Bondo Maternity Project in The Grande Kasai Congo RDC - Bondo USA
Bondo Maternity Project in The Grande Kasai Congo RDC
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you today in this context.
As you know the reasons that bring us together at this time in these places.
Our subject today is the support we need to make maternity better in
Dimbelenge, in the Congo RDC, which is in disrepair. Moms have to deliver in unacceptable hygienic conditions.
We give ourselves the challenge in supporting the construction of a place capable of providing the best reception conditions for pregnant woman IE a true motherhood.
We want to bring this institution to a highest level of functionality.
To do this, we need good will that you are contributing to the construction of the maternity ward.
We believe that if our efforts are put together, we can allow moms in to this medical facility as a normal part of maternity and that children can be born into acceptable conditions.
We therefore appeal to all of you gathered here , in your capacity as donor for
humanitarian support this important project .
We would like to project a film that shows our activities in the field since
the beginning day .
Thank you for the special attention you will give to
our present appeal, to avoid deaths occurred due to lack of
better conditions in which mothers are allowed to birth children in
these conditions
We will never forget your availability and your spontaneity to respond to our call.
For which we thank you with all my heart.
Thank you for your attention.
“The child is becoming an adult .
A child is a child,
It is neither white nor yellow
It is not black
It is child color
So give him …..
Give without counting. ”
The Doctor from the city of Kananga, Grand Kasai
The Doctor from the city of Kananga, Grand Kasai
A Painting showing mothers of The Grand Kasai
The Childrens Hospital in Dallas is the kinds of hopsital we should be building in The Grand Kasai, Congo
This is a hospital in the Grand Kasai during the Belgian Colonization period. The Hospital of the MIBA city of Mbuji Mayi. The whole structure is ruined and can’t be used to help people, we need to act
The Catholic Church in Mbuji Mayi, Miabi Grand Kasai
Houses that are from the Belgian colonization period. These houses are fit for people to live in
Bondo wants to construct a modern hospital for the health of the people. Since the end of the Belgian Colonization in the 60’s there hasn’t been any sanitary or safe structures for the peoples health. With your help we can make it
A school in Miabi Mbuji Mayi, Grand Kasai. This school is very old and rundown and needs renovations
This man is surgeon who works in the hospital of Miabi Grand Kasai
This is the general hospital in Miabi, Grand Kasai. The hospital has nothing to work with to help people
New Clinic built after the colonial period in Kananga Grand Kasai, Congo RDC
Maternity is important in Africa, she has two kids to feed
A woman carrying her child on her back a long way
Honor your Mother, It’s a Blessing
General Hospital built during the colonial period in Kananga Grand Kasai, Congo RDC
Clinic built during the colonial period in Kananga Grand Kasai, Congo RDC
A women who just had her children, look at the environment where she has to live
These people in America are walking for a cure for mental illnesses, We should also fund raise for hospitals and medical care of people in the Grand Kasai, Congo RDC
Dr. DENIS MUKWEGE the doctor who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping children and women who were violated in the war in Goma, Congo RDC. We need to act
Nurses in Congo RDC
Healthy children is one of our goals for the Grand Kasai, Congo
Healthy children is one of our goals for the Grand Kasai, Congo
Healthy children is one of our goals for the Grand Kasai, Congo
A woman carrying her child on her back a long way
These are conditions where children are born into this world, its the grace of God. Grand Kasai Congo RDC
Bondo USA informs you of the difficulty of maternity for mother who are bringing children into this world in The DR of Congo in the Grand Kasai region. It’s not the problem of a single man its a collective. We inform you to help
Bondo USA informs you of the difficulty of maternity for mother who are bringing children into this world in The DR of Congo in the Grand Kasai region. It’s not the problem of a single man its a collective. We inform you to help
Bondo USA informs you of the difficulty of maternity for mother who are bringing children into this world in The DR of Congo in the Grand Kasai region. It’s not the problem of a single man its a collective. We inform you to help
Bondo USA informs you of the difficulty of maternity for mother who are bringing children into this world in The DR of Congo in the Grand Kasai region. It’s not the problem of a single man its a collective. We inform you to help
Bondo USA informs you of the difficulty of maternity for mother who are bringing children into this world in The DR of Congo in the Grand Kasai region. It’s not the problem of a single man its a collective. We inform you to help