the opportunity to participate
in politics and democratic life. A replay: After the USA and France, the Catholic Church reacts, in turn, on the massacres of Kinshasa Imagine yourself sometimes you go into politics in the DRC? It would be a bit difficult. For over thirty years I live in Italy. But it is always painful to see such a rich country mired in poverty. They have almost everything. They just need the right leaders. You were Sunday, January 11 in Paris to support the running for the victims of the attack against Charlie Hebdo. Why are you involved in? I was in Paris to say, “We can not use violence to eliminate freedom of expression.” That said, I do not agree with all the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo. There are limits, where begins the respect towards others. If you want to build a society where diversity learn to respect and live together, we have to find a red line not to be exceeded. I was attacked when I was in the Italian government. It skidded and I tried to launch a debate on the limits not to cross. It is important that we have today. Interviewed in Brussels by Mathieu Olivier © Jeune Afrique
After INEC: Ngoy Mulunda prospective Special Adviser to the Head of State 1150 views 0 by admin After INEC: Ngoy Mulunda prospective Special Adviser to the Head of State According to a source well introduced in the corridors of the Palace of the Nation, Pastor Daniel Ngoy Mulunda could be named in the coming days, Special Advisor to the Chief of the Security State. This is not to please some caciques of power. For them, the former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has a profile that contribute to the good image of the president. First, the man is Katanga, which would still give a clan chief connotation in the entourage. Then it comes to be at the head of an institution to support democracy as the CENI, with an organization deemed “chaotic” elections in 2011. In the entourage of the Head of State, some people are choosy. The news is not confirmed yet, but it could be one of those mornings. The former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), Daniel Ngoy Mulunda, is tipped Special Adviser to the President, Joseph Kabila, says a source close to the power that is entrusted to New Congo. But why bother possible appointment? Those who see a dim view of this appointment gives two major elements that play against the presence of the pastor in the entourage of the head of state. The first element serves as his clan membership. Katanga, Daniel Ngoy Mulunda would not be the ideal man to whisper in the ear of the leader in security matters. The President of the Republic, provides the source, should choose a personality came from another province not to give the impression to substantially surround the people of his home province. Some go even further by stating that certain facts, including statements from December 2014 Moses Katumbi, show that being Katangan around the head is still not a guarantee of fidelity and loyalty. The second element that disturbs called “near past the pastor.” Former president of the CENI, Daniel Ngoy Mulunda came out of the Central Election without a great reputation. Several irregularities were deplored in the organization of presidential and legislative elections in 2011 under its governance. What had tarnished the image of the young Congolese democracy, with political tensions following the elections, the consequences are felt before. Then head of the CENI, the opposition, including the UDPS denounced the “proximity” of the pastor with the head of state. This would be confirmed “free” this thesis emphasizes our source, naming Ngoy Mulunda Special Adviser. Described as an unpredictable man without self-control, the pastor is also criticized for its “hot temper”. His interventions were always muscled whenever he was criticized for his work as head of the CENI. One recalls in particular its remote replica candidate president. Etienne Tshisekedi, in a phrase made famous in the country, “Okolela na munokoyamboka”. For many Kabilists the head of state should open the eye and make a mistake by putting his side, Pastor Daniel Ngoy Mulunda. by CN
DRC: review the events of January revised
upward RFI media The balance of clashes between security
forces and protesters would be 27 deaths, according to the Congolese authorities. REUTERS / Jean Robert N’Kengo The Congolese government has revised upwards stock of repressed demonstrations of 19 and 20 January 2015. Thursday during a press conference, government spokesman spoke of 27 people instead of 14 previously announced. As for Christopher Mutamba Ngoy, actor of civil society, arrested following these events, it should soon be presented before a judge. Lambert Mende spoke of an attempted coup that failed. The spokesman of the government also revised up its own balance sheet of the events of January 19 and 20. At the time, he had spoken of 14 dead: “It is 27 dead, including 4 in Goma, Kinshasa 23 including two policemen. » At least five hundred people were arrested following the uprising, a little over three hundred are now judged, the others were released. Remains controversy about Christopher Mutamba Ngoy. Civil society to which he belongs, accuses the power to have it removed. Refutes accusations that Lambert Mende: “It is in the hands of police officers, it has already been heard. Today, probably, a judge will be appointed to take charge of his case since we identified five or six prevention, including arson, incitement to racial hatred and incitement to rebellion against authority. » But civil society says the whereabouts of Christopher Ngoy Mutemba is not known and his family and lawyers are not in contact with him.
Minaku TSHIKAS AT BRUSSELS: 2016 A prime minister’s offer
to UDPS but rejected with firmness Minaku TSHIKAS AT BRUSSELS: 2016 A prime minister’s offer
to UDPS but rejected with firmness After the bloody riots in Kinshasa, which has shown that political power relations are largely in favor of the opposition, the Presidential majority, taken aback by these events, it is time to search for the parade. And the Presidential Majority (MP) as in desperation, took out the great political artillery. A maneuver, Minaku Aubin, President of the National Assembly and General Secretary of the Majority. The boss of the majority went to Paris to attend the meeting of francophone parliamentarians. on way to Paris, Minaku made a detour to Brussels to meet the relatives of Etienne Tshisekedi, UDPS President, who spends
this time as the only one in the Opposition to be more willing to deal with the Power. To the point, Minaku proposed an unprecedented political deal with near Tshisekedi: the prime minister and half the members of the government to train. Against which the UDPS would undertake to support the candidacy that present the MP in 2016. This bid would be that of a personality that the MP would choose at its discretion. This attractive deal like AMP-Palu Agreement, 2006, was rejected by the relatives of Tshisekedi as the President of the Assembly met in the Belgian capital. The refusal was so unequivocal and firm as Minaku suggested to his interlocutors that the Presidential Majority was willing to make even more concessions. Which ones? Minaku as keeping another card to shoot in the negotiations, has not revealed to the family of history opponent. Minaku longed Tshisekedi met personally, but this was not possible. The offer
of Minaku found some echo in some quarters of the UDPS continues to advocate dialogue. Kabila still proclaiming his readiness for dialogue is intact with his outstretched hand policy. The ball is now in the UDPS camp. Incidentally, Felix Tshisekedi and Mama Martha respectively son and wife of the Sphinx Limete, are the subject of friendly pressure from the power to bring the boss of the UDPS to conclude a political alliance with Joseph Kabila. The tenors of the majority does not exist here and there to let Felix Tshisekedi could take good care of prime
minister if the agreement is concluded and keep after 2016. Message which his mother is sensitive. Must say that the MP is not his punches. What to insomnia
to a party that is still being beat to the punch when it comes to exercise power. to now, no formal agreement between the MP and the UDPS. We stick to the refusal of the relatives of Tshisekedi. But negotiations continue for the Presidential Majority is ready to make major concessions to prevent the escape of the power which lead him inexorably hands. MP weakened by the departure of his tenors, the People’s Government of Katanga Moise Katumbi notably in turn passes on the offensive trying to destabilize the United Opposition and invigorated by the political success of riots Kinshasa. MP plays all for everything. Its advantage is to still have the imperium that UDPS desperately seeking since 2011. Part of that imperium now appears headed UDPS with the offer
of Minaku. So what will the UDPS? Again this flagship party Opposition is at the crossroads. His choice will determine the political future of Joseph Kabila and the presidential majority and even beyond the DR Congo. The time of great political maneuvering has begun especially the members of the authority are already calling Kengo of “unreliable” as a political partner. PAUL Muland
Minaku TSHIKAS AT BRUSSELS: 2016 A prime
minister’s offer
to UDPS but rejected with firmness Minaku TSHIKAS AT BRUSSELS: 2016 A prime
minister’s offer
to UDPS but rejected with firmness After the bloody riots in Kinshasa, which has shown that political power relations are largely in favor of the opposition, the Presidential majority, taken aback by these events, it is time to search for the parade. And the Presidential Majority (MP) as in desperation, took out the great political artillery. A maneuver, Minaku Aubin, President of the National Assembly and General Secretary of the Majority. The boss of the majority went to Paris to attend the meeting of francophone parliamentarians. on way to Paris, Minaku made a detour to Brussels to meet the relatives of Etienne Tshisekedi, UDPS President, who spends
this time as the only one in the Opposition to be more willing to deal with the Power. To the point, Minaku proposed an unprecedented political deal with near Tshisekedi: the prime minister and half the members of the government to train. Against which the UDPS would undertake to support the candidacy that present the MP in 2016. This bid would be that of a personality that the MP would choose at its discretion. This attractive deal like AMP-Palu Agreement, 2006, was rejected by the relatives of Tshisekedi as the President of the Assembly met in the Belgian capital. The refusal was so unequivocal and firm as Minaku suggested to his interlocutors that the Presidential Majority was willing to make even more concessions. Which ones? Minaku as keeping another card to shoot in the negotiations, has not revealed to the family of history opponent. Minaku longed Tshisekedi met personally, but this was not possible. The offer
of Minaku found some echo in some quarters of the UDPS continues
to advocate dialogue. Kabila still proclaiming his readiness for dialogue is intact with his outstretched hand policy. The ball is now in the UDPS camp. Incidentally, Felix Tshisekedi and Mama Martha respectively son and wife of the Sphinx Limete, are the subject of friendly pressure from the power to bring the boss of the UDPS to conclude a political alliance with Joseph Kabila. The tenors of the majority does not exist here and there to let Felix Tshisekedi could take good care of prime
minister if the agreement is concluded and keep after 2016. Message which his mother is sensitive. Must say that the MP is not his punches. What to insomnia
to a party that is still being beat to the punch when it comes to exercise power. to now, no formal agreement between the MP and the UDPS. We stick to the refusal of the relatives of Tshisekedi. But negotiations continue
for the Presidential Majority is ready to make major concessions to prevent the escape of the power which lead him inexorably hands. MP weakened by the departure of his tenors, the People’s Government of Katanga Moise Katumbi notably in turn passes on the offensive trying to destabilize the United Opposition and invigorated by the political success of riots Kinshasa. MP plays all for everything. Its advantage is to still have the imperium that UDPS desperately seeking since 2011. Part of that imperium now appears headed UDPS with the offer
of Minaku. So what will the UDPS? Again this flagship party Opposition is at the crossroads. His choice will determine the political future of Joseph Kabila and the presidential majority and even beyond the DR Congo. The time of great political maneuvering has begun especially the members of the authority are already calling Kengo of “unreliable” as a political partner. PAUL Muland
DRC: election law, uncertainty exists MARIE-FRANCE CROS Published Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 9:09 p.m. – Updated
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 1:38 p.m. Congo: A contentious clause removed … not the rest Electoral law in DRC: withdrawal of the controversial paragraph INTERNATIONAL The Congolese opposition demanded on Tuesday the publication by the Independent National Electoral Commission
(CENI) a comprehensive calendar of upcoming elections, two days after the passage of a new electoral law. However, some provisions of the latter were not interpreted in the same way on Tuesday in the majority and the opposition. A question of interpretation The first draft, passed by the National Assembly, provoked four days of riots in the country last week, because requiring a census before the polls – Census that will last three to four years – he returned to extend both the Speaker and Members of the end of their term. The Senate had proposed an amendment stating that this census was to be “in compliance with the constitutional deadlines” fixing the duration of elective office. The Joint Commission
to harmonize the two texts then produced a law – passed by both Houses Sunday – removing the Senate amendment and the reference to the obligation census before the presidential election (Article 8). For the election of deputies (art. 115), except for paragraph 1 indicates that for the number of MEPs per constituency, divide “the total number of inhabitants” of the country by the number of seats to be filled and (paragraph 4) “the total number of inhabitants of this district” by the electoral quota referred to in paragraph 1. “I think the head of state will have to apply the law to be considered on second reading to end this inconsistency,” said “La Libre Belgique” UNC deputy (opposition) Mr. Mayo. “If it does not, it will depend on the good faith of each other. The INEC will ask the total population and then wait” to start the election process
. “And we will go beyond the mandates.” Is a return to what the street rejected. Senator of the majority Evariste Mabi Mulumba is reassuring, though he did not really say anything, “This is a problem of interpretation I do not think it comes back to require a census, otherwise it would be on. back and the problem would remain. it is the CENI to interpret the text. I think we will be in 2006 and 1 201 (previous elections), by extrapolating the old data
. ” According to information from “La Libre Belgique”, however, the discussion between the two chambers to harmonize the legislation has largely focused on the desire of members to see their mandate extended as was that of the senators, the expected renewal Senate in 2011, was canceled following the scandal caused by massive fraud to elect the President and members of Parliament. Doubling of the cost
So far, the elections of the President and Members of Parliament took place the same day. The decoupling, we indicate an electoral expert, would amount to nearly double their cost
. This would justify delaying it as the presidential election? Wrong?
Shocking! “Obama? At one time, it would have served our coffee. “This phrase is racist murders and Bill Clinton 0 BY ADMIN ON JANUARY 25, 2015 · WORLD REVIEW WEB “Obama? At one time, it would have served our coffee. “This sentence and racist murders is not one of the leaders of the ultra right-wing Republican. It’s not Sarah Pallin, who drops all his contempt on President Obama. It is … Bill Clinton! In a fascinating book that has been translated, Obama vs Clinton, clan warfare, Edward Klein, a journalist at the NY Times, advanced hatred that pits Obama and Clinton clans. The succession of Obama promises to be eventful in the Democratic Party! Iconoclasts will love them. In 290 pages, Klein shatters the myth Obama, a talented president on campaign platforms that pitiful behind the Oval Office when it comes to decide, and draws a portrait of the Clintons that is chilling. Klein theorizes “both Obama skillful candidate and the Director General of the incompetent White House”. Holland on Syria will not give him wrong … “An amateur administration.” A president who does not know and does not want to negotiate with MPs and senators. No way to get their hands dirty Congress. No wonder that the laws do not go! A closed administration with a bodyguard who despises Washington, starting with the other Democrats, too liberal, too willing to compromise, too corrupt to ideals. The faithful who turn one after the other victims of the disinterest of Obama, who does not keep his word. The most famous? Oprah Winfrey. She had given everything to the Obama campaign, his money
, his listings, its image. Once elected, she will not have access to the White House, to the point of not supporting Obama when he represented … An authoritarian Michelle Obama, castrating limit, which constantly judge her husband and blurts devastating remarks as “children do not want to go to bed
in the morning to hug him, he snores and
has bad breath
.” Charming! The lifestyle of the White House (1.4 billion dollars
per year in England when Queen 58 million cost to the British taxpayer!). The holiday home on 11 acres, leased 50,000 dollars a week in crisis. Detestation of Clinton, seen as aristocrats of the policy, and the racist white background like all white. And this story that turns in Washington: the late Senator Kennedy, who liked to refer phrase Clinton on Obama, “at a time, it would have brought us our coffee” … Clinton, pro politics, still leading studies popularity among Democrats, including Michelle distrusted like the plague. After the election, she would have entrusted a mission to Valerie Jarrett, direct advisor to her husband: “Make sure he (Clinton) does not approach too Barack. I’m afraid they become friends and Bill take the decisions for him. “But Bill Clinton to Obama announced that his wife Hillary will be a candidate in 2016 and Obama replied: “Michelle would also make an excellent candidate.” Atmosphere … Hillary Clinton and brand. Read Edward Klein, one discovers that Hillary is convinced of the strength of the “Clinton brand” and his presidential destiny. She told friends: “For eight years in the White House, we have brought peace and prosperity
. When I am candidate, Bill will deliver a great speech for me and in comparison, those he did for Obama look like schoolboys speech. It is on our balance
sheet that I will support, not that of Obama. And then we will resume the White House. “Bill by one, Bill and there, Bill to maneuver. For Hillary, mobilizing networks, raises funds, pat on Obama’s staff to mount the campaign of his wife team with the best (which puts the president in rabies) and sets the strategy: to crush the opponent . Wrong?
Bondo USA calls for your generosity to help unfortunate children and their families after the events that have transpired against the population in the Dem Rep of Congo. The children and the families are the victims and they are suffering, we need your financial help
to aid these children and their families. May God visit your companies. The fate of these children rests in our hands. DO IT.
Between crisis and democratic vitality in DRC January 23 2015Partager
The Congolese government says it has taken note of the compromise reached in the Senate on the controversial election law. In an interview with the BBC, the government spokesman Lambert Mende felt that now belongs to the Joint Commission-Parliament Senate to vote on a text that will be submitted to the Constitutional Court. …
Kabila forced to make concessions HUBERT Leclercq Published Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 23h11 – Updated
Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 11:44 p.m. Electoral law in DRC: withdrawal of the controversial paragraph DRC: the review of the hated law returned to Friday DRC: the police intervened in Kinshasa, gunfire at university DRC: Nearly 350 protesters face police in Kinshasa INTERNATIONAL psychodrama Day in Kinshasa. Most eventually forced to abandon the Boshab law. The voltage should finally fall back to Kinshasa. This Saturday, shortly after 20 pm, Minaku Aubin, President of the National Assembly announced that the views he defended before the Joint Committee was “the removal of paragraph” contested
. “As the voice of Deputies premium, this paragraph will simply be wiped off the electoral law,” he explained. A few words to complete a new high voltage day in Kinshasa. Flashback. Last Saturday, in the afternoon, the National Assembly had voted with a small majority – the Olivier Kamitatu CRA was clearly detached from the presidential majority, while the MSR of Pierre Lumbi abstained – text the new electoral law that bound the elections to the identification of nationals. A text (nicknamed Boshab law of the Minister of the Interior has brought in Parliament) that allowed de facto President Kabila will happen at the end of second term end of 2016, to extend its lease at the head of the State a few months or more. The passage through the ballot for parliamentary and presidential wait before organizing a census and the distribution of identity cards (at least 50 million pieces …). A text voted on the sly that triggered a wave of violent clashes in Kinshasa but also in other major cities (Goma and Mbandaka, in particular). At least 42 dead. Friday, after several postponements, it was the turn of the Senate to examine the text and vote a largely amended version. No more link census and elections. “When Leon Kengo wa Dondo made the announcement in Lingala, it was an explosion of joy that shook Kinshasa everything,” said a Kinshasa. “Like we announced that we had won the World Cup.” But Boshab law was not yet buried so far. A joint committee was to meet on Saturday to try to reach agreement on the final version of the text. Without agreement, the original text approved by Parliament was to be presented Sunday at both houses. With, logically, the forced passage of the text and the risk of a new outbreak of violence. Saturday morning, President Kabila received foreign ambassadors who advocated dialogue. End of inadmissibility of the head of state who the protesters were in the minority and could not accept being held hostage to “a few agitators”. Leaving the meeting, several ambassadors, very concerned, including the US, have asked their nationals not to leave their homes and to be ready to flee to Brazzaville. Meanwhile, the Joint Committee was to begin at 9 am, was pushed back to 12 and then 16 and 18h. Upon his arrival, President of the Chamber, Aubin Minaku tried to impose the text of his room. Knowing he would not succeed, he finally gave in and tried to pass this decision as a choice of the presidential majority. In fact, the majority tried to impose its text at any cost, but she understood, after the departure of the CRA Olivier Kamitatu, followed by the MSR and the Palu yesterday that the plenary vote would not be an easy task or even the majority weakened could burst on the text. The way the elections in 2016 has emerged. Wrong?
DRC: Police fire on students demonstrating in Kinshasa DRC: Police fire on students demonstrating in Kinshasa AFP AND H.LE. Published Monday, January 19, 2015 at 11:15 – Last Updated Monday, January 19, 2015 at 13:05 . The electoral change that puts Kinshasa powered Burundian soldiers in Congo Kabila in the reconquest of Katanga INTERNATIONAL Congolese police opened fire Monday in Kinshasa to disperse thousands of opposition supporters who denounced a revision of the electoral law, which they believe to President Joseph Kabila to remain in Beauvoir.Solon journalists and witnesses, security forces fired on a rally of students near the university in the south of Kinshasa, wounding at least two people. Looting and clashes between hundreds of youths and police groups, with stones and tear gas, have been reported in various neighborhoods of the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), many of which were cut by axes dams burning tires. At the General Hospital in Kinshasa, an AFP reporter could see a third wounded 22, also hit by a bullet. According to opponents, he was injured while police tried to disperse a group of protesters near the Parliament, in the north-central city. A group formed around members of the three main opposition parties had called the people of Kinshasa “to occupy massively” parliament Monday for opposing the draft revision of the electoral law, adopted Saturday by MPs and now to be examined by the Senate. By linking the next parliamentary and presidential elections to the results of the general census to begin this year, the project is likely to lead to postponement of elections expected to take place in late 2016 and remaining in power of President Joseph Kabila, at the head of DRC since 2001, beyond the end of his term. In anticipation of a difficult day announcing, power had curling around Parliament on Monday morning, deploying hundreds of police and soldiers of the Republican Guard armed, preventing passage in a wide area around the Palace of the People, including the headquarters of several opposition political parties. The violence took place while Kabila received his Angolan counterpart, José Eduardo dos Santos, to sign economic cooperation agreements and discuss the security situation in the east of the country, where still rampant fifty armed groups. Near the campus of the University of Kinshasa, after clashes, a police official has warned that he would take his men directly to students if they did not return home, according to AFP, which saw a passenger car on fire while witnesses reported scenes of looting in the area. Near the Victory square, emblematic of the “City”, very new area, the police dispersed with tear grenades a group of about 200 young people who chanted slogans calling on President Kabila to “leave at the end of his term “. In several neighborhoods, including Bandalungwa, youth ignited tires and mounted roadblocks at certain intersections, witnesses said. An AFP reporter has seen several clashes between groups of young people throwing stones against police, who fired tear gas. “It is organized, there clearly has leaders who govern them,” he told AFP a diplomat about the emergence of several homes protest in popular neighborhoods. On the main roads leading to the Gombe district, home to government and ministries, we could see police and soldiers at every corner, while a military helicopter patrolling the sky. The review of the electoral bill passed by deputies Saturday evening was to begin Monday in the Senate. In a statement, the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC), third opposition party in Parliament, denounced the deployment of police around his headquarters, where its president Vital Kamerhe was confined Monday. Former President of the National Assembly and former best friend of Mr. Kabila, Kamerhe is now one of its most vocal opponents. In Bukavu, his stronghold of South Kivu in the east of the country, about 200 demonstrators were in the streets around 13:00 (11:00 GMT) to ask for his “fast relaxation”, according to an AFP correspondent. The Election Law Journal on the sly “A shameful farce.” In the ranks of the Congolese opposition, we do not mince words following the vote of the revision of the electoral law on the sly, Saturday, public holiday in memory of Patrice Lumumba in the Democratic Republic of Congo. “The plenary was convened throughout the late evening on Friday to avoid demonstrations announced for Monday,” said one elected a majority party. The draft electoral law could lead to the postponement of the next presidential supposed to take place in 2016 was therefore adopted shortly after 11:30 p.m. by 337 votes in favor. Eight MPs voted against and 24 abstained (500 deputies). A census in ten months The draft adopted by the deputies binds the holding of legislative and presidential next to the results of the general census. The Senate must examine the text from Monday to adoption before the end of the extraordinary parliamentary session on 26 January. “The census is not the real problem,” said a former Congolese minister. It can be achieved by 10 months. The budget to accomplish this is 140 million. It currently lacks 90 million which must come from the Congolese State but also donors such as the World Bank, the African Development Bank and Japan. The first phase involves the deployment of 1,200 officers who must map the country for 9 months. Then, for 30 days, 80,000 agents, to form, will be sent across the country, all with a tablet
computer for specific census. It is feasible. Angola did in three months. ” The concern? The issuance of identity cards that must follow the census. “Conservatively, 50 million cards will be distributed,” says our interlocutor. An agreement was signed under the government Matata 1 with a Chinese bank to finance these cards. But the Chinese have become much more cautious towards the DRC. “The census will take place. The last serious figures date from 1984,” said the former minister. “The powers that be did procrastinate. If the government can demonstrate that the census will take less than a year, it Pipera word of ID cards problematic. Issue that can help maintain Joseph Kabila to power well beyond the deadline. ” Wrong?
DRC: Martin Kobler defines the priorities of MONUSCO in 2015 January 7, 2015, | Last Update January 8, 2015 at 7:31 | under News, Kinshasa, The One, Security. Keywords: ‘UN’, FDLR, Martin Kobler, Monusco7 Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the DRC on 08/28/2013 in Kinshasa, during the press conference at the headquarters of MONUSCO. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the DRC …on 08/28/2013 in Kinshasa, during the press conference at the headquarters of MONUSCO. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo MONUSCO is three priorities for the year 2015. These military operations against Rwandan rebels of the FDLR, the economic development of the East and the implementation of the Addis Ababa agreements. The head of MONUSCO, Martin Kobler, announced Wednesday, January 7 at the weekly UN conference in Kinshasa. As for tracking down FDLR, Martin Kobler said that the target remains combatants and not the civilian population. The head of MONUSCO said especially deplore the fact that, despite all the efforts of the Congolese government and the international community, the surrender of the armed group will be unsuccessful: “It was a process that was not credible, that was not sincere. $ 1.6 million was spent to maintain the camps [transit FDLR] in Kisangani [Eastern Province] Kanyabayonga [North Kivu] and Walungu [South Kivu]. It has produced 357 ex-combatants. ” Besides the military operations against Rwandan Hutu fighters, the Special Representative of the UN in the DRC ranks second priority mission the economic development of territories liberated in the east of the country. According to him, this effort must be provided together with the Congolese government. The implementation of the Addis Ababa agreements was selected as the third priority of the UN mission. There are “national reconciliation, the political, elections because MONUSCO is not here for eternity. But we can go only if you do not let a fragile country, “said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC. Martin Kobler, in the context of the implementation of these agreements, it is important that MONUSCO focuses on the reform of the security sector, to form an army and a police force that will replace the CONSCIOUS after his departure. Read also on radiotherapist:
A young American accused of having declared its support for the organization Islamic state (EI), was arrested Wednesday in Ohio (north) for planning an attack against the Capitol, which houses the US Congress in Washington, announced the Ministry of Justice. Christopher Cornell, 20, is accused of attempted murder against US government employees and illegal possession of firearms, according to a statement. According to the minutes of the FBI agent who arrested the suspect open…ed Twitter accounts under the name of Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah and posted “releases, videos and other content” in support of the jihadist organization AEs. He also expressed his support for “violent jihad, as well as violent attacks committed by others in North America and elsewhere.”
In Nigeria, Boko Haram killed a woman in full birth AFP Published Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:10 – Updated Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 12:41 Boko Haram wreaking havoc in Baga: there are “bodies everywhere,” said one resident Nigeria: Boko Haram weighing on the presidential campaign After another attack by Boko Haram, Yaoundé calls for help Why the world has not finished with jihadism Boko Haram attacks in Cameroon: “143 terrorists” and killed soldier INTERNATIONAL Horrific testimonies which Amnesty prove that the offensive Boko Haram is “the biggest and most destructive” ever perpetrated by the group. Islamist fighters Boko Haram killed a woman giving birth in the most “destructive” offensive of their six years of insurgency in the north-eastern Nigeria, Amnesty International said Thursday. In a press release, the organization of human rights recounts the story of a witness to the attack on the town of Baga, on the shores of Lake Chad. This person, whose name was not disclosed, said that a pregnant woman was shot dead at work, together with several young children. “Half of the baby (was) out and she died in this position,” said the witness quoted by Amnesty. According to the organization, hundreds of people, if not more, could have been killed in the offensive launched on January 3 that seemed to target the civilian self-defense
militias assistant army against Boko Haram. “They killed so many people. I may have seen 100 people killed at a time in Baga. I ran into the bush. As we ran, they were shooting and killing,” also describes an unidentified fifties . Another woman added: “There were bodies everywhere I looked.” This corroborated the statements of local officials, according to which the death toll is extremely high, and those of witnesses contacted by AFP, describing the streets strewn with rotting corpses. A man escaped from Baga after remaining hidden three days and said they had “stepped on corpses” for five kilometers in his flight
through the bush. Amnesty also released Thursday satellite images and Doron Baga Baga, 2.5 miles away, showing the extent of the damage. Taken five days apart, the day before the attack, and four days later, aerial photographs show that many homes and businesses were razed. Amnesty, satellites testimonies and images tend to prove that the offensive Boko Haram is “the biggest and most destructive” ever perpetrated by the group in its struggle to establish an Islamic caliphate in north-eastern Nigeria. More than 3,700 structures were damaged or destroyed, and 620 to 3,100 Doron Baga Baga, according to a calculation of Amnesty, which said the number could actually be higher. “These detailed images shows the catastrophic devastation in two cities, one of which has almost been wiped out in the space of four days,” said the investigator
Amnesty Nigeria, Daniel Eyre. The Nigerian army, which tends to minimize the victims of the balance sheets, said this week that 150 people had been killed, calling it “sensationalist” reporting estimates of 2,000 dead. Observers believe that it will be almost impossible to know the exact day, while access to the city of Baga and its surroundings is under rebel control and therefore impossible to access. Sixteen communities were burned and 20,000 people have fled the region, according to local officials. According to the High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations, 11,320 people have sought refuge in neighboring Chad a few days. “The deliberate killing of civilians and the destruction of their property by Boko Haram constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity and call an inquiry accordingly,” Amnesty International said. The attack Baga occurred just over a month of the presidential and legislative elections to be held on February 14 and is part of a wave of violence apparently intended to disrupt the vote. The massacres of Boko Haram, “a crime against humanity” The massacres perpetrated by Boko Haram are “a crime against humanity,” ruled the US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday in Sofia, while the Islamist fighters carry one of their most destructive attacks in the Nigeria.Selon organization Amnesty International, hundreds of people, “or more” may have been killed in the offensive launched on January 3 in the north-east. Wrong?
URGENT APPEAL: ARMY CONGOLAISE MUST SUPPORT THE PEOPLE (BY POET ROBERT Kabemba) In relation to the dramatic situation that everyone lived day public meeting that was to hold Save the DRC and the Congolese civil society in Kinshasa, Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, he is back to challenge the police and the national army its responsibilities to prevent these kinds of things continue. Senior officers of our army as a junior they understand the merits of the change as requested by our peo…ple? If they understand why they obey orders from their starving to shoot at peaceful citizens demanding their rights. Fellow in uniform, you have a noble mission, to protect our people that defending not only their own causes but your also. For this reason, I call you to a collective awareness in order not to protect individuals who do not care for you but strengthen relationships with our people defending a noble national cause change. The urgency of change is needed keenly for the establishment of the rule of law. It is inconceivable to see how our soldiers were dashed by those who rule this country: deprivation of salaries, forced eviction, lack of education for their children, no monitoring of sick soldiers, no ratio. The revaluation of our military and the respect of men in uniform prove indispensable. An apolitical military is a need to engage our country in the process of democratization because the current government does not allow the establishment of democratic institutions and constitutes an obstacle to the changeover at the head of the state. The Kinshasa to be able to present to the eyes of the population as a bulldozer capable of neutralizing all. This is a real terrifying machine and a sharp sword constantly hanging over peaceful Congolese heads. The recent police attacks, barbaric and murderous members of the opposition in Kinshasa show that men in uniform are serving an individual .While the country is constantly under attack in the east, the army is unable to go push the invaders. Why these tanks that deploys Kinshasa during peaceful protests of the opposition they arrive not neutralize the rebellion in the East? Only a civilian government and responsible will be able to reconcile the army and the people. A sincere and friendly reconciliation should be encouraged to ensure the safety of the population. Compatriots under the flag, follow the example of other countries or armed support the people Poet Robert Kabemba Wrong?
Press Conference of Dr. Denis Mukwege this Friday, January 2, 2015 following the discrimination confiscation of the hospital account Posted on 02 January 2015. Press Conference of Dr. Denis Mukwege this Friday, January 2, 2015 following the discrimination confiscation of the hospital account Dr. Denis Mukwege, Medical Director of Panzi Hospital held this Friday, January 2, 2015 a press conference at Panzi hospital. He, in this occasion wanted to inform the public in relation to the matter on entering the hospital accounts by the General Directorate of Taxes, DGI. After reading the press release of the HGR Panzi denouncing among other discrimination he agreed to answer questions from journalists to inform the public about what is happening. The General Hospital Panzi reference is it a private or public hospital? This question Dr. Mukwege said that it is actually a hospital that status of the public hospital. “General Hospital Reference Panzi hospital is built into the system of primary health care. In fact, all structures integrated into the primary health care system are structures that are supported by the Congolese government. It is for this reason that some agents are already receiving their salaries. Others are waiting, they are called the “NU” so the agents who do not yet have their registration numbers but they are waiting for their care by the state. Normally in the agreement, the state should not only support staff but also it should support the drug supply and operation of the hospital. And all these benefits until now the hospital does not have them. So we are an integrated structure in the primary health care system and, as we have all the rights of all other hospitals included in this system, “he said. The doctor Director of Panzi Hospital said he was surprised that the 500 general hospitals of reference of the DRC, only the hospital staff Panzi is subject to the payment of IPR (business income tax) . Which led to the confiscation of the hospital’s accounts according to state services. “We consider that it is a discriminatory measure that penalizes a single structure in the Democratic Republic of Congo What Panzi hospital” said Dr. Mukwege What do you say to the minister of health, Flory Kabange, who claimed that the Panzi Hospital is a private hospital and must pay these taxes? The morning of Friday, January 2, RFI, the Minister of Health said the Panzi Hospital is a hospital that has “contracted privately (but) refuses to pay tax on the wages of its employees “tax fraud accusing.” Panzi hospital is a general hospital for Ibanda health zone. You can go check out the health map of the DRC, Ibanda health zone is part of the health zones recognized by the Congolese government and the General Hospital Panzi hospital reference is recognized as a state hospital in the area health “said Dr. Mukwege. For him, what was said by the Minister of Health is unfounded. “I think what has been said this morning has no basis. If not then we can say that there Impersonation General Hospital Panzi reference. And there I am categorically. Until we we not yet taken this hospital status General reference treatment we suffer is hard. I bear witness there to the last statement of the Minister of Media and Information speaking Panzi has been very clear that the Panzi Hospital is a general referral hospital and that a hospital is the responsibility of the service public. Then we are told that the minister said he has one month has changed. I think we have that status. All other charges we consider them a hard can have several reasons. But we claim to enjoy all the advantages that all hospitals in the DRC and that we do not suffer a discrimination simply because we Panzi hospital, “says Dr. Mukwege.Y’a he had tax evasion? The seizure case the account of the Panzi Hospital was started on October 31, 2014. This is the date that IMB seized the accounts of the Panzi Hospital. On 4 November 2014, the Panzi Hospital has filed a complaint in court against the General Tax Directorate and the Congolese state after this discriminatory treatment requiring tax fairness. The request also asked that this be canceled deemed illegal and discriminatory decision. “It amazes me that we talk about tax evasion. It is not still the fraudster who can go to complain about justice. If we have a complaint against the DGI is because we found that we infringed our rights. We asked that the court may rule. And to this day the case is pending before justice “for information Denis Mukwege On 29 December, the General Tax Directorate ordered the hand raised against the property of the Panzi Hospital through correspondence addressed to the Director of Congolese Trade Bank, CCB. In this correspondence, the Principal Collector of Taxes DGI said: “Following the compromise that results, I order the release of the property of the Panzi Hospital as of this Monday, December 29, 2014, for an amount of continued 43,079 Congolese Francs 384.08. “The next morning, the DGI will affirm all that have donated the amount to the account of the public treasury in contradiction with its own correspondence. “This is a letter that is clear that the 29 they had granted that we can access our accounts and they removed the input measure of money in question. It simply means that the contribution of services to remove this measure have realized that we are in our rights. But what explains today they say no money you can not touch it? There is not a previous letter that tells us that this money has been seized again. So this spring arbitrary simply “explains Dr Mukwege “If there were to blame us, the DGI could never write to tell us that we have compromised, everything is clear and they raise the entry on our accounts. I think they need to give another explanation that will contradict what the letter said. And that’s December 29, 2014, so this is something that happened there 48 hours. I think to be clear, I believe that behind this decision which penalizes us there is absolutely something else because it contradicts the tax administration, “he added. The hospital he receives state subsidies? For Dr. Denis Mukwege is normally the state should take over the running of the hospital. “As state officials we would normally have our salary from the state. We would normally have subsidies for operation and we had to have drugs and equipment. Apart from a few agents who receive their salary and risk premium, the rest get nothing, “he says. There’s he relates this confiscation of the hospital’s accounts and the statement of Dr. Mukwege against the revision of the constitution? “Me, I do not want to get into speculation. We must ask those who act if there are other foundations “replied Dr. Mukwege. “You ask me why only now? I think this question needs to be raised to those out there who have performed the deed. I mean the fact and would not go to the established facts, “stressed Dr Mukwege He also stressed the responsibility of the State for the operation of the hospital. “I say and I repeat, worldwide, the health budget of the state is to support and make health care accessible to the population. And never one can not expect that a patient suffering from Hiv Aids, tuberculosis, a bedridden patient can bail out of the public treasury is the reverse. I think it is rather the public treasure that must bail out the public service for the public to have access to care. And I do not understand at all that money donations from individuals, outside donations we receive at Panzi hospital to treat vulnerable is punctured by the public treasury. It really is the world upside down, “said Dr. Denis Mukwege.Si this situation persists, the hospital will it close? “Me, I do not want the panzi hospital could close. Because it is a hospital that treats many patients. The population we serve in the health zone Ibanda is more than 400 thousand inhabitants. How close can we imagine a structure that serves 400,000 inhabitants? I even consider it are those who have the responsibility for this population should find a solution. It’s not something imaginable, “commented Dr. Mukwege. “It calls us 650 000 US dollars. Where you want them to find this money? In 2012 we were asked to pay 47 thousand dollars and that’s what they have learned. In 2013 they ask us to pay 650 thousand dollas: Let’s still logic. We are here at Panzi, one of the poorest area of the city. If we have to pay 600 thousand dollars IPR that means that our agents earn how much? Although you could imagine in a dream that there are taxes. Let’s be objective and logical. If we have to pay 650,000 to Panzi agents for a year, we produce many millions? I think you know the lives of people turn to the hospital. But it will condemn the Panzi Hospital to close. “He warns. In all of the doctor Director of Panzi Hospital says to trust in the justice system to resolve this situation and open to negotiations. “I just love the law to be said. I will continue to trust my justice. I will continue to trust my country and my people. I will continue to hope that things can change and can go in the right direction. I think we should be men and women of good will who can understand the appeal we do and who can say that evil has lasted too long and it must contain it, “added Dr. Mukwege. For Dr. Mukwege, this issue should be a matter between Congolese to manage. “It is for this reason that since October 31, you did not hear anything about this issue. Actually I was hoping that the authorities of the country would make the decision it takes and this decision is to give us our rights. ” In a press release dated January 1, 2015, General Hospital Panzi reference denounced the discrimination he suffered, violation of human rights by the extent entrenée including the right to health, wage life agents, dysfunction of the judiciary and vices of tax procedures that led to the seizure of its accounts. Read here: Press Release General Hospital Panzi reference
▲ DO NOT MISS THIS HISTOIRE◄ A young woman was hungry. She begged for food to its neighbors but nobody helped. She visited last houseAs still try his luck but the owner of the house above threw a bottle of water for the hunt and shouted at her: Thief! thief my food is tropparticulière that I even give you one spoonful! This young beggar took the empty bottle and went on his way. On the road the bottle slipped from his hand and fell. She rolled up the ground fell in a non-maintained gutter. Despite the smell and the flies who asked it, the young beggar has not abandoned its strangely empty bottle. When she came to pick up her bottle, she noticed that there was also a plastic bag. She expressed that may be leftover food there is and without hesitation she took plastic and ouvrit.Qu’est she finds it? Two gold bricks inside! It was like a dream for her. She sold the gold medal, gave a certain amount for the charity and open his own business. The Lord is so wonderful and it continues to surprise us. Do not be afraid when people reject you. The Lord will welcome you. Do not lose hope when people refuse to help you. The Lord will help you. It can pass you from zero to hero. Why not write ONE BIG AMEN if you believe that it can also do it for you?
To my son and daughters in the faith and to my partners, I thank you, that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ I serve in Spirit and in Truth grows you on all levels. Clichets here are some of the visit son and the Daughters of Charity in orpelinat Lisanga are Klisto, December 31, 2014, Kinshsa Congo. ”
DRC: a young girl raped and killed, people angry bright burn two police officers in Bunia December 29, 2014 afrik The population angrily burned alive last Friday, two police officers in the village of Dr’dza in the chiefdom Walendu Tatsi in Djugu (Eastern Province). The traditional leader who delivered this information Monday, December 29 at Radio Okapi, explained that the villagers are protesting against the death of a young girl whose body was found in front of the police sub-station. The other policemen fled the village for fear of reprisals. The area manager Walendu Tatsi LongbeTchabi, reported that the girl was raped before being killed by strangers. His body was found Friday morning in front of the police station Dr’dza, he added. The people of Dr’dza attributed the killing to the police, poursuvi the same source. They attacked the police office and they ransacked. Two police officers in the custody of the police were arrested in by angry protesters and they burned them alive, told LongbeTchabi. According to him, the other elements of the police have managed to escape. Since last Friday, no police officer is heard in the middle. The demonstrators also burned the cluster head of the office. LongbeTchabi called for the redeployment of a strong security apparatus in its entity to maintain public order and prevent this tragedy. For its part, the police commander in Ituri, Lieutenant Colonel Kantu Israel condemns these incidents he described as despicable. Lieutenant Colonel Kantu Israel reported that police are often the victim of the charges and barbaric acts the part of the population in the territory of Djugu. He called on local authorities to raise awareness of their respective entities not to justice. Source: Radio Okapi
Point of view: our vécu”Bondo USA ‘ “We can not guarantee the rights of children without ensuring the rights of the family” We are fighting to maintain family unity by providing the support that the family really needs. We often see tearing the family on behalf of the right of young people.
Katanga: 12,000 children work in mining sites Tuesday, June 17, 2014. The REFED NGOs denounced Monday, June 16, during the Day of the African Child, twelve thousand children working in 43 mining sites in Katanga. Bernadette Kapend, president of the NGO, calls for the mobilization of the Katanga population to end the exploitation of children.
Tourism poorly exploited this wealth in Africa Tourism poorly exploited this wealth in Africa 16avr, 2013 By Fulbert Koffi If Africa is rich in its basement and its raw materials it could be even richer by its geography and history. These forests, the rivers, its relief are provided a badly exploited tourism potential that could bring him more currencies. Africa with a little more than 6.3% of global revenues remains the poor relation of world tourism, in spite of its too rich tourist potential. What tourist would not dream to visit the dunes of the Sahara, the Island of Gore, the royal palaces of Abdomen; yet the war, famine, AIDS, these pictures brandish the continent hardly invites you to travel even if it is full of essential assets to develop a tourism industry can generate it as important currency that oil revenues. Tourism is a strong component of development whose issues are not addressed in Africa in the policy definition of our states. The tourism sector unequal treatment strongly appears in planning policies, decentralization, development, infrastructure and territorial management. (Green area, recreation area, urban design and beautification of roads and pavements). If South Africa, Kenya and North African countries is realized by setting up tourism development policies, countries south of the Sahara is still work to do to get a profile sector carrier activity is tourism. Given the extent of the delay on the local and regional development, it is important to remember that only a comprehensive program focused on tourism would lift the continent out of his sleep, which is named: Crisis cultural, economic and political. The tourism industry is a development activity like any other so it should not be overlooked. Especially that Africans face the phenomenon of unemployment countries should find solution through an area that remains dynamic and growing, able to absorb maximum population. The craft, trade, industry remain levers that should not be left out. The traditional tourism “expires” making room for another form of tourism that develops on many levels. The new components are the business tourism, leisure, beach, ecological, religious, cultural, sports, medical etc. Today in the margins of technological development, the trend is to trade in the discovery and recreation. As such, able to attract tourists, develop tourist structures, making them efficient and can only lead to more job creation. To say that instead of war in eastern RDC Congo that left so many dead and maimed, we could develop a tourist activity around the forest and the gorillas that live there to create more jobs for the people of Goma, Bukavu etc. So to speak, the tourism industry in a country, whatever its stage of development, is a natural and human potential, wealth creator. Tourists, actively contribute to the development of tourism activities and are living craftsmen, traders, artists, etc., the whole social chain is watered by tourism fallen. Tourists looking for both leisure, luxury site for rest and many other amenities can contribute to their expansions. And these assets are not lacking in Africa that lady nature offered many benefits that yet remain underused. Fulbert Koffi
USA: Resignation of a black police officer refusing to be a house negro like Obama Philip Banks III Philip Banks III The African-American Philip Banks III was promoted to chief superintendent at a ceremony on Monday, but he abruptly withdrew at the last minute during a superheated meeting at the New York police.
Please help us get donations for bricks for the Bondo USA Education Center BANA ba NTUMBA at Dimbelenge Dem Rep. Congo Don’t forget, these bricks and other materials are for bettering children’s lives. DO IT
Barack Obama ready to regularize 5 million undocumented RFI media President Obama announced last week that he would sign by the end of the year a series of decrees to bring a solution to the millions of undocumented papers.
Subject: Abuse of powers to the ICC Who turns the Bemba case a conflict in Congo-DRC Subject: Abuse of powers to the ICC Which turns the Bemba case Conflict in Congo-a Congolese PREAMBLE Fatou Bensouda, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is intractable with Jean-Pierre Bemba, a former Congolese rebel leader. On Wednesday, the office of Ms. Bensouda clearly demanded the recognition of the guilt of Jean-Pierre Bemba in the barbarity of his militia in Central during the period 2002-2003, where they supported the ousted by a coup Bozizé Patassé regime. Burdened by a heavy leader accused of five crimes of war three and two against humanity, Jean-Pierre Bemba is imprisoned in The Hague for 06 years. And that’s when his trial opened in November 2010 draws to a close, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC has decided to call it guilty of inhuman acts of his agents. The office of Ms. Bensouda, recalled in particular rape, looting and barbaric murders they committed during the period. For “Jean-Jacques Badibanga”, representing the prosecutor’s office, there is no shadow of doubt that the accused is guilty of the case against him. Acknowledge guilt, he has especially emphasized unejustice be made to victims of his atrocities. Too, he added at the end of his long indictment, where Jean-Pierre Bemba, will build a solution by giving his office. Source: The New Tribune, November 13, 2014. You can find this article at this site:…/21906-bemba-la-cpi-le-b… I. AN ATTORNEY CONGOLAIS AGAINST JEAN-PIERRE BEMBA Dear Compatriots Mrs. JP Bemba to appear by another Congolese, this fuzzy procedure is not ethical Jean-Jacques Badibanga, Office of Attorney Ah! this is a Congolese who indicts “Jean-Pierre Bemba.” This is a bad option than trying to mix the Congolese in a matter that they have no interest included. Madam Provides General of the ICC to dodge ‘criticism of its methods’ ‘close’ ‘Luis Moreno Ocampo’ ‘she is overwhelmed wants to go through a’ Congolese ” to make it credible that its jurisprudence to be achieved show as evidence and prosecution of this lazy trial proceedings as commenced under ” Moreno Ocampo ‘and continuing to hold in prison without verdict and award, collateral bickered cAR cruelties like those we serve’ Seleka ” and ” Antibalaka ‘. It kills in Central Africa. Why do not we going chercher”Michel Djotodia ‘to be tried at the ICC. Why do we have left ” Ange Patassé. ” The author of the crimes sponsor Bemba free. Worse, the Central was granted an amnesty. Why do not we continue ” François Bozizé ‘father who is the parent of the genocide that takes over that of Seleka after the departure of Michel Djotodia in exile. Obviously, that is not to say that I defend ” Jean-Pierre Bemba ” for what he has done and what he is charged. No, I do not say this either by mouth or by writing. I see only an absence of Justice and hard on his person from the ICC to break the skin and throw it in the street like a rag before the decisive discussions on fate before the judges. For continue to hold such an important prisoner whenever references to new appearances, it must be recognized that that game led to the bankruptcy of expostulated. Any postponement decision is a load of expense that pays the endless defense lawyers. Is this is what the ICC continues to have one day a prisoner who has no more counsel for his defense? In any case, it has the air, this probability is suspicious. If Jean-Pierre Bemba was French, Belgian or American, we do not retain as long as does the ICC with ‘Mrs. Fatou Bensouda’. Nevertheless, I deplore this game of “Madame” to want to slander the ‘Congolese’ ‘on what most of them as regrets slow pace of Justice. The Bemba case is now a ” scandal of the ICC ‘. After World War II, the Nuremberg trials did not last much. The business of war all know a expéditivité Procedure in Court Martial. At the Nuremberg Trials, August 31, 1946, the bulk of the trial was done and these defendants, below, went to confession Ø Göring Keitel; Ø Streicher; Ø Funk; Ø Schacht; Ø Sauckel; Ø Seyss-Inquart; Ø Fritzsche, etc. The ICC is not able to finish with the Bemba trial and in a better time. The killings in Central Africa, with the means of Justice that has the ” International Criminal Court ‘are superior to those that had the Allies in 1945. However, the Judges committed to the trial of war criminals have not dragged procedures length. Justice, before a trial, knows how the debate will take place before the bar. In addition, the Attorney General, in that occasion, sees how he will lead the charge against the accused. How is it that the ICC is either unable to finish with Jean-Pierre Bemba? There is a scandalous bias on the part of all the “Solicitors” the ICC to investigate aligned ‘Affairs crimes in Africa. this International Forum, by its name, has the appearance of a “politico-military zoo” that encloses the figures who were involved in bad business in the direction that did not please the makers of the “Direction World Politics. “Otherwise, if the ICC was consistent with its mandate and mission, it would be in its cells “Blaise Compaore, Kagame, Museveni, Kabila …”. This suggests that the recovery in Bemba Trial pump is one of those policies that direct business signs warning the DRC’s approach to change plans in a lawful manner. In other words, this walk then do not like about those that modulate the corridors of power in Africa, as’ ‘a Democracy in Congo’ is a barrier to what was fraudulently traded in the absence of rule of law. There may be a relationship between the reopening of the trial that lasts and that the matter is not as complex as the crimes of the Second World War, even though the crime is still a crime. Here I condemn the lengthy procedures of the ICC judge convicts second zone. The case of the Central African Republic is an obvious example is to consider those who have led the country in its current state while they are all free. I deplore the ‘demonstration of a Congolese’ in front of the stage. This display is a Rédcien a masquerade in order to say that even own colleagues’ ‘Jean-Pierre Bemba’ are with the ICC. And suddenly, ” Ms. Fatou Bensouda ‘will fare well in a court case in which it fails to bring the evidence of guilt that exposes unquestionably exhibits in the tradition of “Justice “which is not manipulated. II. THERE APPEARANCE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THE MATTER BEMBA WITH JEAN-JACQUES BADIBANGA AS ATTORNEY Madam you do evil against his opponent a Congolese fellow at bay. Bemba can not be the subject prisoner ambitions that abound in the Corporation of Judges at the ICC What hurts my heart and unworthy me in all respects, this is the way we can not show our retained in a folder with the ” Greatest criminals’ are not called Cours. All turn against the Congolese, who are the first victims of the “War of the Great Lakes.” In this respect, we do not display in many circumstances we convene international micro our national character against major issues expected that undermine our inter-Congolese cohesion. The truth is not enough, when straight and unidirectional to be understood as the way of pure reason and good track of Justice said. It is true that the ” Judge ” to work in the lines that the procedures and give him indicate, but it is not in all cases that the judge or the Prosecutor a ‘Forum of Justice’ ‘is ability to handle a record or be a ” Commissioner of the Court ” by the ICC to enforce that law, the Court expects of him. Judges and Lawyers to reject or are obliged to recuse himself when the matter that make them referees or witnesses vulnerably affect the integrity of their delivery or their defense to say to the bar. These are mainly cases that are heard as: · Conflict of Interest: Jean-Pierre Bemba’s Congolese, this is not a Congolese ICC Prosecutor to judge because there is a risk of a double injustice speed can be either plead for relaxation or advocate for drowning following the antecedents of personal or partnership, as it seems. Words of ” Jean-Jacques Badibanga ‘are those of Moreno Ocampo and Mrs. Bensouda, all very opposed to Bemba as intimate enemies that some things apart to death. · Interference unbecoming a delicate issue: To date, it appeared that the ICC is not able to unravel the truth and falsehood in the charges against ” Jean-Pierre Bemba. ” Thereupon, Madam Prosecutor resorted to eavesdropping Attorneys Jean-Pierre Bemba, which is not a procedure that ‘Belgian Judges’ observers have denounced this issue. As for Mrs. Bensouda, the evidence is not clearly demonstrated beyond doubt had to go through the prosecution of lawyers Bemba, which is in short all right, “Abuse of Power” played by a fiercely while all perpetrators in the ‘Bemba’ Central Africans’ are amnestied. · Collusion of the Legal Adviser with the Institution of prosecution: There is collusion in the trial of the proceedings which is visible to the naked eye, is that of Ms. Bensouda who is desperate to charge ‘Bemba’ for revenge or say, corroborate the accusations Moreno Ocampo failed to foil until the end of his contract. Some also know that ” Prosecutor was accused of rape and unfair dismissal. ” Why the ICC has not pursued after the Justice Switzerland has established real evidence with tangible pieces of evidence? · Attorney defending the opinion of the employer with yourself: Is what we are seeing is not a cabal that has the Congolese as a guinea pig of Justice of the ICC. Why is this Forum not she listen to those who accuse him of crimes against humanity ” Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni, Azarias Ruberwa Bizima Karaha ‘who looted, raped and massacred in Congo over’ six million souls ”. And if one wants to evidence: · There are wars by proxy militias from Rwanda and Uganda in the DRC; · There Raid in Bas-Congo to Kinshasa by the Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Ugandan Army, August 2, 1998; · There is the death of ” Patrick Karegeya ” the BBC has shown how Paul Kagame made to kill and including General Kayumba Nyamwasa testifies emotion and sadness; · There are Congolese women as ‘Azarias Ruberwa and Bizima Karahamueto’ persecuted, tortured and buried alive with pepper pressed into the rectum of their sitting posture (buttocks) as suppositories doctors against hemorrhoids. Why was this dodge the crimes. One can only think that the ICC defends her opinion that respects a modus operandi in connection with the Forum decided that selectively arrest and trial. Of course, all the achievements of Solicitors before probably be rewarded with a promotion. Can we not assume that and say that to speak of ” Jean-Jacques Badibanga ‘OTP’ is consistent with a policy of trial developed by a corporation of Judges or prosecutors who use them- same first. Because ultimately, the field arrests, instead of Rwanda and Uganda, the DRC is. · Predominantly a mission to act as nominee Attorney: In the light of political developments in the DRC, there he was not behind the resumption of the trial of Bemba political calculation is that coincide with the intentions of the regime in the DRC to change the ” Constitution ”. Since we can pretend to go back to ” Jean-Pierre Bemba, ” can distract the Congolese not to be vigilant with their national leaders because the charges will be made against ‘Bemba’ ‘will have a aroma of justice, that of those who, for reasons that we do not think they know away an opponents’ Kabila ” the political arena who booed. In other words, are we not then arrange, through the trial of Bemba, right after this period of Ouagadougou, an extension of scenario ” Kabila ” behind the scenes of power by the highways of international barriers? For if the Bemba trial was to end, it’s a long time that this case would have ended. Why now, especially when agitated in Kinshasa for the constitutional review of Article 220? · Gift for personal advancement: Speaking as Congolese, ready-gown ‘Madam Prosecutor of the ICC,’ ‘which is the gift that was promised to’ ‘Attorney Badibanga? Anything is possible. This is not an American, a Chinese, a Russian, a French, a Belgian, a Spaniard who can testify against his compatriot in a ‘foreign court’ ‘. The ICC is deemed to be the color of the race which runs récriminés there there, a “Sanhedrin Black” (World Court of International Justice Apartheid), that is to say an institution for lock Africans. That’s Congo is attacked by neighboring countries, but to the ICC, there is no Rwandans or Ugandans, even those who massacred more than 12 million people when making all victims throughout the region of the Great Lake. Ntaganda, I will say we are Rwandans. Okay, but it’s not like that Rwanda has accused but as Congolese even if the documents of his birth certificate shows something else, that is to say, his national origin. At the ICC, in “Bemba case,” a burning issue, but political and blur. This is un”Congolais Bar ICC ‘, so directly from the “Office of the Prosecutor,” I note in writing, “Mrs. Fatou Ben Saouda” which takes speech calling for the condemnation of’ Jean Pierre Bemba ‘. It is not ethical. At the Nuremberg Trials, no German, apart from those who have been summoned to testify against the accused has been chosen to tell the ” Justice ” against detainees at the 3rd Reich. Affairs of the Central connect several junctions and overlapping it from Mobutu. A ” Attorney Congolese who takes speech in this case is not neutral, its involvement in the verdict is part of a ‘conflict of interest’ ‘. No people in the world, I mean, those of rich countries and have an idea of their justice and their culture can not compromise on to testify against their compatriots. As I said, an American, a Japanese, an Israeli, a Belgian, a French will not go into a ‘Tribunal international or foreign allegiance’ ‘witness his tale. In Jurisprudence, then this refusal is accepted to avoid the trial turns into emotional drama or hatred denunciation related to interpersonal reasons, mostly. To dislodge “Laurent Gbagbo”, France has committed odd in Côte d’Ivoire. Be remembered that a helicopter of the French Army who bombed the Ivorian population under the command of ” Jacques Chirac in Abidjan. What we think of ‘Nicolas Sarkozy’ ordering from the Elysee from ‘Laurent Gbagbo’ ‘as if the “Ivory Coast” was a French colony or as a province of France. That we imagine this fiction: “See French in Kigali before the Court of Kagame testify against François Mitterrand.” it is simply impossible. Common sense should have inspired ‘Ms Fatou Bensouda’ ‘not to include a’ ‘Congo’ ‘in a case that puts him in front of his compatriot. Moreover, when the militia ” Jean-Pierre Bemba ‘operating in Central Africa, can we ask how old was the Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC’ ‘Jean-Jacques Badibanga’ ‘to prove that with ease he had, on November 12 at the helm of the ICC? Of this insurance that comes in a case that has aged in the docket of the ICC?
Burkina: military and civilian agree on the organization of the transition Policy (1087) – Company (125) – Burkinabe Army (33) – Burkina crisis in 2014 (9) 11.13.2014 at 16:13 By Young AfriqueDiminuer size Increase font size Print Email Share this article Lieutenant Colonel Zida (c) and Colonel Barry (d), on 31 October in Ouagadougou. Lieutenant Colonel Zida (c) and Colonel Barry (d), on 31 October in Ouagadougou. © AFP Military and civilians agreed Thursday on the organization of the transitional institutions. It remains to negotiate the identity of persons who will be called upon to lead. An important milestone has been reached for the remainder of the transition in Burkina Faso. Lieutenant Colonel Yacouba Zida said Thursday, Nov. 13 that the army and the civilians were agreed on the transitional institutions. “The army is in agreement with the transitional charter. We have reached an agreement on the architecture of the organs of transition, he has said. Now, we are discussing how to put instead. ” The identity of the persons intended to lead the transition, once the military ceded power will, however, remained to be discussed. Lieutenant Colonel Zida, who is in charge of the country since the fall of President Blaise Compaore, however, indicated that the positions of President and Chairman of the transitional parliament had already acquired civilians. According to a military source, the prime minister would have the opposite was suggested to the Army by civilians against the removal of a clause prohibiting the president of the transition to be from a political party. “We made a lot of concessions in the interest of Burkina” In the pre-agreement – not yet confirmed – on the transitional institutions which army and civilians reached Wednesday, the prime minister plays an important role in charge of appointing the government. The fact that a civilian head of the transition is “our solution from the start,” he told Lieutenant Colonel Zida. But it is “entirely appropriate” that person “is not a politician,” fault “guarantee” that he will not campaign “for its own political party” in the next election, which would plunge Burkina “in a deep crisis,” argues lieutant Colonel Zida. The army, which initially wanted to place one of their own at the head of the Transitional National Council (parliament transition), a “sold” on this issue, acknowledged the military. “We made a lot of concessions in the interest of Burkina,” he has said. Military and civilians were to meet at 14:00 (local time and GMT). The results of their negotiations, if an agreement is reached, will be presented at a meeting at 16:00 GMT, according to negotiators. (With AFP)
Bondo USA INFO India: Arrest of sterilized surgeon with more than 80 women, 13 died The Vif 13/11/2014 at 7:01 Source: Belga Indian police arrested Saturday sterilized surgeon with more than 80 women in the center of the country of which 13 died and dozens more are hospitalized for complications, announced Thursday an official of the local police. India: Arrest of sterilized surgeon with more than 80 women, 13 died One of the 80 women who underwent sterilization operation in a camp for mass sterilization implemented by the government, is transported to Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, November 12, 2014 . © Reuters RK Gupta was arrested Wednesday night for questioning and will be presented to a court in the state of Chhattisgarh on Thursday afternoon, said Pawan Deo, Head of District Police Bilaspur. The doctor operated in five hours 83 women who had been compensated 1,400 rupees (around 20 euros) as part of a project funded by the state to limit population growth sterilization program. “He was arrested. It will be presented in the afternoon to a court,” said the officer told AFP by telephone. Police planned to seize equipment used during operations, he has said, fearing that it could be infected even before the first surgery. The victims began to vomit and suffer a drop in blood pressure shortly after the operation. These women underwent laparoscopic sterilization, a process expected to be minimally invasive. The procedure involves blocking the fallopian tubes, usually under general anesthesia. Sterilization is one of the most common methods of family planning in India, where many states organize mass sterilization operations usually target women in rural areas. This is theoretically a voluntary approach but according to NGOs, women are often uninformed and subject to strong pressure from employees of local governments. These NGOs denounce the often unsanitary conditions under which the operations take place.
A woman who prays is a light to her house and her husband. I call wife revelations sentinel woman of authority, woman of prayer. If you fear the Lord with all your heart, whatever the weather, one day your husband will sing your praises! Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Alléluiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Divorce $ 995 million for a US oil tycoon The Vif 11/11/2014 at 4:54 p.m. Source: Belga Harold Hamm, head of the US oil company Continental Resources, has been ordered to pay more than $ 995 million to his ex-wife Sue Ann as part of one of the most expensive divorce proceedings in US history, according to judgment seen by AFP on Tuesday. Divorce $ 995 million for a US oil tycoon © REUTERS
Parliamentary scandal … Insults, fighting, delaying tactics, corruption … November 11, 2014, 15:31 Yesterday Hall of the People Monday to remain in the history of the DRC as the most shameful. Insults, fights, cacophony, delaying tactics, corruption, use wrongly and through some notions of law, was the cocktail has reserved the plenary. All this to avoid parliamentary scrutiny in the place of two ministers: Kitebi (Finance) and Musungayi (Industry). The parliamentary opposition has finally slam the door following the refusal of the office to examine the motion of Samy Badibanga incidentielle based on the motion initiated by Henri Thomas Lokondo. In the absence of President Aubin Minaku this plenary was chaired by the First Vice – President Charles Mwando, overwhelmed by the situation. The C-News reporters gathered for you some reactions from national MPs outside the House. Martin Fayulu “a felony by the office of the National Assembly, the office of the National Assembly continues to violate with impunity the internal rules that govern us.” Fayulu goes on to say that once the program office the confidence motion, there ‘s more to procrastinate, Article 211 of the regulation is clear. The two confidence motions deserved to be discussed in plenary, all these incidentielles motions filed motions before the exam is only a pretext to try to protect the guilty. Fayulu considers that the services of the office are not doing their job properly. Through these behaviors, the Presidential Majority spent his message to the opposition and the Congolese people to say that “you can not stop us, we do what we want.” Under these conditions the opposition has rained choice but to refer to the Congolese people. This is what we invest ourselves fully stated the president of the ecides. Before I conclude by saying that “our friends in the majority do not want to use the example of Burkina Faso.” Fayulu noted that the withdrawal of signature is not provided for in the rules of procedure. He suggested that the Attorney General should personally take care of these proven cases of corruption. Section 211 does not speak of any feasible amendment. In our opinion, the RMP should take up all these issues for the triumph of law. If this is not the case it is the image of the DRC is tarnished because we need more evidence of corruption as a mode of governance in the DRC concluded Fayulu. For its part, the Honourable André Masumbu Baya, the parliamentary opposition is out of the room to take the people to control how public funds are squandered by the presidential majority who erected as a form of corruption whenever the people expect of a justification. In turn Vuemba Jean Claude did not fail to alert the Congolese people to take charge because he said enough is enough corruption can not be tolerated at the institutional level. The intractable opponent Olongo Basile: “We are out of the room as you can see almost a hundred MPs, which automatically cancels the quorum to take a vote but that the presidential majority continues plenary in our absence to launder these two ministers dishonest. A Basil of renchérir why the plenary was not broadcast on the RTNC1. What they complain asks the national deputy. Olongo congratulate his colleague Basil Saints Alonga that swept a backhand motion of the incidentielle Lokondo to say that this is the point of order that takes precedence over all motions. Bamporiki President UNC caucus and allies showed that the confidence motion is a consequence of evidence bring himself by the Minister Kitebi. Bamporiki alleges that this is a case of forgery and use of forgeries which requires a debate in the plenary to show the Congolese people how their money is being squandered by the regime of the majority. Before calling the opposition out of the room so that the scenario of the presidential majority continues but without the backing of the opposition. Kolela elected Likasi denounced all attempts to corrupt the presidential majority was also subjected to withdraw his signature. Gerard lemba
Rapist married son, a young 17 year old daughter is disfigured pay Have demand divorce Belga Published Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 8:03 p.m. – Updated Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 20:15 Share Print Share on e-mail More sharing services “We will kill the sparrow as a” When DID (pay only crime) That love … Genocide in Syria? Atrocious and oppressive image A Deserter INTERNATIONAL Who Had a minor Summer forced to marry her son “Rapist” Last one WAS violently assaulted by this man because she had just requesting the divorce, Ont Reported Tuesday Moroccan media. “Forced to marry the son Rapist” there is not, Khaoula, 17, WAS assaulted Saturday in Marrakech Last Using a “razor blade” after “demand divorce,” ACCORDING to the site of weekly Tel Quel, who cited the United Nations responsible for the local Moroccan human Rights Association (AMDH, independent). ACCORDING It WAS the source Sami hospitalized and suffers “multiple cuts” Who have “disfigured” and Ontario Need June quarantine “of stitches.” In the report of the UN Al-Oula national chain, General Hospital Ibn Tofail in Marrakech, Hassan Lagbouri says That the victim received an “A Cinquantaine blows to the face and a Twenty Something on His Hands and SES arm. ” “I swear What DO you marry one after me,” proclaimed the attacker would have to After SEVERAL media. Regional Settings rescuer NGOs have the young woman to “demand justice”, said an AFP at the head of the AMDH Omar Arbib. EC made several Recalls Who Had A case sparked uproar in Morocco and beyond with suicide, in March 2012, the young Amina Filali. Agee In 16 years, It Was Summer forced to marry the rapist son. Following this controversy, Parliament fined in January Last Article 475 of the Penal Code allowing Who Hitherto the UN rapist to escape prosecutions by marrying his minor victim.
A young Congolese Lingala makes a Smartphone “Elikia” sold for € 129 (Photos) November 8, 2014 Uncategorized 0 phone Elikia congo A young Congolese inventor presented Friday in Brazzaville his second phone multifunctional assembled in China but intended to be soon in the Congo, the country of design. “Today’s results are good and encouraging,” told AFP, Luke Fina sales and marketing director of VMK, which speaks of a future marketing Elikia Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Rwanda and Côte d’Ivoire, at a date to.
DRC: UN report warning of police violence RFI media Congolese police deployed in Kinshasa. Naashon Zalk / Bloomberg via Getty Images Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo This is a damning report that the UN unveiled Wednesday, October 15, DRC. The UN mission investigated the Likofi operation, the punch operation by the Congolese police to track offenders Kinshasa between November 2013 and February 2014. An operation whose record is heavy with at least 9 people executed by gunshot 32 people still missing. Serious violations, which until now are almost all gone unpunished.
Kinshasa: water scarcity in several neighborhoods November 7, 2014, | Last Update November 7, 2014 at 4:23 | under News, Kinshasa, Company. Keywords: Kinshasa, Water Scarcity, Regidesco 1 Water scarcity in Kinshasa Water scarcity in Kinshasa Tap water does not flow in several districts of the city of Kinshasa last week. The municipalities involved in this disturbance are Gombe Lingwala Ngiringiri, Barumbu, Lemba, Mont Ngafula and Selembabo. A situation that is already being restored, according to the provincial director of Regidesco Kinshasa, Gervais Ntariba. “We are trying to improve the water supply in the town of Gombe Lingwala, Kinshasa and Barumbu. But in the meantime we had a problem with the capture plant N’djili. And we’re working on improving the water supply in neighborhoods Righini, Mont Ngafula and Selembao-Ngafai, “he has said. Meanwhile, a large amount of water Regideso pours some avenues area after pumping pipes holes, Gervais acknowledged Ntariba. “There are pipes that have reached the age of depreciation. As you said, this is a paradox. While people lack water, see that there are streets that are flooded this is still a problem of conscience. And we get down to put an end to that situation, “said the director of the Regidesco. Gervais Ntariba promises to make every effort to bring the situation to normal by the beginning of next week. read on:
Enable African youth to become “the Contractor of its own destiny,” October 28, 2014 Franck Tognini, associate professor at the University of Lille 1 © © David Dennis David Dennis Dakar, Yaoundé, Abidjan, Addis Ababa, … youth do not speak the same language, the same culture did not but share the same desire: to undertake. This desire to create and to emancipate itself is largely ignored by both local decision makers by external partners. Prior to a quantitative policy, supporting youth to become “the Contractor of its own destiny” requires an emphatic approach allowing to understand the aspirations, constraints and contradictions. In the state it is less means that new relationships where youth finally became the heart of the concerns. The Africa of tomorrow need not more but better. Why believe in this African youth? Surely because his ambition and confidence in the future reach a level of intensity difficult to find elsewhere. Fed daily on a difficult, creative joy that is also reinforced by a sincere patriotism summarized by the triple ambition so often heard across the continent: “To create for himself, his family and his country.” This cultural characteristic is not irrelevant. It is even essential. The ambition to create a collective emergence, confidence in a better future, a willingness to share its dynamism are all critical momentum force in the process of starting a business. Addressing the psychological springs is always tricky because the pictures are never far away. However, they allow us to have analysis grids adapted to a changing world. Beyond the knowledge and know-how, it is indeed through its particular expertise to the African youth stands. Not to be locked in a traditionally effective, but only in Cartesian slow or frozen world, let the wire elements to better adapt instead of exhausting to seek in vain to master, have a culture of resilience who feeds a unfailing optimism … all these cultural components illustrating the behavior of these young African entrepreneurs predispose them to be better equipped to deal with a world that has gone from complicated to complex. Relational and cultural environment to change If this positive conclusion carries optimism in the medium and long term, it should not make us forget about everyday problems that this dynamic young faces. In Africa, brakes entrepreneurial ambition are certainly more numerous than elsewhere. African learners and students face the same problems as young on other continents: a mismatch between education considered too theoretical and immediately operational expectations of companies, a misunderstanding or ignorance between teachers and the economic actors … . Beyond this institutional inadequacy, African youth must also exceed specific cultural contingencies that may weigh down their ambitions. While welcoming the culture of solidarity that prevails in Africa, it begs the question of its impact and its economic efficiency. It is not of course to challenge the principle of solidarity but to question its meaning, its direction. Too many young people in Africa still spend too much energy and resources to serve their elders even though the latter by their experience and networks could be relevant to support the ambition of their descendants. Thus, to support enterprising youth can be effective only if this objective is also a social ambition and a family reality. A benevolent empowerment of youth from the political, families, teachers and businesses, recognizing its potential and confidence in his ability are essential to the emergence of a generation of entrepreneurs, including Africa needs to develop. A new approach to youth This potential among young African inspired a group of French SMEs and SMIs. Supported by the Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council as part of its policy of Decentralized Economic Cooperation, they set up “the” Cluster-Senegal West Africa “at the heart of which the creation of jobs or businesses by young people is the first priority. French companies have devoted 50% of their time on tasks for technical or higher education, skills transfer and mentoring to young entrepreneurs. They are also responsible for representing the French companies in their absence and to be actors on the eve of market opportunities. As for African companies, they forged trade with steady partners while lying on the necessary skills because as trained professional requirements too often ignored. This tripartite relationship is full of many good qualities: • complementarity: it is combining their expertise as French and African companies can respond to new markets • Employability: receiving lessons from business leaders, students see their employability and improve their creative project consolidate. • sustainability: business involvement in the learning system sits their local presence and contributes to the formation of a constant pool of skills. The results obtained by the “Cluster-Senegal West Africa” in terms of business and job creation show that economic development is also, and above all, a better consideration of the jurisdictional issues of youth . Beyond awareness have nearly 350 students and young learners, 50 projects of entrepreneurship have been accompanied by a business thirties and this in a few months. Also read: The integration of young people in Africa: how civil society does inspire public action? A new ethic and demanding principles However act as entrepreneurial ambition of youth becomes an economic reality requires certain rules combining moral imperative and practical efficiency. These principles must then be translated into the following operational recommendations: Contacting young Africans with SMEs and SMIs, devoid of any compassion or predation, looking to set a sustainable and responsible. Favor an approach combining field a limited number of willing partners to unite around a bunch of projects. Make economic partners involved in education. Without denying anything academic excellence, offering businesses the opportunity to teach is a simple way to training in the service of professional integration. Enhance the trade and technical or manual activities. Too many young people want to become a consultant so that the same jobs are in improving the craft, the creation of small industrial units, the development of agriculture. The opposite so often technical and university education should rather complement. Finally, be very selective in the choice of local and external partners. It is choosing an economic elite ethical perfect youth will include appropriate support in their draft business creation The associate more than help, the advisor more than the support, the more involved that assist these are the rules to follow to be up to this new generation of designers. Accompany “to be the contractor of his own destiny” invites all public partners including donors not to be measured in a quantitative political means and funds. Youth still waiting: recognized as a “financier”, while lessor will he become a “facilitator”?
BURUNDI US Posted on 05-11-2014 at 10:49 Edited on 05-11-2014 The United States urges Americans not to go to Burundi RFI media John Kerry, US Secretary of State, Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi on Monday, August 4 at Washington. REUTERS / Yuri Gripas United States United States Burundi Burundi The US State Department has renewed the travel advice to Americans who want to visit Burundi. He strongly discourages the destination unless essential travel, describing an alarming security situation, while the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against certain parts of the country. Burundi, these texts have had devastating effects, prompting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to respond Tuesday. This is a measured text is reassuring. Every word of the release of the Burundian diplomacy appears to have been weighed. Bujumbura regret a position that describes the Burundi “as a country plagued by insecurity concern”; which could “discourage” investors and other tourists to visit the country. But will probably not offend the largest bilateral donor of Burundi. This is far from the image that gives the country the US State Department in his message to US citizens traveling: risk of terrorist attacks, the presence of armed groups, also at high risk of being attacked in Bujumbura and the rest of the country, this in a country plagued by corruption, where the law is not respected and where criminals are protected by corrupt local officials. Some cases of insecurity The spokesman of the Burundian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Kabuto, demented, while acknowledging some cases of insecurity: “The security situation in Burundi is generally good. But in the upcoming elections, we are accustomed to seeing this kind of phenomena. Police have stepped up vigilance and when I speak, you know that there are such cases of bandits who have been arrested. ” The only problem is that the Government of Burundi has given itself grist to those who do not recommend the destination Burundi acknowledging Monday that Somali insurgents al-Shabbaabs were already in this country.
Threat of constitutional revisions, the danger of explosion in Africa (By Poet Robert Kabemba) October 29, 2014 Africa is a bad start and could commit to a dark tunnel with the end all these threats constitutional amendments. African dictators are mobilizing to stay in power by force and multiply strategies. In Burkina Faso, we have followed with interest the march organized by the Burkinabe opposition demanding the respect of the constitution and inviting the dictator Blaise Compaore to peacefully end its mandate. The ball is on the side of parliament must take a courageous decision to save this country from the totalitarian drift. If parliament Burkinabe voted in favor of the constitutional reform, there will be explosion that could jeopardize the future of this country.
MONUSCO: the sit-in of the Opposition disrupted by police Posted by lephare November 4, 2014 The sit-in yesterday scheduled Monday, November 3, 2014 by the Opposition to MONUSCO headquarters to demand the immediate convocation of political dialogue, was violently repressed by the police. Despite its prohibition by the governor of the city, more than a hundred activists of the opposition came together in the scope of the Embassy of the United Etas- on Avenue Airmen in the common Gombe, after successfully crossing the cordon of police erected since Sunday evening on all arteries leading to MONUSCO. A dozen protesters in the hundreds present at the Embassy of the United States broke through police barriers and could be displayed outside the headquarters of MONUSCO, while a large number of them were sent back by tear gas by security forces. Many of them were beaten, some removed and taken to unknown locations, according to the Secretary General of the UDPS, Bruno Mavungu. Clashes between police members of the political forces of the opposition at the Gare Centrale des Galeries Presidential, the roundabout Forescom Hotel Memling, the BCDC, the Boulevard du 30 Juin and Grand -Poste. Of identity checks were systematic and all persons suspected of belonging to the Opposition were searched thoroughly, if not downright put under arrest. Steeve Mbikayi the national member was manhandled and arrested at Memling, along with the protesters who accompanied him, taken to Camp Lufungula before being released a few hours later. Kudura Kasongo, came to the rescue of Steve Mbikayi, failed also fall by the wayside, had been the fierce resistance of his wife and daughter Pascaline Cynthia, who had threatened to be imprisoned presto. There was a large floating side of the police, who did not know where to start and miss Mrs. Kudura. Immediately the incident and closed the manhunt ended, policy actors Opposition Forces are entrenched at the headquarters of the UNC (Union for the Congolese Nation) on Avenue of Education, in the town of Kasavubu, to take stock of the situation. In their statement read by the Secretary General of the UDPS, Bruno Mavungu, they reaffirmed their determination to continue their struggle through peaceful marches, without reference to power up, which attempts to muzzle. While recalling the governor of Kinshasa, Andre Kimbuta, based on the law of 17 May 2001, had banned the demonstration, political forces noted bitterly that the city authority has referred to a text become void because it had been withdrawn by 15 March 2004. Bruno Mavungu, it is clear from the preamble of the Act that political groups are not required to obtain approval to the Ministry of Interior. From the foregoing, the political actors of Social Forces spécialdu have invited the Representative of the UN Secretary General to convene the national dialogue before it is too late. “For we must not expect the contagion virus in Burkina DRC,” they warned, before demanding the release of all those arrested. They invited all the Congolese people to get rid of fear and massive mobilization to save the country before making a tribute to all activists who responded. About massacres recorded in recent days Beni rehearsal, the actors Political and social forces of the opposition have expressed concern about the deteriorating security situation in the territory of North Kivu, where every day people are killed following the same procedure: some are decapitated or disemboweled while others see their smashed with a hammer, machete and ax heads. They praised the bravery of the people of Beni, which is supported now to ensure his safety. ERIC WEMBA
The Burkina Congo – Kinshasa will be more fire and blood! • November 2 ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY, POLITICS & SOCIETY • NO COMMENTS By Jean-Pierre Mbelu Thirst to see Congo – Kinshasa become a country ” normal ” grow more Congolais (es) to admire or envy what happens in another. Often without a proper analysis of policy and strategic issues that face their country. Some of them even choose to ignore history and not to engage in any serious analysis of the current state of a country set by the Western community under the auspices of the UN. Congolese resistance continues to fly. According to our sources at home and in the Western community, the three ‘K’ are aware of and are about to go into high gear. They want to put more in the Congo – Kinshasa ablaze. That with the help of ‘Whole players’ view that the earth will not know until then support the billions of people who are of the people. Demonstrations assassinations and massacres of Beni are the expression of the beginning of what many villages, towns, cities and Congolese provinces will increasingly suffer. Resistance operating from the country is targeted. Officers of the three ‘K’ are organizing a ” mercenary ” leading to put the Congo – Kinshasa knee before he asks her to become his pyromaniac firemen. Congolese model preceded “Burkinabe” The example of Burkina Faso will he serve use Congo – Kinshasa? It is not very safe. For cause. Congolese model preceded ‘Burkina Faso’. On February 16, 1992, Christians were in the street. Many of them have paid with their lives before Mobutu, sick, or disqualified by those who had made ” negro their service ” before and after the assassination of Lumumba on January 17 1961. It is curious that those who speak of the end of the dictatorship of Blaise Compaore unable to say a loud and audible voice that had made dictator after he betrayed and murdered his friend, ” all the great Sankara ‘. Several Congolese compatriots enamored of ‘Burkinabe’ model ‘act as if they did not know that several countries in West Africa belonging to the CFA zone are under the French fold. And that nothing can happen to any country without the president these implicit and explicit consent of France. The exploitation of the population by the political parties of opposition coached by ” external partners ‘does not necessarily mean that’ black spring ” took place in the land of ‘honest men’. Not. It is possible that things will clarify a moment to another. Indeed, some are already talking about a Burkinabé unambitious revolution based on a scam called ‘democracy’. [1] The example of Burkina Faso will he serve use Congo – Kinshasa? It is not very safe. For cause. Congolese model preceded ‘Burkina Faso’. On February 16, 1992, Christians were in the street. Many of them have paid with their lives. The Whole players in this political theater might be known. In African politics, ” is essential is invisible to the eye. ” In principle, a policy is easily mediated by ‘dominant journalists’ on the African continent should be taken with a grain of salt. Easily believe that the model ‘Burkinabe’ could be republished in Congo – Kinshasa could fall naivety. This for some obvious reasons. Congolese strategic stakes are enormous. The Congo – Kinshasa is not governed by one of the ” K ”. Not. ‘Ye, aza mwan has Bitinda’. It is with the other two ” K ” on the sites where ‘formers kings’ do not want to manifest openly for fear of public opinion. It is ” little hand ” of those who, during the Vietnam War, argued that ” kill was their business. ” Indeed, ” during the Vietnam War, over the entrance to a US base that read: “Killing is Our Business and Business is Good. “(” Kill is our business, and business is thriving “). This system is not foolproof death And indeed, the business was very strong in Vietnam (as in Cambodia, Laos and Korea) where there were millions the number of civilians killed. “Long after all these countries, a BBC documentary [2] reveal came after several other documents that the main objective of the war started by the two ” K ” in Uganda and Rwanda was the Congo – Kinshasa . For nearly two decades, ” business is going strong ‘in this country where the deep Western states led by’ ‘US surgeon’ to take control and get its hands on strategic raw materials with the RPF, through its implosion and its balkanization, the possibility of ‘a federal state’ ‘in the Kivus. Believe that political parties coached by proxy of the CIA will lead our people to self-determination falls wishful thinking. Winning the fight of the common political emancipation of the Congolese (s) at the identification of the Whole actors and their modus operandi seems to be a prerequisite for any change in depth Congo – Kinshasa. Without this prerequisite, this country will always be headed by a ” negro service ” of those who have killed their business. They are followers of Malthusianism. They make fun of human rights and democracy. For them, they are ‘vague and unreal objectives’ ‘of’ ‘idealistic slogans’. However, this system of death is not infallible. It has several flaws that some sovereign peoples to operate away from work and the advent of a polycentric world. The last speech of Putin Valdai club [3] contains ideas that can help to better understand more fight. In our humble opinion, any revolution conducted without good control and a good sharing of ideas and ideologies dominant in the heart of the system that the door like a flash in the pan. Clairvoyance Boniface Musavuli [4] on this issue speaks for itself. The Congo – Kinshasa, at his true intellectual and political elites, still has work to be done before the three ” Ka ” is the re-sinking into a great bloodbath. Mbelu Babanya Kabudi
Epsp: Back to class amid crisis Published Monday, September 8, 2014 10:27 Parents unable to provide their children with school supplies, retained Boende teachers strike in North Kivu and South Kivu … it is in this atmosphere that some students will return to their school in DR Congo. 16 million students are expected on Monday, September 8, 2014 to complete the school year 2014 – 2015 on the whole territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo. But the social situation, once again, do not allow all parents to support their children to head back to school. In Kinshasa, for example, the markets did not craze known as in past years during which precede the return of students to schools weeks. Vendors school utensils are kept complaining of not achieving good business, potential buyers are becoming more and more rare. Especially as the richest parents prefer more foreign markets (China, Dubai, Europe) to provide their children with the tools required by their school officials. This behavior makes the situation more complicated traders in the country. Retained Boende Minister Mwangu Maker in charge of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education (EPSP), announced the postponement of school in the province of Ecuador. This decision follows the Ebola epidemic raging in Djera, a locality of Boende. To believe that a member of the government, this postponement will train teachers precautions to prevent Ebola epidemic. This decision indicates tone, was taken after consultation with the Ministry of Health, Felix Kabange Numbi, so that the return to take place September 15, 2014. Ecuador: Unions divided In other areas of the province of Ecuador, unions are divided for the resumption of classes. Of the four, three invite teachers to boycott the slogan of the Government on the new school year. The union confederation free teachers, the National Union of Teachers Catholic schools and the National Union of Teachers Protestant government aided schools organized a march Saturday, September 6 to express their opposition to the new school year on Monday. But the demonstration was dispersed by the police. These teachers determine the resumption of classes by executing their specifications filed on August 5 the central government. Among their claims, there including the payment of a living wage for teachers. For its part, the Teachers’ Union of Congo (SYECO) calls on its members to head back to school from Monday 8th September. North Kivu: Teachers require a salary of $ 543 Us before resuming classes The three main teachers’ unions in North Kivu decided to boycott the school year now scheduled Monday, 8 September 2014.A after their general meeting held last Friday, September 5 in Coma, the teachers of this province have decided to observe a strike until further notice. The meeting of the Teachers’ Union of Congo (SYECO), the National Union of Catholic schools under agreement (SYNECAT) and Synergy teachers unconventional schools (Syeenco) was designed to evaluate both specifications submitted to the government that teachers require particular the increase in their salaries. Teachers demand a minimum wage of 500,000 Congolese francs (USD 543) for the lowest-paid teachers. They also claim that 14,000 of their colleagues who do not receive their wages are paid. Among their demands also included the mechanization of 15,000 of their colleagues who do not have a serial number then they teach. However, the strikers say they are open to negotiations with the executive to quickly find a solution to this problem. The union also noted that on the eve of the new school year, many teachers have not received their salaries for the month of August in some local banks. Met on Friday even ordinary council of ministers, members of the Provincial Government of North Kivu has called on teachers and students head back to school Monday, September 8. Strike in Bukavu, 10,000 teachers unpaid Teachers also decided to boycott the school year in South Kivu. This was decided synergy of teacher unions in the province. The report of their general meeting held Friday, September 5, this boycott is justified by the non-payment of more than 10,000 teachers in the province. These teachers also say they want to put pressure on the provincial assembly to get elected to vote an edict in favor of the promotion of education in South Kivu. However, for this first day of class, he Minister Mwangu Maker invites parents to bring their children to school. He revealed that this year, 2.5 million children are entering the first grade. Member of the Government requests that this first contact with the school to be good so that children have the longest school for training, for the interest of the Republic. Lefils MATADY
Congo-Kinshasa: A UN report warning about police violence. This is a damning report that the United Nations has unveiled Wednesday, October 15, DRC. The UN mission investigated the Likofi operation, the punch operation by the Congolese police to track offenders in Kinshasa between November 2013 and February 2014. An operation whose record is heavy with at least 9 people executed by shooting and 32 people remain missing. Serious violations, which so far are almost all gone unpunished.
DRC: after the massacres in Beni, the city no longer has confidence in the military security (908) – Defense (188) – ADF Nalu (21) 10.20.2014 at 08:45 By Young AfriqueDiminuer size Increase font size Print Email Share This Article Residents pass before January 18, 2014 soldiers of the Armed Forces of the DRC. Residents pass before January 18, 2014 soldiers of the Armed Forces of the DRC. © AFP Ugandan rebels of the ADF-NALU (Allied Democratic Forces – Army Liberation of Uganda) spread terror in Beni, in eastern DRC. Updated at 11:20 In fifteen days, the Ugandan rebels of the ADF-NALU (Allied Democratic Forces – Army Liberation of Uganda), that the government and military said they had been almost out of harm’s way, killed brutally about 80 people in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The ADF rebels have the audacity to attack the outskirts of Beni community of 500 000 people, a stronghold of the Nande tribe and important commercial center of the Great Lakes region where many soldiers are stationed, but no stopped them. Result: 30 people, men, women and children, trucidées stabbed in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. >> Read also: ADF rebels-Nalu, a new threat to North Kivu Since then, the inhabitants of Beni begin to challenge local authorities. In the center, a few dozen people have just left their home neighborhoods on the northern outskirts. “I leave my neighborhood because there has dropped leaflets saying they were going to come and kill people,” said Solange Sekera, a mother of 27 years followed by her three children. And although no one has seen her famous tracs, fear is there: the land of the rumor, it is assumed that the fatal sheets were “reported” in two suburban districts. “Sit quietly in your houses, the authorities controlling the situation.” The message last Sunday morning radio Nyonyi Masumbuko, mayor of the northern city of the province of North Kivu, is unconvincing. The escape in the night from Saturday to Sunday about 300 prison inmates in Butembo, two hours drive south of Beni, reinforces the fears of residents. In a statement, the Civil Society of North Kivu speaks of a “blow” and “worries spill many criminals in a society where security is fragile.” civilian lookouts Faustin Paluku, an official of 27 years “asking the government to do its job.” “Otherwise, he should say to the people to take care of.” “Those who say that we are safe you lie” accuses Leon (name changed). “The authorities have promised to restore order in the city, but […] we do not have confidence in them,” added the lawyer. For two days, says the man was organized civilian lookouts in several neighborhoods: small groups who watch all night at intersections around a campfire
Massacre of the “Kulunas”: “Kabila” face diplomatic isolation … Declared persona non grata for having published a damning report on serious human rights violations (summary and extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances), when “Likofi” operation conducted by police units, Scott Campbell, Chief the UN Office for Human rights (JHRO) left Kinshasa Friday, October 17 aboard a plane bound for Brussels. The expulsion of the UN official was unanimously condemned. Monday, October 20, the State Department called on Congolese authorities to reverse this measure. Autistic, “Joseph Kabila” seems diplomatically isolated. Still, the outcry of indignation expressed by the “international community” is very similar to crocodile tears. Since 26 January 2001, Congo – Kinshasa is led by a psychopath. A cold killer. Who does not? Kinshasa. In late November 2013 The man holding the discussion below on “Operation Likofi” is called a communication “authoritative voice”. This is Pierre Mwana Mputu. Function: spokesman of the National Police. Rank: Colonel. “The operation will end on February 15 (2014 ed.) We have a map of homes criminogenic. The “Kuluna” walk the streets in groups, under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They steal violent mobile phones, bags and jewelry. This phenomenon has grown, it is as if there were no state. This operation was ordered by President Joseph Kabila, who wants the city clean. ” Better late than never! Experts from the UN Mission “Stabilization” in Congo – Kinshasa had the courage to put on the public square serious human rights violations committed almost daily by the fascist regime embodied by “Joseph Kabila”. Alas, no one will make life for the victims of “police misconduct.” Families are inconsolable have lost loved ones. “Bringing order” Except in the case of Amin in Uganda rarely an African head of state has as much pains to “subdue” “his” people. The day after his “election” in 2006, “Joseph Kabila”, devoid of political project, has set itself the “program” to “bring order to the country.” For him, governing is limited to suppress. In an interview with “Evening” from Brussels, dated 16 November 2006, he expressed his thoughts: “We have the means to punish, to restore order.” He wants to pay all of its detractors. In 2007 and 2008, the man will run its “promise” by launching paramilitary elements of the infamous “Simba Battalion” in pursuit of the followers of the religious-political “Bundu dia Kongo” movement. Their “crime” is to have challenged the election of the governor of Bas-Congo and his deputy. The dispute would have turned into civil disobedience. Result: more than 300 dead. Men and women “canardés” like rabbits. This special unit of the national police was commanded by Major Christian Ngoy Kenga-Kenga, under the direction of General John Numbi Banza. The detailed report by UN experts went unheeded. And by the will of the head of the former MONUC of the time, the American William Swing. For the international community, the “stabilization” of the country took precedence over human rights. In an interview with the Brussels daily even dated April 24, 2008 “Joseph Kabila” right in his boots, took the atrocities committed in the province of Bas-Congo. “It happened in the Bas-Congo, he says without flinching, was not simply a manifestation of discontent, it was a rebellion against the established institutions. There was a major project of destabilization which was foiled and it took crack rigorously. (…) “. Returning to the expulsion of Scott Campbell. We do not emphasize enough that the order to “cleanse” the city of Kinshasa was given by “Joseph Kabila”. In person. This time at least, the “international community” was moved because one of its members was expelled by Kabila to become more and more intractable. Brittle. Moral: appeasement does not pay. Friday, October 17, the head of the UN Mission in Congo, the German Martin Kobler, was the first to call “government” Congolese “to reconsider its decision.” Kobler ignores the executive Augustin Matata Ponyo led by the pure fact of figuration and the effective power is exercised by “Joseph Kabila” and a parallel team. “I express my great confidence in Scott Campbell and the work of his team,” said the head of MONUSCO in a statement. Adding that he takes “full responsibility for the conclusions and recommendations” of the offending report. It is true that liability is the leader who is expected to assume the consequences of a “fault” and not the subordinate. the “Hard” the Kabila regime in this case the band and other Muyej Richard Lambert Mende carefully avoided tackling “the great leader” Kobler fearing incalculable diplomatic consequences. Still. Indignation or crocodile tears? In a statement released Monday, Oct. 20, the United States Department called on the Congolese authorities to “go back” through the expulsion of Scott Campbell. The text states that “the United States is deeply concerned.” Same story for the Presidency of the Commission of the European Union. President of this institution, Jean-Claude Juncker “regretted” the decision of Kinshasa. As to drive the nail, the EU Delegation in Kinshasa expressed “full confidence in the work done by the JHRO and Mr. Campbell.” Sunday, October 19, the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, criticized in very strong terms the striking Campbell decision and voicing “serious intimidation” which would weigh, in his on other team members. The same indignation is expressed by the spokesman for the UN in New York, Stephane Dujarric. This qualifies the fact under review “extremely worrying development”. He added: “It is important that the human rights of the UN mission in Congo component to do its job.” “The MONUSCO will continue to work with the Congolese government to uphold the rule of law and combat impunity,” he adds. “Kick a UN official for talking about violations of human rights would send a message of concern for freedom of expression in DR Congo,” wrote, for his part, Kenneth Roth, representative of the NGO Human Right Watch, in a statement on Friday the 17th Adding that “instead of expelling Mr. Campbell, the government should investigate and prosecute those responsible for killings and disappearances documented” in the report quarreled. During a press briefing the same Friday, the spokesman of the Quai d’Orsay, Romain Nadal, on behalf of France, “regretted that the Congolese authorities had requested the recall of Scott Campbell.” “This demand is likely to undermine the credibility of efforts to improve the situation of human rights. We urge them to honor their commitments in this area. ” Congo led by a psychopath Let’s be clear. Since his accession to the head of the Congolese state, “Joseph Kabila” has not changed. He has continued to violate human rights with impunity through a multitude of so-called security services. For 13 years, the right to life and respect for the dignity of the human person experienced no improvement. And, in the full knowledge of Western embassies present in Kinshasa. Pretext “not to destabilize the country,” the masters of the world are silent in all languages. They pretend to be indignant in public. In private, they are more accommodating. States have only interests. The outcry over the expulsion of the head of the UN Office for Human Rights strongly resembles crocodile tears. The nebulous “international community” seems to find out what the Congolese know for thirteen years. To know that their country is run by a psychopath. A cold killer who have the greatest contempt for the lives and dignity of the human person. Baudouin Amba Wetshi
The Tochon burns between Kinshasa and the UN, Ban Ki-Moon steps into the breach and threat The Secretary General of the UN condemns the decision of the DRC government to expel Scott Campbell, director of the Joint United Nations Office for Human Rights (JHRO). Ban Ki-moon is deeply concerned about threats to their official duties that include other employees JHRO. The Secretary General of the UN has encouraged the Security Council to consider “the implications of such treatment of UN personnel on the work and objectives, and to consider possible actions.”
“If this price can catalyze the establishment of a lasting peace in eastern DRC and help end the tragedy of Congolese women and women in situations of armed conflict in general, we are happy. The year 2013 has been the year of hope in the DRC. Unprecedented mobilization of the international community has led to the adoption of a strengthened mandate of the mission of the United Nations Stabilization and the appointment of special envoys responsible for effective implementation of the commitments made by the signatories of states Framework Agreement for Peace, Security, and Cooperation in the DRC and the Great Lakes, adopted in Addis Ababa February 24, 2013. Today, Congo is still in a state of “no peace, no war.” The Congolese thirst for justice and stability, but the security situation is only getting worse in the provinces of the East: killings of 35 men, women and children in a church and a health center in Mutarule, 60 km from Panzi Hospital; repeated acts of terrorism in Beni, North Kivu has cost the lives of over 80 people denier months kidnapping 40 girls Ituri.Hier, women in South Kivu protested against the rape of their babies, kidnapping and assassinations. This is the daily Congolese. We must answer their call. There is urgency to act! This price will only have meaning if you accompany us on the path of peace, justice and democracy. “- Dr Denis Mukwege, from his speech on the occasion of the announcement of the selection of the Sakharov Prize 2014 you can find the entire page via the Panzi Foundation in the following link:
Youth uprising in Beni: Governor Julien Paluku calls for calm October 22, 2014, | Last Update October 22, 2014 at 7:07 | under News, The One, North Kivu Security Company. Keywords: 16 Julien Paluku, governor of North Kivu, told the press in Goma (Photo Myriam Asmani) Julien Paluku, governor of North Kivu, told the press in Goma (Photo Myriam Asmani) “We might be wrong target. The enemy is still present in the territory of Beni. “The governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku made the call Wednesday, October 22 to the population of that territory, after a demonstration of young people Oicha Mavivi Mbau and villages outside the headquarters of MONUSCO. The demonstrators were protesting against the death the day before Mbau two young members of a patrol brigade. Sources of civil society, these young people were shot dead during an army patrol in the area. In protest against the incident, residents barricaded several streets in Beni town. They also demanded an emergency army and MONUSCO against Ugandan rebels of the ADF action. For the provincial governor, Julien Paluku, this is not the time for the wrong target. “This morning, people were on the streets to begin to attack the institutions, particularly the UN … By addressing MONUSCO or institutions, the enemy could reorganize because all the police and all members of the armed forces will focus their attention on the protection of institutions instead to focus on the enemy, “he has said. For his part, the head of MONUSCO, Martin Kobler, condemned the acts of violence against the population of Beni staff and mission vehicles, and the attack against the base of MONUSCO to Mavivi. “The situation in Beni is not easy, we have reactions against MONUSCO and now the situation is calm. It is thanks to the intervention of local authorities – we have spoken with the governor of North Kivu – but it is also thanks to the intervention of FARDC to protect our office in Beni, “said he explained to during the weekly briefing of the United Nations on Wednesday. He urged people to not always seek to take responsibility for what is going wrong but, instead, to provide its full support to enable it to fulfill its mission to the UN mission. “It’s not worth taking MONUSCO as a scapegoat for what does not work and we must have our strengths, but also our civilian mobility to protect you. If you attack us, then you stop us from doing our job here. We need your support and not your attacks, “he urged. The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN in the DRC, however, recognized that, in turn, MONUSCO must regain public trust through joint actions. “We are in the process of organizing,” said he said. During the day, the President of the Provincial Assembly of North Kivu had said that “North Kivu is currently in a state of war.” Jules Hakizumwami justified his remarks by increased activism, lately, foreign and local armed groups responsible for the killings and other abuses against the populations of several entities in this province. In the town of Beni territory, 84 people were killed and more than thirty others injured in killings since early October by the Ugandan rebel ADF. read on:
Katanga: residents flee their homes Kansowe after an altercation between military and civilian October 24, 2014, | Last Update October 24, 2014 at 7:56 | under News, Katanga, Security Company. Keywords: FARDC Rape 1 Scene villqge Pweto on the border with Zambia, Katanga, 2007. Scene villqge Pweto on the border with Zambia, Katanga, 2007. The people of Kansowe, 65 km from Mitwaba center in Katanga fled their village in the morning of Thursday, October 23, after an altercation between residents and soldiers of the FARDC. The population accuses military of raping and torturing a sexagenarian, by driving a shaft extension into the vagina. The victim succumbed to his injuries. According to sources in Mitwaba, these soldiers came from Shamwana in the neighboring territory of Manono, and reached the town Kansowe last Tuesday as part of the hunt for the militia leader Kyungu Gideon and his men. The day after their arrival, residents reported the threats they have been subjected to by these soldiers. One of them allegedly raped a woman aged 65, the sources said. The victim has unfortunately succumbed to his injuries a few hours later. Population, angry, wanted to attack this commando, but he fired shots into the air. Panicked residents fled into the bush, according to information confirmed by the local authorities in Mitwaba. read on:
Too massacres in UN presence. The DRC does not have military solutions, but rather political solutions first. POSTED BY TEAM RIDING ON October CEC – 25-2014 0 HOW Too massacres in UN presence is enough. The DRC does not have military solutions, but rather political solutions first. The responsibility of Congolese politicians committed to enter the Security Council of the United Nations adoption of resolutions carry genuine political peace. We have to ask some crucial Congolese politicians who are considering going to the chimeric elections planned in 2016, under the passivity of MONUSCO and its various mandates, look different murderous atrocities committed in the DRC because of Joseph Kabila and issues himself and his whole system, fau against the deprivation of an entire people of Congo of their fundamental rights in the presence of the largest UN mission in the DRC. Nobody doubts or potential, or good projects even less capacity that Congolese politicians can put Congo on the road to development, but the question is whether, how can they do this when the institutions are on the ground because of the illegitimacy of this power and his government might be organizing elections planned in 2016? We would first like to point out that MONUSCO has not come either in tourism or spectators in the DRC and the DRC has not only need military solutions to bring peace either within or with his neighbors, especially those countries of the Great Lakes. The DRC first need political solutions that are based on the destruction of state institutions, which have destabilized the state apparatus, which made ungovernable Public Administration and prevent all legitimate ways peace negotiations with neighboring countries in conflict, especially in the east of the Republic. It’s mostly for political solutions that the Congolese people hoped that the highest mission of the United Nations can get on with his contingent of more than 20,000 men since 1999 and an annual budget of over 1.5 billion dollars. This perpetual and applicants in eastern DRC wars raises the question of the presence of this mission if it has no proper and defined DRC peace mandate. Worse instead of returning the FDLR armed group home in Rwanda, the mission encourages the integration of the force in the territories of the Eastern Province in the Congo, and thus away from their native land Rwanda for which they fight . That is why we are puzzled with the desire to go to the elections in 2016 with the same people they confiscated the electoral routes in 2011 Advocating 2016, they are in the context of legitimize the constitutional illegitimacy of Joseph Kabila by saying “leave where I sit,” or are they willing to work for a state of rights in the Congo? Starting from the proposition that “the institutions remain and men go” and that certify that we are all in the world “Peoples of the United Nations,” qu’incontestablement we are tied to the values advocated by the United Nations for the maintenance of peace in the world and what happens to the Congolese must not leave anyone unmoved within the UN family to which we belong too, we would have the answers to these few questions to our politicians competing for the elections of 2016: Is it normal that Congolese politicians are insensitive to the absence of political solutions peace and protection of the “fledgling democracy in the DRC” in resolutions mandating MONUSCO? if not, what have they done about to enter the Security Council to address this violation of international law in the presence of the UN mission? Is it normal that politicians are insensitive to the different mandates of MONUSCO which one is a willingness bitterly misunderstood and not justified to remove the clause relating to the “protection of civilians a priority” in all its resolutions below resolution 1991, that is to say in “2076 of 20 November 2012; 2078 of 28 November 2012; 2098 of 28 March 2013 extending the mandate until 31 March 2014; 2136 of 30 January 2014 and the current 2147 of 28 March 2014 extending the mandate until 31 March 2015. “Does this could justify the lethargy of this strong UN Mission in face of state terrorism practiced by Joseph Kabila massacring civilians in his presence in the DRC? If the answer is “no,” that they recommend to unite and seize the Security Council of the United Nations? Is it normal that politicians are insensitive to the Congolese about the Head of MONUSCO which transmits messages that say this mission is for “Cycles of DRC elections” under cheating, fraud and serious violations of human rights committed by Joseph Kabila in his presence without any protection of the civilian population and their rights are invoked to preserve the post-election conflict? If the answer is “no”, what do they do? Is it normal that politicians also support the Congolese inexplicable thesis to Western universities that “irregularities marred fraud, cheating and violations of human rights in the presidential elections of 2011 did not change the order of receipt of results DRC? “If the answer is not that they advocate for justice to the very people whom they claim to fight in their capacity as politicians? Does the Congolese Politicians know they can all work together to seize the Security Council to protect and prioritize international law as good offices in DRC respecting the will of the people, so that the Congolese people finds its dignity, to rebuild itself and is involved as all other nations in the millennium goals advocated by the United Nations? If the answer is “no,” they argue why? If the answer is yes then they all unite in involving civil society and enter the Security Council of the United Nations that international law is preserved and applied in the DRC instead of advocating to hold elections in 2016, going irregularity irregularity in the DRC to maintain perpetual state of chaos. The law is harsh, but it is the law. So here come the time when the liability is incurred Congolese politicians to speak in favor of respect for democracy, human rights for the establishment of a state of rights in DRC. It’s time to walk the talk by mentioning the illegitimacy of this Joseph Kabila took power by force of arms and demand his resignation constitutional. It is now that they must unite to stop and ask the Security Council to implement in good faith the international law and good offices in the DRC, in order to favor and protect the will of the Congolese people as they expressed in 2011 did in resolution 1975 for the case of Ivory Coast, where the Security Council clearly requires that the will of the Ivorian people be respected. This will be the way to enforce the Constitution hampered by this electoral coup. Thus opens the non-existent political space with the installation of a transitional government with short specific tasks defined, converging to the will of the people expressed in 2011 Thus the Council Security under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, will collaborate to ensure that international law can be applied. It’s time they wake up, they put next to their personal pretensions, they unite like the fathers of independence Congo that have united to demand independence. Finally, the Congolese Politicians must grasp all the Security Council of the United Nations that the mandate of MONUSCO be carriers of the terms of the policy of peace and respect for international law to bring peace in the DRC and Great Lakes Countries . That’s been our approach by writing a letter to all Permanent Members and non Permanent Security Council and reserving a copy to the DRC Ambassador to the United Nations that you can read by clicking here In-du-members Board-of-s% C3% A9curit% C3% A9-% C3% A0-take-1.pdf This document will remain a testimony that history will remember and that future generations will learn about the result that would have been reserved in the exercise of functions of the current heads. Jean Louis Tshimbalanga
Beni killings: an opposition march repressed in Goma published there 13 hours, 18 minutes | Last Update October 25, 2014 1:10 | under News, The One, Politics, Regions, Security Company. Keywords: Opposition ‘arrest, Beni, Goma, walking, Killings, Police Killings 13 Simulation of mastery manisfestant by police in Kisangani, in December 2010. Simulation of mastery manisfestant by police in Kisangani, in December 2010. The National Police broke up a peaceful opposition march, organized Saturday, October 25th, early morning in Goma, capital of North Kivu. The event was organized by the Coalition opposition to denounce the massacres of Beni. More than 80 people were killed in the space of a month by the Ugandan ADF rebels, says civil society Beni. The federal president of the UDPS in North Kivu, Rubens Mikindo and some demonstrators were arrested and sent to the full manifestation of the police cell for mayor of Goma. Several injuries were also recorded. Among them, two motorcyclists and at least 7 students Maendeleo high school, located near the roundabout Signers of Goma. It all started around 8:30 local, at the roundabout Signers, when hundreds of protesters leaders and activists of various political parties of the opposition, waving their flags, started a peaceful march to sympathize with the people of Beni. Read also: Killings of Beni-day city died in Goma and Lubero Many elements of the police deployed ahead of the place made use of tear gas and firing shots into the air to disperse protesters. The organizers of the march call this undemocratic method. “Safety is not only to take charge of economic crimes when in reality people die everywhere there. To do this, you see the militants trying to demonstrate. We just spread ourselves so despicable and undemocratic. We condemn this and we will return to office “, denounced Christiant Badose, a member of the political party, Commitment to Citizenship and Development (ecides). Calm returned and activities have resumed, say several sources. On the side of the Town Hall, the opposition activists await the release of their colleagues and the federal president of the UDPS in North Kivu, Rubens Mikindo arrested in full manifestation. read on:
It is no longer a secret that the intentions of the constitutional amendments in Congo – Kinshasa by those in power in place, create a unique political duel between Obama, the American heavyweight champion of the world of diplomacy and lightweight Kabila.Le USA-Africa Summit held in Washington from August 4 to 6, 2014 and whose agenda focused on economic cooperation, security and respect for good governance has ended. This international event, mark significant political history of the world since he met many African heads of state around Barack Obama. Two years from the end of his term, which expires in 2016, Obama marked a page of history by bringing together many African dictators to whom he gave a course of action to follow. In his message, he stressed that “Africa needs strong institutions, not strong men.” This is all true because the dictatorship continues to dominate the continent while in terms socio-political economic, African countries are dominated by poor governance, corruption, human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, the continuous wars, causing suffering, displacement and insecurity, failure to respect democratic norms, the arbitrary arrests of opponents, lack of justice and especially the evil intentions of the constitutional amendments. Congo – Kinshasa does not make exception. At the Washington Summit, Congo – Kinshasa was represented by the radical opposition, power and civil society. As is known, the Congolese debate was more focused on constitutional amendments. This issue has become a hot topic since for the radical opposition and civil society “no way to change the constitution.” This position was supported by the Obama administration. That’s the crux of the dispute Obama – Kabila. Kabila will meet you there the recommendations made by the United States or you change it the constitution to challenge Obama? By changing the Congolese Basic Law, Kabila did not he come into open war with Obama? The latter he accept to be humiliated by Kabila if he refused to comply and locked for editing articles for a third term? Who will live, will see, since Obama will not agree to leave in 2016 and allow Kabila to power. For us, the struggle -Kabila Obama is already open as USA observe the attitude of Kabila and his political players .With his rotten life who can not give him good advice, Kabila is alone in trouble for making a final decision “retouch or do not touch the constitution. Our advice is that it takes courage to tell his peers that he will not change the constitution and leave in 2016 all these people around, do not like it but actually attach to him by profit .
President Barack Obama talks on the phone with Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the Oval Office, Sept. 30, 2014. Dr. Frieden updated the President on the recently-diagnosed Ebola case in Dallas, Texas. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the confirmation of the first Ebola case in the United States in a person who traveled from West Africa.
In a press conference, CDC Director Tom Frieden said that the virus was diagnosed in someone traveling from Liberia. Although the person had no symptoms when leaving Liberia, or when entering the United States, he started to present symptoms four to five days following his travel. The patient was admitted and placed in isolation on Sunday, September 28.
Dr. Frieden said that the next steps are threefold:
Caring for the patient, to provide the most effective care possible, and as safely as possible, to maximize the chances that the patient will recover. Identifying all people who may have had contact with the patient while he could have been infectious. Monitoring those people if they develop fever — isolate and care for them, and eliminate any chances that they will infect other people. “I have no doubt,” Dr. Frieden said, “that we will control this case of Ebola, so that it does not spread widely in this country.” As he reiterated in the press conference, Ebola is not a highly contagious disease, although it is a highly destructive disease.
On CNN’s “Situation Room” before the press conference, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer told host Wolf Blitzer that the United States has “been prepared for this possibility for a long time. America has the best doctors and public health infrastructure in the world, so we’re ready to deal with it.”
Questions and Answers on Ebola
Q: What is Ebola?
A: Ebola virus is the cause of a viral hemorrhagic fever disease. Symptoms include: fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack of appetite, and abnormal bleeding. Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to Ebola virus though 8-10 days is most common.
Q: How is Ebola transmitted?
A: Ebola is transmitted through direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected symptomatic person or though exposure to objects (such as needles) that have been contaminated with infected secretions.
Q: Can Ebola be transmitted through the air?
A: No. Ebola is not a respiratory disease like the flu, so it is not transmitted through the air.
Q: Can I get Ebola from contaminated food or water?
A: No. Ebola is not transmitted through food in the United States. It is not transmitted through water.
Q: Can I get Ebola from a person who is infected but doesn’t have any symptoms?
A: No. Individuals who are not symptomatic are not contagious. In order for the virus to be transmitted, an individual would have to have direct contact with an individual who is experiencing symptoms or has died of the disease.
Learn more:
Get more information from the CDC on Ebola virus disease on topics including: transmission, diagnosis, signs and symptoms, treatment, risk of exposure, and prevention Stay up-to-date on the current Ebola outbreak by following @CDCemergency on Twitter Get a readout of the President’s call with CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden
What is this evil that these two inonscentes did to deserve this? Oh God have mercy on your especially the Congolese people of eastern Congo – with Christian Sita Mampuya Augustine Bitangilayi Bantu
Do you understand something about the revolution of modernity? For us, this means we have had a longer time to wash us with colorless water Regideso adopted for it already contains “Extra-clear” lotion. For us it is an expenditure of less. Is not modern?
DRC: an organization of civil society is concerned about the situation in South Kivu
by RFI media Military operation in Mboko in South Kivu November 10, 2009. AFP / Adia Tshipuku Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo, UCPDHO, the Christian Union for Progress and the defense of human rights, denounces human rights situation very worrying rights in the territories of Uvira and Fizi in South Kivu, on the border with Burundi.
The time has come for the city of Kinshasa. Corrupt politicians and business men have been playing with the hearts of the population. False promises and empty words have left the country in ruins. We cannot stand by and allow people to live like this, we can’t educate our children in these conditions. If we don’t change the mentality and the culture of the people living in the Kasai Region of the Dem. Rep. of Congo and move towards a more 21st Century thinking, they will always be seen as beggars to people in the Western world. The Western world is cutting ties with people who are not ruling Democratically, the money is there but one man has it all. The Congo is full of riches yet poverty is everywhere. How can people still live in the houses. How can children go to school outside. This is the job for the state and the government. People in Europe and America don’t like going to school because they aren’t in a position where they have to love school. The government is absent in the Congo. The Western world should not let encourage injustice. Thank you and goodnight, I love you all
Back to school
The October 1 —— or will they proudly —- —- neighborhood —— they are all happy, we will not be together —- —— they line up —- they enter the classroom.
1 This morning, October 1, the day of the return to school. In the streets, there are many children. 2.Where do they go? They go to school. Briefcase in hand, dressed in their attire pioneering clean, they walk proudly to the school in the neighborhood. 3 Already, More students are playing in the yard. The elders meet. They are all happy. They talk a lot. Listen – the! ‘So, Bobo, you redoubles your class – right? —– Yes, Tango, we will not be together this year ‘Bobo responds sadly.
Caroline Lallemand Caroline Lallemand journalist 02.10.2014 at 15:51 – Updated at 16:06 Source: Le Vif In the current context of saturation in foster environment, parents are under increasing pressure, both on nurseries as schools, to get their children from 2 ½ years in kindergarten. But a child of that age is ready for such a change?
The school is really suitable for children 2.5 years? © istock
New schedules, new living spaces, new “rites”, new friends … the entrance to the school is a major change in the life of a child. The “Home School” is the first approach of toddlers with the school. Often composed of fewer children than in the first kindergarten, they conveniently allow a smooth and peaceful transition from the cocoon of the crib, where the criteria are very strict supervision and controlled, to school.
A number of questions from people in the field are asked about this fairly early entry of children in these classes of transition: the specific characteristics of this age being taken into account? Demographic background and saturation of places in schools influence they host toddlers practices? If so, how?
The association Fraje (Centre for Continuing Education and Research in the areas of Home Young Children) recently addressed the issue by immersing an entire day in the reception classes of five schools in the region Brussels, particularly affected by population growth even if the phenomenon spreads Federation Wallonia-Brussels area. Without the ambition to generalize his observations, it has learned some lessons.
Admission to the dropper, negative psychopedagogical
The multidisciplinary team composed of a psychologist, an architect and an anthropologist particular point the finger at the entrance to the “dropper” of pupils throughout the school year. This system entails, according to these observers, negative consequences psychopedagogical. A shift in terms of socialization and integration of learning can indeed be returned between children at different times during the year.
Professional Child also note that the rhythms and needs of children in reception class are not sufficiently taken into account. Other observations: the multiplicity of managerial staff and faculty, excessive chunking days schedule (nursery, break, lunch, rest …) as well as frequent changes of place during a day are overloaded in so that the child is confused and has no time to breathe, sometimes arousing strong emotions among some of them. “It is implicitly asked the children to two and a half years to adjust to a set of conditions and practices that do not correspond to their needs, or their capabilities: be clean upon arrival or as soon as possible, follow the pace of many transitions avoiding inappropriate behavior, being able to autonomy in a context that is unfamiliar to them … “the authors write in the study.
Concerning childcare buildings, the study points too close and disparate spaces on the school premises due, again, to crowded places, a situation that affects the welfare of the child.
In conclusion, the experts are sounding the alarm Fraje arguing that the situation of these children and the professionals who surround them are often alarming and may well aggravate situations of stress, aggression and behavioral bell in children, calling on governments to consider in order to develop a pedagogy and a special welcome for the younger school.
The day a child in reception class, multidisciplinary research by Celine Bouchat, Favresse Marie, Marie
Kinshasa: opposition march against the constitutional revision
published there 5 hours, 58 minutes | Last Update September 27, 2014 at 6:17 | under News, Kinshasa, The One, Politics. Keywords: Opposition ‘Constitution walking Revision
The opposition supporters marched on one of the main avenues of Kinshasa on 1/9/2011, for the revision of the electoral register. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
The opposition supporters marched on one of the main avenues of Kinshasa on 1/9/2011, for the revision of the electoral register. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo
Political and social opposition forces marched Saturday, Sept. 27 to show their opposition to a possible revision of the constitution in the DRC. Walking is part of the square exchanger Limete until triumphal boulevard, through the boulevards and Sendwe Lumumba. The protesters also demanded the organization of an inclusive political dialogue. A similar march, however, was broken up by police in Goma, North Kivu.
The representatives of the major political parties of the opposition were visible this afternoon from walking, at the interchange of Limete.
Several thousand members of political opposition parties took part in the peaceful demonstration.
On flags and banners, one could read UDPS, UNC, Labour Party, UDEMO, MPCR, RCD and others.
At the head of the march, the opposition leaders like Vital Kamerhe, Mavungu Bruno, Jean-Claude Mvuemba, Jean-Lucien Busa, Basil Okolongo, were visible.
Their message: no to a possible revision of the constitution; yes to the holding of an inclusive political dialogue in accordance with a resolution of the framework agreement in Addis Ababa.
“He [inclusive dialogue] is provided for in resolution 2098 This dialogue will not focus on the sharing of power, but on how to have good elections, to finally see we can respect the rights and freedoms of citizens and everything related to the running of the country, “said the leader of the UNC, Vital Kamerhe.
Civil side and other non-governmental human rights society, it noted, inter alia the presence of Mrs. Leonie Kandolo, Dolly Ibefo VSV and Jean-Claude Katende of Asadho. They also expressed their demand including the release of political prisoners and opinion.
This march is a rare manifestation of Congolese opposition held without slipping and without major incident. The security forces were barely visible.
Two weeks ago, the provincial government had banned the march stating that another opposition activity, a meeting was scheduled the same day.
The Provincial Minister of the Interior of Kinshasa, Emmanuel Akweti, explained that “the authority has not refused the works’ but it considers” just … there were practical problems for supervision of walkers. “
On dispersed in Goma
A Goma against the march against the constitutional revision was dispersed by police using tear gas.
Several opposition parties, including the UNC, the party, the RCD-KML, the DCF-N, took part.
The protesters also demanded the independence of the judiciary and the release of political prisoners.
Walkers say at least a dozen people, including some students, were injured during the dispersal of the march. This is denied by the police. read on:
Here Deddah a fantastic woman who survived the Ebola. Instead of returning home, she decided to stay in our center Ebola Foya in Liberia to take care of sick children. Their parents are often died of Ebola or can not take care of their children because of the risk of disease transmission.
What would I do if I were president of the DRC. I would consult traditional leaders in rural areas because they still represent more than half of the country. I oblige to learn to read and write to all children in their mother tongue in order to safeguard the culture, or rather cultures of the country (this learning will normally last three years of primary school); a national language would be placed on the agenda of high school. The capital would be moved to the center of the country, the future Lumumbaville in the territory of Katako-Kombe to Onalua because it is necessary to unclog Kinshasa, the colonial power had already planned to move the capital to Luluabourg. All Congolese university eager to work for the state would require a special one-year stay in his home village. Any candidate for political office should be subject to the same obligation. I would demand to rewrite family law in accordance with our customary rights and not the right of Paris (I think especially in the age of marriage at 18 years while all our grandmothers were espoused before., You can easily continue my program seeking to respect the customs and traditions of the people of Congo.
Now this creativity from the DR Congo, this is technology. These kids want to invent and innovate as well.
The people of the DRC needs everything except a new constitution.
The DRC has 18 million illiterate
September 9, 2014, | Last Update September 9, 2014 at 2:38 | under News, Kinshasa Company. Keywords: literacy, illiterate, Education 11 Students from Lutemo primary school and in Maniema Province (Photo Mamy Halili) Students from Lutemo primary school and in Maniema Province (Photo Mamy Halili)
In the DRC, 18 million people are illiterate, out of an estimated more than 77 million inhabitants. This figure was revealed Monday, September 8 in Kinshasa on the occasion of the celebration of International Literacy Day. The Congolese government is trying to reduce the number of illiterates in particular through remedial education, literacy and vocational training. But the means do not always follow. The Special Representative of UNESCO in the DRC, only 1% of the education budget is spent on non-formal education. “This is the place to advocate for increased budget allocation to non-formal education, which represents just 1% of the budget that is given to Education; while all African states have committed to spending 3% of the budget that is given to education is spent on non-formal education, “he has argued, during a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs on the occasion of International literacy Day. For his part, the head of MONUSCO, Martin Kobler, noted a decline in the rate of illiteracy. “The rate of school attendance as the number of years spent in school are growing. Between 2005 and 2012, enrollment increased massively: 65% for preschool, 39% for primary, 40% secondary, 113% for higher education and 33% for non-formal education “a-he explained. The United Nations say they are ready to support the DRC in reducing illiteracy. This year’s International Literacy Day was celebrated under the theme “Literacy and Sustainable Development.” On twitter, Martin Kobler said that literacy was at the heart of development and growth.
Bondo INFO
Haut Uele: 4,300 people died of malaria in the first half published there are 9 hours, 2 minutes | Last Update September 3, 2014 at 1:15 | under News, Orientale Province, Health. Keywords: Haut Uele, Malaria 6 In the net, a child victim of malaria receives treatment in a hospital in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo In the net, a child victim of malaria receives treatment in a hospital in Kinshasa. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo A campaign to distribute treated nets has been organized since Tuesday, September 2 in the Haut Uele district in Orientale Province. Nearly 453,000 households are to receive these nets to prevent malaria. According to Dr. Eugene Kumbodimo, chief medical officer of the health district, 4,304 people died of malaria during the first half of this year in this part of the Eastern Province. This represents more than triple the number of people killed by the disease throughout the past year. “In 2013, we had received in consultation 358,413 malaria cases per 1126 people who died of severe malaria. Already in the first half, we are at 152,107 cases received for malaria with 4,304 deaths, “explains Dr. Eugene Kumbodimo. For this doctor, households should be better informed about the usefulness of the nets. “If more than 80% of the population use the ITN is reduced mortality by 50%,” he says. For four days, more than 795,000 insecticide-treated nets will be distributed to 13 health zones of Isiro pool. read on: Kasai-Oriental: 5,016 malaria cases in two weeks Kabinda Eastern Province: 40 children died of malaria in 2 months Logoge DRC: the private sector invited to provide further funding to fight against malaria Kinshasa: over 4,000 bed nets delivered to the FARDC
Katanga: more than 6,000 displaced households living difficult lives Mulongo
published there 12 hours, 50 minutes | Last Update August 8, 2014 at 5:00 am | under News, Katanga, Politics, Regions, Health and Safety Company. Keywords: ‘Malemba Nkulu’, moved, Katanga, Makala households Mugunga displaced in North Kivu during the visit of African diplomats, 24/02/2011. Mugunga displaced in North Kivu during the visit of African diplomats, 24/02/2011. More than 6,000 families live for two weeks in difficult conditions in the chiefdom Mulongo in Malemba Nkulu (Katanga). Most spend the night under the stars and others have built makeshift shelters. The displaced have fled clashes between the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) and Mayi-Mayi Bakata Katanga chiefdoms of Museka and Kayumba in Malemba Nkulu Mitwaba and Manono. At nightfall, some of the displaced spent the night in front of the General Referral Hospital Mulongo, where they set up nets to protect their children, others are staying with host families. There are displaced people who have erected huts behind the Hospital Genral reference Mulongo at Musumba neighborhood. The largest IDP site is located in the village Kabindi, 28 km from Mulongo-center, where they live in precarious conditions without medical care and clothing. They plead for their support because their background is still plagued by armed groups creating insecurity. Local sources indicate that the Mayi-Mayi insécurisent this country came Kundelungu park.
Bondo USA INFO 2014
Video testimony followed “rape puppets” -GOOD RECOVERY MADAME. Valerie Trierweiler: “I heard the testimony of three generations of women. I saw the wounds of a child of eighteen months. I would say to those who commit these crimes, that when they violate a child of 2, 5 or 15 years is that they violate their own daughter! I would say to those who commit these crimes, that when they violate a woman of 30 years is that they violate their own wife! And finally, I would say to those who commit these crimes, that when they violate a woman of 60 years is that they violate their own mother! It is a crime against life. It is humanity that they trample! Like all of you, it is to denounce this situation of impunity that I am here today – and I hope – to go further. France advocates, again and again, so that those responsible for these crimes are prosecuted and punished. ” MAINLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRC DESTABILIZATION PLANS ARE SUPPORTED BY NEIGHBOR CRIME COMPANIES raiding THE WEALTH OF THIS AREA FOR OVER 15 YEARS AND THIS COUNTRY, AND WITH THE BLESSING OF COMPLICITÉ WESTERN STATES. WAR COLTAN RAGES IN DR CONGO control fabulous reserves of coltan, a mineral coveted by all major industrial powers. This ore, once refined, indeed produces tantalum metal, widely used in technology, especially in the manufacture of mobile phones, game consoles, laptops or of nuclear reactors. Until we talk puppets, puppeteers continue to manipulate us distract us and dominate the world.
North Kivu: Hypothetical school year in several localities of Beni
published there are 7 hours, 8 minutes | Last Update September 2, 2014 at 10:14 | in News, North Kivu, Security. Tags: ADF Nalu, Beni, school rebel
Students on one of the avenues of Kinshasa on 5/9/2011 during the 2011-2012 school year. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo Students on one of the avenues of Kinshasa on 5/9/2011 during the 2011-2012 school year. Radio Okapi / Ph. John Bompengo The school year is scheduled Monday, August 8 hypothetical in several towns and villages of Beni. Sources of civil society in that territory of North Kivu, ten primary and secondary schools destroyed during the occupation of the Ugandan ADF rebels are still badly damaged. In the area of Mbau, indicate these sources, twelve primary schools and two secondary schools are destroyed. These are elementary schools Opira, Kisiki, Kasuku Mukoko kithokolo, Lombe, Kinziki, Mutube, Angave, Totolito, Mamundioma and Kayinama and secondary schools and Kisiki Mulobya. Most of these schools bear the names of their villages, have no sheets, doors or windows. The desks were used as firewood. Local administrative sources inform that secondary schools and Irangyo Baniangala sector Rwenzori had similar damage. Civil society calls on the government and aid to rehabilitate these schools to allow students to resume classes.
READ Galatians 6.7 – 10
Paul wrote ‘So while we have opportunity, do good to all, especially to the brothers in the faith.’ Galatians 6.10 PRAYER: Lord, help – we have to work together to create places of acceptance and love for all your children. amen ABOUT PRAYER Those maltreated and marginalized.
Stem cells to regenerate heart
Writing by
written August 7, 2014, updated August 8, 2014
Our body contains its own repair cells to some of its organs, such as skin or bone. But that’s not the case at heart. When the wall is damaged by a heart attack, the muscle is not repeated itself. Belgian researchers have had the idea to reprogram stem cells in cardiac repair cells, and inject them directly into the heart. So the heart could repair itself and recover better contractile force. Explanations. Stem cells to regenerate heart The deterioration of the heart muscle causes a reduction in its ability to pump blood. This is called heart failure. When it gets worse, it sometimes only one solution: the graft. But the number of transplants is unfortunately far from enough. Hence the hope created by the team of Belgian researchers. During the operation, cardiologists begin by injecting a contrast medium into the heart of patients with heart failure, in order to delineate the contours and measure the amount of blood ejected with each beat. “Current treatments are useful,” said Dr. William Wijns, a cardiologist at the Cardiovascular Center in Aalst (Belgium), “but unfortunately they are palliatives.’s Innovative idea of this therapy is to replace lost muscle by cardiac muscle “. The problem is that the heart does not have its own repair cells and are naturally replenished than 1% per year. The team of Belgian researchers had the idea of using stem cells to grow heart muscle to regenerate. The cells coming from a lab. A bone marrow sample must first be made in the patient, only called mesenchymal stem cells that can turn into any tissue are preserved. After six weeks, the lab book in the hospital 600 million cardiac stem cells. For dissemination within the same muscle, the researchers created a special armed with a small needle catheter. Introduced at the groin through the femoral artery, the catheter goes back to the heart. The cell solution is then injected slowly at a specific location. Injection of stem cells can be performed at several locations and repeatedly. “The results of the Phase 2 study conducted on 45 patients showed an improvement in cardiac function, so the power of ejection of the heart, 25%,” says Dr Christian Homsy, CEO of Cardio3 Bio sciences (Belgium). If these results are very encouraging, we must still “be taken with great care because we need to show that what we have done on a small scale can be achieved on a large scale.” This study is conducted in several European countries and has been approved by the United States. But France, she has still not given its approval.
Movement of people in the eastern part of the DRC: North Kivu passes the one million displaced persons Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:46
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations (OCHA ) is concerned about the movement of people watched it in the eastern part of the DRC, where the volatile province of North Kivu has crossed the milestone of one million of the displaced persons. According to the update of the number of displaced people in North Kivu , made on August 25 last , 1,024,750 people are currently displaced in the province. An increase of 5 % compared to the previous month. Some people have been displaced since 2009, OCHA reported . Indeed, Masisi (30%) and Walikale (23%) account for more than half of the total displaced population. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations states that violence and insecurity are the main causes of displacement , and over 62% of IDPs living in host families.
Humanitarian fear climate of insecurity in Irumu
Humanitarian actors working in Irumu , Ituri district , Orientale province are forced to withdraw in this part of the country due to the insecurity in the area . This is due to clashes between the FARDC and the militia of the Patriotic Resistance Front in Ituri ( FRIPI ) . The fighting resulted in the displacement of tens of people. According to information in the field, more than 17,000 people, including many children would have arrived last week at Soke , a town more than 38 kilometers from Bunia from several localities, according to local sources . Some displaced families live in host families and others in classrooms and churches . These displaced people need back food, water and essential household items. Last week, the NGO Mediair gave drugs to health center Soke where we recorded more than 80 patients per day . According to OCHA , the assessment of the humanitarian situation missions would be dispatched at the end of this week to inquire about the situation in Soke .
More than 1,000 homeless households in the Uele
Nearly 1,000 households are homeless following torrential rains that lashed the district of Bas- Uele and Haut Uele for ten days , causing flooding in several locations. Several are reported damage including destroyed homes, blocked roads , flooded fields … According to OCHA , six territories are affected four in Haut-Uele . Indeed, the towns of Bangadi and Niangara are most affected , says the UN agency . On ground , the humanitarian community organizes the response to help the needy. The United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF ) has provided chlorine for water disinfection in Bangadi . On the other hand , WFP and its partner ADSSE planning a food distribution in the same locality. GODE KALONJI MUKENDI
We’ve been informed about this tragedy, this happened because the mother had now way of supporting her child and thought this was the only way out.
The strike by nurses and administrative staff of public hospitals has continued for 11 days across the country. The strikers are demanding promotions in rank, an increase in their salary scale and the inclusion of new units on the payroll. They also accuse the government of violating the agreements with them, including through the application of their scale. This strike since 30 September is still partial.
At the referral hospital Kintambo nursing department heads ensure a minimum service. For their part, the administrative prestent when the need arises before leaving their offices immediately after.
At the clinic Ngaliema as a minimum service is available.
A general referral hospital in Kinshasa, laboratory tests are conducted by biologists doctors. And emergency rooms, doctors, trainee doctors and nurses department heads caring for the sick, and some nurses who have not joined the strike.
The Secretary General of the Union of Nurses of Congo, Mr. Kibangula, said that his members do not obey the word strike.
According to him, the new unions have signed with the government a memorandum of understanding on the working conditions of nurses, only four have come together to strike.
” That’s why we asked our members not to comply with this slogan , “said he said.
For members of the four striking unions, the strike will continue until the government has not paid attention to their demands.
UDPS / BELGIUM : ADDRESS BY THE REPRESENTATIVE OF UDPS / BELGIUM, THE FIGHTER IN STONE Adolphe MBUYI 32th ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL CEREMONY OF UDPS In plain text : ADDRESS BY THE REPRESENTATIVE OF UDPS / BELGIUM, THE FIGHTER IN STONE Adolphe MBUYI 32th ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL CEREMONY OF UDPS . Distinguished Guests, Dear Members and Party Affairs Dear Friends and Knowledge Humbly , today we celebrate the 32nd birthday of our dear party, the Union for Democracy and Social Progress , UDPS abbreviated . 32 years corresponding to the lifetime of the autocratic regime of Mobutu whose excesses in excess of his actions justified the creation of our own Party. Before going further in my remarks I wish first to thank and congratulate the bottom of the heart the organizers of today’s ceremony, in particular members of staff leader of our Section in Wallonia seat in the Liège and our younger brothers of the Congo ASBL our House who supported this initiative. I also want to thank as well all Party members who have moved, sometimes far away, putting on hold their multiple occupations, to enhance their presence and contribute to the success of this memorial . Like our sectionary President, Mr Jean de Dieu Mitima , I reiterate to each and every one and his family our best wishes for happiness and success in all projects in perspective, during this new year, we hope all much better than the last. Distinguished Guests, Dear Members and Affairs , Dear Friends, There are exactly 32 years, 13 parliamentarians, members of parliament Zaire was then meant by the term Legislative Council , namely ngalula PANDANJILA , WA kyungu Kumwanza , Tshisekedi wa Mulumba , kapita Shabangi , kasala Kalamba KABWADI , Lumbu Afiriki Ndiba , Lusanga NGIELE , MAKANDA MPINGA Shabantu , Kanana TSHONGO WA Minanga NGOYI MUKENDI , BIRINGANIRE MURAGURA DIA OKEN NdeI and MOMBO LONA decided , in good conscience , and that , after several unsuccessful attempts at democratization of the Mobutu regime , created February 15, 1982 a new political party called the Union for Democracy and Social Progress , UDPS abbreviated . The new party had the ambition to lead a democratic political fight to gradually reintroduce social reforms and institutional necessitated by the situation in our country in order to allow the Zairian we were to access , we are also in happiness in leading a decent and dignified life worth a living! This ambition matched the return of the political regime enshrined in the birth of the Congolese Republic of 30 June 1960 which was the product of a political negotiation, not a revolution. The realization of this noble intention was only possible by the progressive introduction of a system of law, which by its nature is respectful of basic rights of people , as to increase the Zairian society that naturally it was a knowledge society , civil society in which the overall functioning and public order that follows is based on general and impersonal standards , taxable and not all natural passions of men, as was the case in the Party – State MPR ! UDPS and can not succeed in this noble mission of establishing a rule of law in Congo if itself does not change , within it , a right party . Between 15 February 1982 and 24 April 1990 when Mobutu , yielding to internal and external pressures , resolute, unwillingly , to pronounce crying multiparty , UDPS evolve into hiding , with members and their families undergoing all kinds of vicissitudes , some of them losing their lives , leaving widows and orphans whom posterity Party has a moral obligation to remember. Although formally recognized political openness announced, instead of opening the way for the democratic transition quickly turned into cronyism widely mixed with repressive acts , including as a result of successive failures of negotiations between the opposition and the government , due in large part to the total lack of confidence in each other . This unhealthy political climate will continue until the holding of the Sovereign National Conference 1992 claimed a hue and cry by the national opinion to the point of paying blood money at the infamous march Christians 16 February 1992 ! Commemorating , as now, the date of 15 February 1982 , which represents the insatiable desire for revival of a peace-loving and freedom in our country nation, it is the many martyrs , all these pains, pain , suffering and sacrifices that are still perpetuated today , what are our thoughts and prayers! So I ask this Assembly to stand and observe, once again, a minute of silence in memory additional to past and present sufferings ! … Thanks. Distinguished guests, Dear Members and Affairs , Dear Friends, Blissfully hoping that the democratic opening Mobutu proclaimed April 24, 1990 , constitute the input channel in the rule of law can contribute to improving the living conditions of our people : we totally hidden from our conscience weight almost insurmountable constraints on the internal politics of our country by international actors narcissistic ontologically alienated from the natural and immediate satisfaction of their libidinous needs underlying the repressive and unconscious desire for control and domination of other especially when it belongs to a country which constantly stirs these impulses, by the presence in its soil and subsoil natural resources that they can not stop lusting , even should they commit crimes against humanity as we lived in the East of our country! other peoples in other times have experienced similar situations ! The same causes produce the same effects! And the successive failures of political consultations for the implementation of a transitional government before the CNS , stopping operation of government that was followed from the period of improper allocation of an additional term to Mobutu up the advent of the AFDL in 1996 under the responsibility of external actors and internal actors mainly incidentally given the relative strengths of each other . Some inside and outside had imagined a coalition government between the internal opposition represented by the UDPS and the AFDL in the fall of the Mobutu regime , long weakened by internal political forces. Rev. Jesse Jackson during a surprise visit to Kinshasa inability to establish a coalition between these two political forces ! the failure of the coalition was expected rebound in the surface gaps between different factions of the AFDL eventually burst causing what Madeleine Allbright qualify for the first African World War as its underlying objective was to change the borders of the DRC as we had known in Europe after the war 14-18 . The failure to achieve this goal led to the stalemate in the conflict amid genocidal massacre of Congolese populations of Eastern and Pillage unprecedented natural resources of the region covered by the argument of the legitimate right of the Rwandan authorities to continue genocidal Interhamwes on Congolese territory. The Rwandan authorities and covered his attempts at annexation of Eastern Congo , under the intrinsic desire of its Anglo-Saxon sponsors , under the rationale of the exercise of his right of action , by making one stone , two shots ! Open hostilities obviously will end only after the assassination of Laurent Kabila who hitherto reluctant to open the pane recommended by the Lusaka Inter-Congolese dialogue. These internal negotiations were born after the accession to power of Hyppolite KANAMBE under the politically adjusted identity of Joseph Kabila , the false identity accompany all its “public acts” to date. Work aimed at resolving the political aspect of the Congolese crisis inter -Congolese dialogue could not escape to outside influence , but nevertheless resulted in the Global and Inclusive Agreement which defined the general and impersonal rules governing the transition period democratic before the 2006 general elections , starting with the local elections. After several negotiations and maneuvers the composition of the government excluded from these negotiations UDPS of the exercise of power transition ! Excluded from the exercise of power between 1982 and 1992 and between 1992 and 1996 and between 1996 and 2001 , the UDPS was excluded through a new agreement under the seal of the international community she described herself the ” Global and Inclusive e”. The UDPS and appeared to everyone as a martyr party ! Subsequent frustration was such that many of us advocated the use of the path of armed struggle. It was that our political opponents qu’espéraient s to eradicate UDPS like the former Congolese patriotic parties 60s. By the wisdom of its leader Etienne Tshisekedi , UDPS agreed to drink the cup to the dregs. But this decision masochistic position in compensation triggered the manifestation of psychosomatic symptoms in the body of the Party through the intensification of rivalries within and between individual whose peak will be reached by the refusal to participate in the elections of 2006. Following the remarks in future editions . Wear – well and peace in you . Posted by Willy Fram Tutu UDPS Media
MY FEELING : ABOUT grand funeral AND ABANDONMENT OF CIVILIANS IN DRC … Today, according to the UN , nearly 3 million displaced in DRC, more than 400,000 are listed in Katanga and nearly 500,000 in North Kivu . Humanitarian agencies (WFP , Caritas, Doctors Without Borders ) attempt to raise funds to help these people to ensure their better management . But what are the Congolese authorities ? Absolutely nothing … except spend big bucks to support the illustrious dead in their final resting place. How did this happen in a country where Dr. Mukwege helps Eastern women victims of rape, without assistance of the Congolese Government ? While it is normal to pay tribute to great artists , reserving their best for Graves celebrate their memory, but this practice becomes indecent when paralyzing national life and public treasure it attaches considerable sums could be judiciously used for hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters who wander without hearth or home in their own country , lack of assistance from the Government . What about the memory of the millions of Congolese who has never been honored ? There are some months , WFP was looking a million dollars to help many Congolese refugees in their own country. It is time the Government had chosen to release $ 800,000 for the artists to sing the praises of the brave chief of the armed that would drive the invaders out of the Congo … Edifying ! This is ultimately a generous patron , his billionaire status , which will hand in his pocket to financially support the World Food Program … instead of the Government ! Is this normal? Is it worthy from a country that boasts of having produced over 900,000 tonnes of copper in 2013 and claims to have more than $ 1.7 billion of foreign exchange reserves ? Cruel paradox ! The DRC has a claim privilege , that of being a country where the Government and Authorities perpetually live on credit and trust : 60% of the state budget comes from outside ; Intervention Brigade of the MONUSCO does the job FARDC ; humanitarian agencies supersede the authority of the State to assist refugees and vulnerable people; external partners fund instead of the Government major projects ; powerful multinational control the mining sector and the hydrocarbons, while violating national sovereignty over its own natural resources … Should we say more? Even when the Congolese State is in a position to clear margins financial maneuvers, he embarks on poorly targeted and totally disconnected from reality risky expenses , prestige, and to the detriment of those who need it most .. . A classic !
His clothes help orphans Congo Freddy Mulongo , Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 21:33 :: International :: Radio FM Alarm # 4669 :: rss Kinshasa (DR Congo). Rachel Kabaya , president of the Association Zoe Or surrounded by three children in care in Kinshasa.
CREATE DRESSES TREND to help orphans : this is the idea of Rachel Kabaya . There was just one year , this bubbly thirty Kremlin Bicetre founded the French branch of a Congolese association ” Zoé d’Or .” His mission? Fight against poverty in the capital, Kinshasa. ” We support vulnerable people , said the President . Poor children or orphans, single mothers , widows and the elderly. And since we fund our projects ourselves , we had to find something to raise funds. ” Passionate about clothes , Rachel Kabaya has launched its own line : Zoe Golden Style at the crossroads of African and Western modes. “I draw patrons and craftsmen confectionnent parts , which explains several models paraded last month in Kremlin Bicetre . I even pulled out a catalog. We do not yet Gaultier, but the more we sell, the more we can advance the association. “
An internship project
Zoe Gold watch today 30 small Congolese children 6-15 years old. It funds tuition, care , insurance, meals and clothes to these underprivileged children , working in a home without a father or mother. ” We welcome our premises every Saturday morning , took Rachel Kabaya . They paint , play , receive help with homework. Our goal now is to build their boarding . This would be the only way to ensure regular monitoring. ” Zoe Gold also intends to build a learning center for young mothers . It will train for careers seamstress , beautician and hairdresser. Zoe Golden is looking for textbooks, children’s novels and Sewing . For donations or sponsorship of a child : , or